Windows Azure App Fabric Cache whole Azure Database Table - azure

I'm working on Integration project where third party will call our web service in Azure. For performance reason I would like to store 2 table data (more than 1000 records) on to the app fabric cache.
Could anyone please suggest if this is the right design pattern?

Depending on how much data this is (you don't mention how wide the tables are) you have a couple of options
You could certainly store it in the azure cache, this will cost though.
You might also want to consider storing the data in the http runtime cache which is free but not distributed.
You choice would largely depend on the size of the data, how often it changes and what effect is caused if someone receives slightly out of date data.


Azure: Redis vs Table Storage for web cache

We currently use Redis as our persistent cache for our web application but with it's limited memory and cost I'm starting to consider whether Table storage is a viable option.
The data we store is fairly basic json data with a clear 2 part key which we'd use for the partition and row key in table storage so I'm hoping that would mean fast querying.
I appreciate one is in memory and one is out so table storage will be a bit slower but as we scale I believe there is only one CPU serving data from a Redis cache whereas with Table storage we wouldn't have that issue as it would be down to the number of web servers we have running.
Does anyone have any experience of using Table storage in this way or comparisons between the 2.
I should add we use Redis in a very minimalist way get/set and nothing more, we evict our own data and failing that leave the eviction to Redis when it runs out of space.
This is a fairly broad/opinion-soliciting question. But from an objective perspective, these are the attributes you'll want to consider when deciding which to use:
Table Storage is a durable, key/value store. As such, content doesn't expire. You'll be responsible for clearing out data.
Table Storage scales to 500TB.
Redis is scalable horizontally across multiple nodes (or, scalable via Redis Service). In contrast, Table Storage will provide up to 2,000 transactions / sec on a partition, 20,000 transactions / sec across the storage account, and to scale beyond, you'd need to utilize multiple storage accounts.
Table Storage will have a significantly lower cost footprint than a VM or Redis service.
Redis provides features beyond Azure Storage tables (such as pub/sub, content eviction, etc).
Both Table Storage and Redis Cache are accessible via an endpoint, with many language-specific SDK wrappers around the API's.
I find some metrials about the azure redis and table, hope that it can help you.There is a video about Azure Redis that also including a demo to compare between table storage and redis about from 50th minute in the videos.
Perhaps it can be as reference. But detail performance it depends on your application, data records and so on.
The pricing of the table storage depends on the capacity of table storage, please refer to details. It is much cheaper than redis.
There are many differences you might care about, including price, performance, and feature set. And, persistence of data, and data consistency.
Because redis is an in-memory data store it is pretty expensive. This is so that you may get low latency. Check out Azure's planning FAQ here for a general understanding of redis performance in a throughput sense.
Azure Redis planning FAQ
Redis does have an optional persistence feature, that you can turn on, if you want your data persisted and restored when the servers have rare downtime. But it doesn't have a strong consistency guarantee.
Azure Table Storage is not a caching solution. It’s a persistent storage solution, and saves the data permanently on some kind of disk. Historically (disclaimer I have not look for the latest and greatest performance numbers) it has much higher read and write latency. It is also strictly a key-value store model (with two-part keys). Values can have properties but with many strict limitations, around size of objects you can store, length of properties, and so on. These limitations are inflexible and painful if your app runs up against them.
Redis has a larger feature set. It can do key-value but also has a bunch of other data structures like sets and lists, and many apps can find ways to benefit from that added flexibility.
See 'Introduction to Redis' (redis docs) .
CosmosDB could be yet another alternative to consider if you're leaning primarily towards Azure technologies. It is pretty expensive, but quite fast and feature-rich. While also being primarily intended to be a persistent store.

In-memory caching in Azure function

There is a need to cache objects to improve the perf of my Azure function. I tried .NET ObjectCache (System.Runtime.Caching) and it worked well in my testing (tested with upto 10min cache retention period).
In order to take this solution forward, I have few quick questions:
What is the recycling policy of Azure function. Is there any default? Can it be configured?
What is the implication in the cost?
Is my approach right or are there any better solutions?
Any questions that you may know, please help.
Thank you.
An out-of-process solution such as Redis (or even using Table storage, depending on the workload) would be recommended.
As a rule of thumb, functions should be stateless, particularly if you're running in the dynamic runtime, where scaling operations (up and down) could happen at any time and your host is not guaranteed to stay up.
If you opt to use the classic hosting, you do have a little more flexibility, as you can enable the "always on" feature, but I'd still recommend the out-of-process approach. Running in the classic mode does have a cost implication as well, since you're no longer taking advantage of the consumption based billing model offered by the dynamic hosting.
I hope this helps!
If you just need a smallish key-value cache, you could use the file system. D:\HOME (also found in the environment variable %HOME%) is shared across all instances. I'm not sure if the capacities are any different for Azure Functions, but for Sites and WebJobs, Free and Shared sites get 1GB of space, Basic sites get 10GB, and Standard sites get 50GB.
Alternatively, you could try running .NET ObjectCache in production. It may survive multiple calls to the same instance (file system or static in-memory property). Note, this will not be shared across instances though so only use it as a best effort cache.
Note, both of these approaches pose problems for multi-tenant products as it could be an avenue for unintended cross-tenant data sharing or even more malicious activities like DNS cache poisoning. You'd want to implement authorization controls for these things just as if they came from a database.
As others have suggested, Functions ideally should be stateless and an out of process solution is probably best. I use DocumentDB because it has time-to-live functionality which is ideal for a cache. Redis is likely to be more performant especially if you don't need persistence across stop/restart.

