Rankings in Azure Table - azure

I am just stuck in a design problem. I want to assign ranks to user records in a table. They do some action on the site and given a rank on basis of leader board. And the select I want on them could be on Top 10, User's position, Top 10 logged in today etc.
I just can not find a way to store it in Azure table. Than I thought about storing custom collection object (a sorted list) in blob.
Any suggestions?

Table entities are sorted by PartitionKey, RowKey. While you could continually delete and recreate users (thus allowing you to change the PK, RK) to give the correct order, it seems like a bad idea or at least overkill. Instead, I would probably store the data that you use the compute the rankings and periodically compute and store the rankings (as you say). We do this a lot in our work - pre-compute what the data should look like in JSON view, store it in a blob, and let the UI query it directly. The trick is to decide when to re-compute the view. After a user does an item that would cause the rankings to be re-computed, I would probably queue a message and let a worker process go and re-compute the view. This prevents too many workers from trying to update the data at once.


Are client side joins permissable in Cassandra if client drills down on datapoint?

I have this structure with about 1000 data points in a list on the website:
With each datapoint containing 6 fields of information.
Each datapoint can be opened to reveal an additional 2-3x of information in sublist.
Would making a new request upon the user clicking on one of my datapoints be considered bad practice in Cassandra? Should I just go ahead and get it all in one go?
Should I just go ahead and get it all in one go?
Definitely not.
Would making a new request upon the user clicking on one of my datapoints be considered bad practice in Cassandra?
That's absolutely the way you should do it. Cassandra is great at writing large amounts of data, but not so great a returning large amounts of data. More, small key-based queries are definitely the way to go.
It is possible to do the JOINs on the client side but as a general proposition, queries which require joins indicate that you possibly didn't design the data model correctly.
You need to model your data such that (a) each application query (b) maps to a single table. If you need to do a client-side JOIN then you need to query the database multiple times to get the data required by your app. It will work but it's not efficient so affects the performance of the app and the database.
To illustrate with an example, let's say you app needs to display a customer's list of orders. The table design would need to be partitioned by customer with (clustered) multiple rows of orders:
CREATE TABLE orders_by_customerid (
customerid text,
orderid text,
orderdate timestamp,
ordertotal decimal,
PRIMARY KEY (customerid, orderid)
You would retrieve the list of orders for a customer with:
SELECT ... FROM orders_by_customerid WHERE customerid = ?
By default, the driver or Stargate API your app is using would page the results so only the first 100 rows (for example) will be returned instead of retrieving thousands of rows in a single pass. Note that the page size is configurable. Cheers!

Audit Trail Design using Table Storage

I'm considering implementing an Audit Trail for my application in using Table Storage.
I need to be able to log all actions for a specific customer and all actions for entities from that customer.
My first guess was creating a table for each customer (Audits_CustomerXXX) and use as a partition key the entity id and row key the (DateTime.Max.Ticks - DateTime.Now.Ticks).ToString("D19") value. And this works great when my question is what happened to certain entity? For instance the audit of purchase would have PartitionKey = "Purchases/12345" and the RowKey as the timestamp.
But when I want a birds eye view from the entire customer, can I just query the table sorting by row key across partitions? Or is it better to create a secondary table to hold the data with different partition keys? Also when using the (DateTime.Max.Ticks - DateTime.Now.Ticks).ToString("D19") is there a way to prevent errors when two actions in the same partition happen in the same tick (unlikely but who knows...).
You could certainly create a separate table for the birds eye view but you really don't have to. Considering Azure Tables are schema-less, you can keep this data in the same table as well. You would keep the PartitionKey as reverse ticks and RowKey as entity id. Because you would be querying only on PartitionKey, you can also keep RowKey as GUID as well. This will ensure that all entities are unique. Or you could append a GUID to your entity id and use that as RowKey.
However do keep in mind that because you're inserting two entities with different PartitionKey values, you will have to safegaurd your code against possible network failures as each entry will be a separate request to Table service. The way we're handling this in our application is we write this payload to a queue message and then process that message through a background process.

