Get current mouse position - java-me

It would seem a simple task, but I'm looking at a couple pair tens forums and haven't found the solution. How can I get the current mouse position in LWUIT?
Only here it is:
PointerInfo a = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo ();
Point point = new Point (a.getLocation ());
But it is not suitable for JavaME.
Are there other ways?

In LWUIT you can register your Form with the pointerListener : yourForm.addPointerPressedListener(this); , then you implement the code of the public void pointerPressed(int x, int y) method. And the x and y are the position you are looking for. So you must click the screen to obtain these values , that is the device is a tactile one.


Bounding Box intersection

To find elements that are intersecting a geometry I am using the example post by Jeremy in his blog But the bounding box is always paralell to the axis X, Y and Z and this may cause a problem, like return elements that are not really clashing, because sometimes the bounding box it's not always coincident with the geometry because the family instance is rotated. Besides that, there is the problem that the bounding box will consider the geometry of the symbol and not the instance, and will consider the flipped geometry too, it means that the bounding box is bigger than I am looking for. Is there a way to get the real geometry that are in the currently view ? How can I solve this problem ?
There are many way to address this. Generally, when performing clash detection, you will always run a super fast pre-processing step first to determine candidate elements, and then narrow down the search step by step more precisely in following steps. In this case, you can consider the bounding box intersection the first step, and then perform post-processing afterwards to narrow down the result to your exact goal.
One important question is: does the bounding box really give you all the elements you need, plus more? Are you sure there are none missing?
Once that is settled, all you need to do is add post-processing steps applying the detailed considerations that you care about.
A simple one might be: are all the target element geometry vertices contained in the target volume?
A more complex one might involve retrieving the full solid of the target element and the target volume and performing a Boolean intersection between them to determine completely and exactly whether they intersect, are disjunct, or contained in each other.
Many others are conceivable.
I am using another strategy that is acess the geometry of the instance to verify if the face of the family instace are clashing with a closer conduit.
class FindIntersection
public Conduit ConduitRun { get; set; }
public FamilyInstance Jbox { get; set; }
public List<Conduit> GetListOfConduits = new List<Conduit>();
public FindIntersection(FamilyInstance jbox, UIDocument uiDoc)
XYZ jboxPoint = (jbox.Location as LocationPoint).Point;
FilteredElementCollector filteredCloserConduits = new FilteredElementCollector(uiDoc.Document);
List<Element> listOfCloserConduit = filteredCloserConduits.OfClass(typeof(Conduit)).ToList().Where(x =>
((x as Conduit).Location as LocationCurve).Curve.GetEndPoint(0).DistanceTo(jboxPoint) < 30 ||
((x as Conduit).Location as LocationCurve).Curve.GetEndPoint(1).DistanceTo(jboxPoint) < 30).ToList();
//getting the location of the box and all conduit around.
Options opt = new Options();
opt.View = uiDoc.ActiveView;
GeometryElement geoEle = jbox.get_Geometry(opt);
//getting the geometry of the element to acess the geometry of the instance.
foreach (GeometryObject geomObje1 in geoEle)
GeometryElement geoInstance = (geomObje1 as GeometryInstance).GetInstanceGeometry();
//the geometry of the family instance can be acess by this method that returns a GeometryElement type.
//so we must get the GeometryObject again to acess the Face of the family instance.
if (geoInstance != null)
foreach (GeometryObject geomObje2 in geoInstance)
Solid geoSolid = geomObje2 as Solid;
if (geoSolid != null)
foreach (Face face in geoSolid.Faces)
foreach (Element cond in listOfCloserConduit)
Conduit con = cond as Conduit;
Curve conCurve = (con.Location as LocationCurve).Curve;
SetComparisonResult set = face.Intersect(conCurve);
if (set.ToString() == "Overlap")
//getting the conduit the intersect the box.
Can you please provide a complete minimal reproducible case so we can understand the exact context and analyse what can be done? Maybe you could include one axis-aligned junction box and one that is not, so we can see how ell versus how badly your existing algorithm performs. Thank you!
I summarised this discussion and the results to date in a blog post on filtering for intersecting elements and conduits intersecting a junction box.

