Standard location for external web (Grails) application config files on linux - linux

Is there a standard location on Linux (Ubuntu) to place external config files that a web application (Grails) uses?
UPDATE: Apparently, there is some confusion to my question. The way Grails handles config files is fine. I just want to know if there is a standard location on linux to place configuration files. Similar to how there is a standard for log files (/var/log). If it matters, I'm talking about a production system.

Linux configuration files typically reside in /etc. For example, apache configuration files live in /etc/httpd. Configuration file not associated with standard system packages often live in /usr/local/etc.
So I'd suggest /usr/local/etc/my-grails-app-name/. Beware that this means you can't run two different configurations of the same app on the same server.

I don't believe there is a standard location. You usually define the location for your external config files via the grails.config.locations property in config.groovy.
After reading your comment, I suppose the standard locations would be:
Somewhere on the classpath
In the .grails folder in your home directory.
As these are the defaults in config.groovy file.
grails.config.locations = [ "classpath:${appName}",

There's a plugin Standardized external configuration for your app which you might find useful if the grails.config.locations parameter is insufficient.


Eclipse workspace as project's system root referece

Is there a way to set up a project in Eclipse so that if my code has a reference to the system root directory then it will point to my workspace instead? (I am not seeing anything in the Run Configurations that would help me with this.) Something like the equivalent of making a sym link / that points to my workspace directory.
I'm working on a perl project that has absolute references to the hosting Linux file system in what would be the production environment. Those directories don't exist in my development Eclipse environment. My workspace is located in an NFS space mounted on a cluster of servers that run Eclipse I access in my laptop via client software.
So root can be any server's local space within the cluster and I don't have any access to anything above the workspace, and so I can't create the directory structures I need. I would rather not hard-code alternate directory paths to accommodate differences between the sandbox and production environments and having to comment them out when deploying to the prod environment.
I'm not finding a straightforward answer online. Maybe I'm not articulating the question correctly and help with that would also be appreciated if that is the case.
No. Good practice is to have paths like that configurable at runtime, usually via an environment variable or command line argument, specifically to accommodate changes between development, sandbox, and production environments.

Standard log locations for a cross platform application

I'm developing a cross-platform desktop application for Mac, Linux and Windows. The application will create a plain-text log file to help with debugging, amongst other things. What are people's recommendations for a sensible place to store the log on each of the platforms?
Here is my guess so far, based on web searches:
Mac: ~/Library/Logs/MY-APP-NAME/system.log
Linux: ~/.MY-APP-NAME/logs/system.log
Windows: %APPDATA%\MY-APP-NAME\logs\system.log
For Linux, the XDG Base Directory Specification is followed by some applications. Log files are not specifically called out as such. You can put them either into a subdirectory of the data directory ($XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share), where they will not be deleted automatically, or you could use a subdirectory of the cache directory ($XDG_CACHE or $HOME/.cache). In the latter case, the files could be automatically expired after some time.

Recommendations/best practices on custom node.js CLI tool config files: location & naming?

