Injecting code into Chrome pages - google-chrome-extension

When I inject a JavaScript file using
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"js": ["inject.js"]
in manifest.json, it doesn't inject it to Chrome pages, like chrome://extensions/.
Is there any solution for it?

Google doesn't allow extensions to work with certain URI like chrome://extensions/ for security and development reasons. See Can extensions modify chrome:// URLs?.

While you can not modify other extensions you can modify other chrome://pages. This process is called, Page Overriding.
An extension can replace any one of the following pages:
Bookmark Manager: The page that appears when the user chooses the
Bookmark Manager menu item from the wrench menu or, on Mac, the
Bookmark Manager item from the Bookmarks menu. You can also get to
this page by entering the URL chrome://bookmarks.
History: The page
that appears when the user chooses the History menu item from the
Tools (wrench) menu or, on Mac, the Show Full History item from the
History menu. You can also get to this page by entering the URL
New Tab: The page that appears when the user
creates a new tab or window. You can also get to this page by
entering the URL chrome://newtab.


With a Manifest v3 Chrome Extension, is it possible to load an extension HTML resource file into a new tab?

With a Manifest v3 Chrome Extension, is it possible to load an extension HTML resource file into a new tab? I was thinking about providing a plugin with a larger, full-page user experience than what the popdown panel could provide. I created a page.html (just simple HTML for now, no JS or CSS) and put it in my extensions folder. I then added this to the manifest.json:
"web_accessible_resources": [
"resources": ["page.html"],
"matches": [ "*://*/*" ]
I reloaded the plugin and then tried navigating to this page in my browser with:
I get an ERR_FAILED and "This site can't be reached" message.
There is no need for a web_accessible_resources in this case in the v3 manifest for this action. Just use something like the following code to open it from the service-worker.js:
This will automatically open something akin to...
...where MY-EXTENSION-ID is automatically filled in by chrome.runtime.getURL('page.html').
You can then reference remote and local resources in your HTML tags. For local resources, just use relative pathing. For remote resources, keep an eye on Google Chrome Extension developer policies.
Thanks goes to wOxxOm for his assistance.

Not allowed to load local resource when opening chrome:// UI page from a chrome extension

I have a MV2 Chrome extension that on the popup page I added a "Shortcut" link so that user can access chrome://extensions/shortcuts by clicking it.
However, after upgrading to MV3, the link doesn't work.
Should I simply remove this feature?
You can resolve this issue by opening the page programmatically.
add some suitable selector to the link (popup html):
Configure Commands
add an event listener to open the shortcuts page (in popup script):
// get the DOM node
const link = document.getElementById("commands-link");
// add click event handler that opens the shortcuts page
link.addEventListener('click', () => chrome.tabs.create({
url: "chrome://extensions/configureCommands"

Opening chrome extension in new tab

Is this still valid?
"app": {
"launch": {
"local_path": "window.html",
"container": "tab"
I'm using Chrome v46 and it works but I'd like to be sure it is not a bug.
I cannot see anything like this in the manifest file reference
Your manifest snippet (containing app.launch.local_path) describes a legacy packaged app. These are deprecated and not officially supported any more.
If you want to have an icon in the app launcher, then you need to create a Chrome app (if you want to host the content in the package) or a hosted app (if you want to host the content online).
If you don't want to create an app, but an extension, then you could use a browser action button to add a button to the toolbar, and then open a page in a new tab using chrome.tabs.create. Or, if your actual goal is replacing the new tab page, use chrome_url_overrides to override newtab.

