vim : <silent> nmap - vim

In vim I have this nmap
nmap <silent> ,mu : marks ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<CR>
If I don´t have Upper marks and try ,mu I get
why don't show the Error output ?

nnoremap <silent> ,mu :execute "try\nmarks ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\ncatch /\\V\\^Vim(marks):E283:/\nendtry"<CR>
By the way, is there a reason for writing :nmap instead of :nnoremap? You should not do this if you don't have a reason unless you want to run in the situation where you can't predict what will be the result of adding another mapping (directly to vimrc or by installing a plugin).
Edit (sehe)
To make things more readable, I'd suggest using a snippet like this in your $MYVIMRC:
function! ShowGlobalMarks()
catch /E283:/
nnoremap <silent> ,mu :call ShowGlobalMarks()<CR>


How do I debug a non-functioning keymap in Vim?

I ask this question generally, but I will put it in terms of the specific problem I'm having.
I'm using the vim-lawrencium plugin for a project under Mercurial source control. I use the :Hgstatus command to open the status buffer.
The status buffer comes with some nice keymaps to make it easy to add files to the commit, look at diffs, and finalize the commit.
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> :Hgstatusedit<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-N> :call search('^[MARC\!\?I ]\s.', 'We')<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-P> :call search('^[MARC\!\?I ]\s.', 'Wbe')<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-D> :Hgstatustabdiff<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-V> :Hgstatusvdiff<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-U> :Hgstatusdiffsum<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-H> :Hgstatusvdiffsum<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-A> :Hgstatusaddremove<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-S> :Hgstatuscommit<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-R> :Hgstatusrefresh<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :bdelete!<cr>
Most of these seem to work. I've successfully tried diffing, adding, and q to close the status, but the <C-S> shortcut doesn't work at all. I can manually run the :Hgstatuscommit command it's mapped to. I've also looked at :map to verify the key is actually mapped for that buffer, and it does show up in the list.
What is my next step in debugging this? I want to fix this specific problem, but I also want to know how to fix it in the event I run across broken shortcuts in the future. I'm new to Vim, so I'm at a bit of a loss at this point.
UPDATE: Output of :verbose map <C-S>
v <C-S> *#:Hgstatuscommit<CR>
Last set from ~/.spf13-vim-3/.vim/bundle/vim-lawrencium/plugin/lawrencium.vim
n <C-S> *#:Hgstatuscommit<CR>
Last set from ~/.spf13-vim-3/.vim/bundle/vim-lawrencium/plugin/lawrencium.vim
SOLUTION: Turned out the problem was that my shell was intercepting Ctrl-S and it was never getting to Vim.
I added a Vim alias to my .zshrc to fix:
alias vim="stty stop '' -ixoff ; vim"
ttyctl -f
Found the fix on the Vim Wikia which also has a solution for bash shells.
Software Flow Control
If you are using using a terminal then it is often the case that <c-s> is being used for terminal's software flow control (XON/XOFF). Which makes <c-s> a trickier key to map.
Turn off flow control by adding the following to some startup script (e.g. ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc):
stty -ixon
If you have frozen your terminal then you can unfreeze it by pressing <c-q>.
Generic map debuging
You can debug pretty much any custom vim mapping via the following command:
:verbose map
This will list out each key/chord ({lhs}) maps to what command ({rhs}), mode, and file the mapping was sourced from. For more information on this listing see :h map-listing and :h :map-verbose.
We can filter this list in a few ways:
Supplying a mode. e.g. :verbose nmap for normal mode and :verbose imap for insert mode.
Proving the key we want to query for. e.g :verbose nmap <c-s>
Can also see buffer specific mappings by adding <buffer>. e.g. :verbose nmap <buffer> <c-s>
So for your question the best way to debug what your mapping is set to would be to run the following query:
:verbose nmap <buffer> <c-s>
Note: Vim's native command are not listed via :verbose map. The best way to find one of Vim's native commands is to help. See :h for more.
First, check that <C-S> still mapped to :Hgstatuscommit
map <C-S>
Hgstatuscommit calls s:HgStatus_Commit. Open its definition on line 1134 and put some debugging print outs:
echom a:linestart
echom a:lineend
echom a:bang
echom a:vertical
After using the mapping, check :messages.
I’d suspect that <C-S> is mapped to something else. You can use :map
<C-S> to check how (or if) its mapping is configured. Even better, you can
add the prefix to see where the mapping was set from, e.g., when I run
:verbose map <C-L>, the following is displayed:
<C-L> * :noh<CR><C-L>
Last set from ~/.vimrc
By contrast, I haven’t set a mapping for <C-S> so when I run, :map <C-S>,
I get:
No mapping found
Prepending verbose to a command is a useful general debugging technique as it can show where any Vim option was set, e.g., :verbose set background? shows what the background option is currently set to and which Vim configuration file it was set in:
Last set from ~/.vimrc

