Which tool for generating UML Entity-Relationship Diagrams using text? [closed] - uml

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Which tool [for any OS... or even web] can I use to generate UML Entity-Relationship diagrams from text?
Thinking something along the lines of http://yuml.me/, really quick to write up.
Thanks for all suggestions.

The list of all textual UML tools (AFAIK) can be found here

I liked these two
It's easy and you have option to save diagrams to google drive and dropbox


Is there example .arxml files available which implement concept define in Autosar specification [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to create arxml file.For this I am reading some Autosar specification given on there website.If there is any example .arxml file available which implement what is explain in document will help me understand a concept.
I had never seen any ".arxml" file provided (as a example) whith Autosar documentetion specification on the www.autosar.org.
Keep on mind that there is three type of .arxml file for AUTOSAR (for the Vector software stack) - *bswmd, *ecuc and *swc file.
Here is a simple example of MyECU.ecuc.arxml file. Hope this will help you in some way:

Free online UML tool [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for free online (flash, silverlight, or javascript - simply "browser-based") tool for creating UML diagrams & ER diagrams. In the past, there was great tools like cacoo.com, creately.com, gliffy.com, or lucidchart.com. But now, they are all paid or limited for free users.
So, is there any free online tools, which can do that?
Thank you for your tips.
GenMyModel seems to match: UML tool. It is an online modeler in the cloud. It does more than drawing as you get models conforming the UML metamodel. It's free and online. Presently for class diagrams and use case diagrams.
EverGraph is free for use and despite being notation agnostic can handle program structure / architecture visualization: http://evergraph.io

Is there any library in Linux which allow document conversion? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a large amount of document in different format, e.g. doc, xls, ppt, docx, odf, etc. I am looking for a Linux library, which allow me to convert different kinds of document to PDF with a command.
Is this library exist? Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks everyone. :)
A good place to start would probably be the source code of LibreOffice.
It's not a "library" as such, but you can use OpenOffice conversions from the command line: http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=7242

Extendable Diagram Tool [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a Diagram Tool with ability to extend set of diagram types and diagram primitives and save them as templates for future use. User-scripted exports or export formats for my diagrams would be nice, too.
For example, I want to make something like this in my game programming:
Now I use great UML-only RationalRose-like editor StarUML. It is very comfortable, stable and I like it very much.
I can think of some options:
PGF/TikZ (uses LaTeX)
Would any of those help you out? TikZ has been my choice for diagrams since I found it. I don't know if there's anything you can't do. Check out the TikZ examples page. Sorry if I totally missed what you're looking for and provided silly suggestions!

Looking for a smart command-line tool in Linux which can generate xsd out of xml [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I can also settle for a web-based interface, but a good command-line tool is preferable. Now, I have tried to use xsd.exe that comes with mono-devel, but that skipped a whole bunch of stuff that was mentioned in the xml file.
I understand that I will need to hand-tweak the output, but I do want something decent to start with.
Try the tool that comes with the spring framework:
