How does a salt protect against a dictionary attack? [duplicate] - security

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Closed 11 years ago.
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What is the purpose of salt?
I've just been reading up a bit about the use of salts, and the example I've been reading gives that of adding a salt to a password before hashing to protect against a dictionary attack.
However I don't really see how that helps - if the attacker has access to the hash of the password (as they do in the example I've been reading) they most likely they will also have access to the salt.
Therefore can't an attacker just prepend and postpend the salt to each item in a dictionary before running through the dictionary to see if it matches the hash? So they have to iterate through the dictionary more than once, that's doesn't seem much of a protection enhancement?

A dictionary attack is an attack where the attacker takes a large list of passwords, possibly ordered by likelyhood/probability, and applies the algorithm for each of it, checking the result.
In case of a salted password, such an attack is still possible (and not significantly costlier), if the attacker has the salt (what is normally assumed): Simply input the salt in your algorithm, too.
What a salt protect against, is a rainbow table. A rainbow table is a table containing pairs of plaintext (e.g. passwords) and the corresponding hashes, ordered by hash. Such a table allows a simple lookup of the password, given the hash.
Producing a rainbow table is a costly step (depending on the size of the dictionary used as input), but then you can use it without any cost later to lookup as many passwords as wanted.
As salt protects against this, since you now would need a separate table for each salt. Even with the simple Unix crypt's 2-letter salt, this already is a factor of 3,844. Modern password hash algorithms use a much larger salt (for example bcrypt uses a 128-bit salt, which gives a factor of 2128.)
To protect against dictionary attacks, too, you'll use a slow hash algorithm instead of a fast one like simple MD5 or SHA1/SHA2. Bcrypt is such an algorithm (with a configurable work factor), and the same author later proposed scrypt (which not only takes much time, but also needs lots of memory, which attackers often don't have as much as processing power).

1- You can't use rainbow tables to crack the hashes
2- If two users have the same password the hash would be different if salted (so it's harder to catch common passwords)

It does increase the work they have to do by increasing the amount of possible answers in the password file.
One means of doing a dictionary attack is to scan the password file. If there is no salt and you see "DFGE$%$%£TEW" then you know the password is "PASSWORD". Adding salt means you'll have to use either a much larger dictionary containing all the values for "PASSWORD" with all possible salts, or you have to spend the effort to read the salt and do the encryption which slows you down. It's no longer a simple search.
Salt also helps in situations where more than one user chooses the same password. Especially in the old days when the password file was readable by all users, it makes it not obvious if another user has the same password as you, or the same password as one you know.

Actually a salt doesn't protect against dictionary attack. It has the following benefits:
Increase the computational cost of breaking it, because for each password in the dictonary the attacker need to try hash it with all possible salts.
Prevent two users that have the same password to have also the same hash. This way an attacker has to explicitely break all the passwords even if there are identical passwords in the same file (the hash of password is always different).

Dictionary attacks are based on words from the dictionary. By adding a random salt, you no longer have dictionary words. Thus a password hash table based on dictionary words will not be helpful in cracking a password.

Each salt value requires a different dictionary, so every database that doesn't use a salt can be attacked with the same dictionary.
Without any salt an attacker can just use an off-the-shelf
pre-computed dictionary, of which there are plenty.
If you have one salt for your entire database then they need to
create a dictionary specific to your database.
If each user record had it's own salt, now they need to create 1
dictionary per user.


