Most "stable" color representation : RGB? HSV? CIELAB? - colors

There are several color representations in computer science : the standard RGB, but also HSV, HSL, CIE XYZ, YCC, CIELAB, CIELUV, ... It seems to me that most of the times, these representation try to approximate human vision (colors perceptually identical should have similar representations)
But what I want to know is which representation is the most "stable" when it comes to pictures. I have an object, let's say a bottle of Coke, and I have thousands of pictures of this bottle, taken under very different circumstances (the main difference would be the how light or dark the picture is, but there's orientation, etc...)
My question is : what color representation will empirically give me the most stable representation of the colors of the bottle? The "red" color of the label should not vary too much. Well, I'll know it will vary, but I would like to know the most "stable" representation.
I've been taught that HSV is better than RGB for these kind of things, but I have no clue for the rest.
Edit (technical details) : I take a particular point of the bottle. I pick the corresponding pixels in a thousand pictures of this point. I now have a cloud of points, that depend on the representation. I want the representation that minimizes the "size" of this cloud, for example the one that minimizes the mean distance of the points of the cloud to its barycenter.

You might want to check out, which proposes a new colorspace apparently designed to address this precise question.

I'm not aware of a colourspace that does what you want, but I do have some remarks:
RGB closely matches the way colours are displayed to us on monitors. It is one of the worst colourspaces available in terms of approximating human perception.
As for the other colourspaces: Some try to make sure colours that are perceptually close together are also close together in the colourspace. Others also try to ensure that perceptually similar differences in colour also produce similar differences in the colourspace, regardless of where in the colourspace you are.
The first means that if you think the difference in colour between blue A, and blue B is similar to the difference in colour between the blue A and blue C, then in the colourspace the distance between blue A and blue B will be similar to the distance between blue A and blue C, and they will all three be close together in the colourspace. I think this is called a perceptually smooth colourspace. CIE XYZ is an example of this.
The second means that if you think the difference in colour between blue A and blue B is similar to the difference in colour between red A and red B then in the colourspace the distance between blue A and blue B will be similar to the difference between red A and red B. This is called a perceptually uniform colourspace. CIE Lab is an example of this.
[edit 2011-07-29] As for your problem: Any of HSV, HSL, CIE XYZ, YCC, CIELAB, CIELUV, YUV separate out the illumination from the colour info in some way, so those are the better options. They provide some immunity from illumination changes, but won't help you when the colour temperature changes drastically or coloured light is used. XYZ and YUV are computationally less expensive to get to from RGB (which is what most cameras give you) but also less "good" than HSV, HSL, or CIELAB (the latter is often considered one of the best, but it is also one of the most difficult).
Depending on what you are searching for you could calibrate the color balance of the images. For example: suppose you are matching coca cola logos: You know that the letters in the logo are always white. So if they are not in your image you can use the colour they have to correct that, which gives you information about the other colours.

Our perception of the color of something is mostly determined by its hue; a colorspace such as HSV which gives a single value representing hue will work best.
The eye is a remarkable instrument though, and knowing the color of a single point is not enough. If the entire scene has a yellow or blue tint to it, the eye will compensate and your perception will be of a purer color - the orange Coke bottle will appear to be redder than it is. Likewise with darkness and brightness. If possible, you should try to compensate the image before taking the color sample.


How can I even out colors so text is readable against them at any given hue and lightness?

