pivot table appearance - excel

Can we create category for Pivot table field list which appears in right side pane after opening a pivot table.For example normally there will be some check boxes to be selected.I want certain check boxes to come under a group or folder. I see the same functionality is supported in cubes excel reporting.Is it the way you write the queries to pull and do group by
Please help...

I'm going to go with not possible, but someone may have a fancy trick I'm not aware of. Pivot tables are fundamentally 2-dimensional, where OLAP allows multi-dimensional data. There are a number of tricks you can try with grouping data, however, that might get you part of the way to where you want to go. Here's a start.


Extracting data dynamically from master table to tables on dashboard

I have spent the last 3-4 days trying out all kind of tips and tricks found on YouTube and rest of the internet. But I don’t manage to create what I want. Now I have to swallow my pride and ask for help.
I have a big master table, or database, with all kind of information. I want to create a dashboard with a few smaller tables with just some of the information from the database.
I attached picture of a very simplified version of what I want to archive. Picture of simplified Daschboard/MDatabase:
I want to show some of the cars in column C (in the database) in separate tables on the dashboard with just some of the columns from the master table. When a row is added, deleted or information is changed in the database I want the dashboard table to update. It would be neat if it updated automatically, but a refresh button would do.
I use Outlook 2010 but can’t use MS Query or PowerQuery.
Pivot Tables will do exactly what you want.
Select your data source Sheet2!B3:F13 and click Insert > Pivot Table. Choose the range where you want to put the picot table, and click OK.
The Pivot Table field list will appear - drag Owner, Colour and Condition to ROWS, drag Car to FILTERS. In the Pivot Table > Design ribbon, switch off Subtotals and Grand Totals, and change Report Layout to Tabular Form.
Select a car filter as required, and format to suit.
You can create multiple pivot tables in the same manner. When data in the source table is modified, you can simply refresh the pivot tables to update them.
Thanks a lot Olly!
I totally overlooked the possibility to use pivot tables. I was obsessed with using some clever code to solve it. But the use of pivot seems to be the most convenient solution.
By the way. Thanks all you excel gurus (nerds...) out there who share your knowledge in forums like this. Two weeks ago I had no knowledge about VBA, formulas etc. Now I have managed to build a user friendly database with a dynamic dashboard and interactive user forms. Only by reading forums posts and watching You Tube tutorials.

Aggregating PowerQuery Table directly in Excel

I have a PowerQuery table which holds a history of products sold and would like to aggregate on several dimensions.
It is possible to accomplish this with PivotTables or with separate queries and I know how to do that, but was wondering if its possible to do it directly with a function in a cell?
The reason is to have a clean dashboard in Excel with the most relevant statistics.
Thanks for your help
Edit the Query, select the columns you want to group on and hit the Group By button. In the pop-up window, specify the Aggregations you need e.g. Sum, Count etc. Note you often need the Advanced view of the Group By pop-up.

Calculated Field

I am trying to create a simple pivot table which will tell me how many community residents reported a particular problem, and what percentage of them reported each problem type. I have a data set with name, and then columns for each type of problem. Here's an small sample of the data set:
I have created a pivot table which sums each of these columns and also provides me the total number of people who reported any type of problem at all. Here's what I have:
I want to add a second column to this pivot table that gives the percent of times each problem type was reported. Sounds simple, but because of the structure of the original data set, I can't figure out how to do it. I can set up formulas outside of the Pivot Table which reference the table, but in doing so I forfeit the ability to graph the percentages on a pivot chart. Any ideas how to create a calculated field for this pivot table?
Just to be clear, what I want is something like this, except all contained in the structure of the pivot table:
Edit: I've changed the example of the data set. Here's an explanation of the pivot table. The values under the "# Reporting Issue" column are counts of all the 1's under each corresponding column in the data set. This meant that I had to add each row to the pivot table independently, as you can see here:
I'm open to the idea that I need to change the formatting of the data set, but I'm not sure of the best way to do it. This was set up initially because it allowed for easy compilation into a data table, but Pivot Tables seem to be a different story.
Hopefully this edit clarifies things.
You need to unpivot your data so that you turn it into a Flat File...something that the PivotTable can consume properly.
The easiest way is to use something called PowerQuery, which is baked in to Excel 2016 but available as a free addin from Microsoft for any other versions. Google PowerQuery Unpivot and you will turn up hundreds of tutorials, such as this one from my good pal Chandoo . PowerQuery looks slightly daunting at first to a first time user, but it is freakin easy once you get your head around how to use it. PQ is by far the best addition to Excel in years. PowerPivot being a close second.
If you can't install PowerQuery, then you can use your current data structure to make a 'staging pivot', and then drag the Values label that will appear in the Columns area to the bottom of the ROWS pane, like in this excerpt from a book I'm writing:
Note that my Year categories are equivalent to your Issues categories.
That will emulate the flat file layout you’re after. All you need to do then is turn this intermediate PivotTable back into a normal range, change that Values heading to Issue, and add a Count heading and you’ve got the flat file you need to build a useable PivotTable.
You can also use VBA. Google Unpivot VBA and turn up hundreds of results, including this blazingly fast code I posted some time back. (Look for the code under the —Update 26 November 2013— heading.)
You can also use the DoubleClick extraction trick.

