Routes with parameters gets called twice? - node.js

I am creating a NodeJS web application via ExpressJS. I have the following two routes (among others):
app.get('/user/reset/verify', function(req, res) {
console.log("Executing verification index.");
app.get('/user/reset/verify/:email/:token', function(req, res) {
console.log("Executing verification change.");
When I go to the verification index page, I see "Executing verification index." printed once on the console. However, when I go to the verification change page, I see "Executing verification change." printed twice on the console.
I have noticed that this is a trend with the routes in my app. Routes that contain parameters are always executed twice, while routes without parameters are only (properly) executed once.
Why are the routes with parameters being executed twice?
The views that are being rendered only contain simple HTML - nothing that would cause another request to the page. Also, I am issuing these requests from a Chrome browser.
NodeJS: 0.5.5 windows build (running on Win 7)
Express: 2.4.6
Connect: 1.7.1

The second request is the /favicon.ico
Try to console log your request.url in your http_server request handler, you'll see the first is the browser url and the next the favicon.

If you are using chrome:
When you write your url chrome send a get request to check the url before you hit enter.
Try to log the middleware url console.log(req.url) position your console aside your broswer then start to write the url, you will see console logging a get access.


Page not changing onClick using useNavigate in React?

I have a very basic UI for a login page:
Upon clicking the LOGIN button, the following methods gets called:
async function loginPatient(){
let item ={username:userName, password};
let result = await fetch("http://localhost:8000/users/login",{
body: JSON.stringify(item)
result = await result.json();
At this point I simply want it to change the page when the button is clicked. My API returns the following information from the database:
To test I did console.log("hello world") in the first line of the function and it works
However, If I run console.log("hello world") after the let result = await fetch(...) part it does not work. How can I test this to see why it's not working ?
Here are the errors from the console:
I did not write the API and do not know how Node works yet, I am just doing the front end for this
The issue is code is never reaching after fetch line, basically request is failing, the error on console is saying the due to CORS issue, the request failed, and in your loginPatient function, you have not handled the failed case, if you just wrap your fetch call inside try/catch block, you will see your code will fall into fail block, as api failed.
You need to enable CORS on your server or backend, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources.
You can read more about cors at:
Looks like your client is on some other domain or port(if your are developing locally) than your server. You need to enable CORS permission for your client url.
And if you are using express for your backend, you can check the following url to enable cors.
And last thing why Postman is getting success response, because it is by passing this cors check, as Postman is making request from it's server to your direct server instead of browser.
First initialize you navigation variable as follows
const navigate =useNavigate()
then navigate to you specific route by returning you navigation variable as follows.
return navigation("/");
Happy Coding!

Https createServer, load cookie and load clients index.html

I am trying to setup a login system on a website.
In order to do that, I have to load http only cookies.
In order to load them, I have to send them back to the client via the response object in the createServer function when https starts up.
I have successfully done that via here:
setting up https cookie in nodejs
The problem is twofold.
The https server cookie only loads if I include the port number in the url.
How do I get it to load without including the port number?
When the server kicks in and loads the cookie, the static index.html that was always supposed to load on the client, doesn't load and instead all i get is what was written into the response object on the server. How do I get to load the cookie, and just load that static html file?
I have tried sending in the entire html file as a respnose from the server side. But I'm not sure about that, plus i get MIME type problems in the browser.
I am not sure for the first part but for 2nd one,
you have to properly mention about response data type in response header.
so your should be something like this one:
var app = express(); app.get('/test', function(req, res) { res.sendFile('views/test.html', {root:__dirname}) });
For your first part of the question "How do I get it to load without including the port number?" You can try creating virtual host e.g for localhost:3000 will be
And for your second part you need to serve index.html with render method as follow
server.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.render('index', { greeting: 'Welcome' });
Where index is you static file inside view directory.
I've created a small demo, that might get you on the right track:
This example includes:
https web server
websocket server
logic to get the cookies
serving a temp.html file without express
example of javascript class
example of dependency injection in nodejs

