linux alive message [closed] - linux

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm trying to periodically check out if several linux machines are alive.
My idea is to have a main computer that receives a periodic message from every machine, so if any of them stops messaging, the main one will know something's going wrong with that particular equipment.
I want to make it as "lite" as possible, I mean, using the less data transmission possible, because some of the machines I want to look after are placed on installation with a not so good internet connection. So, if it's possible, I'll prefer not to use email or ftp.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.

You should use a dedicated piece of software for monitoring your infrastructure. Inventing something from scratch will probably take longer and be much less powerful than such a product. nagios for example is something that is commonly used for this purpose.

Well, you could connect to the main machine on a specific port and keep sending one byte periodically. Is that "lite" enough? :)


I keep getting errors when I try to make a multiplayer game in python [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have been running into problems recently where the client-side of a networking game never read/recognizes the server. When I tried to use the socket module the client never accepts the socket. I used a module called NetworkZero, but that never returned more than None when I used .discover(). I have no idea what the problem is. Any ideas are appreciated
There are many ways to set up an interface between clients and servers.
The easiest is probably to start with HTTP especially in Python where you can just use requests and poll for your data.
This will get you to prototyping quickly and then you can put your focus into optimizing when you start running into issues.
Of course this may be a less than optimal solution depending upon the nature of your game. Without context I would recommend using simple client/server communication systems you understand.

dedicated servers for [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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One of the main features in my website is a simple One-to-One chat.
I'm debating whether or not I shall dedicate a server (or a cluster) for the sole purpose of this chat feature. The simpler option would be combining this feature as part of the web-servers and just scale out when necessary.
It is worth mentioning I'd like in the future to enable images transfer within the chat.
So what is the better option and why?
Well yes, Whether to use another dedicated server is not depending on how much traffic your site will have to handle. If you're dealing with images It will be a good idea to store them in another server and keep the root server clean.

Is there any low level copy protection for an exe file, whether software or hardware based? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I know, I know. I'm biting off more ethics than I'd like to chew with this question but there is an importance to it. I'm selling a very limited software package to an immensely small market. The thing is, most machines running this software will be in the same building and sharing a totally open exe is not something I'd like to have happen. The user base is not going to be adept with computers, let alone piracy. What low-level options exist for copy protection? I first thought to buy encrypted and locked USB thumb drives but I'm hoping to avoid that if possible, seeing as a direct download would be much more convenient for all. I'm not trying to punish customers, just trying to keep this on a small number of machines.

Modify http packets in linux gateway [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a CentOS installed as a gateway, and some clients connect to internet via this gateway(NAT).
Now I want to insert some string to each webpage that clients requested. How to achieve this? netfilter, winpcap or something else ?
Any comments will be appreciated:-)
Ideally, don't. Doing this blindly will break a lot of web pages, especially ones which make heavy use of AJAX. (Because your inserted strings will end up in places where they will cause errors, like JSON responses.)
If you must, the term for what you're trying to do is "transparent proxying". Squid supports this:
Modifying the response content requires something that knows how to parse and correctly change that content. That means you can't do it at the packet layer (layer 3, where NAT is also implemented) but you need something at the application layer (layer 7). Application level gateways are usually called proxies :-)
And since this question is actually in the wrong forum I will stop answering for now :-) Please move it to i.e. Server Fault.

Is G-Wan web server already dead? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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We are using this server for almost a year now.
Last forum post seen in November, 2011.
Last server version released 28/03/12.
Just wondering if anyone knows whats happening inside the company?
Should we expect something or should we start looking for alternatives?
I did what you did not do: using email to ask the question to the people able to answer.
And they replied that:
the forum was closed because they could not cope with the amount of accounts created daily to publish junk
the next version will be the most important ever made for G-Wan, with new features like a caching reverse proxy and an elastic load-balancer as well as system replacements like a wait-free memory allocator.
With regard to such developments, a 3-month period without publishing releases sounds reasonable.
More reasonable than assuming that such an 'inactivity period' means that "the project is dead".
Would you say that for other Web servers like Apache which have much larger release cycles?
You should always be expecting something from G-WAN. It's a great piece of software. Here's the other thing too: G-WAN was expertly engineered. That doesn't mean that there are no bugs in it, or that features can't be implemented, but G-WAN is incredibly tight.
It has lean code, it does what it supposed to do, very well, and it is built for the developer to add in the functionality that hasn't been put in there yet.
That's the beauty of it, or one facet of the beauty.
