Perl: adding a string to $_ is producing strange results - string

I wrote a super simple script:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open (F, "<ids.txt") || die "fail: $!\n";
my #ids = <F>;
foreach my $string (#ids) {
print "$string\n";
close F;
This is producing an expected output of all the contents of ids.txt:
Now I want to add a file-extension: .txt for every line. This line should do the trick:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open (F, "<ids.txt") || die "fail: $!\n";
my #ids = <F>;
foreach my $string (#ids) {
$string .= ".txt";
print "$string\n";
close F;
But the result is as follows:
Instead of appending ".txt" to my lines, the first 4 letters of my string will be replaced by ".txt" Since I want to check if some files exist, I need the full filename with extension.
I have tried to chop, chomp, to substitute (s/\n//), joins and whatever. But the result is still a replacement instead of an append.
Where is the mistake?

Chomp does not remove BOTH \r and \n if the file has DOS line endings and you are running on Linux/Unix.
What you are seeing is actually the original string, a carriage return, and the extension, which overwrites the first 4 characters on the display.
If the incoming file has DOS/Windows line endings you must remove both:

A useful debugging technique when you are not quite sure why your data is getting set to what it is is to dump it with Data::Dumper:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper ();
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; # important to be able to actually see differences in whitespace, etc
open (F, "<ids.txt") || die "fail: $!\n";
my #ids = <F>;
foreach my $string (#ids) {
print "$string\n";
print Data::Dumper::Dumper( { 'string' => $string } );
close F;

have you tried this?
foreach my $string (#ids) {
print $string.".txt\n";
I'm not sure what's wrong with your code though. these results are strange


search multi line string from multiple files in a directory

the string to to be searched is:
the file_is being created_automaically {
period=20ns }
the perl script i am using is following ( this script is working fine for single line string but not working for multi line )
my $dir = "/home/vikas";
my #files = glob( $dir . '/*' );
#print "#files";
system ("rm -rf $dir/log.txt");
my $list;
foreach $list(#files){
if( !open(LOGFILE, "$list")){
open (File, ">>", "$dir/log.txt");
select (File);
print " $list \: unable to open file";
close (File);
else {
while (<LOGFILE>){
if($_ =~ /".*the.*automaically.*\{\n.*period\=20ns.*\}"/){
open (File, ">>", "$dir/log.txt");
select (File);
print " $list \: File contain the required string\n";
close (File);
close (LOGFILE);
This code does not compile, it contains errors that causes it to fail to execute. You should never post code that you have not first tried to run.
The root of your problem is that for a multiline match, you cannot read the file in line-by-line mode, you have to slurp the whole file into a variable. However, your program contains many flaws. I will demonstrate. Here follows excerpts of your code (with fixed indentation and missing curly braces).
First off, always use:
use strict;
use warnings;
This will save you many headaches and long searches for hidden problems.
system ("rm -rf $dir/log.txt");
This is better done in Perl, where you can control for errors:
unlink "$dir/log.txt" or die "Cannot delete '$dir/log.txt': $!";
foreach my $list (#files) {
# ^^
Declare the loop variable in the loop itself, not before it.
if( !open(LOGFILE, "$list")){
open (File, ">>", "$dir/log.txt");
select (File);
print " $list \: unable to open file";
close (File);
You never have to explicitly select a file handle before you print to it. You just print to the file handle: print File "....". What you are doing is just changing the STDOUT file handle, which is not a good thing to do.
Also, this is error logging, which should go to STDERR instead. This can be done simply by opening STDERR to a file at the beginning of your program. Why do this? If you are not debugging a program at a terminal, for example via the web or some other process where STDERR does not show up on your screen. Otherwise it is just extra work while debugging.
open STDERR, ">", "$dir/log.txt" or die "Cannot open 'log.txt' for overwrite: $!";
This has the added benefit of you not having to delete the log first. And now you do this instead:
if (! open LOGFILE, $list ) {
warn "Unable to open file '$list': $!";
} else ....
warn goes to STDERR, so it is basically the same as print STDERR.
Speaking of open, you should use three argument open with explicit file handle. So it becomes:
if (! open my $fh, "<", $list )
} else {
while (<LOGFILE>) {
Since you are looking for a multiline match, you need to slurp the file(s) instead. This is done by setting the input record separator to undef. Typically like this:
my $file = do { local $/; <$fh> }; # $fh is our file handle, formerly LOGFILE
Next how to apply the regex:
if($_ =~ /".*the.*automaically.*\{\n.*period\=20ns.*\}"/) {
$_ =~ is optional. A regex automatically matches against $_ if no other variable is used.
You should probably not use " in the regex. Unless you have " in the target string. I don't know why you put it there, maybe you think strings need to be quoted inside a regex. If you do, that is wrong. To match the string you have above, you do:
if( /the.*automaically.*{.*period=20ns.*}/s ) {
You don't have to escape \ curly braces {} or equal sign =. You don't have to use quotes. The /s modifier makes . (wildcard character period) also match newline, so we can remove \n. We can remove .* from start or end of string, because that is implied, regex matches are always partial unless anchors are used.
The break keyword is only used with the switch feature, which is experimental, plus you don't use it, or have it enabled. So it is just a bareword, which is wrong. If you want to exit a loop prematurely, you use last. Note that we don't have to use last because we slurp the file, so we have no loop.
Also, you generally should pick suitable variable names. If you have a list of files, the variable that contains the file name should not be called $list, I think. It is logical that it is called $file. And the input file handle should not be called LOGFILE, it should be called $input, or $infh (input file handle).
This is what I get if I apply the above to your program:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $dir = "/home/vikas";
my #files = glob( $dir . '/*' );
my $logfile = "$dir/log.txt";
open STDERR, ">", $logfile or die "Cannot open '$logfile' for overwrite: $!";
foreach my $file (#files) {
if(! open my $input, "<", $file) {
warn "Unable to open '$file': $!";
} else {
my $txt = do { local $/; <$fh> };
if($txt =~ /the.*automaically.*{.*period=20ns.*}/) {
print " $file : File contain the required string\n";
Note that the print goes to STDOUT, not to the error log. It is not common practice to have STDOUT and STDERR to the same file. If you want, you can simply redirect output in the shell, like this:
$ perl > output.txt
The following sample code demonstrates usage of regex for multiline case with logger($fname,$msg) subroutine.
Code snippet assumes that input files are relatively small and can be read into a variable $data (an assumption is that computer has enough memory to read into).
NOTE: input data files should be distinguishable from rest files in home directory $ENV{HOME}, in this code sample these files assumed to match pattern test_*.dat, perhaps you do not intend to scan absolutely all files in your home directory (there could be many thousands of files but you interested in a few only)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
$dir = '/home/vikas/';
$re = qr/the file_is being created_automaically \{\s+period=20ns\s+\}/;
$logfile = $dir . 'logfile.txt';
unlink $logfile if -e $logfile;
for ( glob($dir . "test_*.dat") ) {
if( open my $fh, '<', $_ ) {
my $data = do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
logger($logfile, "INFO: $_ contains the required string")
if $data =~ /$re/gsm;
} else {
logger($logfile, "WARN: unable to open $_");
exit 0;
sub logger {
my $fname = shift;
my $text = shift;
open my $fh, '>>', $fname
or die "Couldn't to open $fname";
say $fh $text;
close $fh;
Reference: regex modifies, unlink, perlvar

Need to open a file and replace multiple strings

I have a really big xml file. It has certain incrementing numbers inside, which i would like to replace with a different incrementing number. I've looked and here is what someone suggested here before. Unfortunately i cant get it to work :(
In the code below all instances of 40960 should be replaced with 41984, all instances of 40961 with 41985 etc. Nothing happens. What am i doing wrong?
use strict;
use warnings;
my $old = 40960;
my $new = 41984;
my $string;
my $file = 'file.txt';
rename($file, $file.'.bak');
open(IN, '<'.$file.'.bak') or die $!;
open(OUT, '>'.$file) or die $!;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 42; $i++) {
while(<IN>) {
$_ =~ s/$old/$new/g;
print OUT $_;
Other answers give you better solutions to your problem. Mine concentrates on explaining why your code didn't work.
The core of your code is here:
for (my $i = 0; $i < 42; $i++) {
while(<IN>) {
$_ =~ s/$old/$new/g;
print OUT $_;
You increment the values of $old and $new outside of your loops. And you never change those values again. So you're only making the same substitution (changing 40961 to 41985) 42 times. You never try to change any other numbers.
Also, look at the while loop that reads from IN. On your first iteration (when $i is 0) you read all of the data from IN and the file pointer is left at the end of the file. So when you go into the while loop again on your second iteration (and all subsequent iterations) you read no data at all from the file. You need to reset the file pointer to the start of your file at the end of each iteration.
Oh, and the basic logic is wrong. If you think about it, you'll end up writing each line to the output file 42 times. You need to do all possible substitutions before writing the line. So your inner loop needs to be the outer loop (and vice versa).
Putting those suggestions together, you need something like this:
my $old = 40960;
my $change = 1024;
while (<IN>) {
# Easier way to write your loop
for my $i ( 1 .. 42 ) {
my $new = $old + $change;
# Use \b to mark word boundaries
# Print each output line only once
print OUT $_;
Here's an example that works line by line, so the size of file is immaterial. The example assumes you want to replace things like "45678", but not "fred45678". The example also assumes that there is a range of numbers, and you want them replaced with a new range offset by a constant.
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant MIN => 40000;
use constant MAX => 90000;
use constant DIFF => +1024;
sub repl { $_[0] >= MIN && $_[0] <= MAX ? $_[0] + DIFF : $_[0] }
while (<>) {
Invoked with the file you want to transform as an argument, it produces altered output on stdout. With the following input ...
foo bar 123
40000 50000 60000 99999
fred 60000 fred
... it produces this output.
foo bar 123
41024 51024 61024 99999
fred 61024 fred
There are a couple of classic Perlisms here, but the example shouldn't be hard to follow if you RTFM appropriately.
Here is an alternative way which reads the input file into a string and does all the substitutions at once:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $old = 40960;
my $new = 41984;
my ($regexp) = map { qr/$_/ } join '|', map { $old + $_ } 0..41;
my $file = 'file.txt';
rename($file, $file.'.bak');
open(IN, '<'.$file.'.bak') or die $!;
my $str = do {local $/; <IN>};
close IN;
$str =~ s/($regexp)/do_subst($1, $old, $new)/ge;
open(OUT, '>'.$file) or die $!;
print OUT $str;
close OUT;
sub do_subst {
my ( $old, $old_base, $new_base ) = #_;
my $i = $old - $old_base;
my $new = $new_base + $i;
return $new;
Note: Can probably be made more efficient by using Regexp::Assemble

