twitter search api no results with OR - search

This suddenly stopped working, it was working, but now its not:
If I use the twitter UI and go to:!/search/
I get 7 results.
If I use the api with the same call:"social snap" OR "socialsnap" OR ""
I get zero results (ran in browser to simplify test)
Im sure im being an idiot or there is some encoding issue, but im stuck...any ideas?

Well I finally figured it out, I have no idea why, but this works:"social snap" OR "socialsnap" OR ""
adding the slash after the q= makes it work...


Include Does Not Work In Codeigniter 4.1.9

Hye, I'm still trying to dive in to learn some of the framework such as Codeigniter and Laravel, but i stumbled into a problem which is $this->include does not work, I am trying to include file that have html code... I've tried looking on the internet, trying out several other method but it still does not work
Here What I've Been Trying,
I've Also Tried Using The Controller Code Which Is,
return view('test');
And Lastly, I've tried,
But none of them works.
Try echo view('test');
Loading Multiple Views
echo view_cell('view file',[$datas=>$values])

Discord.js client doesn't work and doesn't give any errors

So my discord bot that I host on for free (so that might be the problem) works fine most of the time but sometimes, it will just randomly stop working. Even when I restart it, the client.on("ready") function won't trigger and nothing works. This problem just fixes it self after some time but it is really anoying and it keeps happening. It has nothing to do with my code as it works and there is nothing chance based in my code that may break it, and even then it would trow an error, this just doesn't work and doesn't give any errors. If you would like to take a look at my code it is on here. Thanks in advance!
Replit is a free hosting platform but if I remember well, if no one get into the page for a certain time, the program will stop. It is probably that that stops your bot.
(sorry if you don't understand well my English)
heyy, you can fork your repl, if you're token is in the process.env you must add it, else if your token is in a config.json file, it's ok, just fork it and it's done

There is an error shown in grocery store project. Can you help me solve it?

it is error shown when i go to main url i.e, '/'. except this everything is okay
The reason for this is stated in the error. Admittedly it's a little hard to spot, but it is: "products is not defined at eval (E:\IT\SEM-7\Project\a\project\views\products\index.ejs)". Without seeing your code, it's impossible to pinpoint why exactly this is happening.

smooch bot does not return auto reply

For some reason the auto response returned by the bot does not work. I type "Hey" but get no 'answer' from the bot.
I have read all topics.
My heroku is properly pointing to the url.
The email notifications are coming through.
The whispers are working properly
I replaced the script.js file with the original one (used by EstherBot)
Yet nothing happens...
anybody a clue?
Right - fixed it.
I went back to earlier versions - but in vain.
I then killed all whispers - but no result.
I then replace all code manually with the original code - but no result.
Basically I just went back to the drawing board and reinstalled it (as was suggested already by #AndrewLavers).
It only means I actually have not been able to figure out the why.... which is a pitty.

Jelly script to reset the issue resolution in JIRA

I am trying to run a jelly script in JIRA to set the resolution to null for all my issues. The following script runs without errors and returns this:
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira='jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib' xmlns:log='jelly:log' xmlns:core='jelly:core' xmlns:jx='jelly:xml' xmlns:util='jelly:util'>org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUEorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUEorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUE.... </JiraJelly>
Here is the script.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib" xmlns:util="jelly:util" xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:jx="jelly:xml" xmlns:log="jelly:log">
<jira:RunSearchRequest var="issues" />
<core:forEach var="genericIssue" items="${issues}">
<core:invokeStatic className="com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueImpl" method="getIssueObject" var="issue">
<core:arg type="org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue" value="${genericIssue}"/>
<core:invoke on="${issue}" method="setResolution">
<core:arg type="org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue">org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUE</core:arg>
Does any one have any idea why this isn't working or have any ideas on how I might set the resolution to nothing?
Thank you!!
Updating issues via jelly in JIRA is a bit broken. The best example of how to make it work that I've seen is by using ActionDispatcher as shown on the docs page in a comment by Alastair King.
I know it can be done with Jelly runner, but i thinks that this would be easier to do so using the Jira remote API or the Jira CLI. A more elaborated example of the Jira remote API can be found here. If anyone wants me to post a working source code feel free to ask.
