How to get Top5 user of a Foursquare Venue - foursquare

using the Foursquare API I am currently able to get a venue Mayor but can I got the Top5 user?

To get the top 5 (or 10) users for a venue, you'll need to use foursquare's Merchant API and act on the behalf of the venue's manager.
In particular, you'd use the /venues/stats endpoint ( For more information about the Merchant API and venue managers, see:

In short no. The best you can get is the stats from a venue: Foursquare API Venue those contain: "Contains checkinsCount (total checkins ever here), usersCount (total users who have ever checked in here), and tipCount (number of tips here)."
From my experience the API is almost designed to avoid this sort of info gathering. Best way would be watch as people check in to the venue and create your own stats from that information.


Is it possible to use Instagram API in order to make a user list according to the number of followers?

Instagram API permission is strict now and I want to know whether the tool my company will make can get the permission from Instagram or not, because it may not suit with the 3 valid use case.
We are an offshore company which develops application.
One clients ( PR or Advertisement company) asked us to make an app which finds influencers(the user who has many followers) on Instagram so that the clients can ask the influencer to advertise their products.
We want to make a influencer searching tool. Lets, say if you search with #Chocolate, the list of users who have posted photos with #Chocolate will show up, and we want to sort out the list according to the number of followers.
Referring to the valid use case for Instagram, which case may be suitable for the app we want to make?
Also, by one-off project, what does it mean? We are an offshore company and get orders from a client which want us to make a tool for them. If we just make it, and will not sell or use the application again, would it be "one-off" project?
In order to avoid one-off project, do we need to keep selling or offering the app ?
There is no direct API call to make this. You have to make a series of API calls to get all the posts for hashtag, this will have user_id and name. Then for each user you have to make another API call to get followers count. And then you have sort the results and make query for >3000
For example #chocolate has 1 million posts, so to get all 1 million posts you have make about 50000 API calls (u get 20 post per API call), and then you have to make 1 million user_info API calls to get follower counts, so 1050000 API calls total and you have 5000/hr API calls limit. So to complete this operation it will take you 9 days.
This will be a one off project if u do for a client use, you have to make a platform or service for this feature and have your client (and others) login and use the service.
In any case, the project is unrealistic to implement due to the limitation of APIs

Can foursquare users tag or otherwise categorize checkins?

A client is proposing an app that would display checkins from users who have agreed to share their foursquare info with us; the catch is that they would want to distinguish between checkins that are and aren't relevant to this app. Is there a way to handle that, for instance with user comments at the time of checkin?
You can always look at the category of the venue the user has checked into, which should be available from the check-in response, or filter by specific venues directly. You can also filtering by content in a check-in shout is also a viable idea; the #mom app does this.

find venue with twitter id via API

We integrate our service to 4sqr, this is done by our customer informing us of their venue-id from the 4sqr URL. However, if a venue is claimed and a twitter associated with the venue the url is switched to one with the twitter id.
so, one of two things after this twitter acct is in place for a venue:
1. how does one find the venue-id in your UI?
2. how does one query the venue details using the twitter handle?
Foursquare's /users/search should work (you're basically searching for a "venue user").

Is there a foursquare api method for venues owners to post schedules to?

Right now, when you check into a movie theater, you have the ability to check into a specific movie showing.
If you're a venue owner that has a schedule that people can check into, is there a foursquare api method that lets you upload your schedule? What do the movie theaters use?
This schedule you're referring too is called "events" on Foursquare. Foursquare is currently partnered with ESPN (sporting events), (Movie Times) & SongKick (concerts) for the data you're seeing. There is no way (currently) for you to create an event at a venue using the Foursquare api. However, it looks like this feature may be on its way based on the update at the end of this blog post.
Not through the API, the current ability to edit a venue in FourSquare can be found at:
Events can be viewed through a venue using the API here:
Once you manage a venue on FourSquare, you can maintain it through the Dashboard - found here:

Foursquare Checkin in delivery restaurants

I have an app where you can buy food on delivery restaurants.
Can I use the Foursquare API so the user can check-in on the restaurant that he order from?
Probably the user will not be in the resutaurant it self when he checkin.
There is an special way to do this on the foursquare api?
You can check-in any user that has authorized your application at a venue using the /checkins/add endpoint in the API. If you don't know the user's actual location (or fully expect them not to actually be there, but have a legitimate reason to be checking in, e.g. for delivery) be sure to leave the lat/lng parameter blank. The check-in will go through and be in the user's history, but won't count for badges/mayorships, etc.
I'm not too sure what you're asking. I don't think you can check in to places if you're not even near them (or at least I wasn't able to when I last used the 4sq API).
Check this tutorial out if you need help getting started with the API, or read the 4sq api documentation.