PowerPivot Relationships Many to Many

The objective I am trying to achieve is to have 2 slicers in PowerPivot, ClientID and CSQName. When a ClientID is selected only the CSQnames that are related to that ClientID show up ,and vice versa
Relationship diagram link: https://goo.gl/photos/PnCZrnsXXTx3oFGh8
I am having a problem linking a many to many relationship in PowerPivot. A brief background on the application I am trying to build...
I am trying to combine a SQL database (IDM) and Informix SQL database (Cisco Call Data). The IDM database includes the Client Data and TBAS Open Case Data. Each Client has a specific ClientID. The Cisco database includes Call Detail Info and CSQNames(queue names). A many to many relationship exists, for example, a clientid can have multiple CSQname (clientid 3 has CSQ names of "A" and "B"). Also a csqname can have multiple clientids (csqname "Z" includes clientids "99", "98" and "97". Therefore I created an innerjoin table to create the many to many relationship called "Clients_CSQ".
I am trying to use this innerjoin table for both the "TBAS Open Cases" and "Call Detail". When I use this table for my filters, PowerPivot is stating that no relationships exist. Are there any solutions? If this does not make sense please let me know and I will try to specify. I have ready many posts but am unable to grasp how to make the DAX many to many relationship work with the calculate function. If someone can shed some light on the issue I am having it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
This really depends upon the data you are looking to report on.
When you add two slicers to a PowerPivot table, the available selections in each slicer will be affected by the selection in the other slicer IF and ONLY IF all of the fields in the Values section of the Pivot Table are reliant on the entries in both of the slicer fields.
In your case, it is possible to make this work (as an example) by creating 3 measures:
[Call Total]=SUM('TBAS Open Cases'[Case duration])
[Number of Calls]=COUNTA('Call Detail'[appname])
[Calls by Duration]=SUMX('Clients_CSQ',DIVIDE([Call Total],[Number of Calls]))
Place the last of these 3 measures in a pivot table with the slicers set to use 'Clients_IDM'[ic_client_id] and 'CSQ Name'[csqname] and "Hey Presto!"
The first two measures are straightforward enough. The third one is cycling through each entry in the only table that these two slicer fields have in common (Clients_CSQ) and performing a calculation using the data from your FACT tables. I have no idea if the [Calls by Duration] measure that I've come up with makes any sense with your data set, but hopefully the example will help you reach the solution you want. Again depending on what data you want to show it doesn't really matter if this measure returns junk, the important thing is that it's pulling your two data sets together.
Remember that as soon as you add any raw field from either of the fact tables to this 'unifying pivot table', the inter-relationship between the slicers will break. !!!BUT!!! there is nothing to stop you from linking the csqname slicer to another pivot on the same sheet which contains fields from your Call Detail table and likewise linking the ic_client_id slicer to a pivot that contains TBAS Open Cases data. In fact, the 'unifying pivot table' could be on a different sheet from your slicers, so you only see the two sets of data that you are interested in.
And ignore that warning about no relationships existing!

Removing grouping from PivotTable columns

My apologies if this question is posted elsewhere, but I believe part of my problem is that I'm not familiar with the terminology. Searching becomes rather difficult when you don't know the keywords to use...
I've inherited a PivotTable that pulls data from an SQL database. Three of the columns in this table are "grouped." By this I mean that all duplicate items in these columns are always next to each other. I want to removing these groupings so that sorting the table is easier. Does anybody know how to do this?
EDIT:My work computer has both snipping tool and paint disabled...So here is a picture of something similar. In my table, all of the data is pulled from the database. The left two columns (in this example) have repeated data, so it groups them like so. These sections are collapsible and expandable.
(source: datapigtechnologies.com)
There is an option on the Pivot Table menu Design->Report Layout->Repeat All Item Labels. This will repeat all the labels when combined with a Tabular or Outline style layout. You will also do better (more than likely) to remove the subtotals as well.
Menu and before
I had this issue as well. Remove ALL filtering so you ONLY have those two columns at once. Once all filtering is removed it will allow you to ungroup them and the extra column will go away.
