How to pass value from controller to view - kohana-3

i want to pass a variable to view file. i am using the following code:
View::factory('admin/modules/video_category')->set($x, $parent_id);
to pass value of $parent_id to $x but $x variable is showing null.
please advise how to do this correctly.

View::factory('some_view')->set('variable_name', $value);
and than in the view, you can call $variable_name.


Powershell: Pass result of Get-AzTableRow to function

I am using below PowerShell code in azure functions to retrieve rows of users in azure table who belongs to a particular location.
$Rows = Get-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -customFilter "((Location eq '$loc') and (PartitionKey eq 'User'))"
Next, I need to pass the result ($Rows) of the above query to a function as parameter. Tried to define the function as
function display_rows($param){
$tempcount = $param.Count
for($i=0; $i -lt $tempcount; $i++){
...code body...
and invoke the function as display_rows "$Rows". But it seems it's not working as intended. Is this the proper way to pass the result of Get-AzTableRow to a function? please help me with this.
the basic problem is that you are sending a "stringified" version of the object to the function. [grin]
when you do ...
display_rows "$Rows"
... are not sending the object in $Rows to the function. you are converting that object into a string and sending that.
that simple string object aint what you want. [grin] you want the complex object instead.
so, the fix is to NOT wrap $Rows in double quotes. just use it bare, like so ...
display_rows $Rows
that will send the object contained in the $Var to the function, not the .ToString() of that object.
as an aside, you otta NEVER use quotes around a $Var unless you are sure you need them.

Evaluate variable value from string dynamically

We need to get the value of dynamically constructed variables.
What I mean is we have a variable loaded from a property file called data8967677878788node. So when we run echo $data8967677878788node we get the output test.
Now in data8967677878788node the number part 8967677878788 needs to be dynamic. That means there could be variables like
and such.
The number is an input argument to the script. So we need something like this to work
TESTVAR="data`echo $DATANUMBER`node"
echo $$TESTVAR #This line gives the value "test"
Any idea on how this can be accomplished
You can use BASH's indirect variable expansion:
myfunc() {
echo "${!var1}"
And call it as:
myfunc 346346367
Your code is actually already pretty close to working, it just needs to be modified slightly:
TESTVAR="data`echo $DATANUMBER`node"
echo ${!TESTVAR}
If $DATANUMBER has the value 12345 and $data12345node has the value test then the above snippet will output test.

how to get the data in url using groovy code?

i want to get defect id from the url using groovy code (To build custom code in tasktop).
for example: I will have an dynamic url generated say now I want to retrieve that letter that always starts from 17th position. and return the string
Please help..
Thanks in advance
Here are two possibilities. Please note that the "substring" option is very strict and will always start from the 16th position (what happens if the domain changes from to
def str = '';
def pieces = str.tokenize('/'); // prints defect_123
def from16 = str.substring(16); // prints defect_123/
println from16;
println pieces.last();
You should define this as dynamic url in UrlMappings.groovy file:
"$defect_id" (controller: 'YourController', action: 'method_name')
and you can access the defect_id variable from YourController using params.defect_id

computed field value in xpages

I am trying to update a computed fields value on click of a button with a value of a edit box + its own value.
Code written on button: here i put value of edit box in scope variable and make edit box blank. comment_te is the name of edit box
requestScope.put("commentValue", getComponent("comments_te").getValue);
Code written for value of computed field: comments is the name of computed field
getComponent("comments").getValue + "\n" + requestScope.get("commentValue")
But I get the output is:
Please help me with this.
You're missing the parentheses in your calls to getValue(). By omitting these, you're returning a pointer to the getValue method of the component, not the result of invoking that method. Change each reference to getValue to getValue(), and you'll get a different result.
Your code returning the Object.
Try the following.
This following code get the the editbox value and set to a scope variable.
requestScope.commentValue = getComponent("comments_te").value;
getComponent("comments_te").value = "";
This following code sets the value to the computed field.
getComponent("comments").value = getComponent("comments").value + "\n" + requestScope.commentValue;
When you are appending the value to the computed field, as default it will add 0 to its value. Do the validation if you want.
I hope this helps you...!!!

preg_replace: reference object in replacement

Do you know of any way to reference an object in the replacement part of preg_replace. I'm trying to replace placeholders (delimited with precentage signs) in a string with the values of attributes of an object. This will be executed in the object itself, so I tried all kinds of ways to refer to $this with the /e modifier. Something like this:
/* for instance, I'm trying to replace
* %firstName% with $this->firstName
* %lastName% with $this->lastName
* etc..
$result = preg_replace( '~(%(.*?)%)~e', "${'this}->{'\\2'}", $template );
I can't get any variation on this theme to work. One of the messages I've been getting is: Can't convert object Model_User to string.
But of course, it's not my intention to convert the object represented by $this to a string... I want to grab the attribute of the object that matches the placeholder (without the percentage signs of course).
I think I'm on the right track with the /e modifier. But not entirely sure about this either. Maybe this can be achieved much more simple?
Any ideas about this? Thank you in advance.
Like I commented to Paul's answer: in the meanwhile I found the solution myself. The solution is much more simple than I thought. I shouldn't have used double quotes.
The solution is as simple as this:
$result = preg_replace( '~(%(.*?)%)~e', '$this->\\2', $template );
Hope this helps anyone else for future reference.
Check out preg_replace_callback - here's how you might use it.
class YourObject
//add a method like this to your class to act as a callback
//for preg_replace_callback...
function doReplace($matches)
return $this->{$matches[2]};
//here's how you might use it
$result = preg_replace_callback(
array($yourObj, "doReplace"),
Alternatively, using the /e modifier, you could maybe try this. I think the only way to make it work for your case would be to put your object into global scope
$result = preg_replace( '~(%(.*?)%)~e', "\$GLOBALS['yourObj']->\\2", $template );