Unable to get this function working in .vimrc

Not sure if this is the best place for this question but following this article I put this function Putclip in my vimrc however it doesnt seem to get triggered.
vnoremap <silent> <leader>y :call Putclip(visualmode(), 1)<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>y :call Putclip('n', 1)<CR>
I thought the above two calls to the function should work in vm mode or normal mode when pressing y command. Even the highlight on mouse in vm mode doesnt work. Can someone please let me know what im doing wrong.
I use cygwin as the environment to do this and using vim version 7.3.
These map the command not to y, but to <leader>y. By default, the leader key is a backslash, so the command is really bound to \y. You can change that by setting the mapleader variable to something else before mapping a command to a key sequence incorporating it:
let mapleader = ","
vnoremap <silent> <leader>y :call Putclip(visualmode(), 1)<CR>
Now the function would be bound to ,y instead of \y.

vim: visual star search not working as expected

I copied this function to visually search with * and #:
function! s:VSetSearch(cmdtype)
let temp = #s
norm! gv"sy
let #/ = '\V' . substitute(escape(#s, a:cmdtype.'\'), '\n', '\\n', 'g')
let #s = temp
xnoremap * :<C-u>call <SID>VSetSearch('/')<CR>/<C-R>=#/<CR><CR>
xnoremap # :<C-u>call <SID>VSetSearch('?')<CR>?<C-R>=#/<CR><CR>
The # mapping works fine but the * mapping doesn't exit visual selection (it extends the range of the visual selection until the next searched word). I don't understand why this is happening. Is there a solution?
EDIT: To reproduce the problem save the code snippet, download the MS Installer, open cmd.exe and start vim vim -u NONE, then do :set nocp and finally source the saved code. In fact, the following simple mapping doesn't work either:
nnoremap * *<C-o>
EDIT 2: Can someone else reproduce this issue? Should it be reported?
EDIT 3: I believe that the problem (bug?) is that the * (star) key cannot be remapped: if I start vim with vim -N -u NONE (Vim 7.4 with patches 1-274) and run the command :noremap * :echo "star"<CR> and press *, vim tries to perform a search. I also reported this to the vim dev group.
The following is what I use :
function! s:Vword()
return getline('.')[col("'<")-1:col("'>")-1]
xnoremap <silent> * <Esc>/\v<<C-R>=<SID>Vword()<CR>><CR>
xnoremap <silent> g* <Esc>/\v<C-R>=<SID>Vword()<CR><CR>
xnoremap <silent> # o<Esc>?\v<<C-R>=<SID>Vword()<CR>><CR>
xnoremap <silent> g# o<Esc>?\v<C-R>=<SID>Vword()<CR><CR>
nnoremap <silent> g// :grep -w <cword> <C-R>=getcwd()<CR><CR>
nnoremap <silent> g/* :grep <cword> <C-R>=getcwd()<CR><CR>
xnoremap <silent> g// :<C-U>grep -w <C-R>=<SID>Vword()<CR> <C-R>=getcwd()<CR><CR>
xnoremap <silent> g/* :<C-U>grep <C-R>=<SID>Vword()<CR> <C-R>=getcwd()<CR><CR>
I have also additionally added nice mappings for g* & similarly g# and also a bunch of mappings for invoking grep that I find very useful.
Edit: minor fixes to code.
Mapping <kMultiply> instead of * solved the problem. Really strange since I do not use the keypad multiply key.

Vim - How to make your own mapping repeatable?

I have following mappings in my vimrc:
nmap <Leader>h1 yyp<c-v>$r=
nmap <Leader>h2 yyp<c-v>$r-
I'd like to repeat <Leader>h1/2 with .
There exist the repeat.vim plugin by Tim Pope with following usage line
silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>MyWonderFulMap", v:count)
I tried using it in the following way:
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>MyWonderfulMap :normal yyp<c-v>$r=
silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>MyWonderfulMap", v:count)
nmap <Leader>h1 <Plug>MyWonderfulMap
It does not work.
I know it is not a serious complication, however, I am interested to use the repeat.vim for own mappings.
The repeat#set() invocation must be done after the mapping invocation, not just once after the mapping definition. With :normal, you'd have to wrap this with :execute to be able to append the :call, but actually your mapping doesn't need to use :normal at all:
:nnoremap <silent> <Plug>MyWonderfulMap yyp<c-v>$r=:silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>MyWonderfulMap", v:count)<CR>
:nmap <Leader>h1 <Plug>MyWonderfulMap

Unable to eliminate T in Vim's Taglist

I have the following code in .vimrc
" to eliminate the effect of the line 1560 in taglist.vim
if v:version >= 700
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> t
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-t>
The command does what it should do. However, the command gives also me the following error at Vim's startup
No mapping found
No mapping found
How can you eliminate the keyboard shortcut, such that you do not get the message in Taglist but you can still use the default "T" for browsing up in Dvorak?
Delete it. I don't use taglist, but the example you gave in your post does nothing.
It is supposed to map something to something, but the right side is missing, i.e. something is supposed to being mapped to "t" and "C-t", but that something isn't defined.
Or, you can do this:
:silent nnoremap <buffer> <silent> t (and analoguous for the second line)
(mapping stays but the message will not be displayed)
