Sharepoint Content Query Webpart untrusted xsl file - sharepoint

I have created a custom xsl file for the Content Query Webpart. I assigned the path of the xsl file to the property "MainXsl" of the CQW. After I put the CQW to a sub sitecollection, it show me the following message: "The web part references an untrusted XSL file. Only XSL files contained in this site's Style Library may be referenced."
I have checked up, there is my xsl file in the sub sitecollection (Style Library/XSL Style Sheets) and is published.
Please tell me how to solve this problem?

Bit of thread necromancy here, but as this is one of the top Google result for the error message...
I was getting this error even with the XSL file in the site collection's Style Library. To fix, when you reference the XSL file (in my case in the .webpart file), use server-relative path, eg. /sites/[site name]/Style Library/[stylesheet].xsl and all will be well!
EDIT: From #MBentley's comment, you can also use URL tokens, such as ~site/Style Library/[stylesheet].xsl to avoid having to use the absolute URL.


Is there a way to read a word document section by section with c#

I have a word template which has multiple sections( tables, parragraphs, lists, etc.. ). The idea is that users fill the template and upload it to a application. I need the application to read the information section by section. So, is there a way to name the section of a word document and identify it by using c#?
I think it is much better to create a custom web page for filling fields there and constructing a Word document on the server-side using the Open XML SDK, see Welcome to the Open XML SDK 2.5 for Office for more information.
However, you may consider using bookmarks or content controls as a marker for sections.
Otherwise, you'll need to parse the uploaded document by searching for keywords presented in the template.

How to retrieve the file path column "ows_EncodedAbsUrl" in search result.

I am passing the search query in to search.asmx to get the search value.
Through web services I am retrieving the search result. Search result will return document path for .txt files and image. This path used to open the file directly.
txt file: "http://server:24669/jap/ww.txt- It will open the file.
PDF File:"http://server:100/456efg/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=3&RootFolder=/456efg"- It will show PDF properties or parent folder.
So I need to Get the Url to open the PDF doc. "ows_EncodedAbsUrl" column have the document URL but it’s not retrievable in search result. Is there any way to solve the issue?
If you add a PDF iFilter to your SharePoint environment, PDF files will no longer be treated as list items (thus the property view link).
Of course Adobe post the instructions for this as a PDF.
This change will also start indexing the text of your PDF documents so they will be more searchable. Be aware that if a percentage of the PDF documents size will be added to your search storage costs, so plan ahead.
This is a cure for the symptom, I do not know if there are other ways to do this.

Site Error File Does Not Exist

I used to test the speed of my site ( and it shows one file that gives a 404 error. That file does not exist (hence the error), but how do I found out how to fix it? I don't know where it is being called (definitely not in the code).
The file in question is:
I assume that I used to have a file but since deleted it. It was in a widget and it is now pointing to a png file.
Any ideas?
It was in a widget and it is now pointing to a png file.
There is a reference to it somewhere - in a forgotten HTML file, in a style sheet.... The easiest might be doing a full-text search for your whole (local) Wordpress directory for icon-rss.gif.
If that doesn't turn up anything - it should, though! - try using a downloader like GetLeft to fetch a full HTML copy of your site, and do a full text search on that. That should at least show you which page the offending line is on.

SharePoint randomly replacing file names in web parts?

Ok SharePoint is driving me crazy and I need to see if anyone has encountered a similar problem or knows of a solution:
I have a content editor webpart with some HTML including links to PDF files that I've modified slightly to append an employee number querystring ie:
<a href="
/Blank%20Form%20Templates/_blank_breach_permit.pdf?empNum=">New Breach Permit</a>
And SharePoint seems to randomly replace the filename with aab04168 or some other similar characters:
<a href="
/Blank%20Form%20Templates/aab04168?empNum=">New Breach Permit</a>
After this happened a few times with no explanation I tried changing the content editor webpart to look directly at a documentLinks.html file located in the Shared Documents folder of the SharePoint site and guess what... SharePoint edited that document and replaced my filenames with random characters in there too!
Figuring that filenames beginning with an underscore could be triggering some internal SharePoint procedures I've renamed all the files to remove the starting underscore--unfortunately the problem isn't immediately reproducible and I'm waiting right now to see if I run into any more trouble.
edit: the underscore in the filename didn't help... my documentLinks.html wound up getting modified and all the hrefs were replaced with random characters again. Now I'm setting the hrefs in javascript with the filename text concatenated together from multiple strings.
linkEle.href = ".../EPermits/Blank%20Form%20Templates/blank" + "_Chemical_Usage.pdf?empNum=" + empNumber;
Sharepoint uses the 'Title' field of the Document Library as the file's name. If the PDF file name is not stored in the Title field then Sharepoint might be creating a unique 'Title' for you. Check the column structure of your Document Library and ensure that you are storing the PDF filename in the 'Title' field.

