Find average google pagerank for particular keywords - search

I need to develop web-based application that can compute or analyze the google average page rank of a keyword. It is the top 10 sites of that keyword in google. It is telling the script to add the pr of each 10 sites and divide it to 10.
Let say, I will input 500 keywords in a web-form then click Get Average Page Rank. It will give result of 500 keywords with average PR beside each one of it.
Option to sort PR from higher to lower, option to download as CSV. Option to use proxy server so not to get banned by google for many inquiry in one time.
The interface is like the text box to input keywords .output below but in 2 columns. 1 column for keyword and 1 column for average pr.
is there any google api available for this purpose ?
Thank you!

There is no Google API for that and the very idea that there is a global average rank for a given keyword is flawed. A keyword's influence depends on the page's niche and the user's search request.


What is foursquare place price options?

I am integrating foursquare place api.
They provide place price as numeric value (1~4)
This is their official doc
I want to know exact price value.
For example, for 1 Cheap => 1$ ~ 100$
They have no explain about this.
Where can I get this info?
The price value is a relative allocation. The algorithm scraped menu prices and does a comparison of nearby places (simplest way to explain it). So there isn't an actual dollar amount assigned to any tier.

How to score different Ads based on data of sequential steps in a sales funnel?

we run an eCommerce store and constantly create & test new Facebook Ads. Now I am looking for a good way to create a scoring for these ads. Basically it is a very simple problem, but I can't get my head around it.
For each Facebook Ad, I have this data:
Budget Spent
Product Page Visited
The most important event obviously is the purchase. So in a perfect world with huge amount of data per ad I would simply calculate the cost per purchase (= Budget Spent / Purchases) and know, which is my best ad. But here comes the problem..
On each ad we don't have much data. So let's say we have:
AD 1
50€ Budget Spent
10.000 Impressions
200 Clicks
50 Product Page Visits
2 Purchases
= 25€ per purchase
AD 2
50€ Budget Spent
10.000 Impressions
400 Clicks
130 Product Page Visits
1 Purchases
= 50€ per purchase
Simply based on the cost per purchase, I would choose AD1. But when I am looking at the data of the previous steps (clicks and product-page-visits), AD2 looks more promising.
How can I create a score value, that tells me which ad will likely generate the better cost per purchase in the long run, considering also the values of the previous steps?
That score value should take into account the data of the previous steps. So if we have less purchase-data, it should strongly rely on the previous data and if we have much purchase-data, it should rely less on previous data (and more on the actual cost per purchase).
I think of something like:
Use the click-rate as the base score (because we have much data for this)
then modify that score with the values of the following steps but in a weighted-way. So the more data we have on the following steps, the more the score moves toward that values.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Best Regards

Power BI - Natural Query Language on direct connection

Is it possible to intercept the SQL message between Power BI Ask a Question front end and back end? In order to control the answers that are presented in visualisations, so that small numbers are always suppressed? This is in the health setting where privacy is important.
For example, the NQL question: "how many patients were admitted by ward on xx/xx/2017?" will produce a bar chart showing record count by ward. If any of the values are less than 5, I want to be able to suppress that value by rounding it up to 5.
I have tried a custom measure (let's call it "admissions"), but that is only invoked if the user specifically uses the name of the measure in the query. So, "total admissions by ward..." works ok, but if the word admissions is left out, then it just shows a record count ("total by ward...")

Excel Index Function

I just want to thank you guys in advance. I think you guys are doing a great job in helping people out with programming stuff. Pats on the back for all of you.
Here is what I've been working on: I have daily stock price return data on about 4000 stocks. I want to add them to my portfolio after observing their performance for 12 months. I will choose the top 10% best performers and bottom 10% worst performers. I will create multiple portfolios over a period of time. I have done that with no problem.
I want to use the INDEX function to calculate the daily return of my portfolio. Not all 4000 stocks are in my portfolio, about 300 stocks are in my portfolio at any given time. The daily portfolio returns will be calculated by multiplying the weights (they are equal weighted, so 1/300) to that stock's return on the specific date. I assume it has to do with a combination of INDEX, SUMPRODUCT, and IF or MATCH functions.
I have been thinking this for a long time and I just can't get to the bottom of it. I have attached pictures for a portion of what I was working on. I think will give you a good picture of what I'm trying to do. I bet this is such an easy thing for you guys. I hope you can help me out! Thanks again!
PICTURES:IN or OUT portfolio & Stock's individual returns
Not sure I understood your problem, but here is a trial suggestion:
You get data for 4000 stocks while you are monitoring 300. So, you need to find the correct one within your sheet (there will be 3700 that will not match anything).
If you have your stocks listed in, say, column "A", you could use the function LOOKUP (well explained in the Web). If you need to get the row of your stock, you can use the function MATCH.
If this is not what you are looking for, it means that I (at least) did not understand you, so you would need to add details to your question.

MS Access 2003 - Calculating an average based on qty sold/per site with supply %

Here is another question I have about being able to calculate this scenario in Access, or even at all for that matter:
I have a query that find the TOP 5 items sold in a given timeframe, and it groups by site. I use this to create a comparative chart between the site for ppt presentations. I do a lot of these but I have a problem with the presentation that I foresee they will have a problem with and it makes for bad metrics:
Some stores are bigger than others, and get much more supply. So a straight aggregate total of just qty of toping selling items, and comparing the locations is stacking the deck a little.
So if Site A gets 80% of the supply, and sells 500, Site B gets 15% supply and sell 75, and site C get 5% supply and sells 50 items, then Site C actually has the best sales for their size. I have exactly what I need in terms in the first chart (from my queries and such) to show the aggregate total, but what do I need to represent the idea mentioned above.
The factors that I have that go into this are:
ItemID - group by
Item - group by
qty sold - sum/descending (which is the variable that determines the Top 5)
Store/Location - Group By
and then I run a seperate query to get the total deliveries (supply) to each site
I realize that this may just be a lack of mathmatical understanding on my part, but can anyone help with this?
The first issue that I see isn't about SQL savvy; it's how to serve your data customer. What does he or she want to see? Metrics is a term with a holy ring, and for good reason: it's supposed to be what is used for the big business decisions, and it's scary easy to measure the wrong thing.
So I'd make sure I know what my customer wants. If you can't model it on a spreadsheet, you won't be able to develop your reporting effectively.
Every deck of cards is loaded. You have to know how they want it loaded.
