Why ATL calls subclassing "superclassing" - visual-c++

Getting interested in learning ATL, I started reading this tutorial and I got confused at reading this (also related):
If you want to extend the capabilities of a predefined window class, such as the button or list box controls, you can superclass it.
Why is it called super-classing instead of sub-classing?

Super-classing is writing a new class, that would behave as it it was a new control altogether. A CColoredButton inheriting from CButton would be superclass, when you create instance of CColoredButton
When you already have a control (probably on resource), you may subclass it. Here the "control" in picture is being handled differently and hence the term subclass.
Any class may behave as super class or subclass. You would call some of SubclassXX function/method to subclass already existing control. You would create instance of a control at runtime by allocating the C++ object (CColoredButton) by calling its Create method - here the term super-class.


Clean way to get mousePressed event notified to QGraphicsView

I inherited from QGraphicsItemGroup and made a class that keeps a pointer to its contained items so that I can later refer to them and change properties. It has an ellipse item and a line item and I want only the ellipse to be clickable. I need that press event of the ellipse to propagate to the QGraphicsView so that I can send a signal to some surrounding widgets.
So far I tried inheriting also from QGraphicsObject to have signals available but got stuck with ambigous base error when trying to use scene->addItem. I tried casting to QGraphicsItemGroup but I still get the error. I also tried inheriting from QObject with no success.
I'm new to QGraphics and I know the QGraphics framework has a lot of tools for user interaction and even interaction between GraphicsItems but this is really kicking my butt.
What would be the proper way to get this behavior?
Create a separate "emitter" class
To allow your subclass of QGraphicsItemGroup to emit signals, you can create a separate "emitter" class that inherits from QObject. Then, you can add an instance of this emitter class within your subclass of QGraphicsItemGroup. The emitter object can then emit signals for your subclass as needed.
QGraphicsItemGroup is treated as a single item
Unfortunately, an instance of QGraphicsItemGroup is treated as a single item, so each mousePressEvent will belong to the entire group rather than one of the members of that group (i.e., the ellipse item or the line item). If you want the mousePressEvent to behave differently depending on which item is clicked, they will need to be separate items, or you could try using line->setParentItem(ellipse) to link up the 2 items without using QGraphicsItemGroup.

Swingbuilder constraints

Most of the widgets in SwingBuilder have property called constraints. How this is used in controlling the structure/layout. Are there any other uses of this?
Also in the code behind, how the builder will translate the constraints into a logic that manipulates the layout.

How to get UIVisualizer to use the View Model passed to it

I'm attempting to create view/viewModel pair to act as a MessageBox replacement which will be called by the UIVisualizer Service. The viewModel has five different constructors, one being the default, and the others to define the different attributes of the MessageBox(e.g. Type, Image, Message, Title, etc.). I will be creating the viewModel using one of the four non-Default constructors each time I desire a MessageBox to popup. I am doing this versus using the built-in MessageService is because I'm using third party controls for my application and I want the MessageBox look-and-feel to match the rest of the application.
My problem is that even though I'm creating the viewModel, Catel is not using the viewModel I pass in to UIVisualizer, but is creating a new viewModel from the default constructor.
Does anybody know how to get this behavior to stop.
The best thing to do is create your own version of the IMessageService (create new class deriving from MessageService and override the Show method).
Catel should re-use the passed in view model. If you think you have found a bug, please report it at http://www.catelproject.com/support/issue-tracker

mvvmcross TabBarController ViewModel Init() not called?

I have implemented a TabBarController much like the Conference tutorial for iOS. Everything is working well now except it appears that the Init methods on Viewmodels for the tabs never get called as it normally would.
Is there something I forgot to do to ensure that Init is called? If I must, I could move this code to the constructor of the ViewModel, but I'd like to avoid this if possible.
I guess what I'm really asking here is if I manually instantiate a viewmodel and "create" a view from it via the extension/helper methods, will init get called at some point in the process? If so, at what point can I expect init to get called on the viewmodel?
The Construction-Initialize-ReloadState-Start (C-I-R-S) sequence is called on an MvxViewModel if it is created using the default ViewModel locator - which is what happens when you call ShowViewModel.
If the ViewModels for the sub-tabs are created by calling new on a ViewModel directly - like in the Conference HomeViewModel.cs#L11 - then obviously this same sequence doesn't happen.
Really the difference here is between:
the tab ViewModels which are just INotifyPropertyChanged objects
the page-level MvxViewModels which are also INotifyPropertyChanged objects, but which you further expect to be initialized within navigations.
If you wanted to unify the two concepts then you probably could... but actually I suspect it might be simpler and cleaner to perhaps give the two class types different names, to just put the init code in the constuctor for the tab view models, or perhaps to just call Init on them yourself in the Home constructor.

How to do Q_INTERFACES with PyQt? (Goal: Implement QTextObjectInterface)

I'm trying to implement something similar to Cocoa's NSTokenField with Qt, by placing objects with custom rendering in a QTextEdit.
Qt's text system allows for this by implementing a subclass of QTextObjectInterface to encapsulate the custom drawing code. However, in addition to subclassing, the class also has to make the interface it implements known to the meta-object system. In C++, this is done via the Q_INTERFACES macro in the header:
I've looked at moc's output for a C++ prototype, and what it ends up doing is to generate a qt_metacast() implementation that does something useful for the interface name.
I can't find a way to emulate this using PyQt. Any ideas?
Use QtGui.QPyTextObject as the base class of your custom text object. See the richtext/textobject example in the PyQt archive for an example of how to do this.