Salt Generation and open source software

As I understand it, the best practice for generating salts is to use some cryptic formula (or even magic constant) stored in your source code.
I'm working on a project that we plan on releasing as open source, but the problem is that with the source comes the secret formula for generating salts, and therefore the ability to run rainbow table attacks on our site.
I figure that lots of people have contemplated this problem before me, and I'm wondering what the best practice is. It seems to me that there is no point having a salt at all if the code is open source, because salts can be easily reverse-engineered.
Since questions about salting hashes come along on a quite regular basis and there seems to be quite some confusion about the subject, I extended this answer.
What is a salt?
A salt is a random set of bytes of a fixed length that is added to the input of a hash algorithm.
Why is salting (or seeding) a hash useful?
Adding a random salt to a hash ensures that the same password will produce many different hashes. The salt is usually stored in the database, together with the result of the hash function.
Salting a hash is good for a number of reasons:
Salting greatly increases the difficulty/cost of precomputated attacks (including rainbow tables)
Salting makes sure that the same password does not result in the same hash.
This makes sure you cannot determine if two users have the same password. And, even more important, you cannot determine if the same person uses the same password across different systems.
Salting increases the complexity of passwords, thereby greatly decreasing the effectiveness of both Dictionary- and Birthday attacks. (This is only true if the salt is stored separate from the hash).
Proper salting greatly increases the storage need for precomputation attacks, up to the point where they are no longer practical. (8 character case-sensitive alpha-numeric passwords with 16 bit salt, hashed to a 128 bit value, would take up just under 200 exabytes without rainbow reduction).
There is no need for the salt to be secret.
A salt is not a secret key, instead a salt 'works' by making the hash function specific to each instance. With salted hash, there is not one hash function, but one for every possible salt value. This prevent the attacker from attacking N hashed passwords for less than N times the cost of attacking one password. This is the point of the salt.
A "secret salt" is not a salt, it is called a "key", and it means that you are no longer computing a hash, but a Message Authentication Code (MAC). Computing MAC is tricky business (much trickier than simply slapping together a key and a value into a hash function) and it is a very different subject altogether.
The salt must be random for every instance in which it is used. This ensures that an attacker has to attack every salted hash separately.
If you rely on your salt (or salting algorithm) being secret, you enter the realms of Security Through Obscurity (won't work). Most probably, you do not get additional security from the salt secrecy; you just get the warm fuzzy feeling of security. So instead of making your system more secure, it just distracts you from reality.
So, why does the salt have to be random?
Technically, the salt should be unique. The point of the salt is to be distinct for each hashed password. This is meant worldwide. Since there is no central organization which distributes unique salts on demand, we have to rely on the next best thing, which is random selection with an unpredictable random generator, preferably within a salt space large enough to make collisions improbable (two instances using the same salt value).
It is tempting to try to derive a salt from some data which is "presumably unique", such as the user ID, but such schemes often fail due to some nasty details:
If you use for example the user ID, some bad guys, attacking distinct systems, may just pool their resources and create precomputed tables for user IDs 1 to 50. A user ID is unique system-wide but not worldwide.
The same applies to the username: there is one "root" per Unix system, but there are many roots in the world. A rainbow table for "root" would be worth the effort, since it could be applied to millions of systems. Worse yet, there are also many "bob" out there, and many do not have sysadmin training: their passwords could be quite weak.
Uniqueness is also temporal. Sometimes, users change their password. For each new password, a new salt must be selected. Otherwise, an attacker obtained the hash of the old password and the hash of the new could try to attack both simultaneously.
Using a random salt obtained from a cryptographically secure, unpredictable PRNG may be some kind of overkill, but at least it provably protects you against all those hazards. It's not about preventing the attacker from knowing what an individual salt is, it's about not giving them the big, fat target that will be used on a substantial number of potential targets. Random selection makes the targets as thin as is practical.
