Rating screen using LWUIT - java-me

I want to create a MIDlet from where I call the class.In the class there is an Image Array which contain 10 images and default ration is 0.Now I want to know how to create the class when the MIDlet call the class suppose iRating=new Rating(3),where Rating is the class name.when I show() the form at that moment only 3 image will be highlighted rest are not,if I put 4 then 4 image will highlighted.Please help me how to do
the output will be as follow.
when we click the 3rd star then first three star will be highlighted rest are not.please suggest me how to do that.

I suggest you use a checkbox or toggle button (checkbox with setToggle(true)) and set the images appropriately. To place 5 of these just add them all into a horizontal layout container.


How to display the restricted rows in ListView

I have taken the horizontal list view.I am able to display the images in list view.It is displaying all the images horizontally.But my requirement is i need to show only 4 images in a row.If there is 5th image then it should come in the second row(for each row there should me only 4 images).How can i do this.Actually i am struck up here.I think you are able to understand my problem.Thank You.
I am using JavaFX 2.x
As far as I understand, if you need to allocate only 4 images in a row, and the 5th+ images transfer on the next row, you will be able to use a GridPane :
where you could obviously set position of ImageView. Seems, it works so : you determine your own ListCell, and set its graphic node to be a gridpane, and configure grid pane as you wish.
Also, take a look on a flow pane, possibly, it will help you.
If I'm wrong with a recipe, please, try to describe your trouble again (code/screenshot). I'm not comletely sure about it.

UICollectionView custom layouts

Hi I am beginning iOS development, and was playing around with UICollectionView. I was just wondering how you could achieve this type of layout. As shown below:
The idea is to have like a main news article in the big cell. Just confused how I am suppose to get two cells in the 2nd column. Much appreciated!
Create custom class which will act as layout for your collection view. This class will child class for UICollectionViewFlowLayout.
Then you can override below two methods and can create your own custom layout as you want.
- (NSArray*)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(CGRect)rect
- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)path
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes is class which will deal with cell position, frame, Zindex etc
You can also use below properties.

How to change Nokia full touch lwuit form header color

I want to to change the header color of nokia lwuit based full touch form and i have tried setTitleComponent method but it is not working. Please also check the following link
in which it is mentioned we cannot style the header but is it means we cannot change the bgcolor as well or put custom images in the header?
Note that when using LWUIT for Series 40 port, the default way of running LWUIT apps is a normal-size canvas in Series 40 full touch devices. Thus the Series 40 chrome shows on top of canvas. And there is no way of customising it (other than the title text).
If you want to provide branding elements to the title, the options are:
1. create an additional lable below the Series 40 headerbar
2. run the application in full-screen. We are planning to create a high-level API for this but currently it is already possible using the following trick:
((GameCanvas) (javax.microedition.lcdui.Display.getDisplay(this)).getCurrent()).setFullScreenMode(true);
In the latter option you will of course lose the Series 40 full touch layout.
Use lwuit source, you can change method visibility if required, this is example what i used to use gradient color
Here Color is my custom class that is used for color code, you can use your one.

LWUIT, How to create a custom label for form title

I want to know how to create a label that contains two icons, one on each side and set it as the title bar for the form element (LWUIT widgets).
Form has a function to get a titleArea then you can put some components what you want.
Form f = new Form();
Container c = f.getTitleArea();
Label iconLabel1 = new Label("leftIcon");//using Image
Label iconLabel2 = new Label("rightIcon");//using Image
c.addComponent(BorderLayout.WEST, iconLabel1);
c.addComponent(BorderLayout.EAST, iconLabel2);
You can just add a component to the north portion of the screen which is the recommended way that will work properly and won't break for newer versions of LWUIT/Codename One.
When you don't set a title it will just work and you can give it the Title UIID. LWUIT 1.5 and newer have a TitleArea container but I suggest you stay away from it since CodenameOne customizes it quite allot for iOS/Android 4.x etc.
Use the setTitleComponent(Label title) method.
Derive the Label class and implement the paint method where you can use the Graphics method to draw Images and texts. Also set the label's text position to Label.CENTER .

adding buttons dynamically in android

I'm new to android development and needs help here.I want to create a layout where buttons are added dynamically.In this the no of buttons to be added are decided on the fly.(at run time) i.e depending upon the number return by server i want to add buttons.below is the layout i want to create.Please suggest me suitable solution.I was trying creating this layout with table layout.Thank You
Read in your array of buttons and initialize your empty layout (i.e. setContentView). Then, create your buttons using the ImageButton constructor and call .addView(btn) from the layout where you want to insert the button. Don't forget to set any layout parameters you need.