Regarding Azure table design

I am working as freelancer and right now working on one of my game and trying to use Azure table service to log my user moves in Azure tables.
The game is based on Cards.
The flow is like this:
Many users(UserId) will be playing on a table(TableId). Each game on the table will have a unique GameId. In each game there could be multiple deals with Unique DealId.
There can be multiple deals on the same table with same gameId. Also each user will have same DealId in a single game.
Winner is decided after multiple chances of a player.
I can make TableId as PartitionKey and but I am not sure what to chose for RowKey because combination of TableId and RowKey (GameId/UserId/DealId) should be unique in the table.
I can have entries like:
TableId GameId DealId UserId timestamp
1 201 300 12345
1 201 300 12567
May be what I can do is to create 4 Azure tables like below but I am doing a lot of duplication; also I would not be able to fire a a point query as mentioned here at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-table-design-guide/#guidelines-for-table-design
GameLogsByTableId -- this will have TableId as PartitionKey and GUID as RowKey
GameLogsByGameId -- this will have GameId as PartitionKey and GUID as RowKey
GameLogsByUserId -- this will have UserId as PartitionKey and GUID as RowKey
GameLogsByDealId -- this will have DealId as PartitionKey and GUID as RowKey
Thoughts please?
Format of TableId,GameId,DealId and UserId is long.
I would like to query data such that
Get me all the logs from a TableId.
Get me all the logs from a TableId and in a particular game(GameId)
Get me all the logs of a user(userid) in this game(GameId)
Get me all the logs of a user in a deal(dealId)
Get me all the logs from a table on a date; similarly for a user,game and deal
Based on my knowledge so far on Azure Tables, I believe you're on right track.
However there are certain things I would like to mention:
You could use a single table for storing all data
You don't really need to use separate tables for storing each kind of data though this approach logically separates the data nicely. If you want, you could possibly store them in a single table. If you go with single table, since these ids (Game, Table, User, and Deal) are numbers what I would recommend is to prefix the value appropriately so that you can nicely identify them. For example, when specifying PartitionKey denoting a Game Id, you can prefix the value with G| so that you know it's the Game Id e.g. G|101.
Pre-pad your Id values with 0 to make them equal length string
You mentioned that your id values are long. However the PartitionKey value is of string type. I would recommend prepadding the values so that they are of equal length. For example, when storing Game Id as PartitionKey instead of storing them as 1, 2, 103 etc. store them as 00000000001, 00000000002, 00000000103. This way when you list all Ids, they will be sorted in proper order. Without prepadding, you will get the results as 1, 10, 11, 12....19, 20.
You will loose transaction support
Since you're using multiple tables (or even single table with different PartitionKeys), you will not be able to use Entity Batch Transactions available in Azure Tables and all the inserts need to be done as atomic operations. Since each operation is a network call and can possibly fail, you may want to do that through an idempotent background process which will keep on trying inserting the data into multiple tables till the time it succeeds.
Instead of Guid for RowKey, I suggest you create a composite RowKey based on other values
This is more applicable for update scenario. Since an update requires both PartitionKey and RowKey, I would recommend using a RowKey which is created as a composition of other values. For example, if you're using TableId as PartitionKey for GameLogsByTableId, I would suggest creating a RowKey using other values e.g. U|[UserId]|D|[DealId]|G|[GameId]. This way, when you get a record to update, you automatically know how to create a RowKey instead of fetching the data first from the table.
Partition Scans
I looked at your querying requirements and almost all of them would result in Partition Scans. To avoid that, I would suggest keeping even more duplicate copies of the data. For example, consider #3 and #4 in your querying requirements. In this case, you will need to scan the entire partition for a user to find information about a Game Id and Deal Id. So please be prepared for the scenario where table service returns you nothing but continuation tokens.
Personally, unless you have absolutely massive data requirements, I would not use table storage for this. It will make your job much harder than using an SQL database; you can use any index you like, have relational integrity, and so much more. The only thing in favour of ATS is that it's cheap for large data.

