SWFObject Flash not showing - object

i've tried to get SWFObject register a static flash object, but i wont show it. I know visibility is set to hidden, and that is why, but why does it do that?!

Your example uses JavaScript to embed the SWF, it isn't using SWFObject's static approach, so it appears your question is no longer valid.
BTW, you can simplify your code by eliminating the redundant hasFlashPlayerVersion check and by using SWFObject's callback function.
if (swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("6.0.0")) {
var fn = function() {
swfobject.embedSWF("http://manual.businesstool.dk/gfx/flash/oprettelse-af-kunde.swf", "myReplace", "560px", "340px", "9.0.0");
var obj = swfobject.getObjectById("myReplace");
var mycallback = function (e){
swfobject.embedSWF("http://manual.businesstool.dk/gfx/flash/oprettelse-af-kunde.swf", "myReplace", "560px", "340px", "6.0.0", false, false, false, false, mycallback);
SWFObject's swfobject.embedSWF method includes a domready check, so you don't need to use addLoadEvent. It also includes a check for a specified version of Flash Player, so you don't need to wrap your code in the swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion block.


Check for 'http://' text in json object with Chai.js Should

I've got some nested objects inside each object and I want to check with chai that the images's hrefs start with 'http://'
"images": [
"header": {
"href": "http://somedomain.com/assets/header.jpg"
"logo": {
"href": "http://somedomain.com/assets/logo.jpg"
The problem is, I can't just key off of the image name property because it changes...so I can't do this:
images[0].[image name changes!! it's not a concrete property name].href.should.have.deep.property("href");
because imagename is like 'header', 'logo', and so on
so how would I be able to do this with chai and check the href for each image to make sure it's got the text 'http://'?
You could dynamically iterate through all objects in the images array as #gfpacheco suggested in his answer.
But I would research a way to create a deterministic test. This would simplify your assertions, but might require some creativity or refactoring to mock or render fixtures
I tried to write the entire Chai assertion function. It uses the Chai Things plugin to work with assertions over arrays:
var data = {...};
function startsWithHttp(string) {
return string.indexOf('http://') === 0;
data.images.should.all.satisfy(function(image) {
Object.keys(image).should.contain.an.item.that.satisfy(function(key) {
It assumes that all images should have at least one property that it's value must have an href property and it's value starts with http://.
As I said #dm03514, it's hard to find a deterministic method. I get the sub string of href and would verify if is equals (and iterate how #gfpacheco did do). I tried let the same environment for their:
var http = "http://";
if(header.href.substr(0,7) === http)
alert("Header ok");
alert("Header no ok")
Obs: This is pure javascript, but you can get the substring in node too. nodejs: string manipulation

How to observe all object property changes?

For arrays I know you can do something like this:
function() {
What I did was convert the object into an array and observe the properties with a #each, but is there a better way to observe object all property changes without converting it into an array?
You can observe isDirty to see if any of the object's values have been modified since last save (if you are using Ember Data).
Alternatively you can pass a comma separated list of properties to observes. This might be long if you have a lot of properties on your object, but will work.
A third approach could be to override setUnknownProperty() and set a property, a 'dirty flag' (or perform any action you may want in there.
There's also an old SO post that gives the following answer:
App.WatchedObject = Ember.Object.extend({
firstProp: null,
secondProp: "bar",
init: function(){
var self = this;
if(Ember.typeOf(self.get(key)) !== 'function'){
self.addObserver(key, function(){
You could probably split this out into a Mixin to keep your code DRY.
probably you could create something like a blabbermouth mixin and override the set method to get notified of property changes:
App.BlabbermouthMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
set: function(keyName, value) {
this.set('updatedProperty', keyName);
this._super(keyName, value);
and observe the updatedProperty property?
You can get a list of properties in an object and apply them to a new property:
attrs = Ember.keys(observedObject);
var c = Ember.computed(function() {
// Do stuff when something changes
Ember.defineProperty(target, propertyName, c.property.apply(c, attrs));
Here is a working jsbin. Creating an observer instead of a property should be possible using a similar approach.

