Sharepoint 2010 Metadata fields Key, Value - sharepoint

I'm currently working with Sharepoint 2010 and Sharepoint API on creating a document library with some existing document lists.
I have created a WinForm that loops through a given doc lists and then add them to diffrent document libraries depending on 'Type(A metadata field)' of the document. Type is determined by reading the "Metadata fields" for the specific document. Metadata fields are read by creating Hashtable of SPFields
When document metadata field is read to determin the 'Type', I have realised that the Metadatafield 'Type'(Key) actually pulls out as 'Type+TaxHTField0' and value for the Key pulls out as value|GUID
So for example if my Metadata field is called Doc_x0020_Type when it returns from the API it comes out as Doc_x0020_TypeTaxHTField0 the value for this should be just 'products' but it comes out as
Is there a setting we can set in sharepoint to eleminate adding extra charaters and GUID to both Key and Value for metadata fields?
Below is what I've done to rectify the issue, but wondered if it's a setting we can set in sharepoint
public String GetLibrary(Hashtable itemProperties)
String typeMetaField = "Doc_x0020_TypeTaxHTField0";
String sKey = String.Empty;
foreach (DictionaryEntry deEntry in itemProperties)
sKey = deEntry.Key.ToString();
if (sKey == typeMetaField){
_type = deEntry.Value.ToString();
string[] value = _type.Split('|');
_type = value[0].Trim();
return GetDocumentLibrary(_type);

This is by design.
If you add a taxonomy field to your own contenttype (for instance named 'MyTaxField') SharePoint will autogenerate a hidden 'Notes' field that contains the label and the guid of the values you select in the UI.
This is quite helpful when using SPSiteDataQuery since it will return empty values for taxonomy fields that allow multiple values (works with single value taxonomy fields though).
The only way to get the taxonomy values is to have a for the hidden field named 'MyTaxFieldTaxHTField0'.
But as you have discovered, this field might not be formatted as youd like :).
I have not tested this, but did you check if your contenttype contains a field called "Doc_x0020_Type" (possible of type TaxonomyFieldValue(Collection))?


How to get source list types of particular list/record field?

Here is I have two entity custom fields with list/record type,
custom_dev_j15 entity field has a custom source list (eg: one, two, three, four, etc)
custom_qa_v93 entity field has a standard source list as an object (eg: customer )
I've two vendor entity custom fields as stated in screenshots of question,
custentity473 --> customer is selected as list source
custentity474 --> custom_dev_j15_m_list as selected as list source ( which is custom list)
Here is snippet that i used to get the options of these fields,
// Snippet
var fieldDetails = {};
var record = nlapiCreateRecord("Vendor");
var field = record.getField("custentity473");
var selectoptions = field.getSelectOptions();
for ( var i in selectOptions) {
var Option = {
id : selectOptions[i].getId(),
label : selectOptions[i].getText()
fieldDetail["options"] = Options;
But my need is to get source list information like name of the list source (customer or custom_dev_j15_m_list) via suitescript
any idea on how to get this information?
Thanks in advance
I'm not sure I understand this question for what you're trying to do.
In NetSuite almost always, you accommodate to the source list types because you know that's the type, and if you need something else (e.g. a selection which is a combination/or custom selection you'll use a scripted field)
Perhaps you can expand on your use case, and then we can help you further?

Read data in content type via CSOM

I have an issue with CSOM and content type, I used CSOM to read some value in a sharepoint list, it works well until I try to used content type If I create a new content type with my fields, it's worked but if I add my field in an existing content type. It doesn't work and that's return me the following error:
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Here a piece of code from where my error is comming:
List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("myList");
CamlQuery query = CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery();
ListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(query);
l_objCtx.Load(items, its => its.Include(item => item[ColumnName], item => item.Id));
foreach (var item in items)
m_strGetprimary = item.Id.ToString();
return true;
I've done a lot of researches but I found nothing related to this issue
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you for your help
After adding SharePoint field to existing content type please check field name that you have just added. Sometimes it can be different and then your variable ColumnName might have wrong text value.
How to check it:
Go to site settings > Site content types > Your content type.
Select/click your field and in URL you will have param Field={field name}.

Lucene (6.2.1) deleteDocuments based on StoredField

I am using few StoredField and few TextField in my indexing (Lucene 6.2.1)
for every document I have my own unique ID
if I create field as
Field docID = new TextField("docID", docId, Field.Store.YES);
I am able to delet document like following
Field transactionIdField = new TextField("transactionId", transactionId, Field.Store.YES);
Term docIdTerm = new Term("docID", docId);
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer);
IndexWriter writer = repositoryWriters.getTargetIndexWriter(repositoryUuid);
// 4. remove document with docId
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Document removed from Index, docID: {0}", docId);
But if I create field as
Field docID = new SttoredField("docID", docId);
the document is not deleted
How can I delete a document based on a Stored Field Value?
I want to keep it a StoredField so tat users can not search teh document based on docID
Quoting StoredField documentation,
A field whose value is stored so that IndexSearcher.doc and
IndexReader.document() will return the field and its value.
i.e. it would simply be a stored field for a document and there would be no Terms or Indexing for this field.
Method, IndexWriter.deleteDocuments(Term...terms) wouldn't find that document since there will be no Term for a StoredField.
A TextField on the other hand is indexed and terms generated for it,
A field that is indexed and tokenized, without term vectors. For
example this would be used on a 'body' field, that contains the bulk
of a document's text.
A stored TextField is indexed as well as stored so terms are available and value is stored to re construct the document too.
So in sumamry, you can't delete a document on the basis of only a StoredField , you need an indexed field too - with same name to be able to delete it.

How to assign a value to an Orchard ContentPickerField from code?