How to inject javascript into Chrome DevTools itself

Ok, so just the other day I learned that you can inspect the devtools if it is in its own window(explained here). I also learned that you can style the devtools with your own css by editing the Custom.css file in your profile on your computer(more on that here).
What I want to do is not only add css, but also javascript, via a chrome extension. I am very aware of devtools pages, but those do not do what I want. Pretty much I want to get a content script to run on the devtools inspector itself. I found one extension that does exactly this, but for the life of me I have not been able to replicate it(even when copy-pasting the code!!). The extension is the "Discover DevTools Companion extension" from Code School(on the webstore). They even explain how it works, but I still have had no luck. That was the only extension I have found that does what I want. So I guess what I'm really asking is if its just me that cannot get it to work or if others that try are having trouble also.
Usually, you cannot create a Chrome extension which injects code in a devtools page.
The "Discover DevTools Companion" extension from now on, referred to as DDC is allowed to do this, because this extension is whitelisted in the source code of Chromium: (this is no longer the case)
// Whitelist "Discover DevTools Companion" extension from Google that
// needs the ability to script DevTools pages. Companion will assist
// online courses and will be needed while the online educational programs
// are in place.
If you want to publish an extension in the Chrome Web Store with these capabilities, give up.
If you want to create such an extension for personal / internal use, read further.
Method 1: Impersonate the DDC a whitelisted extension
The easiest way to create an extension with such permissions is to create an extension with the extension ID of a whitelisted extension (e.g. ChromeVox). This is achieved by copying the "key" key of its manifest file to your extension's manifest (see also: How to get the key?). This is a minimal example:
// WARNING: Do NOT load this extension if you use ChromeVox!
// WARNING: Do NOT load this extension if you use ChromeVox!
"content_scripts": [{
"js": [ "run_as_devtools.js" ],
"matches": [ "<all_urls>" ]
// This is the key for kgejglhpjiefppelpmljglcjbhoiplfn (ChromeVox)
"key": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDEGBi/oD7Yl/Y16w3+gee/95/EUpRZ2U6c+8orV5ei+3CRsBsoXI/DPGBauZ3rWQ47aQnfoG00sXigFdJA2NhNK9OgmRA2evnsRRbjYm2BG1twpaLsgQPPus3PyczbDCvhFu8k24wzFyEtxLrfxAGBseBPb9QrCz7B4k2QgxD/CwIDAQAB",
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Elevated Devtools extension",
"version": "1.0"
if (location.protocol === 'chrome-devtools:') (function() {
'use strict';
// Whatever you want to do with the devtools.
Note: This method is truly a hack. Since the extension shares the same ID as ChromeVox, both extensions cannot co-exist. And if Chrome decides to remove the whitelisted extension, then your permissions will evaporate.
Instead of filtering via the content script, you can also use the include_globs key to restrict the content script to devtools only.
Method 2: Modify resources.pak
I suggest to go with method 1 if possible. When method 1 fails (e.g. because the extension is no longer whitelisted), use the next method.
Get, and from DennisKehrig/patch_devtools (on Github).
Locate your Chrome directory containing resources.pak.
Run python2 resources.pak, which creates a directory resources containing all files (all file names are numbers).
Locate the file containing a script which runs in the context of the developer tools. Add your desired code there.
Remove resources.pak
Run python2 resources to create the new resources.pak file.
Note: resources.pak may be replaced when Chrome is updated, so I suggest to create a script which automates my described algorithm. That shouldn't be too difficult.
If you're interested, you can look up the .pak file format in ui/base/resource/ (description in human language).
For those googlers who end up at this page (as I did) looking for something else, this page answers the question of manipulating DevTools ITSELF - not adding jQuery to DevTools, or injecting javaScript onto a web page. For those, see here instead:
Inject jQuery into DevTools (Chrome or Firefox):
Firefox DevTools: Automatically injecting jQuery
Inject your own javascript/css onto any web page:
How to edit a website's background colors

Chrome extension using sidebar

I've been having a look at Chrome extensions and I'd like to create an extension that interacts with a web page using a sidebar. So, user clicks button to launch extension, and the current page splits, with the right hand portion displaying my extension. I tried below, but I see nothing (working or otherwise). I'm not overly surprised it's not working as I do not have a sidebar.html file for one thing. The reason I have that in the manifest is because I saw it in another post in this site. The suggestion there was to use the "sidebar" line in manifest.json, but "sidebar" isn't even mentioned in the documentation as being a valid part of the manifest syntax.
"name": "Test 1",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Test Extension 1",
"page_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png",
"default_title": "Testing",
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"sidebar" : {},
"permissions": [
chrome.experimental.sidebar.navigate({path: "sidebar.html"});
I've enabled 'experimental'.
Thanks for any help.
The problem is that you are opening, theoretically, the sidebar inside your popup, not in the current page.
You should add a content script in the page, with a function that opens the sidebar. So, in your popup you should just retrieve the current tab then call this function from it.
Also, as Boris Smus said in your question, sidebars will be discontinued in future versions. So I advice you to create your own sidebar frame via content scripts.
To help you, I've made a simple extension that create a sidebar on current page.
#Curtis hosted my sample extension on Github, you can clone it here.
I was looking for a sidebar solution as well and ended up at
Implement chrome.sidebar API thread.
According to the Sidebar PRD, it is already possible to create sidebar by:
injecting a script into the page which edits the HTML of the page to display a sidebar by modifying the DOM to insert an iframe which
loads the contents of the sidebar from a remote server.
the injected script can edit the DOM directly to display a sidebar, the contents of which are passed via message.
However, there are many downsides (explained in the same document) with regard to:
Usability, Performance, Security, Privacy (Extension sniffing as well as Third party cookies) and Accessibility.
You can watch a demo of what they are preparing for future Sidebar Component.
It might help in shipping the feature quicker if you star the thread.
Per this comment, Chrome will not get a built-in sidebar component.
