How does one go about fixing a memory leak? - memory-leaks

I've got this game server that whether i download the pre-compiled binary or compile the source code myself just leaks until i have to reboot or enter a BSOD. I'm not super keen on C++ just currently classes for my degree but i can look at the code and understand whats going on. I'm just not 'fluent'.
Specifically looking at the resource monitor the modified memory type just fills and fills constantly by about 3-5MB per 5 seconds
is there anything i can do about this?

There is tool which is helpful for finding memory leaks:

If you have ever ever heard about a tool called valgrind you can run your C++ code in valgrind to see exactly where the leakages are.


best approach to debug "corrupted double-linked list" crash

I am in the process of debugging a "corrupted double-linked list" crash. I have seen the source and understand the chunk struct and the fd/bk pointers, etc, so I think I know why this crash has occurred. I am now trying to fix it and I have a couple of questions.
Question #1: where (with respect to the pointer returned from malloc) is the malloc_chunks struct maintained? Are they before the memory block or after it?
Question #2: the malloc_chunks for allocated memory are different from the malloc_chunks for unallocated memory. It appears (??) that the allocated buffer case does not have the fd/bk pointers. Is this correct?
Question #3: what is the recommended approach to debug this type of error? I am assuming that I should put a break point for the malloc_chunks so I can break on when the struct is overwritten. But I am not sure how to access those malloc structs so I can set a break point in gdb.
Any suggestions on how to proceed would be very appreciated.
what is the recommended approach to debug this type of error?
The usual way is not to peek into GLIBC internals, but to use a tool like Valgrind or AddressSanitizer, either of which is likely to point you straight at the problem.
Valgrind crashes ...
You should try building the latest Valgrind version from source, and if that still crashes, report the crash to Valgrind developers.
Chances are the Valgrind problem is already fixed, and building new Valgrind and testing your program with it will still be faster than trying to debug GLIBC internals (heap corruption bugs are notoriously difficult to find by program inspection or debugging).
AddressSanitizer, I thought it was a clang only tool -- I do not think it is available for linux.
Two points:
Clang works just fine on Linux, I use it almost every day,
Recent GCC versions have an equivalent -fsanitize=address option.
There are ways to debug heap overruns without valgrind.
One way is to use a malloc debug library such as Electric Fence. It will make your rogram crash exactly at the moment of accessing an illegal address in the heap.
The other way is to use built-in debug capabilities of GNU malloc. See man mcheck. If you call mcheck_pedantic before the first call to malloc, then every memory block is checked at every allocation. This is very slow but does allow you to isolate the fault.

Further locating memory leak with memwatch

Recently I started my first project with node.js, and I can definitely say I'm loving it. Very powerful with all the modules; however, it seems I'm having a "slight" memory leak that causes my server to crash after about an hour (hit's 99-100% CPU). I've been trying to fix this problem for a while now.
Luckily, after a bit of searching, I found a popular tool called memwatch. I of course installed the module, and started logging memory usage/storage of my server's process.
Eventually, after looking through the logs, I have found the likely cause.
"what": "String",
"size_bytes": 9421368,
"size": "8.98 mb",
"+": 16635,
"-": 533
Of course, within thirty seconds this little bugger managed an increase of 9mb (very unusual). This is nice and dandy to know that my memory leak seems to be of type string, but where exactly do I go from here? Is there any way I can get more accurate results?
I looked through my code, but there really isn't a string in my code that could possibly grow like this. Is there a possibility this string isn't actually a part of my code, and more a part of node or the Socket.IO module?
Right approach. Use StrongOps (Previously Nodefly) to profile memory. Isolate type of leaking object. Look at heap retained sizes as well as the instance counts. Growing Instance counts with steady workload will point at few smoking guns.
I believe StrongOps uses memwatch + some V8 profiler/GC code under the hood. Better automation. See link -
Then used node-heapdump module, that their co-founder (core contributor Ben Noordhuis) wrote to isolate the leak down to collection object, GC roots and line of code.
See blog from Ben -
You can use node-heapdump module, to make a dump of the V8 heap for later inspection, so you will be able to see more accurate results.
After you will make a heapdump, analyze it with Chrome DevTools:
As Shubhra suggested, another tool to consider in helping you diagnose your memory leak is the heap profiler of StrongOps monitoring. You can easily get started in a few steps here:
This will save you time from having to dig through logs and gives you a visual of what's going on in your applications heap over time, as well as comparing the String to other likely culprits causing your memory leak.
You can find more information here:

memory leaks in Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Mailbox?

