- Is there a way to run a batch file that will copy (msi) files to another server in a different domain? -

I have an issue where I am trying to copy files(msi) from our build server to our Test server in CruiseControl. Once these are copied over we are planning on having a Scheduled Task that will run silent installs nightly. I need to be able to push back to CruiseControl the status of that build.
I am having issues copying these files from a batch file that is being run in our cruisecontrol prooject. I'm pretty sure its a permissions issue.
Also is there a way to push the build status back to CruiseControl so that it could tell us when the install failed?

Not a simple solution available, I'm afraid. Only time I saw anything similar done was using a python script to invoke commands on a remote system using ssh.


Bamboo plan: Compress the artifact after build and uncompress after deployment to server

This is my first time where I am both learning and implementing automated CICD pipelines in Atlassian bamboo. I have a NodeJS project whose build and deployment plan I configured after much R&D over the net.
In the deployment process, I observed that the deployment is taking very much time as the number of files to be transferred are more in numbers due to node_modules probably. I would like to compress the artifact generated after build steps and want to decompress at server side once the transfer is complete.
I tried finding ZIP in the tool tasks but it is not there. My question is that is it possible in any other way. Is doing it via cmd works & is feasible?
I have a little experience over the Linux commands.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
In my company we use an Ant task including ivy to prepare, zip and publish our projects as artifacts. In the deployment we use an SCP Task to copy the artifact onto our server and an SSH task to unzip it.
So our whole build part is implemented in ant and the only thing our bamboo build does, is checking out a git repository and running the ant script.
That workflow is used for a lot of different projects including nodejs, python, java, c++ or pure text file setups and it works really well.
But a normal script task for zipping should also do the job and depending on the scale of your projects Ant may be an overkill.
I think its possible to use win/linux commands for acheiving your requirement. you would need to write a task to compress the files you can use shell plugin or any other suitable plugin. once the artifact is sent to server you would need a pooling batch program to unzip your artifact at the server end.

Azure web app - syncing files from external process

This question feels so simple that I'm confused why I can't find an answer!
We have an Azure web app, typically running on 2 to 5 instances.
At the moment we manually run a quite intensive PHP script a few times a day on a local computer to generate a folder of files. (The resulting folder isn't huge - typically about 10MB in size and a few hundred files in total.) We then sync them via Github and they deploy to the website. Easy.
That process is fine, but we want to move the PHP script to Azure so we can remove the dependency on running it locally and instead run it as a chron job.
How can we reliably sync the outputted folder from our script into our web app?
One option is to use a triggered WebJob with a cron schedule. Your WebJob can contain just your PHP script. Or if it needs a special command line to run, include a run.cmd batch file with the full PHP command line.
In your PHP script, do whatever you need to gather the right set of files, and then just copy them to %home%\site\wwwroot\json-data.
For this to work, everything you need to do within your PHP script needs to be runnable within the App Service sandbox. You should first try this directly from Kudu Console before moving it to a WebJob, to make sure everything can run.
Set your web app deployment source to Local Git. After that push your code to WebApp by Git Push . I am not sure about PHP build process but when you push your code to AzureWeb app via LocalGit method it builds and restores all dependencies and deploy it . For custom build script you can refer

How to deploy Go program from windows to CentOS server

I have a Go package running on Windows and is working fine but now I'm at a stage where I would like to test this on production CentOS 6.5 server.
What is the best practice to deploy this from Windows to CentOS?
Would I have to use my Git repo to distribute to Linux operating system, compile then deploy the binary to the server?
Also I have multiple files, so I would imagine go build *.go would suffice or are there better options for doing compilation?
What is the best practice to deploy this from Windows to CentOS?
As far as best practices go I would recommend using continuous integration. You can setup jenkins, or there are some cloud options out there:,,,, ... Some of them have free plans available.
Basically you'd commit your code to git and push that out to Github (or Bitbucket if you want free private repos). The continuous integration server will be notified whenever you push out changes, and will build, test and create a release tar archive of your project. You can then take this resulting tar and download it to your CentOS box. In 6.5 you'll need to create an init.d script to keep your program up and running. You can see an example here (the system v script).
CentoOS 7 uses systemd now which would be slightly easier to setup.
Taking this one step further it's also possible to setup continuos deployment, in which the download, extraction and installation can also be automated. Depending on your project it may or may not make sense to set up continuous deployment. (Auto-pushing to production might be a little too automatic) You can find an example in wercker here.
Although there is an an up-front cost to setting up continuous integration if this is a project that other people will contribute too, or one that you intend to work on long-term, the cost will definitely be worth it. (Future you will be greatful when you come back to this project 6 months from now, change 1 line of code, and don't have to remember all the manual steps it took to deploy)

How to run the publish/clickonce build step in Jenkins (VS2012)

We have a simple C# solution (VS 2012) that has a publish step/click once wizard - that uses ftp.
I've set up a jenkins build project to build this on SVN trigger. (via MSBuild)
I have NOT been able to get it to build (via MSBuild) the publish/click once installer and upload to my server. I have looked around and searched but i see no way to do this. It seems silly that this would be a manual step.
Hopefully this is something simple that I am overlooking.
Any command line app would be suitable - or if there are scripts that can do the same thing that VS2012 does in the wizard that is fine.
I guess you need this then:
msbuild /target:publish
see more here: Building ClickOnce Applications from the Command Line
this will create "publish" folder - which you have to copy to your server, or network share - whatever you are using for the distribution of your app.
Another problem you have to take care of is to increase the version before the build - you need to update csproj file eventually.

which directory should I checkout our java project files into for a team build

we use svn(subversion) for our source repository. On the same box, we build our project PLUS deploy it onto an appserver. All the team members(under 10, in number) will login to the Linux (ubuntu server) box and run the build script.
Question : I would like to know which directory is typically used for creating the home directory for the subversion checkout and doing the build. What type of permissions should I be giving so that the teammembers can come in to that dir, update the source code(svn update) and run the build script (ant).
P.S : I'm also interested in any understand best-practices.
Thank you,
Sounds like you need a Continuous Integration server. Install Hudson on the server and use that instead.
Hudson will automatically check out changes from Subversion and build them when something is checked in. You can also make it deploy to an app server after a successful build. And you can trigger builds manually if you want, for example for a release.
You'll find it very easy to get started with.