Run getter in javascript object defined by Object.setProperty()?

If I create an object property via Object.defineProperty() with a getter/setter method (an accessor descriptor) like:
var myObj = function myObj() {
var myFoo = 'bar';
Object.defineProperty(this, 'foo', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return myFoo;
set: function(newValue) {
myFoo = newValue;
return this;
If I do something like var f = new myObj(); console.log(f) in Node, the output is something like:
{ foo: [Getter/Setter] }
console.log(f.foo) gets the proper 'bar' value, but is there a way to indicate that upon logging/inspecting, it should just run the getter and show the value?
First, it's important to understand why this happens. The logging functions don't run getters by design because your getter function could have side effects, whereas the logging function can guarantee that getting the value of a primitive doesn't.
When you pass an object to console.log, it's really just passing it off to the util module's inspect to format into human-readable text. If we look there, we see that the very first thing it does is check the property descriptor, and if the property has a getter, it doesn't run it. We can also see that this behavior is unconditional – there's no option to turn it off.
So to force getters to run, you have two options.
The simplest is to convert your object to a string before handing it off to console.log. Just call JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4), which will produce reasonably human-readable output (but not nearly as nice as util.inspect's). However, you have to take care to ensure that your object doesn't have any circular references and doesn't do something undesired in a toJSON function.
The other option is to implement a inspect function on your object. If util.inspect sees a function called inspect on an object, it will run that function and use its output. Since the output is entirely up to you, it's a much more involved to produce output that looks like what you'd normally get.
I'd probably start by borrowing code from util and stripping out the part about checking for getters.
This behavior is certainly intentional. I know I wouldn't want all the getter functions on an object running whenever I logged that object; that sounds like potential a debugging landmine, where debugging could alter the state of my program.
However, if indeed that is the behavior you want, you can add a new function:
Object.getPrototypeOf(console).logWithGetters = function(obj) {
var output = {};
var propNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for(var i=0; i<propNames.length; ++i) {
var name = propNames[i];
var prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
if(prop.get) {
output[name] = prop.get();
} else {
output[name] = obj[name];
// set output proto to input proto; does not work in some IE
// this is not necessary, but may sometimes be helpful
output.__proto__ = obj.__proto__;
return output;
This allows you to do console.logWithGetters(f) and get the output you want. It searches through an object's properties for getters (checking for the existence of Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get) and runs them. The output for each property is stored in a new object, which is logged.
Note that this is a bit of a hacky implementation, as it doesn't climb the object's prototype chain.

