chrome extension read value problem - google-chrome-extension

I'm building my chrome extension and I've got weird problem. This is script I'm running in background page:
function getOpenedTabs() {
var openedTabs = [];{}, function(wins) {
for (var w in wins) {
if (wins[w].id !== undefined) {
chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(wins[w].id, function(tabs) {
for (var t in tabs) {
if (tabs[t].id !== undefined) {
return openedTabs;
var openedTabs = getOpenedTabs();
var length = openedTabs.length;
console.log("Quantity of tabs: " + length );
if (length > 20) {
openedTabs.sort(function(a,b){return a.visitCount - b.visitCount});
var t = openedTabs.shift();
console.log("The extension closed the " + t.title + " tab");
In debugging mode openedTabs.length returns correct value. But when I removed all breakpoints then openedTabs.length returns zero all time.
What kind of problem it might be?

Chrome API calls are asynchronous (think ajax calls), so they are not executed in order. You can't return from such methods, you need to use callbacks.
function getOpenedTabs(callback) {{populate: true}, function(wins) {
var openedTabs = [];
for (var w=0; w<wins.length;w++) {
for (var t=0;t<wins[w].tabs.length;t++) {
if (wins[w].tabs[t].id !== undefined) { //I don't think this check is needed
if(callback) {
getOpenedTabs(function(openedTabs) {
var length = openedTabs.length;
console.log("Quantity of tabs: " + length );
if (length > 20) {
openedTabs.sort(function(a,b){return a.visitCount - b.visitCount});
var t = openedTabs.shift();
console.log("The extension closed the " + t.title + " tab");
You don't need to use getAllInWindow(), you can get all tabs with getAll(). Also using in to iterate over an array isn't a good practice.


Using node.js for-loop index in a coinbase-api callback function

I am new to node.js and i am trying to make a simple script that will connect to the coinbase-api and get the current price of whatever markets are defined in the MARKET array.
The problem i am having is that the for-loop that iterates through the array is asynchronous and the callback function is not getting the correct index value for the array.
The two main solutions i have found are to use promises or force the loop to wait. I think i need to be using promises rather than forcing the for loop to wait but honestly i have failed to implement a solution either way. I have found may example of promises but i just cant seem to figure out how to implement them into my script. I would appreciate any help.
const coinbaseModule = require('coinbase-pro');
const COINBASE_URI = '';
// const MARKET = ['BTC-USD'];
const MARKET = ['BTC-USD', 'ETH-BTC'];
let askPrice = [null, null];
let averagePrice = [null, null];
let tickerCount = null;
const getCallback = (error, response, data) =>
if (error)
return console.log(error);
if ((data!=null) && (data.ask!=null) && (data.time!=null))
askPrice[tickerCount] = parseFloat(data.ask);
if (averagePrice[tickerCount]===null)
averagePrice[tickerCount] = askPrice[tickerCount];
console.log(MARKET[tickerCount] + " ask price: " + askPrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6));
averagePrice[tickerCount] = (averagePrice[tickerCount] * 1000 + askPrice[tickerCount]) / 1001;
console.log(MARKET[tickerCount] + " ask price: " + askPrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6) + " average price: "+ averagePrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6));
setInterval(() =>
publicClient = new coinbaseModule.PublicClient(COINBASE_URI);
for (tickerCount = 0; tickerCount < MARKET.length; tickerCount++)
publicClient.getProductTicker(MARKET[tickerCount], getCallback);
}, 10000);
I was able to figure out how to use promises with trial and error from the helpful examples on the Mozilla Developer Network. I am sure i am making some mistakes but at least it is working now. Another little bonus is that i was able to remove a global.
const coinbaseModule = require('coinbase-pro');
const COINBASE_URI = '';
// const MARKET = ['BTC-USD'];
const MARKET = ['BTC-USD', 'ETH-BTC'];
let askPrice = [null, null];
let averagePrice = [null, null];
function getProductTicker(tickerCount) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
publicClient.getProductTicker(MARKET[tickerCount],function callback(error, response, data){
if (error)
return console.log(error);
if ((data!=null) && (data.ask!=null) && (data.time!=null))
askPrice[tickerCount] = parseFloat(data.ask);
if (averagePrice[tickerCount]===null)
averagePrice[tickerCount] = askPrice[tickerCount];
console.log(MARKET[tickerCount] + " ask price: " + askPrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6));
averagePrice[tickerCount] = (averagePrice[tickerCount] * 1000 + askPrice[tickerCount]) / 1001;
console.log(MARKET[tickerCount] + " ask price: " + askPrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6) + " average price: "+ averagePrice[tickerCount].toFixed(6));
setInterval( async () =>
publicClient = new coinbaseModule.PublicClient(COINBASE_URI);
for (var tickerCount = 0; tickerCount < MARKET.length; tickerCount++)
await getProductTicker(tickerCount);
}, 10000);

