javac error message does not display entire filepath - vim

When using javac (or the ant task ), the error message does not include the entire filepath, it only includes the file name. For example,
$ javac src/path/to/ package does not exist
What I would like is,
$ javac src/path/to/
src/path/to/ package does not exist
My problem is that vim quickfix does not work if it's not given the entire filepath, not just the filename. With just the filename, a new empty file is opened up after running :make.
I'm using:
Debian wheezy
openjdk-6-jdk v6b23~pre7-1
javac v1.6.0_23

I don't think there is a simple way to do this.
However, I believe that there is a complicated way. It basically involves writing your own compiler runner that makes use of a JDK installation's ability to load and run the Java compiler inside of a running program. You need to implement a lot of stuff, but the key thing is a diagnostic processor that formats the compiler error messages in the way that you need them to be formatted.
Here are some relevant links:
Package - provides interfaces for tools which can be invoked from a program, for example, compilers.
JavaCompiler - the interface implemented by the compiler
FileObject - the interface that the compiler uses to represent source files; e.g. in diagnostics. Note the toUri() method!


How to configure the DotNet SDK used by FSAC –or– DLL Hell on Ubuntu

I'm learning F#, never having used any DotNet nor Mono before. I like the language, but I'm having a hard time with the myriad runtime versions and how to tell the various tools which version to use.
Summary: it appears DLL Hell on Ubuntu is a thing. How can I tell FSAC to run its auto-complete magic against the latest runtime version, namely Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.1.5, instead of whatever older incarnation it decided to use?
Longish explanation.
My platform is Ubuntu 18.04 amd64. I have installed the latest DotNet Core, specifically the packages dotnet-sdk-2.1 (version 2.1.403-1) and its dependencies dotnet-host, dotnet-runtime-2.1, etc. (which are all version 2.1.5-1). I also have Mono installed, because many tools apparently rely on it.
When I try to use some features that were recently added to DotNet Core, it feels like I'm uncovering a Pandora Box.
Take this example, which uses the new ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList:
#r "System.Diagnostics.Process.dll"
open System.Diagnostics
let execute exe args =
let proc = new Process()
proc.StartInfo.FileName <- exe
for arg in args do proc.StartInfo.ArgumentList.Add arg
proc.Start() |> ignore
execute "echo" ["foo"; "baz"]
If I naively try to run it with /usr/bin/fsharpi (which exec's /usr/bin/mono /usr/lib/mono/fsharp/fsi.exe) I get a "ArgumentList is not defined" error. Fair enough, I guess?
If I run it with /usr/bin/dotnet /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.403/FSharp/fsi.exe it works! It took me a long time to figure out I could even do it, but at last I'm on the right path.
But if I load the file in any IDE, such as VSCode with the Ionide plugin, or Sublime Text with the FSharp plugin, they still flag ArgumentList as invalid. Sublime's plugin also flags the #r line as invalid, but doesn't tell me why.
Focusing on Sublime's plugin and digging into the code, it appears that it relies on a tool called FsAutoComplete aka. fsac and on Linux explicitly invokes it with mono.
I tried running the FSAC tool with DotNet Core, but it fails to find some library or other:
$ cd .config/sublime-text-3/Packages/FSharp/fsac/fsac/
$ dotnet fsautocomplete.exe
A fatal error was encountered. The library '' required to execute the application was not found in '/home/tobia/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/FSharp/fsac/fsac/'.
Failed to run as a self-contained app. If this should be a framework-dependent app, add the /home/tobia/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/FSharp/fsac/fsac/fsautocomplete.runtimeconfig.json file specifying the appropriate framework.
If I take a filesystem approach and search for System.Diagnostics.Process.dll, I'm baffled by the results:
Plus another dozen in my home directory, under ~/.nuget. That's insane.
To begin with, the entire /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/NuGetFallbackFolder subtree does not seem to be owned by any Deb package, which is worrisome enough. The others belong to these packages:
mono-devel: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Facades/System.Diagnostics.Process.dll
mono-devel: /usr/lib/mono/4.7.1-api/Facades/System.Diagnostics.Process.dll
msbuild: /usr/lib/mono/xbuild/Microsoft/Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions/net461/lib/System.Diagnostics.Process.dll
dotnet-sdk-2.1: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.403/Microsoft/Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions/net461/lib/System.Diagnostics.Process.dll
(*) dotnet-runtime-2.1: /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/2.1.5/System.Diagnostics.Process.dll
Running a simple Grep shows that only the last one marked with (*) knows anything about ArgumentList.
So all these other libraries are older / legacy versions, including the one in dotnet-sdk-2.1 itself.
I can only presume that the SDK, aka. the compilers and interpreters, are built against an older version of the runtime / system libraries than the one they build code against. Which is an interesting choice, to say the least.
Taking a process approach, lsof tells me that the FSAC process has only opened DLL files from inside /usr/lib/mono and from its own local directory. This is not promising.
Is there a way to tell FSAC to use the Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.1.5 runtime / system libraries for its autocomplete and linting work?

