Magento 1.5 CE display search function in navigation bar - search

I am using Magento CE v1.5. Modern theme. I would like to display Search bar on the right hand side in the Navigation bar. Basically category menus on the left and search function on the right on a horizontal menu.
I have replaced with in catalogsearch.xml. The search function displays on the right with the following CSS
.form-search { margin:3px auto; float:right; position:absolute; right:20px; top:70px; }
I am just wondering do I need to do anything to top.phtml file because many other tutorials suggest you need to add
getChildHtml('topSearch') ?>
My search displays without the above code in the top.phtml file.
Please suggest the correct way to go about achieveing search in the navigation bar in CE v1.5. Thank you.

If, getChildHtml() not loaded in a template that you work on, you can't show the block that you want. Try the following snippet :
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->getBlock('')->toHtml() ?>


wordpress css background color in a specific page only

I am editing a site in wordpress acting on custom css. I would need to have a black background on the main page where all the products are displayed and keep the white background inside the product sheet.
currently I have entered this code:
.site-container {
this code worked in the main product grid, now the background is black, the problem is that it also changed the background of the single product page. how do i exclude the command to make it stay only on the product grid?
or alternatively which code should I enter to make the product sheet background white?
(the site I'm working on is not online yet)
thank you
Just add the background property to the page ID class for the page you want to change the background.
So for example your page ID is 6:
.page-id-6 {
This css is only applied to the page with the ID 6.
You can find the id with the dev tools of your browser, just have a look at the classes of the HTML Body.

I need help moving the post /page title of my pages/posts BELOW my featured image, or hide it altogether

Currently, my title overlays my cover image on my pages and posts. I do not like this and want it either hidden or removed. I've tried plugins and they don't work. What code can I use to do this? I have a child theme.
My Site with example of this:
Plugins that didn't work and messed up my menu. I just want this text deleted on the display, I need it to show up in other areas of the site
Don't have any
Titles either not displaying at all on pages, and for post below the featured image
Do you want remove the text "Example Laos Article 2 months ago"? Is it?
If so, you can add some CSS code to hide it.
Something like:
.entry-header {
display: none;

Opencart 2.0.x.x hide menu

I have small problem with opencart I use Journal theme and I want my main page to not show main menu. I want to create something like "welcome" page where I don't want to show a menu.
I'm not sure where to look; I have custom home page where I redirected all modules from journal to my new "main page" but I couldn't do the same with menu.
I tried looking on structure of the page but I don't entirely understand it. I was used to joomla structure before.
Also I tried to find line that call for menu on exact page but couldĀ“t find it either.
On the homepage template (home.tpl) add custom css along the lines of
#menu {
This will hide the menu (if it has the id menu) just on the homepage.
Thank you very much it did nothing but i change the code to corespond with my template to:
div#sticky-wrapper {
display: none;
and now its working you realy helped me thank you again

Joomla : Putting the submenus somewhere else

I'm using the default menu in Joomla. So, I have the following structure :
Menu 1
Menu 2
The problem is that I want to include the submenus horizontally on the top of the page instead of displaying them just below the root menu. For example, if I click on "Menu2" :
Submenu1 Submenu2
Is it possible ?
Than you.
There you go:
I havent done this in a while, but using seperate menu modules is a pretty flexible solution. I'm not quite sure, but I think there are also extensions that do what your want. Either way, the above link should help.

drag and drop in drupal 6 block

I am working on drupal. I am facing problem in block. There is no drag and drop function on the page. When i dissable javascript on my browser it show weight option to set manually, after enable again it is not showing.
can any one suggest about this type of problem. if there is any css related issue please suggest me about this
Usually, when this happens, the <?php print $scripts; ?> call in your theme's page.tpl.php is missing, so that Drupal's JavaScript files aren't being included (it's JavaScript that creates the drag and drop features). Or there is an error/conflict in your JavaScript/jQuery.
Is $scripts being printed in your theme?