How to migrate SSE chat node express to node hapi

I was testing a SSE node express chat in localhost.It was working perfectly. I was including a chat_server in a demo with hapijs as modular server...and it complain about the express syntax. How can I migrate the code to the right syntax in hapijs?
I am trying to solve changing writeHead and write methods because it's complaing about and adding stream package after searching answers in internet.
* Request handlers
function handleGetChat(req, res) {
console.log('handleGetChat received.');
// res(chatStream).code(200).type('text/event-stream').header('Connection', 'keep-alive').header('Cache-Control','no-cache');
// chatStream.write('\n');
(function(clientId) {
clients[clientId] = res;
clientNames[clientId] =;
console.log('name {$}');
req.on("close", () => {
delete clients[clientId];
actUserName = "";
sendText(clientNames[clientId] + " disconnected!", false);
delete clientNames[clientId];
sendText( + " connected!", false);
let allMates = "";
for (cliId in clientNames) {
allMates += `${clientNames[cliId]}`;
if (cliId < clientId) allMates += " ";
sendText(`logged in [${allMates}]`, false);
let sendText = (text, showUserName = true) => {
for (clientId in clients) {
allMates += `${clientNames[cliId]}`;
if (cliId < clientId) allMates += " ";
sendText(logged in [${allMates}], false);
let sendText = (text, showUserName = true) => {
for (clientId in clients) {
let data = "";
let date = new Date();
let timestamp = `[${date.getHours()}:${date.getMinutes()}]`;
if (showUserName) {
data = `data: ${timestamp} <${actUserName}> ${text}\n\n`;
} else {
data = `data: ${timestamp} ${text}\n\n`;
//chatStream.push('data: ' + "\n\n");
function handleWriteChat(req, res) {
actUserName =;
res.json({ success: true });
The commented lines in the code above are the lines with syntax error in hapi. I was already changing the originals write and writeHead with chatstream.

How to get all fonts used on a page using node.js?

I need to crawl all the pages on a site (the crwling part works fine.) and so i need to run THIS script on my server using node.js. I tried implementing the following logic:
var request = require('request');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var URL = require('url-parse');
var jsdom = require("jsdom");
var { JSDOM } = jsdom;
var START_URL = "";
var SEARCH_FONT = "helvetica";
var MAX_PAGES_TO_VISIT = 100000;
var pagesVisited = {};
var numPagesVisited = 0;
var pagesToVisit = [];
var url = new URL(START_URL);
var baseUrl = url.protocol + "//" + url.hostname;
function crawl() {
if(numPagesVisited >= MAX_PAGES_TO_VISIT) {
console.log("Reached max limit of number of pages to visit.");
var nextPage = pagesToVisit.pop();
if (nextPage in pagesVisited) {
// We've already visited this page, so repeat the crawl
} else {
// New page we haven't visited
visitPage(nextPage, crawl);
function visitPage(url, callback) {
// Add page to our set
pagesVisited[url] = true;
// Make the request
console.log("Visiting page " + url);
request(url, function(error, response, body) {
// Check status code (200 is HTTP OK)
console.log("Status code: " + response.statusCode);
if(response.statusCode !== 200) {
// Parse the window.document body
// var window = jsdom.jsdom(body).defaultView();
var { window } = new JSDOM(body);
//var $ = cheerio.load(body);
var helveticaFound = searchForHelvetica(window, 'font-family');
if(helveticaFound) {
console.log('Word ' + SEARCH_FONT + ' found at page ' + url);
} else {
// In this short program, our callback is just calling crawl()
// callback();
function searchForHelvetica( window , css) {
if(typeof getComputedStyle == "undefined")
getComputedStyle= function(elem){
return elem.currentStyle;
var who, hoo, values= [], val,
nodes= window.document.body.getElementsByTagName('*'),
L= nodes.length;
for(var i= 0; i<L; i++){
who= nodes[i];
hoo= '#'+( || who.nodeName+'('+i+')');
// return false;
val= || getComputedStyle(who, '')[css];
if(verbose) values.push([hoo, val]);
else if(values.indexOf(val)== -1) values.push(val);
// before IE9 you need to shim Array.indexOf (shown below)
// console.log(values);
// return values;
function collectInternalLinks($) {
var relativeLinks = $("a[href^='/']");
console.log("Found " + relativeLinks.length + " relative links on page");
relativeLinks.each(function() {
pagesToVisit.push(baseUrl + $(this).attr('href'));
If you see my visit page function you will see the below two lines of code:
var { window } = new JSDOM(body);
var helveticaFound = searchForHelvetica(window, 'font-family');
as you can see on the 2nd line i am passing the window object to the searchForHelvetic function.
In my searchForHelvetic function , if i console.log(nodes[i]); , i don't get the html element and hence the rest of the script does't quite run as expected. does the jsdom window differ from the window object in the browser ? how do i get the script working ? I.E. basically use the window object to run through all the pages on the page and spit out all the fonts used on the page ?
To break the problem down to a micro level, if i console.log(who); inside searchForHelvetica function , i get the following result:
HTMLElement {}
HTMLDivElement {}
HTMLDivElement {}
HTMLDivElement {}
HTMLAnchorElement {}
HTMLImageElement {}
HTMLDivElement {}
HTMLFormElement {}
HTMLDivElement {}
HTMLLabelElement {}
HTMLInputElement {}
HTMLButtonElement {}
HTMLButtonElement {}
HTMLSpanElement {}
But if i were to do the same in a web browser the result world be different Eg.
nodes = window.document.body.getElementsByTagName('*');
console.log(node[1]) // <div id="mobile-menu-box" class="hide">...</div>
How do i get a similar result in node.js ?

