Error Custom Action in Uninstalling - installshield

I have created a Custom Action named UninstallDokan,which Dokan is driver for my software.I encounter the errorwhen I uninstall my program:
Error 1721:
There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action:UnistallDockan,location:,command:C:\program Files <86>\DoTask\Driver\DokanUninstall.exe
The CA is configured as follows:
Created a CA based on "New EXE > Path referencing a directory".
Working Directory: <empty>
Filename & Command line: "[INSTALLDIR]\Driver\Uninstall.exe"
Return Processing: Synchronous (Check exit code)
In-Script Execution: Commit Execution in System Context
Install Exec Sequence: After RemoveFile
Install Exec Condition: Remove
everything else was left at the default
Do anyone have any ideas what to try next?

finally,I can fix my problem.I created CA Data.
The CA Data is configured as follows:
Install Exec Sequence: After UnpublishComponents
Install Exec Condition: Remove

Sounds like you have a race condition. If you are scheduling in commit execution that means you are running after RemoveFiles probably already removed the EXE. Also remember that if rollback is disabled that commit custom actions won't execute anyways.


Autorest fails to generate anything, and no error

I am trying the petshop client generation example on github and autorest just exits without creating anything or throwing any errors. Autorest behaves like I did not pass any arguments. Attached is a screenshot of my powershell execution.
Try executing your same command but add --verbose at the end to tell autorest to print out any errors.
I was experiencing the same problem and what worked for me was creating the following readme.yml file and simply running the command
autorest readme.yml
With those two things (readme.yml and the command) I was able to generate the code in csharp without any issues.
Image of Readme.yml for csharp code generation:
For me what finally worked was:
Install the latest Node from
Go to C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\npm and delete the 2 autorest files there if you have them.
Open a Command Prompt (type cmd in the address of any Windows folder)
In the Command Prompt type this command:
npm cache clean -f
Now, also in the same Command Prompt, type this command:
npm install autorest -g
You should now be able to generate your client.
This answer on GitHub repo of Autorest, suggest that you execute
autorest --reset
after updating. It removes older plugins of Autorest. I had the same problem (without updating Autorest) and it has solved after that.

Running nodejs command on gocd pipeline

I created a new gocd pipeline and have three shell script files to run on different stages.
The problem is the go agent doesn't know npm.
Note: I have npm installed on the machine with go agent and I manually run the shell script from the pipeline.
Here is my shell script to install the packages.
npm install
The error:
01:34:43.674 [go] Start to execute task: <exec command="./" />.
01:34:43.680 ./ line 3: npm: command not found
01:34:43.814 [go] Current job status: failed.
Assuming you have npm/nodejs installed on the agent, the problem probably lies in the fact the user doesn't have its PATH environment variable configured to look into the folder npm was installed in.
1) You can specify the whole path (/usr/bin/npm) when creating a task.
2) You can edit the .bashrc/.bash_profile of the user running the gocd agent server. In which case you'll be able to call '/usr/bin/npm' without the path prepended.
Example Working Configuration
Consider modification of the agent init script. Changing .bashrc/.bash_profile of the user running the gocd agent does not work because the go agent insulates itself from the calling environment. So on our systems we add these PATH items to the go agent startup scripts. (I use puppet to create agents. The default agent init scripts are not that good - you need to own them.)

Error! Some required system tools for security patches magento

Error! Some required system tools, that are utilized in this sh script, are not installed:
Tool(s) "patch" is(are) missed, please install it(them).
is there any thing I am missing?
I am running patch for magento version file is showing this error.
I got the solutions. Here is my method. I hope it will help the others too
Use the attached patch file and upload the same in root folder of magento
The file is having extension .sh
use putty or any other command line tool to access the shell commands.
Go the path where the file is available. i.e.
cd /var/www/html/magento
then run the command
If error comes then try to use the command
yum install patch
again run the sh command
Checking if patch can be applied/reverted successfully...
Patch was applied/reverted successfully.
The process is complete. to make the impact
Once that is done, refresh the cache in the Admin under "System > Cache Management" so that the changes will be reflected. We highly recommend you test all patches in a test environment before taking them live.

InstallShield 2012: Trying to run an InstallScript custom action during uninstall but getting error

I have an InstallScript function that runs fine when running during the install that I need to run during an uninstall. It is backing up the existing applications. I created a Custom Action for it and added it to the Execute Sequence after InstallValidate.
There is no log file generated, as far as I can tell for uninstalls, so I am having trouble figuring out why it fails with a "Feature Transfer Error" -1603.
I am pretty sure the function is not being called as I put a MessageBox as the first thing.
You should set the Install UI Condition or Install Exec Condition to
just in case you have or will in the future have multiple features being installed. (Unless of course, you only want to run the Custom Action in the case where the whole product is being uninstalled)
To run a custom action during uninstall, set its condition to REMOVE="ALL" in Install UI Condition or Install Exec Condition, which ever is applicable in your case.
To run a custom action when a product is already installed, the condition should be set to Installed.
To run a custom action when a product is not installed, the condition should be set to Not Installed.
I believe you can use the following msiexec command to log the uninstall:
msiexec /x YourProduct.msi /L*v logfile.txt
msiexec /x {Your Product/Package Code} /L*v logfile.txt

Exceptions using CruiseControl.NET

I recently updated to CC.NET 1.5 and I'm now getting some strange exceptions.
On one project I get: -
ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control operation failed: svn: Can't create a character converter from native encoding to 'UTF-8'
This happens when CC is checking a subversion repository for any mods. If I run the actual command line CC says is failing it works and returns an empty XML (there are no mods).
Some other projects also fail to check mods with another "Source control operation failed" exception but no further info. Again the command is an "svn log" which when run from command line works ok.
I'm using subversion 1.4.5 client side and my source repository exists on a separate box than my build server.
Anyone got any ideas?
Have u try to update Svn client ? I doubt it is so simple, but let's check !
Try a svn cleanup
What is your svn config in ccnet ?
What is the build revision of ccnet you are using ? You should try the latest 1.5.x nigthly build, which is very stable for me.
did you try to change the startup parameters of CCService?
Namely, set the "Allow service to interact with desktop" check box on Log On tab.
Also, you may try to use other account than "Local System".
I am not sure, but seems it may fix the issue, since it may be "Local System" account specific issue effect.
