Cannot get clean sound from ZTE voice modem - visual-c++

My problem is associated with ZTE usb data modem.
ZTE USB modem have Communications(COM1), Diagnostics(COM2), Service(COM3) and Voice(COM4) ports. I can receive and send voice to voice port. But i can not get clean sound like WCDMA UI. How can I receive and send data with high quality?
Please look at my Visual C++ source code:
Does anyone now where is my error?


How to get data from Stm32 USB audio device and send to DAC?

I am using a STM32F103RCT6 board with STM32CubeIDE. I enabled the USB Audio device and the code is working and windows recognized the board as an audio device or speaker.
I have searched and read documents but I have no idea what it is doing in the code.
The code is only MX_USB_DEVICE_Init();
1- Is it now receiving data from PC and saving them somewhere in RAM in a buffer?
2- How I can get access to the data and send them to DAC?
I am not going to use I2C and a codec because I don't have a codec IC. So I just want to use DAC to generate the audio to send to speakers.

How to analyze my own transmitted Bluetooth signal on Android

I want to create an Android app where I want to be able to receive my own transmitter Bluetooth signal in Android , since Bluetooth signal is omnidirectional.
I.e. I want to receive and transmit Bluetooth at same time and receive my own transmitted signal and analyze it on same phone.
Or I tried to use beacon simulator to simulate LE beacon Bluetooth signal and in my Bluetooth setting I tried to scan for available devices but it does not show my android device.
How can I do so?
It is not possible to simultaneously transmit and receive the same packets from the same antenna systems. Theoretically, you can receive packets resulting from reflections. In the practice, this application has no right to work. Switching the operating mode from the transmitter to the radio receiver requires time.
To track bluetooth packets you can use the CC2640 dongle with the PC application:

How to handle voice from Bluetooth?

I am working on a Raspberry pi based embedded project which turn a raspberry pi to a bluetooth based voice processing system. I have a BLE mic and BLE receiver connected to the RPI, I have BlueZ integrated to my stack. I am able to connect both together. But the problem I am facing now is in handling Audio from the mic. I don't have ALSA or pulse audio in my system. Is there a way to get PCM data from the bluez stack directly? it would be helpful if there is a architecture for handling voice with BLE.

Arduino nano, sound detection

I got an Arduino nano V3.0, connected via USB to my computer, and powered with the USB.
I want to use the nano to send a signal over the USB to the computer when it detects a sound of some amplitude.
Anybody knows how to connect a sound sensor to nano as easily as possible?
I found this link useful Just connect sensor to arduino and adopt code for your needs (you don't need leds, just sensor). To send sensor status over USB use Serial class on Arduino and terminal application on PC.
You have 2 options, one of them is to buy a microphone which outputs a pulse when sound exceeds the threshold you've set on the potentiometer on the board, for example this one: Microphone Detector
The other option is to buy a microphone which outputs an analog stream which can be read by the A0 port on the Arduino Nano.
This Adafruit link can help you understand the code. As you can see, the analogRead(0); reads the A0 port of the arduino.

How to get audio from or to an FM tuner shield for Arduino

I have an Arduino Uno and a radio receiver shield (Si4735). I am trying to get another audio source to either play through the currently attached 1/8th jack on the shield or have the audio from the shield piped into the Arduino, where I can redirect it to some other source.
I don't have much experience with Arduino or hardware, however I am very experienced as a software developer. Any suggestions as to where to start, or if this shield even supports either of these functionalities?
Per the schematic, the audio output of the Si4735 chip is wired directly to the headphone jack -- there is no way to send the output elsewhere, or to send other audio to it.