Knockout-2.2.0, subscribe get value before change AND new value

jsfiddle link:
When I call Knockout's subscribe method is there a way I can get both the previous and new value? Right now, I can only call get these values separately.
I want to trigger some code if the old and new value are different.
I suppose I could do the following, but it can get messy...
var sv = sv || {};
sv.PagedRequest = function (pageNumber, pageSize) {
this.pageNumber = ko.observable(pageNumber || 1);
this.numberOfPages = ko.observable(1);
this.pageSize = ko.observable(pageSize || sv.DefaultPageSize);
var _pagedRequest = new sv.PagedRequest();
var oldValue;
_pagedRequest.pageNumber.subscribe(function (previousValue) {
console.log("old: " + previousValue);
oldValue = previousValue;
}, _pagedRequest, "beforeChange");
_pagedRequest.pageNumber.subscribe(function (newValue) {
console.log("new: " + newValue);
if (oldValue != newValue) {
console.log("value changed!");
I prefer using an observable extender.
ko.extenders.withPrevious = function (target) {
// Define new properties for previous value and whether it's changed
target.previous = ko.observable();
target.changed = ko.computed(function () { return target() !== target.previous(); });
// Subscribe to observable to update previous, before change.
target.subscribe(function (v) {
}, null, 'beforeChange');
// Return modified observable
return target;
Example Usage:
// Define observable using 'withPrevious' extension
self.hours = ko.observable().extend({ withPrevious: 1 });
// Subscribe to observable like normal
self.hours.subscribe(function () {
if (!self.hours.changed()) return; // Cancel if value hasn't changed
print('Hours changed from ' + self.hours.previous() + ' to ' + self.hours());
This seems to work for me
ko.observable.fn.beforeAndAfterSubscribe = function (callback, target) {
var _oldValue;
this.subscribe(function (oldValue) {
_oldValue = oldValue;
}, null, 'beforeChange');
this.subscribe(function (newValue) {, _oldValue, newValue);
See more at:
var sv = sv || {};
sv.PagedRequest = function (pageNumber, pageSize) {
var self = this;
self.pageNumber = ko.observable(pageNumber || 1);
self.numberOfPages = ko.observable(1);
self.pageSize = ko.observable(pageSize || sv.DefaultPageSize);
self.pageNumber.subscribe(function (previousValue) {
if (previousValue != _pagedRequest.pageNumber.arguments[0]) {
console.log('value changed');
else {
//This won't get executed because KO doesn't
//call the function if the value doesn't change
console.log('not changed');
}, _pagedRequest, "beforeChange");
var _pagedRequest = new sv.PagedRequest();
I don't know if you're really supposed to use arguments[0], but it seems to work.
You could also set up your own method to accomplish this in a much cleaner way:
self.setPageNumber = function(page) {
if (self.pageNumber() != page) {
console.log('value changed');
else {
console.log('not changed');

Handling byte streams in node.js

For education purposes I am creating a little chat with node.js using TCP.
I am using the windows console to connect with my node server but when I am typing all the characters are streamed one by one. They don't arive as strings. How can I manage to handle those streams so my users don't can write complete words.
My Code:
var net = require("net");
Array.prototype.remove = function(e) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (e == this[i]) { return this.splice(i, 1); }
function Chatter(stream) { = null; = stream;
var chatters = [];
var server = net.createServer(function(stream) {
var chatter = new Chatter(stream);
stream.addListener("connect", function(){
stream.write("Hallo, wer bist du?:\n");
stream.addListener("data", function (data) {
if( == null) { = data.match(/\S+/);
if (c != chatter) { + " ist dem Chat beigetreten!\n");
var command = data.match(/^\/(.*)/);
if (command) {
if (command[1] == 'users') {
chatters.forEach(function(c) {
stream.write("- " + + "\n");
else if (command[1] == 'quit') {
chatters.forEach(function(c) {
if(c != chatter) { + ": " + data);
stream.addListener("end", function(){
chatters.forEach(function(c) { + " hat den Chat verlassen.\n");
For the record that code is from this site
setEncoding('utf8') is supposed to change the emiting of data, but it doesn't work for me :-(
The solution to your problem is to store all received characters in a buffer and when an END_OF_NICK character is encountered (say, \n), use the buffer as the name.
var buffer = ""; // stores received characters
stream.addListener("data", function (data) {
if( == null) { // still receiving characters for the name
buffer += data; // append received characters to the buffer
if (buffer.indexOf('\n') == -1) return; // if there's no END_OF_NICK character, keep waiting for it = buffer.match(/\S+/); // use the name in the buffer
// ...
