Rhomobile add buttons and toolbar to mapview - android-mapview

I am using Rhodes 3.1.0 and trying to implement some mapViews on my App.
From the tutorial I can display the map correctly with all the points I need. Now what I need to do is add some extra buttons/toolbar there so the user can perform some desired actions.
I haven't been able to find any information about this. I have been asking on Rhomobile's Google Group, but haven't got any good answers yet.
I got a suggestion to try this example app, but the app stops responding or I get an error when I try to view the Map.
Any help on how to add additional buttons to the view is greatly appreciated

Related to your other question, I think the way to handle this will be to have the URL for your pin point to a controller and action within your application in the form "/app/Controller/action".

The extra buttons can only be added on the working master branch. It does not work on the current release version of Rhodes 3.1.
If you try the example app with the master branch version you will be able to see the extra features.
The source code can be installed following these instructions


Rally API Add Tags to existing userstory NodeJS

I have been stuck on this issue for a while and I finally ended up asking on here. I need an example on how to add existing tags on existing test case using the NodeJS rally api. I have already seen the Java implementation and it does not help me too much.
I already have an application which creates/updates test cases, test folders, etc. I just got an extra requirement to add tags. I have been looking at their APIs and I am so confused on how to attach the tags. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check out this section in the user guide:
That code example is adding defects to a story, but it should be super straightforward to change that to tags...

Using MasterDetail Sample along with Hamburger Template in Template 10

Has anyone used masterdetail sample of template 10?If yes can you please explain it properly and step by step for a novice or give the link to your code (comments included for explaination) .I have just started developing uwp apps and template 10 is good and using hamburger template and would like a masterdetail page in that.From what i can understand that there are two implementation but how to implement that in my app i cannot understand how to do it.Is there any tutorial availabe for that?
correct first implementation is using Visual States only
second implementation is using a control someone in the community is creating.
The switcher button shows 2 implementations.. By far the first implementation is so much easier to get started with and work other features in like using a SemanticZoom for example.
No tuts just the samples. They are really easiest examples out there...

How to properly use CDialog::Create for Modalless dialogs MFC

I am trying to create a Modalless dialog in my exsisting project. CDialog::Create cause debug assertion. I tried a new Dialog based application and followed the same steps, the dialog gets created without any error.
Also in my exsisiting project I am using MFC as static Library, can this affect the functionality?
really looking forward for any helpful replies
Best Regards
Well this is just a stab in the dark given the vagueness and lack of information in the question, but have you created the dialog as a WS_CHILD and not WS_POPUP?

How can I programmatically show the select device dialog?

I am using the Cast Companion Library and most of it is working well however I have not been able to figure out how to show the device chooser programmatically.
Basically when a user chooses a video on my app I would like to show the chooser if they haven't yet connected.
If you are using the MediaRouteButton and it's accessible:
you need to "Developing a custom UI with the MediaRouter API’s and MediaRouter.Callback" but I didn't find any example how to do it .
First, I suggest you do not do that. I don't know what you are planning to do in your app so I can't say much but don't do something custom in terms of user interaction/flow that is different from other apps and the apps offered by the framework; people will not expect that.
On the technical side, if you want to open the standard dialog, I am not aware of any trick but I haven't looked at the MediaRouter code in v7 support library for that; since that is open source, you are welcome to look in there and see if there is any simple way to do that. If you want to design your custom one, you should be able to do that; the CastCompanionLibrary provides a sample of the Callback dialog and the one for chooser follows a similar pattern.
As a side note, you mentioned you want to open the chooser when user selects a movie. So how can they select to play locally? Are you planning to add additional selection to that dialog for local playback?

Could any one please help me how should i create a contact-us form in Orchard

I am using Oform to create contact-us form in Orchard.
But it is not working properly. I refered "http://extendorchard.co.uk/tutorial-oforms" and done the same.
But now i am getting error
Serial number needed! Invalidated oForms install is a fully functional Orchard module which has No limitations. However for a small fee you can remove this text and the link on the front end, and HELP us to continue the development and support of this module. Please click here to get the serial number: http://extendorchard.co.uk/license-oforms.
You don't need to use oForms to create a contact form. This post gives you a step by step walkthrough on how to build a contact form using just the built-in features of Orchard.