Anyone who frequently does UI likely knows that for a given color hsl(H, 100%, 50%) (syntax is CSS) not all values of H will produce a color suitable to be placed under arbitrarily black or white text. The specific fact I'm noting is that certain colors (green) appear especially bright and other (blue) appear especially dark.
Well suppose I would like a user to be able to enter a color hue and have the color always appear with a consistent brightness so that one of either white or black text is guaranteed to always be readable on top of it. I would like all colors to also maintain the most vivid level of saturation they can given the constraint on brightness.
Here is a quick example of what I've tried so far. I start with a grid of squared like this rendered using a bunch of html div elements. Essentially these are hue values roughly from 0 to 360 along the horizontal axis and lightness values from roughly 0% to 100% along the vertical axis. All saturation value are set to 100%.
Using a JS library library called chroma.js, I now process all colors using the color.luminance function, whose definition seems to be to do what I'm looking for. I just passed the lightness of the hsl value in as the parameter to the function. I don't know for sure that this is the best way to accomplish my goal though since I'm not familiar with all the terminology at play here. Please note that my choice to use this library is by no means a constraint on how I want to go about this. It just represents my attempt at solving the problem.
The colors certainly now have a more consistent lightness, but the spectrum now seems particularly vivid around the orange to cyan area and particularly dull everywhere else. Also the colors seems to drop very quickly away from black at the top.
Hopefully this example helps a bit to express what I'm trying to accomplish here. Does any know what they best way to go about this is?
I found the solution! Check out HSLuv. It balances out all the hues in the spectrum so that at any given saturation and lightness, all hues will have the exact same perceived brightness to the human eye.
This solved my problem because now I can just set my text color to white (for example) and then as long as the text is readable against a certain HSLuv lightness it is guaranteed that it will be readable against any hue and saturation used in combination with that lightness. Magic.

Relation of luminance in RGB/XYZ color and physical luminance

Short version: When a color described in XYZ or xyY coordinates has a luminance Y=1, what are the physical units of that? Does that mean 1 candela, or 1 lumen? Is there any way to translate between this conceptual space and physical brightness?
Long version: I want to simulate how the sky looks in different directions, at different times of day, and (eventually) under different cloudiness and air pollution conditions. I've learned enough to figure out how to translate a given spectrum into a chrominance, for example xyz coordinates. But almost everything I've read on color theory in graphical display is focused on relative color, so the luminance is always 1. Non-programming color theory describes the units of luminance, so that I can translate from a spectrum in watts/square meter/steradian to candela or lumens, but nothing that describes the units of luminance in programming. What are the units of luminance in XYZ coordinates? I understand that the actual brightness of a patch would depend on monitor settings, but I'm really not finding any hints as to how to proceed.
Below is an example of what I'm coming across. The base color, at relative luminance of 1, was calculated from first principles. All the other colors are generated by increasing or decreasing the luminance. Most of them are plausible colors for mid-day sky. For the parameters I've chosen, I believe the total intensity in the visible range is 6.5 W/m2/sr = 4434 cd/m2, which seems to be in the right ballpark according to Wiki: Orders of Magnitude. Which color would I choose to represent that patch of sky?
Without more, luminance is usually expressed in candelas per square meter (cd/m2), and CIE XYZ's Y component is a luminance in cd/m2 — if the convention used is "absolute XYZ", which is rare. (The link is to an article I wrote which contains more detailed information.) More commonly, XYZ colors are normalized such that the white point (such as the D65 or D50 white point) has Y = 1 (or Y = 100).

CIE-L*u*v* color interpolation

I'm writing a vertex decimator that needs to interpolate vertex colors on a mesh. I'm reading Level of Detail for 3D Graphics for domain material. In the color interpolation secion, the book goes on to suggest using the CIE-Luv* color space to perform perceptual linear interpolation of colors.
The translation equations to and from the CIE XYZ color space are provided. I am able to implement the equations it provides, but Wikipedia leaves out numeric values of the following variables: u'n, v'n, and Yn.
The article say these values depend on a "specified white point" and its "luminance". It suggests u'n = 0.2009 and v'n = 0.4610 when using 2° observer and standard illuminant C. If I am using these, what would Yn be? I do not know enough physics to figure this out, and I have been unable to search for an answer on Google.
In the end, my question boils down to: What are satisfactory/appropriate values I can use for u'n, v'n, and Yn?
Also, I'm assuming I simply linearly interpolate piecewise each component of CIE-Luv* (L*, u*, and v*) when interpolating values in this color space. Is this correct?
These three values are left out its because they depend on the colorspace of the specific device (e.g. display, printer or camera). Since computer screens use an RGB colorspace where perceived grey are R=B=G, you can assume that the values are not device dependant. I can't remember the values of by heart, so I'll edit them in later.
The human eye perceives luminance/intensity logarithmically, however, a linear interpolation is close enough, especially since you don't know what the actual min and max screen levels are.
The human eye perceives the color angle linearly, however, you need to take into account that the angle id's cyclic, therefore, the interpolation of the min and max angles should equal min (or max) and not the half way point. E.g. average of purple and red should be purple.
I think that the perception of saturation is also logarithmic, however, can be approximated by a linear interpolation.
It seems like most sites use the sRGB to XYZ formulas.