What Azure services to use for a new phone developer?

I have been developing Windows Phone Apps for a while now, since WP7 first came out. I have written countless apps, but never actually released any that use an external service.
I am finally getting ready to release one of my first apps that requires a service, and have decided to go with Azure as my host.
Now for the question:
For this specific App, I need an offering that will allow me to host a very small amount of images and text, not even in the hundreds at this time. From what I have looked up, it seems like a database would be the preferred method of storing such a small amount of data, however, thinking into the future, would it be better for me to get the smallest table or blob storage (200gb) and use that? I will most likely be writing other apps that will most likely also require services, however, it is hard to tell what kind of services I would need. I could require a database rather than a blob if I am not storing images... or I may require a blob if I am, again, storing images...
If anyone has been in this situation before, which would you recommend, and why?
I would store images in blobs and other information in Table Services or Sql Database.
Which one to choose? It will vary according to your requirement.

Table Storage Service (Azure's implementation of nosql) vs Windows Azure Caching (unstructured in memory cached)

We want to implement caching in Azure for two main reasons:
Speed up repetive data access
Reduce stress on the database
Here are the characteristics of the data we are planning to cache:
Relatively small (1 - 100 kb)
Specific to each customer
Not private, but we don't really want random people navigating through our entire cache
Consumed by C# (i.e. not linked to directly in the html)
Most weeks the data will not change, although some days the data could change several times
For this specific purpose Table storage appears better than Blob storage (we did just implement Blob storage for images, CSS, and JavaScript) and Windows Azure Caching appears better than Windows Azure Shared Cache (perhaps almost always better and the shared caching is mostly a legacy feature at this point).
The programming API of both appears straight forward. Compared to what we pay for cloud sites the cost of each seems to be negligible.
So far we are leaning toward Table Storage due to what we perceive to be the pros and cons of Azure Caching. As old .Net guys we are much more familiar with In-Memory Cache than NoSql style solutions:
Problems with Windows Azure Caching:
If the VM is moved to a different server (by Microsoft for load balancing or whatever reasons) is the in-memory cache moved intact?
We are guessing that whenever we publish changes to the cloud it wipes out the existing in-memory cache
While the users rarely make changes to the cached data when they do make changes it is likely that they may make multiple updates within seconds and we are not sure how this is going to work with cache located across multiple nodes running web roles especially with increased traffic. (this is probably a concern with table storage as well!)
Table storage appears like it will be easier to debug
Advantages of Windows Azure Caching
somewhat faster
Your familiarity with in-memory caching is the model that you need to understand to implement caching on Windows Azure. The 'NoSql style' is not caching, but storage. So table storage rather replaces SQL than it replaces caching. Table storage is for persistent, reliable storage — with all of the latency and other disadvantages of persistence that do not exist with in-memory cache.
Writing to cache is always secondary. When your users 'make changes to the cached data' you will always be writing out the data to disk (e.g. SQL), and then writing out the same data to the cache because you might as well, since you have the data on-hand (although secondary effects on written data may mean that you should invalidate or re-read the cached item).
The wiping out of data when a machine recycles should not be much of a concern, as the data is stored elsewhere. Every read from the cache should be followed by an 'if not found then read from database' kind of statement. You can warm-up the cache when a role starts to pre-populate items that you know that you are going to need.
Caching on Azure is distributed across the nodes and updating an existing item will always update on the node that it resides. Quick updates may be less of a problem than you think.
For in-memory caching use Windows Azure caching (you are right about shared caching being legacy) and, depending on your needs, look at other caching technologies like memcached. Caching and table storage are not comparable. Table storage is for long-term persistence. Don't unnecessarily hack table storage to do caching — making table storage temporary creates a whole bunch of things that you need to worry about yourself, like expiry and invalidation.

Azure table storage and caching

Is it worth caching data from Azure Table storage with the Azure Caching Preview?
Or is the table storage fast enough in large scale applications?
The short answer is it depends. In the application I am currently working on there is some information that we use caching for to handle both the latency of retrieving data from Table Storage and to accommodate the desired number of transactions per second.
We started out serving the information from Table Storage and moved to caching only when our performance requirements dictated it. I'd recommend a similar approach: make it work, then make it fast.
In addition to what Robert said, you should also consider following points:
Windows Azure Table Storage allows to store up to 100TB in size (in chunks). At first glance, that size of data may seem overwhelming. However, Table Storage can be partitioned. Each partition of Table Storage can be moved to a separate server by the Azure controller thereby reducing the load on any single server and improving performance.
If you have very high load on your application, you cache with frequent inserts will approach the maximum cache size very quickly and then cache items eviction process starts. In most cases frequent inserts into cache and frequent cache items eviction processes end up with performance degradation instead of improvement. Then you would need to increase cache maximum size, which in turn will affect your application cost (sometimes this might be a blocker).
Last but not least, you can access Windows Azure Table Storage data using the OData protocol and LINQ queries with WCF Data Service .NET Libraries; you do not have that ability with Azure Cache.
Please bear in mind that those points may or may not be valid in your case. All depends on your system architecture; expected load etc.
I hope my answer will help you in making good system architecture decisions.
