0.7 can not call broadcast.send? - node.js

in 0.6, i have following example code:
var io = require('/usr/lib/node_modules/');
var server = http.createServer(function(req,res){
var path = url.parse(req.url).pathname;
switch( path ){
//core codes
// ... ...
var socket = io.listen(server);
and everything going ok.
But now i have renew the to 0.7 and have changed the socket.broadcast to socket.sockets.broadcast.send(data) ;
Got an exception : can not call send of 'undefined'?
Who can tell me how can i send data to everybody without listening on a certain event?
Maybe here is a way:
clients = new Array();
socket.on('connection',function(socket){ clients.push(socket);}
// ...
for(s in clients) s.send(data);
// ...
does it really needed to do like this way?

In 0.7 you do:
io.sockets.send() // broadcasts to all connected users
io.sockets.json.send() // broadcasts JSON to all connected users
io.sockets.emit('eventname') // broadcasts and emit
or to namespaces
io.of('/namespace').send('msg'); // broadcast to all connect users in /namespace

you can just do
var io = require('').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.broadcast.emit('user connected');

sioServer.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {
client.broadcast.send('Hello, Everybody else!');
to broadcast to every other connected client (that is except the broadcasting client himself) and use
sioServer.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {
sioServer.sockets.send('Hello, Everybody!');
to broadcast to everybody (including client himself).


Implement notification system using node.js,express,socket

I am trying to add a notification system. If a user logs in and performs an action a notification should be sent to another user if he is logged in. I have made my application in node.js using express. I know that I have to use socket but how the event needs to be handled? If someone could let me know any reference or sample which I can follow for this task?
I just did something similar and handled it like this:
io.js - central node.js file where I handle new connnections and store io
var io = require('')();
io.on('connection', function(socket){
console.log("Socket established with id: " +;
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log("Socket disconnected: " +;
module.exports = io;
someroute.js - somewhere in the node.js server application I want to emit messages
var appRoot = require('app-root-path');
var io = require(appRoot + '/server/io');
/*your code, somwhere you will call the
* function below whenever you want to emit
* the 'user_did_action' event:
var emitUserAction = function(user){
io.sockets.emit('user_did_action', user);
client_javascript.js - some client js (in my case angular, but it doesent matter), import the lib, then access somewhere in the client like this:
/*connect to the server*/
var socket = io.connect();
/*do something wen the event 'user_did_action'
* is received, just invoke the callback
*in the function param data, you will have the same
*data you emitted earlier in the server,
*in this example the user object!*/
socket.on('user_did_action', myFunctionToHandleTheEvent(data));

Reconnect socket in disconnect event

I am trying to reconnecct the socket after the disconnect event is fired with same here is my socket config
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(http);
var connect_clients = [] //here would be the list of of connected users
http.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('listening on *:3000');
So on disconnect event i want to reconnect the disconnected user with same if possible
var disconnect_id =; //i want reconnect the users here
By default, Socket.IO does not have a server-side logic for reconnecting. Which means each time a client wants to connect, a new socket object is created, thus it has a new id. It's up to you to implement reconnection.
In order to do so, you will need a way to store something for this user. If you have any kind of authentication (passport for example) - using socket.request you will have the initial HTTP request fired before the upgrade happened. So from there, you can have all kind of cookies and data already stored.
If you don't want to store anything in cookies, the easiest thing to do is send back to client specific information about himself, on connect. Then, when user tries to reconnect, send this information again. Something like:
var client2socket = {};
io.on('connect', function(socket) {
var uid = Math.random(); // some really unique id :)
client2socket[uid] = socket;
socket.on('authenticate', function(userID) {
delete client2socket[uid]; // remove the "new" socket
client2socket[userID] = socket; // replace "old" socket
Keep in mind this is just a sample and you need to implement something a little bit better :) Maybe send the information as a request param, or store it another way - whatever works for you.

How to write custom emitEvent for proessing in

I am writing a multi-player game using processing.js, node.js and
Question #1:
In the client, I use p5.js to create a class Ball.
I want the server to send parameter to create an array using that class (balls.push(new Ball(x, y));), so every client can have a bunch of balls moving on the canvas.
I know I should use to emit the parameter to the client but i have no clue.
Normally the array is created inside the setup function inside how could socket do that?
Question #2:
How could the client send the mouseX and mouseY to the server? And then how could the server send back others' mouseX and mouseY to every client?
I try to make p5.js into normal js like this:
(function () {
"use strict";
function sketchProc(processing) {
var p=processing,
var ...,
var ...;
function ball(){...}
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas1"),
p = new Processing(canvas, sketchProc);
But i don't know if this helps...
The balls should be passed to the client only in the connection event. That's where node's beauty lies, code sharing.
To create a socket server, you can use either node's native Net module or
On the server:
var server = net.createServer();
server.listen(PORT, HOST);
server.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.write({ type: "BallsArray", data: BallsArray });
On the client, you use WebSockets with
var client = io.connect('http://localhost:3000');
var BallsArray = null;
client.on('message', function(msg) {
if(msg.type == "BallsArray")
BallsArray =;

How can I send packets between the browser and server with, but only when there is more than one client?