Given a gray value, what color provides highest visual contrast?

Assume that I've a gray image, and I want to draw e.g. text on it. Now the image has some dark and some bright regions. So if I choose for every character a separate color, in what way do I compute such a color to gain highest contrast of the text?
A pragmatic approach is to use yellow. (I don't know why, but its often used for subtitles in movies and documentaries)
Furthermore I could darken the yellow in regions of bright background, and highlight it in regions of dark background. But this may provide some layer-effects.
I know that the color space may be important. I start with an RGB gray value, but LAB, HSV, or HSL may be better suited to compute the optimal color.
As there was the question for a useful use-case: I really do not want to paint letters of text in different color. It is about color choosing for particular glyphs on gray textured background. (E.g. an MR image.)
The simplest answer to your question is to maximize the distance between the background and your text color.
If you convert to HSL, you can do this by maximizing the distance between L (V in HSV). And all that requires is to select white when the background lightness is less than 50% and black otherwise. Here is an example:
if(bgLightness < 50){
color = "white";
color = "black";
I think that pretty much solves it, but on to a few other points:
I'm not sure what the use case is for this. A word with different colored characters might look really bad. Typically, subtitles select a single color for consistency.
Yellow does stand out against a black and white image because of its saturation. Furthermore (and I'm not sure how to put this into words exactly), yellow has a really high chroma compared to other colors with similar lightness. It is best demonstrated on the HUSL page; by the way, HUSL is a great library for creating readable colors.
Yellow easily contrasts with dark colors because it is very light. It doesn't contrast with light colors as well, but that is usually solved by adding a shadow/outline in subtitles. Another example:
But you can apply the same technique (of applying a shadow or outline) to the black/white example for maximum contrast. Now, the outline has the maximal contrast against the text. The outline stands out from the background too, unless those colors are similar, in which case the contrast is already extremely high (e.g. Near black background, black outline, white text)
Lastly, converting to and from HSL/RGB should be trivial. There are plenty of libraries to do it.

A better Greyscale algorithm

I'm trying to create a spectral image with a constant grey-scale value for every row. I've written some fantastically slow code that basically tries 1000 different variation between black and white for a given hue and it finds the one whose grey-scale value most closely approximates the target value, resulting in the following image:
On my laptop screen (HP) there is a very noticeable 'dip' near the blue peak, where blue pixels near the bottom of the image appear much brighter than the neighbouring purple and cyan pixels. On my second screen (Acer, which has far superior colour display) the dip is smaller, but still there.
I use the following function to compute the grey-scale approximation of a colour:
Math.Abs(targetGrey - (0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B))
when I convert the image to grey-scale using Paint.NET, I get a perfect black to white gradient, so that part of the code at least works.
So, question: Is this purely an artefact of the display qualities of my screens? Or can the above mentioned grey-scale algorithm be improved upon to give a visually more consistent result?
EDIT: The problem seems to be mostly monitor calibration. Not, I repeat not, a problem with the code.
I'm wondering if its more to do with the way our eyes interpret the colors, rather than screen artifacts.
That said... I am using a very-high quality screen (Dell Ultrasharp, IPS) that has incredible color reproduction and I'm not sure what you mean by "dip" in the blue peak. So either I'm just not noticing it, or my screen doesn't show the same picture and it more color-accurate.
The output looks correct given the greyscale conversion you have used (which I believe is the standard one for sRGB colour spaces).
However - there are lots of tradeoffs in colour models and one of these is that you can get results which aren't visually quite what you want. In your case, the fact that there is a very low blue weight means that a greater amount of blue is needed to get any given greyscale value, hence the blue seems to start lower, at least in terms of how the human eye perceives it.
If your objective is to get a visually appealing spectral image, then I'd suggest altering your function to make the R,G,B weights more equal, and see if you like what you get.
