Method for Debugging Userscripts in Chrome - google-chrome-extension

I've attempted to make some modifications to a userscript to enable it to work under Chrome, but when I drag it into Chrome's window in order to install it, a dialog pops up and says 'Invalid Script Header'.
I've tried to use the Developer Tools, and built-in Javascript Console, to debug any errors occurring, but nothing appears to list any information. does not list anything meaningful, except for the same error message I already know.
[0x0-0x2d02d] [] Extension error: Invalid script header.
How can I reasonably debug this error message and figure out what about the header is incorrect?
I'm using Chrome 15.0.861.0 on the dev channel, under OS 10.7 Lion.

I finally stumbled across the answer to this question, amusingly via a Chromium Bug Report.
As it turns out, the answer to my question was in the (significantly brief) Userscript Documentation for Chrome page.
With Greasemonkey-style #include rules, it is not possible for Chrome to know for certain the domains a script will run on (because google.* can also run on Because of this, Chrome just tells users that these scripts will run on all domains, which is sometimes scarier than necessary. With #match, Chrome will tell users the correct set of domains a user script will run on.
As it turns out, I had been using #match http://* in an attempt to match as well as, but per the quoted text, that doesn't save you from accidentally matching So, my solution was to use two lines:
#match http://*

Somewhere in the code, and the Web Inspector will pop up in that location. I have answered similar question here Chrome debugger inject javascript

I figured out while I got the same error message ( INVALID SCRIPT HEADER ) that it accoured cause of a typo between the // ==UserScript== Header info.
wronge line
// #run-at document.end
corrected line
// #run-at document-end


Was ExtensionSidebarPane broken in Chrome 92 upgrade?

I released a Chrome DevTools extension a couple years ago that uses
chrome.devtools.panels.elements.createSidebarPane(title, callback)
to add an ExtensionSidebarPane. This worked fine until Chrome 92. Now the Pane is created with the title, but it is blank.
The calls I am using are still documented:, but the example code that I used has been moved to into the mv2-archive section of the google-extension-samples repo. And the chrome-query example code no longer works either. So maybe that means it is unsupported now. On the other hand, everything I have found so far seems to say v2 should be supported to the end of 2021. And I haven't found any alternative v3 examples of adding info to the devtools UI.
Obviously createSidebarPane is getting called, because the blank pane is created with the expected title. And intentionally throwing an error in the callback shows that it is getting called with the expected ExtensionSidebarPane object as a parameter, it's just that calling setExpression or setObject on it doesn't do anything. I am not seeing any other errors or warnings.
I would hate to retire my extension, since I know people use it, but I am not sure what else to try.

Problem with Chrome headless from CLI: empty PDF and error "Failed to serialize document: Uncaught"

My web application generates a PDF from an HTML page via Google Chrome 76.0.3809.100 headless on Debian GNU/Linux 9.9 (stretch). My call looks like this:
google-chrome --headless --ignore-certificate-errors --hide-scrollbars --print-to-pdf='mypdf.pdf' --run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw --no-sandbox --virtual-time-budget=60000
Everything works perfectly... about 9 times out of 10. But sometime I got an empty PDF.
I thought it was a bug in my code, so I tried to run the same command from the command line directly. I also added --dump-dom to exclude the PDF generation and display the HTML on the console. Again, about 9 times out of 10 it works, one... it doesn't.
When it doesn't, I get this error:
[0814/] Failed to serialize document: Uncaught
Well, actually this is my full console output, but all the other messages are there also when it runs OK, so I don't think they matter:
Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 100: unknown element "blank"
Fontconfig warning: ignoring UTF-8: not a valid region tag
[0814/] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Shared memory region is not valid
[0814/] MessageAttachmentSet destroyed with unconsumed attachments: 0/1
[0814/] CERT_PKIXVerifyCert for failed err=-8102
[0814/] Failed to serialize document: Uncaught
[0814/] Waited 3 ms for network service
Ok, so back to "my bad" route. I switched to and... lo and behold! Same "sometime" error!
I'm fresh out of ideas, even more since I cannot replicate the behaviour in a consistent manner: sometime it works, sometime it doesn't.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Ok, I reported this to the Chromium devs as Issue 993686. It was recognized as a bug in Chromium.
As a workaround, I removed som aync-loaded fonts I had in my CSS and now it works 10/10.

