Modx Front End not Showing Up - modx

I installed modx Revolution and everything is working fine in the manager, except the front end, when i browse to the local website nothing shows up, just a
<title>MODX Revolution - Home</title>
<base href="http://evosoccer.loc/EvoSoccer/" />
I checked the error log in/cache/logs and the log page from the manager and it has zero records, how do i troubleshoot this?

you have no template or content installed... by default a modx installation is completely empty.
you can install a demo site from the package management if you just wanted to kick the tires.... otherwise in the resource manager just place some content in the home template. then you should see something.


how to reslove this C:\inetpub\wwwroot?

I am Pretty new in windows IIS server. i have successfully upload cakephp3.0 project.
when i access the website from windows IIS server it displays me following url in every page
I have also checked my header.My header part look Like this:-
enter code here
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
//MY Html Code
Even i have checked my all ctp but i don't know where th url comes from C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Can anyone help me. How to resolve this problem.
C:\inetpub\wwwroot is the default local path for websites in IIS. You can change it by right clicking on your website > Manage Web Site > Advanced settings > Physical Path:

In the Orchard CMS, how do you make your site look at a Twitter Boostrap on a CDN instead of within the Theme folder

I am using Orchard v.
I have my custom theme with a layout page that starts off like this:
#using Orchard.UI.Resources;
// css
Using Script.Include, I thought loading the CDN reference would work, but when building the project and viewing it locally, the reference is not there and instead renders like this:
<link href="/Themes/HotToddy5K/Styles/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Why does Orchard do this? I can't seem to find where in the base/core it's applying this. I tried to delete that bootstrap.min.css file in that "scripts" folder, hoping it would then fall back to my CDN reference, but no luck.
Any ideas?
You can easily do this on your ResourceManifest.cs.
Actually it is better, because you can provide fallbacks as for debugging files. you can manage this feature from the Settings section in the Admin.
Where is says "Resource Mode", in 1.9x you can trigger the CDN too.
I use Script/Style.Require instead of Include as it gives me more control. it also maintains your script/style dependencies.

Ms CRM, deploy from VS alters html files

So, I have a html file
This file is included in the package, which I then deploy to my CRM. (rightclick -> deploy)
When I check my deployment, the file is present, and all looks visualy ok.
But when I check the code it now looks like this:
How is this possible?
I've tried changing stuff in CRM and publishing, and it remains the same. I've also tried it with XrmToolbox with only the desired effect. So I'm suspecting the VS-CRM plugin to have something to do with this.
I've also tried different html's, they all get the same treatment.
I've seen issues with the WYSIWYG editor for web resource reformatting HTML incorrectly. If you're opening the web resource file in the web UI after deploying from VS and allowing the WYSIWYG editor render the content this maybe the issue.

javascript latest file not download in IE without cache clear

I have do to some changes in Javascript files. i deployed in my server and reset IIS.
I tried to launch from IE , the latest modified file changes cannot appear. It reads old file.
If I have to clear the cache , it will work. without clear cache how to work with latest files.
Please give a guidance to resolve this issue.
//try to get the value for time now and to add it to the script file url as version id
<script src='<%=DateTime.Now.Ticks%>'
type='text/javascript' ></script>
You should check cache control options in your IIS.
For flushing cache you can use some variables in js links.
For example:
downloads same file, but second link downloads file like new resource

Add a static frontpage to Meteor.js

I've started learning Meteor.js and it seems fabulous for single page app. But I only know how to create one page for the entire site.
How can I add a static page to and have my Meteor app run at For your solution, will your page actually change when you go to from
Check out meteor-router. It lets you assign routes to templates.
If you dont mind calling a html file you can have static pages in /public. This probably wont work for you, because your page probably isnt actually a "static" page. This would be accessed at .
/public/index.html :
<link href="/public/index.css rel="stylesheet">
<h1 class="something"> I am a web page </h1>
