Share dropbox storage from iOS app? - ios4

Dropbox provides SDK for iOS developer to upload/download files via dropbox.
I am new to this and hope to clear some understanding.
If user want to use this service,he must login in with dropbox account. That means it is not possible for multiple users ( maybe more than hundreds ) to use the same dropbox account with this iOS app. Is that correct ?
If enable hundreds users to share central storage,what are the mature cloud service for iOS developers ?

Drop box allows users from different accounts to share folders. Looking through the documentation there seems to be no way to share a folder with a user via the API. If I find out differently I will report back. I am trying to do the same and feel I will have to screen scrape the website.


Unsure how to make an Azure AD app registration that can have its own onedrive folder

I am working on a project that needs to have a Onedrive folder that it owns where it can store and edit certain files. This folder also needs to be accessible through Onedrive to certain users in my organization.
I have created an App Registration in Azure AD, but can't figure out what permissions and configuration I need to achieve this. I know I can give it access to authenticate to a user and edit/create files on their behalf, but I don't want the folder/files to be associated with any particular user in the organization. How can I achieve this?
You might try creating and managing items using application credentials. Also take a look to permissions and shared for more information about making it accesible to others.
Are the files you're looking to store files that are visible to users or that are "data files" for your app? We don't currently recommend building apps that only store their own proprietary files rather than operating on visible user data. (It's a little more nuanced situation when you look at lists rather than libraries of files).
In general files that are expected to be shared among users without a single user owning them would be placed in a SharePoint site. You can then manage the permissions of the site to give access to the users that need the files. OneDrive for Business is specifically intended for files owned by an individual user.
At the moment we don't have provisioning APIs available through Microsoft Graph to create a site programmatically today, but you can look at the PnP Provisioning Engine for how to automate the process with legacy APIs, or if you really just need a single site you can create the site manually and then refer to it from your application.
The Drive API is the same whether you're accessing a OneDrive for Business or SharePoint site.

How to Access Microsoft PowerApp

I am using Microsoft Power App for the first time. I created a rudimentary app for others to use. However, whenever I try sharing my app with other people, they are unable to open it.
I am using OneDrive. I can see which data connections each user has, and it appears that they all have access to the OneDrive folder.
I have tried sharing the app and changing the users' permissions, but it did no good.
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After you build a canvas app that addresses a business need, specify which users in your organization can run the app and which can modify and even reshare it. Specify each user by name, or specify a security group in Azure Active Directory. If everyone would benefit from your app, specify that your entire organization can run it.
You can only share your app in your organization.

Publishing and installing private windows mobile apps

I've seen similar posts but most are for consulting companies who work with clients so the situation is slightly different for us.
We have an onsite developer preparing to design a Windows Metro App to interface with our system. This app will be 100% unique for our business and would serve no public person any purpose. We will be designing this app for our sales team (8-10 users) to use out in the field so as you can tell it is only associated with our business. I believe people have been referring to this as a LOB app. I've seen posts about publishing to the windows store or using a "side-loading" process but one is meant for consumers and the other is meant for enterprise publishing which is way overkill for us.
Can someone please assist me with our options as a small business to publish private apps and deploy them to our own equipment?
I'm open to using the Store but obviously wouldn't want just anyone to be able to download & install our app.
The easiest way for you would be to hide the app in the store. Unfortunately this is only available for Windows 10 apps, not for Windows 8.1!
Is Windows 10 an option for you, maybe? In the developer dashboard you can choose to hide the app but you can access it with a direct link.

Second FTP account for file accessing not possible, is there a workaround?

I am trying to give a designer access to specific folders within an Azure website I have. I would like for the designer to have access via FTP. However, according to this post, having multiple FTP user accounts on the same Azure website is not possible and the accepted answer suggests coming up with a "different way to manage" the website. This means that if you want collaboration on an Azure website, you have to share the entire directory structure. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I know you can download the Publish Profile settings from Azure as seen on this post. This does not solve the issue as the publish profile simple gives you the FTP credentials for a specific website (instead of all of your Azure websites) but still does not provide the option to create new FTP users with limited directory permissions.
So, my question is: is there some way to edit the Publish Profile settings when they are downloaded so folder access is limited? If not, what methods have you used for website development collaboration on Azure where certain folders should be hidden and protected?
For collaborative work with Azure Websites, you can enable source control. This includes tfs, git, dropbox, bitbucket, and codeplex. Dropbox is not the best collaborative tool, as it's not designed to be a version control system, but it's very convenient.
If you have a repository with any of the abovementioned providers, you can now give your designer their own account with the version control system.
You guys are right about using a source control system like GitHub instead of trying to provide access by creating a second FTP user.
Others have asked this question - not in the context of azure though.
This post talks about using submodules on github to give a contractor access to a subfolder and all folders / files under that sub folder.
SO - I believe linking azure to github would be necessary and then from there, creating and managing submodules from github would allow for collaboration. I believe a required aspect of this would be to have a private repo on github for the main repo. All of the files in the repo would otherwise be available for forking which would defeat the entire purpose of maintaining some discretion on access rights in the first place.

how do you use azure to setup logins and storage?

we currently have two servers which manage both the emails in and out, they are where we store all the logins for the internal network and we also have a z drive where we store files.
We would like to move this to azure, but not sure how you do this exactly?
We currently host our web application here, so we're now ready to move the rest over.
There are 40+ staff and all of them use all of office's software (outlook, word, excel etc). Is it worth moving to office 365 and how would that work?
It sounds like rather than Azure, you'd want to look into Office 365 for this purpose.
They have guides on how to set up accounts and migrate your Active Directory users at
As far as your file share goes (the Z: drive) you would probably want to handle much of that via the SharePoint sites they provide, since neither Azure nor Office 365 provide a native method to share files using a Windows File Share-like interface. It depends on how large the file sizes are as well - the SharePoint sites cannot host files greater than 250MB.