lock preferences in firefox 45.5 on RHEL

I am required to make a custom FireFox profile on a RHEL based system.
most of the configuration are changed inside the FireFox inside the about:config menu.
When I try and lock parameter values using the "mozilla.cfg" file and the "lockPref("", )" function the browser doesn't seem to read those files, I place the file both in: "~/.mozilla/firefox/" and "/usr/lib64/firefox/". I used the guide and some more and still I have no one answer about where those function should be written and how do I check that those functions were loaded.
I would like some clear instructions or a definitive guide that I just couldn't manage to find.
This came up fairly high in a Google search when I was asking the same question, but did not have an answer at the time.
I found the following reference:
On RHEL7, the files needed to be added to the following locations:
/usr/lib64/firefox/defaults/preferences/autoconfig.js (root:root, 644)
/usr/lib64/firefox/mozilla.cfg (root:root, 644)

Watir-webdriver keeps opening multiple browsers

Hello StackOverflow members,
I've been searching the site (and the rest of the web) for an answer to this question, but all my search queries returned the awesome features of Watir... I seem to be one of the few people running into this particular problem. I hope someone out there has an easy answer for me :)
I'm working on website test automation. The current test set is written with Cucumber/Ruby/Selenium-Webdriver/Capybara. I'm personally interested in switching to Watir-Webdriver in combination with Cucumber and Ruby, but I'm struggling with the following:
Every time I run my cucumber test, Watir opens not one, but TWO browser screens. It seems to want to initiate a blank screen (which just goes to the site I configurated as default), plus another browser screen in which the actual test steps are executed.
Keep in mind, I'm rather new to this and I'm having this trouble when simply following a beginners tutorial. Nothing fancy as of yet.
In my 'Support/env.rb' file, I have the following:
require "cucumber"
require 'watir-webdriver'
app_host = ENV['apphost']
Before do
#browser = Watir::Browser.start app_host, :firefox
Before do |scenario|
#scenario_tag = scenario.source_tag_names
at_exit do
The first bit in my steps file (GoogleSearch.rb -- yes it's that basic):
require_relative "../support/env"
Given(/^that I have gone to the Google page$/) do
#browser.goto ''
Now, when I run this test, I expect just ONE browser to be initiated. But instead, the automation initiates TWO browser screens. One just stays in the background doing nothing, the other contains the test steps.
Again, I've searched for a while now (which I'm usually pretty good at), but I haven't found the answer to my problem anywhere. The only way I got it to work, is to start with a step in my steps file, initiating a browser (instead of doing this in the env.rb file). But I don't want to start each test with opening a browser..
Any help would be very much appreciated. If any more information from me is required, I'll update as soon as I can.
Thanks in advance!
The problem is that env.rb is being loaded twice:
It is automatically included when running the cucumber command
It is being included a second time in GoogleSearch.rb when calling the line require_relative "../support/env".
As a result, each of the hooks is registered twice. In other words, Cucumber is seeing the hooks to run before each scenario as:
Before do
#browser = Watir::Browser.start app_host, :firefox
Before do |scenario|
#scenario_tag = scenario.source_tag_names
Before do
#browser = Watir::Browser.start app_host, :firefox
Before do |scenario|
#scenario_tag = scenario.source_tag_names
As you can see, Watir::Browser.start is called twice resulting in the two browsers. The first one is not used since the second call uses the same variable.
To solve the problem, simply remove the require_relative "../support/env" line.
Note that this will only address the issue with opening two browsers for each scenario. You will notice that you will still get a new browser for each scenario and that only the last browser gets closed. If you only want one browser for all scenarios, you should look at the global hooks.

Make Greasemonkey throw error on undefined variable

I've recently switched from chrome to firefox for greasemonkey development. I have some problems with debugging.
The following func
I meant to write:
self = this;
but instead I wrote
Self wasn't defined, so the script didn't run, however, nor did I get any javascript error. Why and can I get them somehow? I get some errors.
Unfortunately, Greasemonkey - and javascript in general, along with at least a few other non-compiled languages - do not give very good debugging errors... I can't count the number of times it tells me there is a missing ) at the end of an argument list that doesn't exist, and it turns out my error is elsewhere...
When a script of mine won't run I add an alert after any value assignments and if they don't alert or alert the wrong data I have found the problem... for your example above I would debug by:
Although I would probably see the problem when I went to add the alert, but if I didn't notice - the alert either wouldn't pop up or it would have the wrong value... and if it didn't pop up, the error console would likely say self not defined.