Can I tell FIND_LIBRARY to run after my *custom* dependency has been built?

[Note: This is ALMOST a duplicate of Linking to a library that hasn't been built yet with CMake, but in this case the unbuilt library is coming from an ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET rather than an ADD_LIBRARY, so CMake can't work its usual magic so effectively.]
One of my CMake 2.8 projects currently has the following code:
# the COMMAND was heavily simplified but you get the idea
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(custom_breakpad_target ALL
COMMAND cd ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/google-breakpad && make
# now here we are in the root "CMakeLists.txt"
# ...many lines of code...
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(hello custom_breakpad_target)
I know that LINK_DIRECTORIES has been deprecated (or at least disdained) because of its weird placement (it has to go before ADD_EXECUTABLE even though we'd really like to put it down next to the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES). Also, there's this nifty new command FIND_LIBRARY. So I'd like to write the root "CMakeLists.txt" more like this:
# ...many lines of code...
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(hello custom_breakpad_target)
FIND_LIBRARY(breakpad breakpad ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/google-breakpad/src/client/linux)
This code works fine... until I "make clean". The next rebuild fails to find breakpad, because it has been rm'ed and not created again yet by the time the FIND_LIBRARY runs.
How can I make this work? or make something work that's more elegant than what I've got?
So far, the best I've got is
# ...many lines of code...
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(hello custom_breakpad_target)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(hello ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/google-breakpad/src/client/linux/libbreakpad_client.a)
This has the aesthetic disadvantage of having to explicitly write out the "libxxx.a" filename, whereas, as I understand it, FIND_LIBRARY would uncomplainingly continue to work even if we switched to "".
Building external targets through custom commands is very difficult to get right. CMake offers the ExternalProject module to assist with that.
With this module external libraries get build at CMake configure time - that is when running cmake for the first time and not when running make to build your actual project. This has the advantage that all of the files are already in place when configuring your project, so it is easy to locate them using a find script or a CMake configure file.
This approach of course only makes sense if the external library does not change frequently, because rebuilding the library requires running CMake again. If you need to recompile the external library upon changes by just running make, the best way to make it work is still to write a full-fledged CMakeLists.txt for it and pull that in with add_subdirectory.

Haskell "Could not find module ---" Quipper

I am extremely new to haskell and I have been searching all over the web but I haven't been able to solve my problem. I downloaded the Quipper package but I have not been able to get haskell to recognize where all of the modules and files are and how to properly link everything.
I have downloaded all of the files and programs and installed them properly, I just dont know how to get haskell to recognize the quipper libraries and templates. Evey time I try:
:load And_gate.hs or some other file.
I get:
Could not find module "Quipper" or its respective modules it requires.
I don't think it is an error or anything, I think it is just my lack of knowledge on how haskell works.
I'm using windows 7.
So I emailed Peter Selinger, one of the professors who created Quipper.
The only thing I need to do extra was inside MSYS:
ghci -iC:/quipper -iC:/quipper/quipper
This complies everything correctly and the files run properly.
Here is his email to me:
Dear -----,
thanks for writing. Let me see if I can help.
Are you following the instructions in the README file? Under "Building
the various algorithms and programs", the instruction is to run
"make". This would build all of the tests in the "tests" directory
Next, to compile a Quipper program, you should use the "quipper"
script that is located in quipper/scripts. It works just like "ghc",
except that it automatically includes the correct directories for
Quipper's files in the search path. On Windows, you would be using
Quipper is not really meant to be run interactively, i.e., from ghci.
However, if you do need to run Quipper interactively, I recommend
using the "quipperi" script, also in quipper/scripts. This too would
set the load paths correctly. In Windows, use "quipperi.bat".
Finally, if you need to include Quipper stuff from ghci, but for some
reason can't or don't want to use the quipperi script, you need to
specify those directories with the "-i" option, for example
ghci -iC:/quipper -iC:/quipper/quipper
It could be that in Windows, you need to use "\" instead of "/", but I
am not sure if this is necessary.
I hope this helps, -- Peter
When compiling and exe with ghc just make sure you include the commands:
-iC:/quipper -iC:/quipper/quipper.
If you use the quipper script as suggested by Professor Selinger, inside of MSYS do the following:
Navigate to the folder in which all of the Quipper files are held, this was my case:
cd C:/quipper/quipper/scripts
Then type quipper and your file's location in MSYS to compile an exe like so:
quipper C:/quipper/tests/And_gate.hs
The file will compile and should print updates like so:
[1 of 22] Compiling Libraries.Typeable (......
[2 of 22] Compiling Libraries.Tuple (......
and so on.
The exe (in this case And_gate.exe) will be inside the folder it was compiled from (C:/quipper/tests). You'll need to move it to a folder that contains the acroread.bat which comes in quipper/scripts for it to work properly.
For some reason, this code isn't packaged as a standard Haskell package. It if were, installing it would be fairly simple. As it is, the instructions in the README file look awful (especially under Windows, where it looks like you need MSYS to run the makefile).
Your problem might be as simple as telling GHCi which folder to look in to find the files; you can do that using the :cd command. Since you're on Windows, I'd suggest trying WinGHCi, which should allow you to browse to the right folder using the GUI.
If it isn't that simple... really, as a Haskell beginner, you're probably going to struggle to get this working. The documentation looks pretty minimal.
If you red both README and and did everything as well, then you should add a path to Quipper's script folder to environment variable. Here is the path:
where quipper-* is a <distribution name>-<version>.
There are two important scripts in that folder. The first one is quipper.bat which runs a ghc compiler to run Quipper's modules. The second one is quipperi.bat which is a ghci analogue for Quipper.
Now, when you added a path to variable, you can run And_gate.hs in Quipper's interpreter as follows:
quipperi And_gate.hs