In conclusion:
Use a random, evenly distributed, high entropy salt. Use a new salt whenever you create a new password or change a password. Store the salt along with the hashed password. Favor big salts (at least 10 bytes, preferably 16 or more).
A salt does not turn a bad password into a good password. It just makes sure that the attacker will at least pay the dictionary attack price for each bad password he breaks.
Usefull sources: Non-random salt for password hashes
Bruce Schneier: Practical Cryptography (book)
Matasano Security: Enough with the Rainbow Tables Unix crypt used salt since 1976 Why add salt Salts
I'm not a security expert. (Although this answer was reviewed by Thomas Pornin)
If any of the security professionals out there find something wrong, please do comment or edit this wiki answer.
Really salts just need to be unique for each entry. Even if the attacker can calculate what the salt is, it makes the rainbow table extremely difficult to create. This is because the salt is added to the password before it is hashed, so it effectively adds to the total number of entries the rainbow table must contain to have a list of all possible values for a password field.
Since Unix became popular, the right way to store a password has been to append a random value (the salt) and hash it. Save the salt away where you can get to it later, but where you hope the bad guys won't get it.
This has some good effects. First, the bad guys can't just make a list of expected passwords like "Password1", hash them into a rainbow table, and go through your password file looking for matches. If you've got a good two-byte salt, they have to generate 65,536 values for each expected password, and that makes the rainbow table a lot less practical. Second, if you can keep the salt from the bad guys who are looking at your password file, you've made it much harder to calculate possible values. Third, you've made it impossible for the bad guys to determine if a given person uses the same password on different sites.
In order to do this, you generate a random salt. This should generate every number in the desired range with uniform probability. This isn't difficult; a simple linear congruential random number generator will do nicely.
If you've got complicated calculations to make the salt, you're doing it wrong. If you calculate it based on the password, you're doing it WAY wrong. In that case, all you're doing is complicating the hash, and not functionally adding any salt.
Nobody good at security would rely on concealing an algorithm. Modern cryptography is based on algorithms that have been extensively tested, and in order to be extensively tested they have to be well known. Generally, it's been found to be safer to use standard algorithms rather than rolling one's own and hoping it's good. It doesn't matter if the code is open source or not, it's still often possible for the bad guys to analyze what a program does.
You can just generate a random salt for each record at runtime. For example, say you're storing hashed user passwords in a database. You can generate an 8-character random string of lower- and uppercase alphanumeric characters at runtime, prepend that to the password, hash that string, and store it in the database. Since there are 628 possible salts, generating rainbow tables (for every possible salt) will be prohibitively expensive; and since you're using a unique salt for each password record, even if an attacker has generated a couple matching rainbow tables, he still won't be able to crack every password.
You can change the parameters of your salt generation based on your security needs; for example, you could use a longer salt, or you could generate a random string that also contains punctuation marks, to increase the number of possible salts.
Use a random function generator to generate the salt, and store it in the database, make salt one per row, and store it in the database.
I like how salt is generated in django-registration. Reference:
salt = sha_constructor(str(random.random())).hexdigest()[:5]
activation_key = sha_constructor(salt+user.username).hexdigest()
return self.create(user=user,
He uses a combination of sha generated by a random number and the username to generate a hash.
Sha itself is well known for being strong and unbreakable. Add multiple dimensions to generate the salt itself, with random number, sha and the user specific component, you have unbreakable security!
In the case of a desktop application that encrypts data and send it on a remote server, how do you consider using a different salt each time?
Using PKCS#5 with the user's password, it needs a salt to generate an encryption key, to encrypt the data. I know that keep the salt hardcoded (obfuscated) in the desktop application is not a good idea.
If the remote server must NEVER know the user's password, is it possible to user different salt each time? If the user use the desktop application on another computer, how will it be able to decrypt the data on the remote server if he does not have the key (it is not hardcoded in the software) ?