I am working on an Orchard site that needs to be able to use some customized forms to create new content items.
To handle this I'm using a controller to display a form and then trying to create the new content items on post back by populating the dynamic items and then sending them through the ContentManagerService's Create() function.
This is working ok until I got to the content picker field I have as part of my content item.
In my project I have a content type of Question Record that has a SubmittedBy field that is a Content Picker Field.
Here is what I can see in the immediate window while processing the post back:
> dynamic q = _questionService.NewQuestion("Why doesn't this work?");
base {Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentPart}: {Custom.Website.Models.Question}
IsNew: true
OriginalQuestion: "Why doesn't this work?"
Summary: null
> q.QuestionRecord
base {System.Dynamic.DynamicObject}: {Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentPart}
ContentItem: {Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentItem}
Fields: Count = 5
Id: 0
PartDefinition: {Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData.Models.ContentPartDefinition}
Settings: Count = 0
TypeDefinition: {Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData.Models.ContentTypeDefinition}
TypePartDefinition: {Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData.Models.ContentTypePartDefinition}
Zones: {Orchard.UI.ZoneCollection}
> q.QuestionRecord.SubmittedBy
base {Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentField}: {Orchard.ContentPicker.Fields.ContentPickerField}
ContentItems: null
Ids: {int[0]}
The ContentItems property is read-only and the Ids when assigning a new int[] to the Ids array I get a System.ObjectDisposedException with the message: Instances cannot be resolved and nested lifetimes cannot be created from this LifetimeScope as it has already been disposed.
Are there any workarounds to get this value set in code or do I need to create my own property to store the related content item ids? It would be very helpful to have the admin interface of the ContentPickerField also available.
If you have a reference to the ContentPickerField, you can assign it a value using the Ids property.
In example (assuming your content type has a part called Question which has a field called SubmittedBy):
var submittedByField = ((dynamic)q.ContentItem).Question.SubmittedBy;
sbmittedByField.Ids = new[] { submittedById };
As Bertrand mentioned, the format to access a content field is: contentItem.PartName.FieldName.
If you attached a field to a type directly via the admin, the part name has the same name as the type name, hence contentItem.TypeName.FieldName (where TypeName is actually the name of the implicitly created part).

Accessing SPLIstItem properties in SharePoint

I'm trying something very simple - accessing my SharePoint list's items and their properties.
However, SPListItem.Properties count is zero for all normal lists. Everything works as expected for document and pages libraries. So, if the list items are based on document type, all is good. If they are based on item, properties are not returned.
I've tried in two environments, with new sites created from OOTB publishing templates, with new lists which are based on OOTB content types etc. Always the same thing.
Right amount of SPListItems is always returned. Title and Name are fine. It's just that the .Properties hashtable is totally empty.
In desperation, I wrote a web part that outputs the following (ugly!) diagnostics.
foreach (SPList list in SPContext.Current.Web.Lists)
foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items)
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = "Name: " + item.Name + "Property count: " + item.Properties.Count;
The only observation is that it works exactly as I described earlier. I just share the code to show that this is the most basic operation imaginable.
Here is sample output - I've added the line breaks for readability ;-)
Name: Test Property count: 0
Name: default.aspx Property count: 21
Obviously item "Test" is an item based list item and default.aspx is a page.
Has anyone ever encountered anything like this? Any ideas?
item["FieldName"] is the canonical way to get a value of a metadata column in a SharePoint list. If you need to get the list of available fields for a SharePoint list, check the parent SPList object's Fields property which is a collection of the fields in this list. Each of those field objects will have a property called InternalName and that is what you should use to access its value when you are working with an instance of SPListItem.
Are you trying to get the field Values? Sadly, they are not strongly typed:
string ModifiedBy = (string)item["Author"];
To get the proper names of the fields (they have to be the internal names), go to the List and then List Settings. You will find the List of Columns there. Click on any Column Name to go to the Edit Page, and then look at the URL in the Address Bar of your Browser. At the very end, there should be a parameter "Field=Editor" or similar - that's your internal field name.
If you wonder why a field like "Test Field" looks strange, that is because Sharepoint encodes certain characters. A Space would be encoded to x0020 hence the Internal Name for "Test Field" is "Test_x0020_Field".
In order to get the proper field type to cast to:
string FieldType = item["Author"].GetType().FullName;
(The Intermediate Window in Visual Studio is tremendously helpful for this!)
I have found the following extension to the SPListItem class to be very helpful.
internal static class SharePointExtensions
internal static Dictionary<string, object> PropertiesToDictionary(this SPListItem item)
// NOTE: This code might be temping - but don't do it! ...itdoes not work as there are often multiple field definitions with the same Title!
// return item.Fields.Cast<SPField>().ToDictionary(fld => fld.Title, fld => item[fld.Title]);
Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var fieldNames = item.Fields.Cast<SPField>().Select(fld => fld.Title).Distinct().OrderBy(sz => sz).ToArray();
foreach (fieldName in fieldNames)
dict.Add(sz, item[fieldName]);
return dict;
with it you can simply do:
...and you will have a nice Linq dictionary object that will work just the way you'd expect. Is it a little heavy-weight / low-performance? Sure. Are most people willing to make that trade-off? I think so...
Do you run SPListItem.Update() or .SystemUpdate() after setting the properties?
If you want to get an object out of a SPField of a SPListItem you've got to do like this:
SPField field = ((SPList)list).Fields.GetField("FieldName");
object fieldValue = field.GetFieldValue(((SPListItem)item)[field.Title].ToString());
The ListItem.Properties hashtable will be empty unless you assign to it.
SPListItem item = properties.ListItem;
item.Properties["Key"] = "value";
int total = item.Properties.Count;
"total == 1"
SPList yourList = web.Lists["Your list name"];
string sColumnValue = oSPListItem[yourList.Fields["yourSiteColumn display