How to run a Scala program via cron?

I wrote a small Scala application. I have 2 classes in one source file including the App trait runner to start the program. It works just fine when I run it in the terminal:
scalac update.scala // compiling
scala update // run it
Now I want to run it with a cron job. For this I edited sudo crontab -e and added this:
*/2 * * * * scala /usr/bin/local/update
and made the script executable but nothing happend so far. I'm not sure how to do it:
Do I have to make a jar file for this?
Do I have to add this before my classes or not?
exec scala -savecompiled $0 $#
Does anyone have some experience with this?
Thanks in advance.
I suspect scala isn't in $PATH where cron can see it.
Try the following in a shell session:
$ which scala
Which should output something like "/opt/scala/2.9.1/bin/scala" or something. Could be in /usr/local, any number of places - java and the unix filesystem don't really play together nicely.
So now you have two options:
Put the folder where scala lives in the system path (This will usually involve editing /etc/profile, but you don't specify the OS so I can't say for sure)
(Easier) Just change the the cron entry to call /full/path/to/scala rather than just "scala"
The scala command expects the name of a compiled runnable object or a file containing a scala script source (or a runnable jar file) as the thing to run.
If you have in update.scala object update extends App (and no package declaration) then after scalac update.scala (which should have produced a bunch of *.class files) scala update is the right thing to run.
If the produced class files are not in the current directory then the -classpath option should be used to tell scala where to find them, as in eg. scala -classpath /usr/bin/local update, if the class files are indeed in /usr/bin/local.
Saying scala /usr/bin/local/update would make sense if the file /usr/bin/local/update (this exact name) contained scala script source (that is more or less a sequence of scala expressions not wrapped in a class or object).

How to determine the directory in which a running Haskell script or application lives?

I have a Haskell script that runs via a shebang line making use of the runhaskell utility. E.g...
#! /usr/bin/env runhaskell
module Main where
main = do { ... }
Now, I'd like to be able to determine the directory in which that script resides from within the script, itself. So, if the script lives in /home/me/my-haskell-app/script.hs, I should be able to run it from anywhere, using a relative or absolute path, and it should know it's located in the /home/me/my-haskell-app/ directory.
I thought the functionality available in the System.Environment module might be able to help, but it fell a little short. getProgName did not seem to provide useful file-path information. I found that the environment variable _ (that's an underscore) would sometimes contain the path to the script, as it was invoked; however, as soon as the script is invoked via some other program or parent script, that environment variable seems to lose its value (and I am needing to invoke my Haskell script from another, parent application).
Also useful-to-know would be whether I can determine the directory in which a pre-compiled Haskell executable lives, using the same technique or otherwise.
As I understand it, this is historically tricky in *nix. There are libraries for some languages to provide this behavior, including FindBin for Haskell:
I'm not sure what this will report with a script though. Probably the location of the binary that runhaskell compiled just prior to executing it.
Also, for compiled Haskell projects, the Cabal build system provides data-dir and data-files and the corresponding generated Paths_<yourproject>.hs for locating installed files for your project at runtime.
There is a FindBin package which seems to suit your needs and it also works for compiled programs.
For compiled executables, In GHC 7.6 or later you can use System.Environment.getExecutablePath.
getExecutablePath :: IO FilePathSource
Returns the absolute pathname of the current executable.
Note that for scripts and interactive sessions, this is the path to the
interpreter (e.g. ghci.)
There is executable-path which worked with my runghc script. FindBin didn't work for me as it returned my current directory instead of the script dir.
I could not find a way to determine script path from Haskell (which is a real pity IMHO). However, as a workaround, you can wrap your Haskell script inside a shell script:
SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname $0`
runhaskell <<EOF
main = putStrLn "My script is in \"$SCRIPT_DIR\""