Cassandra schema advice needed

I'm designing a Cassandra schema for a browser event collection system, and I was hoping to sanity check my approach. The system collects user events in the browser, like mouse movements, clicks, etc. The events are stored and processed to create heat maps of user activity on a web page. I've chosen Cassandra for persistence, since my use case is more write heavy than ready heavy: every 50 milliseconds, an ajax call dumps the aggregated events to my server, and into the database. I'm using node.js for the server, and the JSON events look something like this on the server:
{ uuid: dsf86ag487hadf97hadf97, type: 'MOVE', time: 12335234345, pageX: 334, pageY:566, .... }
As you can see each user has a unique uuid, associated with each of their events, generated on the browser, stored in a cookie. My read case will be some map-reduce job. Each top-level domain will be a keyspace, and I was planning using the uuid as my partition key. The main table will be the events table, where each row will be one event, using a composite primary key, consisting of the browser-generated uuid and a cassandra-generated timeuuid. The primary key must have a timeuuid component, since two events may have the same timestamp on certain browsers. The data types for event will be strings, ints, timestamps. The total data for a partition should not exceed a few hundred megabytes. So...Is this sane? What questions should I be asking myself? I recognize that this use case has many analogs in sensor data collection, etc, so please point me to existing examples. Thanks in advance.
Choosing a partition key
While recording the user ID may be important in some cases for distinguishing events from different users that may occur at the same time, the user ID is probably not the best choice for the partition key. That is, unless you are planning to analyze the behavior of specific users.
You are probably more concerned with how the heatmap changes over time and specifically which areas of the page were involved. These are probably better considerations for your partition key, though perhaps not stored as a timestamp nor as X/Y coordinates, which I'll get into later.
You will generally want to choose a partition key that has (1) a large distribution of values, to create even load across your cluster, and (2) is made up of values that are relatively "well known". By "well known", I mean something you either know in advance or something that can be computed easily and deterministically. For instance, you will have many users and will gather statistics over many days. While the the specific of days (encoded as, say, YYYY-MM-DD strings) can be easily determined based on a known start/end date range or query input, the set of all valid user IDs (assuming UUIDs or other non-incremental value, or hash) is much harder to determine without doing a scan of the entire cluster. Avoid doing partition key scans; aim for "exact" random access to your partitions.
Format of the partition key
The partition key is traditionally shown as a single column in many examples, but you can have a multi-column partition key. This can be useful when using date/time information as all or part of the key. You would aim to have as few unique values per column as possible, so that the set of values you need to enumerate is as small as possible, but as many values (or additional columns) as necessary to balance the I/O load and data distribution across the cluster.
For example, if you were to use a timestamp as your partition key, in 64-bit Java timestamp format, there are 1,000 possible partitions per second. Even though you can technically iterate over them, that may be more granular than you need or want. On the other side, if your partition key were simply the 4-digit year, then all of that year's events would go to the same partition (making it very large) and to the same set of replica nodes (hotspots, inefficient cluster use). By choosing a key that balances between these extremes, you can control the size of your partitions and also the number of partitions you must access in order to satisfy a query.
Also consider what you'll do when you ever want to delete old data. The easiest means (within a single column family/table) is to delete an entire partition as this helps avoid accumulating individual column tombstones. If you ever want to run an operation like "delete all data older than 2013" then you definitely don't want to bury the date deep down in the data and would rather have it as part of your partition key.
Choosing a row (clustering) key
Any additional columns in the primary key that are not part of the partition key become the row key within the partition, and the rows are clustered (ordered) by the sort order of the first of these columns.
That clustering/sorting is important, because it's generally the only native sorting you're going to get with Cassandra. Even if the partition key is down to the level of a specific hour or minute of a specific day, you might choose to cluster the rows by your millisecond timestamp or time UUID, to keep everything within that partition in chronological order.
You can still have additional columns, like your X/Y coordinates or user IDs, in your row keys -- in case it sounded like I was recommending that you put time (only) in both the partition and clustering keys.
Using X/Y coordinates
This part has nothing to do with Cassandra, but if you're heat-mapping the page, do be aware that people use different screens and devices at different resolutions. Unless you're doing pixel-perfect layout on your site (and hopefully you're using a fluid, responsive layout instead) then the X/Y coordinate of one user isn't going to match the X/Y coordinates from another user. They might not even match for the same user, if that user switches devices.
Consider mapping not by X/Y coordinate of the mouse, but perhaps the IDs of elements in the DOM. Have an ID for your "sidebar", "main menu", "main body div" and any specific elements you want to map. These would be string keys, not coordinate pairs, and while they'd still be triggered on mouse enter/leave/click the logged information doesn't depend or assume any particular screen geometry.
Perhaps you decide to include the element ID as part of the row or partition key, too.

How to structure a Azure Table to hold user messages

I'm still trying to get my head around the correct way to use Azure Tables. I understand that they have a partition key and a row key, that that's it. Everything else is just data that you keep in that row.
Use Case
My web app gets files uploaded by a user, puts them in a queue, then has a worker roll process the queue and do analytics on those files.
I would like to put messages about those files in an Azure Table based on what we find when we process those files.
I then plan on making an AJAX call to get a members messages when they visit a webpage. If the user clicks on the message or closes the message then I'll delete it from the table. Very StackOverflowish.
My question is on how to best store these messages in my Azure Table.
Here's my thinking so far:
PartionKey: MemberID
RowKey: ???(not sure what to have)
Column Data: Message data including any links and a time stamp. Probably a view count too.
I can't think of what I would put in a seperate index for the row key. Timestamp could work so I can order messages correctly, but I don't think I'll get much bang for my buck with that.
I have found that the best to think about the choice of partition and row keys is to think about the data access patterns. If your access pattern is to have a single row/entity represent something meaningful in your system. In your case is sounds like userid/fileid uniquely identifies the entity. From this, you have three options:
userid for partition key, fileid for row key
constant value for partition key, and a combination of userid and fileid for row key
constant value for row key, and a combination of userid and fileid for partition key
The decision on there is to figure out what other access pattern. Are you going to be querying for all files for a particular user? Then you would want userid as partition or row key. If you will only ever be querying based on fileid/userid, then it doesn't really matter.
Before thinking about actual storage, you should try to think about what entities you're going to have.
Sounds like something like this:
User entity
UserFile entity
FileMessage entity
Do you have one FileMessage per UserFile or can you have more than one? It sounds like (by your explanation of deletion logic) that you would only have one FileMessage per File.
If my assumptions so far are correct and if it were me, the FileMessage table would have the following structure:
PartitionKey: userId
RowKey: fileId (name/url/etc)
Other columns: as you see fit
I would think of it as: Partition Key is how you want to break data out, so if data is related, you want to keep the partition key the same. If you are doing something with a lot of data, you may want to use like the date for the Partition Key. The Row Key is the index, so that is what you will use to query the data.