How to get Perl to loop over all files in a directory?

I have a Perl script with contains
open (FILE, '<', "$ARGV[0]") || die "Unable to open $ARGV[0]\n";
while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {
# do stuff
close FILE;
and I would like to run this script on all .pp files in a directory, so I have written a wrapper script in Bash
for f in /etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp; do
/etc/puppet/nodes/ $f
Is it possible to avoid the wrapper script and have the Perl script do it instead?
The for f in ...; translates to the Perl
for my $f (...) { ... } (in the case of lists) or
while (my $f = ...) { ... } (in the case of iterators).
The glob expression that you use (/etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp) can be evaluated inside Perl via the glob function: glob '/etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp'.
Together with some style improvements:
use strict; use warnings;
use autodie; # automatic error handling
while (defined(my $file = glob '/etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp')) {
open my $fh, "<", $file; # lexical file handles, automatic error handling
while (defined( my $line = <$fh> )) {
do stuff;
close $fh;
$ /etc/puppet/nodes/
This isn’t quite what you asked, but another possibility is to use <>:
while (<>) {
my $line = $_;
# do stuff
Then you would put the filenames on the command line, like this:
/etc/puppet/nodes/ /etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp
Perl opens and closes each file for you. (Inside the loop, the current filename and line number are $ARGV and $. respectively.)
Jason Orendorff has the right answer:
From Perlop (I/O Operators)
The null filehandle <> is special: it can be used to emulate the behavior of sed and awk, and any other Unix filter program that takes a list of filenames, doing the same to each line of input from all of them. Input from <> comes either from standard input, or from each file listed on the command line.
This doesn't require opendir. It doesn't require using globs or hard coding stuff in your program. This is the natural way to read in all files that are found on the command line, or piped from STDIN into the program.
With this, you could do:
$ /etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp
$ /etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp.backup
or even:
$ cat /etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp |
take a look at this documentation it explains all you need to know
use strict;
use warnings;
my $dir = '/tmp';
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die $!;
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
# We only want files
next unless (-f "$dir/$file");
# Use a regular expression to find files ending in .pp
next unless ($file =~ m/\.pp$/);
open (FILE, '<', $file) || die "Unable to open $file\n";
while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {
# do stuff
exit 0;
I would suggest to put all filenames to array and then use this array as parameters list to your perl method or script. Please see following code:
use Data::Dumper
$dirname = "/etc/puppet/nodes";
opendir ( DIR, $dirname ) || die "Error in opening dir $dirname\n";
my #files = grep {/.*\.pp/} readdir(DIR);
print Dumper(#files);
Now you can pass \#files as parameter to any perl method.
my #x = <*>;
foreach ( #x ) {
if ( -f "$_" ) {
print "process $_\n";
# do stuff
Perl can shell out to execute system commands in various ways, the most straightforward is using backticks ``
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
my #ls = `ls /etc/puppet/nodes/*.pp`;
for my $f ( #ls ) {
open (my $FILE, '<', $f) || die "Unable to open $f\n";
while (defined (my $line = <$FILE>)) {
# do stuff
close $FILE;
(Note: you should always use strict; and use warnings;)