How can I break this code up into two RequireJs modules

I've created the code below to dynamically load 2 buttons into an element with an ID of masthead. Then a function called showMenus runs when each button is clicked, running some jQuery animations. Everything is wrapped inside of a RequireJS module.
The code works fine as is but I'm thinking it may be better to break it up into two separate RequireJS modules/files: one that loads the buttons on the page and another one that runs the showMenus function. I did refer to the RequireJS API docs but couldn't find an answer.
Any help is appreciated...thanks in advance!
require(['jquery'], function ($) {
var header = document.getElementById("masthead"),
$navMenu = $("#site-navigation-list"),
$searchBox = $("#searchform"),
menuButton = document.createElement("div"),
searchButton = document.createElement("div"),
$(menuButton).attr("id", "menu");
$(searchButton).attr("id", "search");
// break the code below into its on RequireJS module?
showMenus = function(btn,el) {
$(btn).click(function() {
if (el.is(":visible") ) {
} else {
showMenus(menuButton, $navMenu);
showMenus(searchButton, $searchBox);
What follows is only my opinion, but you might find it useful.
It might help to think in terms of things that your app is made of, and then maybe they are candidates for modules. So in your example, a 'masthead' seems to be a thing that you are interested in.
So using RequireJS, we can create a new module representing a generic masthead:
// Masthead module
define(['jquery'], function ($) {
function showMenus (btn, el) {
function toggle (el) {
if (el.is(":visible")) {
} else {
$(btn).click(function() {
// A Masthead is an object that encapsulates a masthead DOM element.
// This is a constructor function.
function Masthead (mastheadElement) {
// 'this' is the masthead object that is created with the 'new'
// keyword in your application code.
// We save a reference to the jQuerified version of mastheadElement.
// So mastheadElement can be a DOM object or a CSS selector.
this.$mastheadElement = $(mastheadElement);
// Add a method to Masthead that creates a normal button
Masthead.prototype.addButton = function (id) {
var $btn = $("<div/>").attr("id", id);
return $btn;
// Add a method to Masthead that creates a 'toggling' button
Masthead.prototype.addTogglingButton = function (id, elementToToggle) {
// ensure we have a jQuerified version of element
elementToToggle = $(elementToToggle);
// Reuse the existing 'addButton' method of Masthead.
var $btn = this.addButton(id);
showMenus($btn, elementToToggle);
return $btn;
// return the Masthead constructor function as the module's return value.
return Masthead;
And then use this module in our actual application code:
// Application code using Masthead module
require(["Masthead"], function (Masthead) {
// We create a new Masthead around an existing DOM element
var masthead = new Masthead("#masthead");
// We add our buttons.
masthead.addTogglingButton("menu", "#site-navigation-list");
masthead.addTogglingButton("search", "#searchform");
The advantage of this approach is that no DOM ids are hard-coded into the module. So we can reuse the Masthead module in other applications that require this functionality, but which may be using different DOM ids.
It might be convenient to think of this as separating the what things are from the how we use them.
This is a simple example, but frameworks/libraries like Backbone and Dojo (and many, many more) take this further.

Extending the YUI Panel

I have a requirement to extend the YUI Panel with some custom functionality that will be in a new file and shared across multiple views.
I am at a bit of a loss as to how best to go about this, can anyone give me any pointers please?
Let's say you want to extend a Panel to create one that has a list in its body. I usually use Y.Base.create for this. It's a more declarative way of extending YUI classes than using a constructor and Y.extend. But I'll stay closer to your example in the YUI forums.
There are a couple of tricks dealing with WidgetStdMod (one of the components of Y.Panel), but mostly it's just about using Y.extend and following the YUI inheritance patterns. I'll try to answer with an example:
function MyPanel() {
MyPanel.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// hack: call it the same so you get the same css class names
// this is good for demos and tests. probably not for real life
MyPanel.NAME = 'panel';
MyPanel.ATTRS = {
listItems: {
// YUI now clones this array, so all's right with the world
value: []
bodyContent: {
// we want this so that WidgetStdMod creates the body node
// and we can insert our list inside it
value: ''
Y.extend(MyPanel, Y.Panel, {
// always a nice idea to keep templates in the prototype
LIST_TEMPLATE: '<ul class="yui3-panel-list"></ul>',
initializer: function (config) {
// you'll probably want to use progressive enhancement here
this._listContainer = Y.Node.create(this.LIST_TEMPLATE);
// initializer is also the place where you'll want to instantiate other
// objects that will live inside the panel
renderUI: function () {
// you're inheriting from Panel, so you'll want to keep its rendering logic
// renderUI/bindUI/syncUI don't call the superclass automatically like
// initializer and destructor
// Normally we would append stuff to the body in the renderUI method
// Unfortunately, as of 3.5.0 YUI still removes all content from the body
// during renderUI, so we either hack it or do everything in syncUI
// Hacking WidgetStdModNode is doable but I don't have the code around
// and I haven't memorized it
//var body = this.getStdModNode('body');
syncUI: function () {
// same here
// insert stuff in the body node
var listContainer = this._listContainer.appendTo(this.getStdModNode('body'));
Y.Array.each(this.get('listItems'), function (item) {
listContainer.append('<li>' + item + '</li>');