How to make sure strings would not overlap each other in java processing?

I'm having a problem that I need to make the words I took from an external file "NOT" overlap each other. I have over 50 words that have random text sizes and places when you run it but they overlap.
How can I make them "NOT" overlap each other? the result would probably look like a word cloud.
if you think my codes would help here they are
String [] words;
int index = 0;
void setup ()
size (500,500);
background (255);
String [] lines = loadStrings ("alice_just_text.txt");
String entireplay = join(lines, " "); //splits it by line
words = splitTokens (entireplay, ",.?!:-;:()03 "); //splits it by word
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
float x = random(width);
float y = random(height);
int index = int(random(words.length));
textSize (random(60)); //random font size
fill (0);
textAlign (CENTER);
text (words[index], x, y, width/2, height/2);
index++ ;
Stack Overflow isn't really designed for general "how do I do this" type questions. You'll have much better luck if you post a more specific "I tried X, expected Y, but got Z instead" type question. But I'll try to help in a general sense:
You need to break your problem down into smaller pieces and then take on those pieces one at a time.
For example, you can isolate your problem to making sure rectangles don't overlap, which you can break down even further. There are a number of ways to do that:
You could use a grid to lay out your rectangles. Figure out how many squares a line of text takes up, then find a place in your grid where that word will fit. You could use something like a 2D array of boolean values, for example.
Or you could generate a random location, and then check whether there's already a rectangle there. If so, pick a new random location until you find a clear spot.
In any case, you'll probably need to use collision detection (either point-rectangle or rectangle-rectangle) to determine whether your rectangles are overlapping.
Start small. Create a small example program that just shows two rectangles on the screen. Hardcode their positions at first, but make it so they turn red if they're colliding. Work your way up from there. Make it so you can add rectangles using the mouse, but only let the user add them if there is no overlap. Then add the random location choosing. If you get stuck on a specific step, then post a MCVE and we'll go from there. Good luck.

Strange artifacts when ray casting a volume

So I am writing a volume ray caster (for the first time ever) in Java, learning from the code of the great VTK toolkit written in C.
Everything works almost exactly like VTK, except I get this strange artifacts, looking like elevation lines on the volume. I've noticed that VTK also shows them when manipulating the image, but they disappear when the image is static.
I've looked though the code multiple times, and can't find the source of the artifacts. Maybe it is something simple a computer graphics expert knows from the top of his head? :)
More info on my implementation
I am using the gradient method for normal calculations (a standard from what I've found on the internet)
I am using trilinear interpolation for ray point values
This "elevation line" artifacts look like value rounding errors, but I can't find any in my code
Increasing the resolution of the render does not solve the problem
The artifacts do not seem to be "facing" any fixed direction, like the camera position
I'm not attaching the code since it is huge :)
EDIT (ray composite loop)
while (Geometry.pointInsideCuboid(cuboid, position) && result.a > MINIMAL_OPACITY) {
if (currentVoxel.notEquals(previousVoxel)) {
final float value = VoxelUtils.interpolate(position, voxels, buffer);
color = colorLUT.getColor(value);
opacity = opacityLUT.getOpacityFromLut(value);
if (enableShading) {
final Vector3D normal = VoxelUtils.getNormal(position, voxels, buffer);
final float cos =;
final float gradientOpacity = cos < 0 ? 0 : cos;
opacity *= gradientOpacity;
if(cos > 0)
color = color.clone().shade(cos, colorLUT.diffuse, colorLUT.specular);
if(opacity > 0)
result.accumulate(color, opacity);

