Problems with displaying image in portlet using jsf - jsf

I need some help with showing images in my portlet. I have images somewhere on
HDD. I wrote servlet ImageServlet with doGet() method. I registered servlet
in web.xml with mapping /images/*.
The problem begins when i try to show image:
<h:graphicImage url="/images/image.png" />
The doGet() method in servlet is not called. HTML output I get is:
<img src="/PortletName/images/image.png"/>
However when I'm using other tag, for example:
<jsp:include file="/images/image.png"/>
doGet() in ImageServlet is called (it doesn't work
obviously, but it shows that servlet is registered correctly).
I tried mapping /PortletName/images/*, but it didn't help. And I can't write url without '/' in the beginning (I get an exception - Liferay
forbids it).
Am I missing something while calling servlet from h:graphicImage? Or is there any way to get rid of /PortletName/ in the generated HTML? Or is there other way to display image (using include or something)?
Help would be appreciated :)
JSF 1.1; DTD portlet application 4.3.0; portlet-app_1_0.xsd; org.apache.portals.bridges.portletfilter.FilterPortlet

I managed to do it. I used Liferay PortalDelegateServlet:
and I used <img> tag.


JSF DocumentViewer fails to display PDF in #ViewScope

I am relatively new to JSF thus need some help.
Problem: I have webpage that displays a PDF. Thus I created a xhtml as follow
<p:panel rendered="#{mainAppView.getMessages().isEmpty()}" styleClass="preview-panel">
<div class="document-viewer-wrapper">
URL is provided by a BackingBean previewView. Thus when the jsf tries to display the document, it makes a call to WebServlet. The WebServlet downloads the document and displays it and if it fails to download, an error message is shown on the DocumentViewer.
Is there a way to I can notify the ViewScope Bean about the failure? I want to disable a tab on the screen if the document download fails. I read that servlet can't make call to viewScope Bean.
Do not use ViewScoped with PDFViewer use RequestScoped/SessionScoped/ApplicationScoped instead.
BalusC explains why ViewScoped can't be used as well:
I ended up writing a JS to achieve the desire result. JS monitored the pdfviewer and if it fails to load the document, I updated the message on the pdfviewer.

h:outputStylesheet not inserted when using FullAjaxExceptionHandler

I'm using the OmniFaces FullAjaxExceptionHandler to display error pages. The error pages are shown correctly, but I'm having issues with the styling of those pages.
My application is using a template which has CSS classes loaded in the <h:body> section like the following. <h:outputStylesheet name="css/theme.css" library="theme" />
I found the BalusC answer at h:body not rerendered when using FullAjaxExceptionHandler to be helpful for changing the body tag. But I'm stumped on why the FullAjaxExceptionHandler isn't replacing the children of individual <head> element. It appears like all <h:outputStylesheet> elements are ignored no matter where they are located.
I know this quite an old question but I have only recently encountered it and it has only just been solved as of 15/May/2021.
The headline is that this issue is solved in the versions of OmniFaces >= 3.11.1. At the time of writing this, OmniFaces 3.11.1 is a Maven Snapshot build.
The problem was caused by the Mojarra implementation of JSF 2.3 attempting to avoid outputting HTML links to CSS resources twice. It does this by recording a list of all of the resources that it thinks have been output. Then if a further attempt is made to output the same resource then the second and further attempts are ignored. The list is stored in a JSF attribute called "/javax.faces.resource", which is the value of ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER.
In the case of Primefaces/JSF rendering the response to an Ajax request generated by an Primefaces component, the rendering replaces the entire page including the resources that had already been rendered. In this case the "/javax.faces.resource" attribute should be cleared by OmniFaces' FullAjaxExceptionHandler to allow the re-rendering of the resources.
The problem was tracked and solved in OmniFaces cases 627 & 630

Where can i find the Servlet generated by the JSF file?