I'm hunting for some memory-leaks in a long runing service (using F#) right now.
The only "strange" thing I've seen so far is the following:
I use a MailboxProcessor in a subsystem with an algebraic-datatype named QueueChannelCommands (more or less a bunch of Add/Get commands - some with AsyncReplyChannels attached)
when I profile the service (using Ants Memory Profiler) I see instances of arrays of mentioned type (most having lenght 4, but growing) - all empty (null) whose references seems to be held by Control.Mailbox:
I cannot see any reason in my code for this behaviour (your standard code you can find in every Mailbox-example out there - just a loop with a let! = receive and a match to follow ended with a return! loop()
Has anyone seen this kind of behaviour before or even knows how to handle this?
Or is this even a (known) bug?
Update: the growing of the arrays is really strange - seems like there is additional space appended without beeing used properly:
I am not a F# expert by any means but maybe you can look at the first answer in this thread:
Does Async.StartChild have a memory leak?
The first reply mentions a tutorial for memory profiling on the following page:
But they mention this open source version of F#
And I am not sure it is what you are looking for (about this open source version of F# in the last point), but maybe it can help you to find the source of the leak or prove that it is actually leaking memory.
Hope that helps somehow maybe ?
.NET has its own garbage collector, which works quite nicely.
The most common way to cause memory leaks in .NET technologies is by setting up delegates, and not removing them on object deconstructors.

Under Linux, how do I track down a memory leak in pre-built software?

I have a new Ubuntu Linux Server 64bit 10.04 LTS.
A default install of Mysql with replication turned on appears to be leaking memory.
However, we've tried going back to an earlier version and memory is still leaking but I can't tell where.
What tools/techniques can I use to pinpoint where memory is leaking so that I can rectify the problem?
Valgrind,, can be very useful in these situations. It runs on unmodified executables but it does help tremendously if you can install the debugging symbols. Be sure to use the --show-reachable=yes flag as the leaked memory may still be reachable in some way but just not the way you want it. Also --trace-children in case of a fork. You'll likely have to track down in the start-up script where the executable is called and then add something like the following:
valgrind --show-reachable=yes --trace-children=yes --log-file=/path/to/log SQL-cmdline sqlargs
The man page has lots of other potentially useful options.
Have you tried the MySQL mailing list? Something like this would certainly be of interest to them if you can reproduce it in a straightforward manner.
You can use Valgrind as ninjalj suggests, but I doubt you'll get that close to anything useful. Even if you see a real leak (and they will be hard enough to validate), tracking down the root cause through the C call stacks will likely be very annoying (for example if the leak is triggered by a particular SQL pattern or stored procedure, you'll be looking at the call stack from the resultant optimized query, and not the original calls, which are likely in a different language).
Normally you might have no recourse, and have to resort to tracking it down through callstacks and iterative testing, but you have the source code to MySQL (including the source for the exact default package install), so you can use more advanced tools like MemoryScape (or at least build with symbols in order to provide Valgrind more food for thought).
Try using valgrind.
A very good and powerful tool, which is installed/available for most distributions is Valgrind.
It has a plethora of different options and is pretty much (as far as I've seen) the default profiler under linux systems.

Can you recommend a good debugging malloc library for linux?

Can you recommend a good debugging malloc library for linux? I know there are a lot of options out there, I just need to know which libraries people are actually using to solve real-life problems.
EDIT: I know about Valgrind, but sometimes the performance is really too low.
Valgrind. :-) It's not a malloc library, but, it's really good at finding memory management and memory usage bugs. for finding memory leaks and heap corruption. for general purpose heap debugging.
gcc now comes with sanitizers which are much more faster than valgrind. you can check different compiler options under -fsanitize. More info here
The GNU C library itself has some debugging features and hooks you can use to add your own.
For documentation on a Linux system type info libc and then g Heap<TAB>. Another useful info node is "Hooks for Malloc", you can get there with g Hooks<TAB>
This might not be very useful to you, but you could write your own malloc wrapper. In our special "diagnostic" builds it keeps a table of all outstanding allocations (including the file name and line number where the allocation occurred) and prints out anything that was still outstanding at exit time. It also uses canary words (to check for buffer overflows) and a combination of memory re-writing and block checksumming after free and before reallocation (to check for use-after-free).
If your product is sufficiently large it might be annoying to have to find-replace your entire source, hoping for the best. Also, the development time for your own malloc wrapper is probably not negligible. Doing lots of heavyweight stuff like what I mentioned above probably won't help out your speed problem, either. Writing your own wrapper would allow the most flexibility, though.