Rotating/Turning Groups of Ellipses

I'm working on a project where I create mini galaxies using ellipses, rotate, radians, etc. on mouseX and mouseY. However, I'd love it if each mini galaxy could rotate left or right, so that it looks like a galaxy turning slowly in space. Not sure how I'd do this, though, and would love some guidance. Do I have to create an array that holds the ellipses for each galaxy, and then somehow rotate that? Can I simply set a rotate() for each individual ellipse as it draws to the screen? Thanks for any help!
var bgimg;
function preload(){
//for (var i = 0; i < planetArray.length; i++) {
bgimg = loadImage('Assets/galaxy_background.jpg');
function setup(){
createCanvas(1301, 822);
background(bgimg, 100);
function draw() {
text("Create mini-galaxies by holding your mouse in a location. Move to create another.", 20, 40);
//function mousepressed(){
function star(){
//angle = map(mouseX, 0,width, 0,360);
//translate(width/2, height/2);
rotate(radians(frameCount%360)); //rotates output of ellipses
for(var i =0; i < 20; i++){
tint(255, 127);
// fill(random(125),random(250),random(100));
ellipse(10*frameCount % (width/20),0,5,5);
rotate(radians(mouseX, mouseY));
//image(stars, 10*frameCount % (width/2),0,10,10)
//image((10*frameCount % (width/2),0,10,10)
You'll have better luck with your questions if you try to narrow them down to an MCVE instead of posting your full sketch. It's hard to answer general "how do I do this" type questions. It's much easier to answer specific "I tried X, expected Y, but got Z instead" type question. That being said, I'll try to answer in a general sense:
You're having trouble because of the fact that you're letting your drawing accumulate by only calling the background() function once instead of clearing it every frame. There's nothing wrong with this, but it does make it impossible to apply transforms and rotations to stuff you've already drawn.
Like I said in your other question, most Processing sketches do this:
Store everything you need to draw in a data structure.
You might store an array of PVectors. Or you might create a Galaxy class that contains variables and functions that allow it to draw itself, which you call from your draw() function. The data structure you use is entirely up to you.
This page and this page contain discussions on creating objects in p5.js, or you might just try a google search. Here is an example that uses a class that knows how to draw itself, and then creates an instance of that class to create a sketch.
Clear previous frames every time draw() is called.
Most sketches call the background() function every frame. That might seem annoying because then you have to redraw everything, but that's what the data structures are for.
Redraw everything you want to be drawn every frame.
Iterate over those data structures and redraw your scene. This might be as simple as iterating over an array of PVectors, or maybe you'll want to create objects that know how to draw themselves.
Like I said, this is very general, and exactly what you do depends on how you think about all of the above. There isn't a single best way to do this, so it's hard to be more specific.

convert between image coordinates (i-j-k) and world coordinates (x-y-z) vtk in C#

Does anyone knows how can I convert from image coordinates acquired like this:
private void renderWindowControl1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
int[] lastPos = this.renderWindowControl1.RenderWindow.GetInteractor().GetLastEventPosition();
Z1TxtBox.Text = (_Slice1 + 1).ToString();
X1TxtBox.Text = lastPos[0].ToString();
Y1TxtBox.Text = (512 - lastPos[1]).ToString();
into physical coordinates.
TX Tal
VTK may have an elegant method call, but in general you will need to use the information in your image's image plane module (specifically Equation C.
in order to convert between a click and physical location:
There is some insights I got from working on this project:
int[] lastPos = this.renderWindowControl1.RenderWindow.GetInteractor().GetLastEventPosition();
returns the pixel location of the click in the control. It is a problem because if the user zooms in, lastPos does not represent the location in the dicom.
The solution I have found, was to use vtkPropPicker class. Code example can be found here and here.
image_coordinate are in world coordinates but without the origin offset. which mean, that:
1. if we want to get the pixel location (in 512x512 grid): the x,y value should be normalized by pixel spacing, and image orientation. the value of these parameters can be acquired using the equation mentioned in the answer above me Equation C.
vtkDICOMImageReader _reader;
If we need world physical location, we should add the origin offset for x and y:
As for Z axis: I didn't need it, so I am not sure.
That is my dime on the matter, maybe there are some more elegant ways, I haven't found them.