In my normal setup, the client will emit data to my server regardless of whether or not there is another client to receive it. How can I make it so that it only sends packets when the user-count is > 1? I'm using node with
To do this you would want to listen to the connection event on your server (as well as disconnect) and maintain a list of clients which are connected in a 'global' variable. When more than 1 client is connected send out a message to all connected clients to know they can start sending messages, like so:
var app = require('express').createServer(),
io = require('').listen(app);
//setup express
var clients = [];
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
if (clients.length > 1) {
io.socket.emit('start talking');
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
var index = clients.indexOf(socket);
clients = clients.slice(0, index).concat(clients.slice(index + 1));
if (clients.length <= 1) {
io.sockets.emit('quiet time');
Note: I'm making an assumption here that the socket is passed to the disconnect event, I'm pretty sure it is but haven't had a chance to test.
The disconnect event wont receive the socket passed into it but because the event handler is registered within the closure scope of the initial connection you will have access to it.

Sending message to specific client with and empty message queue

I´m going crazy with!
Documentation is so bad it's simply not true.
I want to send a feedback to specific client over
My server side looks like this:
app.get('/upload', requiresLogin, function(request, response) {
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log('SOCKET ID ' +;
io.sockets.socket('new', 'hello');
and the client side looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:80/');
socket.on('new', function (data) {
but the client does simply nothing. I have tried nearly everything. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong, please! :(
to send a message to a specific client save every one that connects to the server in an Object.
var socketio = require('');
var clients = {};
var io = socketio.listen(app);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
clients[] = socket;
then you can later do something like this:
var socket = clients[sId];
socket.emit('show', {});
A couple of ways to send feedback to a specific client over include:
As stated by pkyeck, save all clients to an Object, so you can send to these specific clients later in your route handlers, e.g.:
var sessionsConnections = {};
sio.on('connection', function (socket) {
// do all the session stuff
sessionsConnections[socket.handshake.sessionID] = socket;
or, use's built in support for rooms - subscribe each client to a room on connection and send via this room within route handlers, e.g.:
sio.on('connection', function (socket) {
// do all the session stuff
// will leave the room upon disconnect
app.get('/', function (req, res) {'Man, good to see you back!');
Note that both these example solutions assume that and express have been configured to use the same session store and hence refer to the same session objects. See the links above and below for more details on achieving this:
2 things
1) You should really place your io.sockets.on(..) outside your app/update route to prevent adding multiple listeners for clients.
2) io.sockets.socket(id); should not be used, it should have been socket.emit('new', 'hello')
In 1.0, this is how it would work. It may work for lower versions, but I cannot guarantee it.'new', 'hello');
This works because automatically adds a socket to a room with the socket's id on connection.
Also, if you plan to upgrade to version 1.0, there are a lot of changes to the api, so you'll sometimes have to change some code to make it work in 1.0.
The correct way to do this in 1.0+ is:'new', 'hello');
You can also substitute a room name for 'users_socket_id' to emit to a specific room.
First of all, you cannot use on client side.
And then change the line
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:80/');
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:80/');
I believe io.sockets.socket has been removed and has been a problem in Socket.IO (
You can use io.sockets.connected[] and store the to reference with the user via username:
var usernames = {};
usernames[username] =;
// Sending the message
I don't see it anywhere on the documentation so I can see how this hasn't been answered. Also, if you don't have any reference via usernames, you can instead try:
users[] =;
to duplicate the key and value for easy access.
There is also possibly another way by using io.clients as described below, but I haven't used that method.
OTHER SOLUTION: Send message to specific client with and node.js
Have you tried using?
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:80/');
i tired with the latest version of node and
below i am going to post complete code
<ul id="messages"></ul>
<form action="">
<input id="id1" /><button>Send</button>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var io = io.connect();
io.emit('drumevent', $('#id1').val());
return false;
io.on('drumevent', function(msg){
$('#messages').append($('<li></li>').text(msg.message+' quantity = '+msg.quantity));
server side code
var usernames = {};io.on('connection', function(socket){usernames["username"] =;
socket.on('drumevent', function(msg){
var socketId =;'drumevent', data);