When i try to run my jsf file i get this warning:
12:27:49,357 WARNING [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.renderkit] (http-localhost- JSF1090: Navigation case not resolved for component j_idt24.
In order to fix this problem I need to find out which one is the j_idt24 component, And I'm not sure how to do it, so I figured that I would probably find it in the generated servlet file(Am i right?) , So where can i find the generated Servlet file, or what would be a better way?
You're confusing JSF with JSP. JSF is a MVC framework which can for the "V" part use either JSP, or Facelets or something entirely different.
What you're stating is true for JSP, but not necessarily for JSF. In JSF2, JSP is succeeded by Facelets which is compiled to a XML document, not a Servlet class. You're also confusing "JSF source code" with "JSF component tree". Those autogenerated IDs are not visible in the compiled XML document of Facelets nor Servlet class of JSP. They are only created during generating the HTML output based on the JSF component tree in server's memory during view render time (that JSF component tree is in turn created based on that XML document or Servlet class during view build time).
Coming back to your concrete problem, this warning will occur when you specify an invalid outcome in <h:link> or <h:button> component. Easiest way to naildown the culprit is to give every single <h:link> and <h:button> a fixed ID so that JSF doesn't need to autogenerate them so that you can just do rightclick, View Source in browser and do a Ctrl+F.
<h:link id="fooLink" value="Foo" outcome="foo" />
An alternative is to add <ui:debug> and explore the JSF component tree which is presented "plain text" in the debug popup and then trackback the found component to its declaration in the JSF (XHTML) source code.
See also:
WARNING JSF1090: Navigation case not resolved for component j_idt51
how to debug JSF/EL

JSF set property on ManagedBean in included Faceltes page

I am new to JSF and getting very confused doing something trivial. I am making up this example here to elaborate what I am want to do:
I have a xhtml fragment, say, stockQuoteFragment.xhtml, which is backed by a ManagedBean, say, has property stockID and a method getStockQuote() which has all the logic to get the stockQuote for the value set on stockID property. stockQuoteFragment.xhtml displays #stockQuoteService.stockQuote.
Now I have another page Home.xhtml page with backing bean with a method getUserFavoriteStockID(). I want to include content of stockQuoteFragment.xhtml in Home.xhtml passing in the value of #homeBackingBean.userFavoriteStockID to StockQuoteService.setStockID().
I am not sure how to do this in JSF/Facelets. With simple JSPs I could do this easily with a JSP include and include parameters
...According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute var does not accept any expressions.
I have just tried it.
But if you use pure XML based JSF with tags, you can easily use <ui:param> as discussed here. I use JSF in JSP and for me there is no help (<c:set> is mostly useless).
Can I just do this in Home.xhtml before I ui:include stockQuoteFragment.xhtml into it:
<c:set var="#{StockQuoteService.stockID}" value="#homeBackingBean.userFavoriteStockID"/>
will that work?

How to include pages in a JSPX and Trinidad project in run-time without breaking the JSF lifecycle?

I am struggling to figure out a way to include dynamically determined pages in run-time in a JSPX and Trinidad project. You will have an idea when you see what I have, which is:
text="Test tab">
<jsp:include page=".test.jspx" /> <!-- This part is working fine -->
BackingTest backing = (BackingTest) session.getAttribute("backingTest");
for (CaseTabConfigurationDTO tab : backing.getTabs()) { f = new;
if (f.exists()) {
pageContext.include(tab.getPagePath(), true);
jsp:include part is working fine, nothing is breaking the JSF lifecycle.
jsp:scriplet part is successful for including the correct pages. However, it is breaking the later actions in JSF lifecycle including still persisting backing beans of dialogs opened using useWindow="true".
In order to be make it complaint with Facelet, thus not breaking JSF lifecycle. I tried using tr:forEach, c:forEach, ui:include, ui:repeat approaches without any luck of actually including pages.
Can you share a proper solution for it? Thanks in advance!
You probably want to reconfigure your project so you can use Facelets with Trinidad. After reconfiguring your project can use Facelets for templating. You will end up using xhtml instead of jspx though.
See also:
When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?
How to include another XHTML in XHTML using JSF 2.0 Facelets?