running function after res.send

I'm trying to run this code
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');
const response = {};
res.status(200).render('/default.js', { response });
await fn(response);
fn is a function that calls an api to a service that will output to the client something. but its dependent on the default.js file to be loaded first. How can do something like
res.render('/default.js', { response }).then(async() => {
await fn(response);
tried it, but doesn't seem to like the then()
also, fn doesn't return data to the client, it calls an api service that is connected with the web sockets opened by the code from default.js that is rendered.
do i have to make an ajax request for the fn call and not call it internally?
any ideas?
Once you call res.render(), you can send no more data to the client, the http response has been sent and the http connection is done - you can't send any more to it. So, it does you no good to try to add something more to the response after you call res.render().
It sounds like you're trying to put some data INTO the script that you send to the browser. Your choices for that are to either:
Get the data you need to with let data = await fn() before you call res.render() and then pass that to res.render() so your template engine can put that data into the script file that you send the server (before you send it).
You will need to change the script file template to be able to do this so it has appropriate directives to insert data into the script file and you will have to be very careful to format the data as Javascript data structures.
Have a script in the page make an ajax call to get the desired data and then do your task in client-side Javascript after the page is already up and running.
It looks like it might be helpful for you to understand the exact sequence of things between browser and server.
Browser is displaying some web page.
User clicks on a link to a new web page.
Browser requests new web page from the server for a particular URL.
Server delivers HTML page for that URL.
Browser parses that HTML page and discovers some other resources required to render the page (script files, CSS files, images, fonts, etc...)
Browser requests each of those other resources from the server
Server gets a request for each separate resource and returns each one of them to the browser.
Browser incorporates those resources into the HTML page it previously downloaded and parsed.
Any client side scripts it retrieved for that page are then run.
So, the code you show appears to be a route for one of script files (in step 5 above). This is where it fits into the overall scheme of loading a page. Once you've returned the script file to the client with res.render(), it has been sent and that request is done. The browser isn't connected to your server anymore for that resource so you can't send anything else on that same request.

Express redirect sends correct file however the browser does not load this file

I have a post request that essential does the following'/delete_favourite', requireLogin, function(req, res) {
This returns the URL of the page that made the request and so essentially should reload it. When I press on the button that causes this post request to happen the new html file is received in the browser (i can see this in the network tab of the chrome inspector) however it does not get rendered and the page just remains on its current page

Express wont match url to route when coming from remote server

I'm setting up a site that posts to a remote server. The user performs some steps on this remote server and when the user is done. The server issues a get request with a bunch of query parameters to my server.
The thing is that this request never arrives at the controller method it is supposed to.
I have a custom middleware that intercepts all requests and i am doing some logging in there, i can see there every time this request arrives to my server but express doesn't seem to match it to the controller.
However if i go into my browser and do the request from there with the exact same path and query string it works fine.
I thought maybe the remote server was using a proxy so i enabled trust proxy in express but that didn't make any difference.
I have tried changing the route path and that didn't make a difference.
I don't know what code would be helpful since it is pretty standard express code. I have tried putting the route before all the middleware and the request still bypassed the controller and was logged by my logging middleware.
I'm completely baffled, anyone got any idea what could be causing this?
Here is some of the code I'm using. This is not the exact setup I'm trying but I have tried to make it work this way to rule out my routing logic and this example has the exact same problem. I tried putting the app.get above the middleware and the request from the external server still bypassed the app.get and went directly to the middleware.
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
console.log('path', req.method, req.path, req.query);
app.get('/payments/success', function (req, res) {
console.log('SUCCESS', req.query);
Here is the result of the middleware logging a request arriving from the remote server(i removed the variables logged from the request query because it is sensitive information, they are returned just the way they are supposed to):
path GET /payment/success {
variable: 'variable",
If anyone needs any more information from the request object i will provide it.