Publicly viewable salt security

If the password salt for keys are viewable does it not improve security compared to without salt?
Would it be better just to not use the salt and improve some performance?
Even a publicly viewable salt increases the security a bit, because your attackers cannot use previously generated rainbow tables. They have to generate their own. This takes a very long time.
It prevents the use of pre-calculated hash tables or rainbow tables from being used to merely lookup an acceptable input.
Take a look at:
Keep in mind that having the salt hidden increases security, because then the attacker does not know exactly what function is being used to generate the hashes. However, the main benefit of hashing passwords is in the event of them being obtained -- much more work to make use of a list of hashes than a list of plain passwords. If someone has your hashes, they likely have your salt as well. Just food for thought.
A unique salt will per password will prevent a Rainbow attack with a pre-computed hash. Using a unique salt per password requires the attacker to calculate the hash foreach individual password for each attempt.
It's main goal is slow the attacker down enough, to make the attack no longer feasible.

Password hashing, salt and storage of hashed values

Suppose you were at liberty to decide how hashed passwords were to be stored in a DBMS. Are there obvious weaknesses in a scheme like this one?
To create the hash value stored in the DBMS, take:
A value that is unique to the DBMS server instance as part of the salt,
And the username as a second part of the salt,
And create the concatenation of the salt with the actual password,
And hash the whole string using the SHA-256 algorithm,
And store the result in the DBMS.
This would mean that anyone wanting to come up with a collision should have to do the work separately for each user name and each DBMS server instance separately. I'd plan to keep the actual hash mechanism somewhat flexible to allow for the use of the new NIST standard hash algorithm (SHA-3) that is still being worked on.
The 'value that is unique to the DBMS server instance' need not be secret - though it wouldn't be divulged casually. The intention is to ensure that if someone uses the same password in different DBMS server instances, the recorded hashes would be different. Likewise, the user name would not be secret - just the password proper.
Would there be any advantage to having the password first and the user name and 'unique value' second, or any other permutation of the three sources of data? Or what about interleaving the strings?
Do I need to add (and record) a random salt value (per password) as well as the information above? (Advantage: the user can re-use a password and still, probably, get a different hash recorded in the database. Disadvantage: the salt has to be recorded. I suspect the advantage considerably outweighs the disadvantage.)
There are quite a lot of related SO questions - this list is unlikely to be comprehensive:
Encrypting/Hashing plain text passwords in database
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords
The necessity of hiding the salt for a hash
Clients-side MD5 hash with time salt
Simple password encryption
Salt generation and Open Source software
Password hashes: fixed-length binary fields or single string field?
I think that the answers to these questions support my algorithm (though if you simply use a random salt, then the 'unique value per server' and username components are less important).
The salt just needs to be random and unique. It can be freely known as it doesn't help an attacker. Many systems will store the plain text salt in the database in the column right next to the hashed password.
The salt helps to ensure that if two people (User A and User B) happen to share the same password it isn't obvious. Without the random and unique salt for each password the hash values would be the same and obviously if the password for User A is cracked then User B must have the same password.
It also helps protect from attacks where a dictionary of hashes can be matched against known passwords. e.g. rainbow tables.
Also using an algorithm with a "work factor" built in also means that as computational power increases the work an algorithm has to go through to create the hash can also be increased. For example, bcrypt. This means that the economics of brute force attacks become untenable. Presumably it becomes much more difficult to create tables of known hashes because they take longer to create; the variations in "work factor" will mean more tables would have to be built.
I think you are over-complicating the problem.
Start with the problem:
Are you trying to protect weak passwords?
Are you trying to mitigate against rainbow attacks?
The mechanism you propose does protect against a simple rainbow attack, cause even if user A and user B have the SAME password, the hashed password will be different. It does, seem like a rather elaborate method to be salting a password which is overly complicated.
What happens when you migrate the DB to another server?
Can you change the unique, per DB value, if so then a global rainbow table can be generated, if not then you can not restore your DB.
Instead I would just add the extra column and store a proper random salt. This would protect against any kind of rainbow attack. Across multiple deployments.
However, it will not protect you against a brute force attack. So if you are trying to protect users that have crappy passwords, you will need to look elsewhere. For example if your users have 4 letter passwords, it could probably be cracked in seconds even with a salt and the newest hash algorithm.
I think you need to ask yourself "What are you hoping to gain by making this more complicated than just generating a random salt value and storing it?" The more complicated you make your algorithm, the more likely you are to introduce a weakness inadvertently. This will probably sound snarky no matter how I say it, but it's meant helpfully - what is so special about your app that it needs a fancy new password hashing algorithm?
Why not add a random salt to the password and hash that combination. Next concatenate the hash and salt to a single byte[] and store that in the db?
The advantage of a random salt is that the user is free to change it's username. The Salt doesn't have to be secret, since it's used to prevent dictionary attacks.

Are salts useless for security if the attacker knows them?