Perl Inserting a string from a file after every occurence of a slash in a url

I have the following URL's:
The output I am trying to achieve:
As you can see the strings HELLO and GOODBYE are inserted after every slash, and if there is already a string after the slash it will append the HELLO and GOODBYE after that (e.g and so on).
What I have tried
use strict;
use warnings;
my #f1 = do {
open my $fh, '<', 'FILE1.txt';
chomp #f1;
my #f2 = do {
open my $fh, '<', 'FILE2.txt';
chomp #f2;
for my $f1 (#f1) {
my #fields = $f1 =~ m{[^/]+}g;
for my $f2 (#f2) {
for my $i (0 .. $#fields) {
my #new = #fields;
$new[$i] .= $f2;
print qq{/$_/\n}, for join '/', #new;
print "\n\n";
#courtesy of Borodin
However this code does not cater for url's that have the slashes in the http:// part as these are replaced with http:HELLO/ when it should not do.
Also it does not put HELLO or GOODBYE after the slash if there is no string already there e.g<--SHOULD PUT HELLO AFTER THIS SLASH AS WELL BUT DOSN'T
It appears that this code removes then re-inserts the slashes with the strings from FILE2.txt, as opposed to inserting HELLO and GOODBYE in the correct place to start with.
My question
Is there a better method of going about achieving the output I require or is there something I can do to my existing code to cater for the problems described above?
Your help is much appreciated, many thanks
Here is the algorithm in prose:
Open File2.txt. Read in all lines, removing the newline. We call the array #words.
Open File2.txt. We call the file handle $fh.
As long as we can read a $line from $fh:
Remove the newline, remove starting and ending slashes.
Split the $line at every slash, call the array #animals.
Loop through the #words, calling each element $word:
Loop through the indices of the #animals, calling each index $i:
Make a #copy of the #animals.
Append the $word to the $i-th element of #copy.
Join the #copy with slashes, surround it with slashes, and print with newline.
Print an empty line.
This program will do what you ask.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my #f1 = do {
open my $fh, '<', 'FILE1.txt';
chomp #f1;
my #f2 = do {
open my $fh, '<', 'FILE2.txt';
chomp #f2;
for my $f1 (#f1) {
my #fields = $f1 =~ m{[^/]+}g;
for my $f2 (#f2) {
for my $i (0 .. $#fields) {
my #new = #fields;
$new[$i] .= $f2;
print qq{/$_/\n}, for join '/', #new;
print "\n\n";
Rather than splitting the line on every slash, you can do it all with a regex.
Updated version:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #insert_words = qw/HELLO GOODBYE/;
my $word = 0;
while (<DATA>)
foreach my $word (#insert_words)
my $repeat = 1;
while ((my $match=$_) =~ s|(?<!/)(?:/(?!/)[^/]*){$repeat}[^/]*\K|$word|)
print "$match\n";
print "\n";
The key is the substitution operator: s|(?<!/)(?:/(?!/)[^/]*){$repeat}[^/]*\K|$word|.
(?<!/) and (?!/) are negative look-behind and look-ahead, respectively. They ensure that we are only matching a single /, thus ignoring http://.
(?:/(?!/)[^/]*){$repeat} is a capturing group that must match a specified number of times, and we increase that number until it no longer matches.
I had to use [^/]* instead of [^/]+ to meet your requirement of matching at the end of the string. That is why both the look-behind and the look-ahead are needed.
\K means "match everything up to this point, but don't include it in the match itself." Thus we don't have to worry about including the whole beginning of the string that matched in the replacement.
Note: The r option is another way to perform substitution without modifying the original string. However, it requires Perl 5.16 (thanks Amon). Thus I removed it from the example.

Extract text and write to a new file in Perl

Simply put, I want to extract text from a file and save that text to a new file, using Perl.
Here is my code, thus far:
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Slurp;
use FileHandle;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock :seek); # Import LOCK_* constants
my $F_IN = FileHandle->new("<$ARGV[0]");
my $F_OUT = FileHandle->new(">PerlTest.txt");
while (my $line = $F_IN->getline) {
$line =~ m|foobar|g;
# I want to only copy the text that matches, not the whole line.
# I changed the example text to 'foobar' to avoid confusion.
Obviously, it's copying the line. How can I extract and print specific text from a file, instead of the whole line?
If it can only happen once per line:
while (<>) {
print "$1\n" if /(thebigredpillow)/;
If it can happen multiple times per line:
while (<>) {
while (/(thebigredpillow)/g) {
print "$1\n";
script >file.out
You could use capturing parentheses to grab the matched string:
while (my $line = $F_IN->getline) {
if ($line =~ m|(thebigredpillow)|) {
See perldoc perlre.
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::All;
my #lines = io($ARGV[0])->slurp;
foreach(#lines) {
if(/thebigredpillow/g) {
$_ >> io('PerlTest.txt');