Custom SharePoint List View - can I put it in a feature (WSP)?

Here's my situation:
I'm working in SharePoint 2007 Enterprise, I have a feature that creates a list for me when I deploy and activate it. My usual workflow thus far has been to deploy the solution, activate it, then open up SharePoint Designer to customize the list.
My customizations are typically pretty complex, but I'll keep things simple. In this case, let's just say that I edit AllItems.aspx, convert the data view to an XSLT data view, then I add one column with static text.
I've used a few different tools (SPSource, VSeWSS, SharePoint Manager, OCDExportList, etc) to extract my custom schema.xml and all the default views, but I have yet to have any luck figuring out where the the code for AllItems.aspx is now that it's been customized.
When I extract (using any of the tools above) AllItems.aspx is no different than the default. The <View> element in schema.xml is reduced to one line, for example:
<View DefaultView="TRUE"
DisplayName="All Documents"
ContentTypeID="0x" />
I'm really stuck here... I've got no clue what to do. Is it even possible? It would save me a great amount of time (and documentation) if I could include my customizations in my feature.
If there's any other info I'm missing that would help, let me know... thanks!
Latest findings:
I've found out a bit more in the past couple hours. If I save the list as a List Template, then save the .stp file locally as a .cab file I can extract its contents. One of the files is manifest.xml which contains the schema.xml as well as a few other sections.
One of those sections is a <webparts> section that has a <webpart> for each view. Each of those <webpart> elements contains a really long string of characters... no clue what those characters actually represent.
The important thing is that I think any custom views have to actually be Web Parts if deployed as part of a solution... but I'm not positive.
I have faced a similar issue a while ago. I had to create a very customized view and I had to give up the ListFormWebPart completely, and have created my own webpart to render the data.
Generally, when you customize the aspx file in SPDesigner, all your changes will be in the aspx file itself. Open it in SPDesigner and you will see there all the changes you have made. After you have converted to the XSL Data View, the standard ListFormWebPart is replaced by a DataFormWebPart, which doesn't care about the <View> tags specified in the schema.xml; Look in the aspx file itself for the ListFormWebPart.
Why not do all the customizations you want on a list, save the list as a template (it will include the associated AllItems.aspx) and then use that template in your feature to create your list? You could add the extracolumn from code (if it's dynamic and cannot be included in the template), and so on.
Yes you can. Get the Sharepoint manager tool from Codeplex
Install it on a machine in your farm, it will allow you to browse the farm via a tree view that shows all objects.
Make the list via the Sharepoint GUI, then browse to it w/ SPM.
SPM will allow you to extract the MOSS/WSS created xml that describes the list view (it shows up in the left hand property grid), which you can then plop into your manifest.xml
I have a similar issue and have been doing a lot of research into this. The dataview web part to me is one of the most powerful components in Sharepoint. Unfortunately I have to provide my solution as a .wsp package and that means that I can not just make the site and use Designer on that site. I have taken a 2 step approach in that I used designer to create my dataview and I also edited the code of that dataview to replace the ListID and Guids to ListName and the actual list name. This allows it to be exported and used in any page/site as long as the list name is the same. I am creating a webpart page document library also in my solution and I believe I can add the pages that have the webparts to this library using the onet.xml file. I will try to get the results of that test in as soon as I can do it.