Let's say I have a table of users set up like this:
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`name` TEXT,
`hashed_password` TEXT,
`salt` TEXT
When a user is created, a randomly-generated salt is produced and stored in the database alongside the results of something like get_hash(salt + plaintext_password).
I'm wondering that if a malicious user gets their hands on this data, would they be able to use it to crack users's passwords? If so, what's a way that it could be prevented?
No, they're not useless.
So long as you use a unique salt for each row, then the salt will prevent slow down an attack. The attacker will need to mount a brute force attack, rather than using rainbow tables against the password hashes.
As mentioned in the comments, you should ensure that the salt is a sensible size.
Salting was introduced (or at least made popular) in UNIX /etc/passwd file, which was world-readable. It is usually assumed that the salt as well as the encrypted password is known to the cracker. The purpose of the salt is the slow-down of the cracking process (since the same password won't map to the same encrypted string); it is not a secret in itself.
Knowing the salt makes it possible to do a brute-force attack, but that doesn't make it useless. Salt prevents the attacker from using an already generated rainbow table (which you could find on the web).
The best way to prevent brute-forcing is simply to use long, complex passwords.
If an attacker knows the salt, the hashed password and the hash algorithm, then they can mount a brute-force dictionary attack (or rainbow attack).
This should give you an idea of how it works.
Lets say you want to encrypt a word "secret." After it is encrypted lets say it now looks like this 00110010.
If a hacker knows the encryption algorithm, they can create a table of words and their corresponding encrypted values. So they take the encrypted password "00110010" and find it in the table. Now they know that the password used to generate "00110010" was the word "secret." If you salt the word first, then a generic lookup table will be useless to the hacker. (A generic lookup table being a table of unsalted dictionary words and their encrypted values)
If you salt the word first ("saltsecret"), now the encrypted value will look different, and the hacker wont find it in the lookup table.
However, they can still start creating their own lookup table from scratch using your salt and eventually they will be able to reverse lookup passwords.
So to answer the question, if the passwords are sufficiently complex, it will take ages for the hacker to figure them out. You could change your salt every year and they would have to start creating a table all over again.
No, it's not worthless.
To successfully attack an account, an attacker needs to know the salt for that account (and every account's salt should be different), the hashing algorightm used, and the final stored password hash.
Given all of that information, you can write a program that keeps trying to hash different potential passwords until it finds one that matches.
If it's a bad salt (too simple or short), this can be made much faster because the program can use rainbow lookup tables to match the final stored password hash to the string that was hashed, and then just subtract the salt. But they still need all the information.
If it's a shared salt, this is bad because an attacker and use the salt to generate a rainbow table in advance that's good for any account on your system.
Assuming brute force attack of MD5,SHA1,SHA256 algorithms with GPU has a throughput greater than 1 billion of tries per second and SHA512 around 300M/s. If you use one of these algorithms, it will slow down hacker who used rainbow table (less likely), but it will not slow down hacker who used brute force attack (more likely). It will definitively not protect you, it just add a bit of security against outdated rainbow table (for these algo). A bit is better than nothing.
But if you use a strongest algorithm (eg. bcrypt), salt definitively worth it even if stored with hash because brut force is not feasible in term of time so rainbow make sense.
Have a look at this
article and to summarize:
If you are a user:
Make sure all your passwords are 12 characters or more, ideally a lot more. I recommend adopting pass phrases, which are not only a lot easier to remember than passwords (if not type) but also ridiculously secure against brute forcing purely due to their length.
If you are a developer:
Use bcrypt or PBKDF2 exclusively to hash anything you need to be secure. These new hashes were specifically designed to be difficult to implement on GPUs. Do not use any other form of hash. Almost every other popular hashing scheme is vulnerable to brute forcing by arrays of commodity GPUs, which only get faster and more parallel and easier to program for every year.
Posted by Jeff Atwood

Are hashed and salted passwords secure against dictionary attacks?

I understand that salts make the same password hash to different values. However, salts are usually stored in the database with the password. So let's say I am attacker, here is how I might use a dictionary attack against a salt (note in this example i don't write out 128 bit hashes or salts for the sake of brevity):
user_pw = 'blowfish'
email = ''
hash = '1234567890'
salt = '0987654321'
function attack(){
for each(word in dictionary)
md5( word * salt ) == hash ? cracked_one(email, word)
I understand this prevents hackers from using rainbow tables...but doesn't seem to prevent dictionary attacks. I guess you could add something else to the hash algorithm, but with security we must assume that the method of attack is known.
So it seems that salting prevents hackers from figuring out which passwords are likely to be dictionary passwords (ones that multiple users have) and prevents rainbow attacks...but does not prevent dictionary attacks.
Is this a correct analysis? Any suggestions for better security?
Salt doesn't prevent dictionary attacks, just precalculated dictionary attacks. In particular, it protects against rainbow tables ( and also ensures that cracking one user's password doesn't automatically let you crack any user who shares that password.
The article I linked to mentions some ways to improve upon salting, incudling key strengthening (
Nothing keeps an attacker from just guessing the password.
Salts just make it harder by forcing an attacker to hash the dictionary on a per-user (effectively, per-salt) basis.
To improve security, a tunable hash function is your best bet. Crank the time-per-hash up, making dictionary attacks impractical on whatever hardware your attacker is likely to have available.
Basically, read this.
That's correct. If someone got the password material, a dictionary attack would be effective.
To guard against this:
Make sure your passwords aren't subject to dictionary attacks.
Make sure your password file (/etc/shadow) is readable only by root.
Without salt, the attacker can generate hashes for every word in his dictionnary then run the new dictionnary against your passwords list
With salt, each password is hashed with a random string so even with the prior hashed dictionnary knowledge, he still have to re-create a new hashed dictionnary containing the salt for every different salt in your database.
Just think of dictionnaries tables as a subset (small portion) of the rainbow tables. While rainbow tables can contain billions of entries, dictionnaries contain "known words", so maybe a few million entries at most.
The reason why rainbow tables fail against salt is because the re-creation process would be "billions of entries" of recalculation while dictionnary attacks are still "few millions of entries". The salt just blocks precomputed values
Your logic is sound, but in reality, with enough computing power and time, there is no protection against dictionary/brute-force attacks.