I'll try to keep this question short, but it is in 2 parts, please:
Where should config files for nodejs/npm CLI tools be saved?
What should they be called?
Let's say I write a node.js CLI tool that, for example, grabs today's weather and displays it in terminal. I call it weather-getter. Note, the main goal is not to be called programmatically, but typed into terminal like BASH. It is intended to be run by typing its simple name after installing globally, or via a directory in the user's local /bin. (Sudo is not required for its install.)
This project would be installed normally via npm. It can receive a zipcode via an argument like:
gavin#localhost:~$ weather-getter -z "12345"
OK the program works fine like this. My next step would be to allow the user to save a config file somewhere, and pull from that config file for defaults. Similar to a .vimrc file. This config might look like this:
"zipcode": "12345",
"language": "en",
"unit": "fahrenheit"
I suppose it should begin with a dot. I also suppose it should be located in the npm module install, and not in ~/. Or should I consider using ~/ or /etc/ or ~/.config or ~/.local like many other programs? Should node programs try to use a common directory, such as ~/.config/node/ or ~/.config/npm/? And if the file is in there, should it begin without the dot?
Note: My question is not about reading/writing a file with node.js, just recommendations on the config location and naming convention. Thank you!
Since this is a generic CLI application (which only so happens to be implemented in Node.js) installed into the system path, you should follow the best practices or rules established for the target operating system.
Unix/Linux/OS X, similar
In order of priority, these would be (but are not limited to):
~ (User's home folder) - many programs store user-level config in their home directory, usually in a dot-prefixed file, followed by the application's name (or similar) - i.e. ~/.weather-getter
/usr/local/etc, /etc - system-level configuration files. These should generally apply to all users in the system and thus should take less precedence than settings in home folder. The difference between these two etc paths is usually that the former is used for user-installed programs, whereas the latter is for system-level programs (this is especially true for Mac users using Homebrew). This distinction is, however, not always respected and therefore both locations should be checked for config files (preferrably with the /etc directory having lesser priority).
Your application's root - these should be the default settings for your application, a fallback when no user or system config has been found.
Other locations may be considered if needed.
This is usually somewhere within %APPDATA% directory if your app allows GUI or at least CLI configuration management, or the Windows registry (using winreg, for example). I have personally little experience with Windows development/CLI so I welcome any further comments or answers on this topic. I believe using the user's homefolder would also be acceptable as long as the file can be marked as hidden (so it does not clutter the view).
Some general considerations
Many CLI applications install their default configurations into one of the mentioned locations so the user has a good starting point when configuring your app
The way your configuration options are treated when multiple configuration files are present (are they merged in some order? Is only one used? Which one takes precedence?) is completely up to you, but you should make it clear in your documentation, perhaps even mention it in the configuration files themselves
If your application requires multiple configuration files it is preferred that they are grouped in their own folder
Update about dotfiles
The reason why some files or folders are prefixed with a dot is to hide them from users' normal view (i.e. when browsing their home directory via a GUI). It is therefore common practice to use dot-prefixed file/folder names when storing configuration files in directories where users normally operate, but not do so when storing config files in system-level folders.
The ospath package has a function data() which returns a sensible location for such files for each of the major platforms.

Program data folders in Linux

This is a more general and noob question. I am developing a small application in Linux (Ubuntu, to be more precise) and at this point I have an executable, a shared library (.so), a configuration file (.conf) with some settings to be read by the application at the beginning, a data folder with images and other resources to be used during the application life-time (resources that can be also modified, deleted) and of course, I would need some file for logs and messages (right now I am using syslog).
So, my question is, where should each one of these be stored when the application is installed on a client's computer? What is the standard way of organizing all the application's files in Linux? On Windows everything would be found usually in the C:\Program Files\(App Folder) but it looks like on Linux things are more (or less) organized. Can you give me some advices on this matter?
Program data were historically stored in dot-prefixed folders in user's home directory. Modern Linux distributions tends to use ~/.config/program_name folder.
For all files that will not be modified after distibution follow Linux standard:
Ex: project dir: ABC
sub directories:
logs - keep log files
conf - keep configuration files here
bin - executable binaries here
traps - any trap mesg
then depend on what application we develop
Along with you can set level for starting your application from boot level if required.

IIS Config file in virtual directory

I have multiple websites that all have the same code, but different app settings.
I want to place my app settings in a separate configuration file that is located in a virtual directory. This will allow me to have a single copy of all of the code shared across all of the sites with a different virtual directory for each site.
Unfortunately, when I try to configure this, IIS doesn't process the config file when it is in a virtual directory.
If you have a solution to this, I would appreciate your help.
Maybe using the machine.config file on your web server would be a suitable alternative? Otherwise you could create a web.config file in a global folder somewhere and open it using the WebConfigurationManager.OpenMappedWebConfiguration() method.
It's not possible to use a virtual directory (or even files outside of the current website; only the current folder, or a sub-folder).
One possible way to share setting across projects would be to do it at build-time - either by coping it in, or using a Linked File in VS to have it copied to the folder on publish.
If you really need this functionality on the server, you could try (though I can't say how well it would work) a Junction.
