BackButtonBarItem not working properly in iphone - ios4

I implemented the following code to show the navigation bar with a backbuttonbaritem.
[mapNavigationItem setTitle:#"Tracking"];
[mapNavigationItem setRightBarButtonItem:nil];
[mapNavigationItem setLeftBarButtonItem:nil];
UIBarButtonItem *stopTrackingBarButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"Stop Tracking" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:nil action:#selector(stopTracking)];
[mapNavigationItem setBackBarButtonItem:stopTrackingBarButton];
[mapNavigationBar pushNavigationItem:mapNavigationItem animated:NO];
[stopTrackingBarButton release];
The stopTracking button is displayed on the screen, but no title is displayed. When i click on the stopTracking button, it disappears and then shows the title.
Could someone please tell me whats happening??
Ok i think i wasnt clear enough,
I have a mapview with buttons in the tab bar, when the app starts the navigation bar shows 2 buttons, when i click on one of the Tab bar items, it should clear the navigation bar buttons and add a back button bar button item only. I am successful upto this stage.
But when i click on the BackBar button item, it disappears, and does not perform the action assigned to it.
IBOutlet UINavigationBar *mapNavigationBar;
IBOutlet UINavigationItem *mapNavigationItem;

If you want to use a different title for your back button than the previous navigation title, then you need to change it just before pushing the new view controller and change it back again after popping it.
So something like:
self.navigationItem.title = #"Stop Tracking";
[self.navigationController pushViewController:mapNavigationItem animated:NO];
and in this class's viewWillAppear
self.navigationItem.title = #"Tracking";
If you are not using the backbarbutton for taking the navigation controller back then dont set it as a backBarButton simply set it as left barButton item.
Plus it also seems like you are using same navigation bar for both tabs. not a good idea. Load both tab views from different viewcontrollers and add two different navigation bars to those views.


iOS 7 - ContainerView with embedded UITableViewController and UISearchBarController

I've a simple view which is embedded in an UINavigationController. This view contains a segemented control in it's top bar and a ContainerView as subview.
The content for the ContainerView is a UITableViewController with a UISearchBarController.
I've set EdgesForExtendedLayout to none for both controllers.
After first start it looks okey:
After tapping the first time into the search bar - the bar is hidden behind the navigation bar:
After tapping outside a small part of the search bar is visable (grey border):
If I drag down then it looks like that:
After changing the view (push and pop on UINavigationController) it looks like that:
Any ideas to fix this?
I guess you want all your view to scroll, and not only the UITableView.
I'd embed everything in a UIScrollView (segmentedcontrol and tableview), and make sure the tableview doesn't scroll by itself.

Why no back button on DateElement picker?

This walkthrough for MT.D shows a back button on the UIDatePicker that appears when a DateElement is tapped. I'm in an iPad app, and using an MT.D DialogViewController as a subview in an overall UIView. When the date picker slides up I just get the black background with no way to dismiss the picker (no nav bar w/ back button). Same problem exists for the radio group picker. Is this because the dialog view controller is being used as a subview? Any ideas how I might get a nav bar up with a back button using the built-in picker logic?
You must use the DialogViewController as a child element of a UINavigationController to get the back button. On iPad, you can embed the UINavigationController in a UIPopoverController.
Adding the view of a controller into the view of another controller is not considered good design on iOS and won't result in the behavior you expect.

Uimenucontroller controller not responding to touch

I have a uimenucontroller that I am using on a uiwebview. The menu controller works fine on simple text websites however on larger websites i.e. my custom menu item will not respond to touches. When tapped it highlights blue briefly then back to black, the menu is still displayed and myAction is nevere called. Sometimes if I click rapidly othe menu controller it will respond so I believe it may be something to do with the responder chain and or the size of the web page. I initialize the menu controller as follows:
// in view did appear:
UIMenuItem *item1 = [[UIMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"Item1" action:#selector(myAction)];
[[UIMenuController sharedMenuController] setMenuItems:[NSArray arrayWithObject:item1]];
//do something
Thank you! I have been stumped by this for 2 weeks and am out of ideas...

How to hide left button of the navigation bar?

How do I hide left button of the navigation bar I've created in the Interface Builder? In the Interface Builder, there is a check box Hidden for it, but I am not able to set it programmatically (UINavigationBar.topItem.leftBarButtonItem has no such property).
just make one IBOutlate for your uibarbuttonitem and them through that property hide that button
just like
#property (nonatomic,strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *hide;
now attache it to the left barbutton item of your navigation bar in xib
now use this code
hide.hidden = YES;
where ever you like to hide it and to show it
hide.hidden = NO;
just simple
happy codding

Navigation bar items disappear from navigation bar

I have been struggling for some time with the strange behavior of navigation bar items. I have segmented control on the navigation bar (take a look at the image below)
where List button pushes table view controller with UISearchDisplayController. To show table view controller I use the code as it follows:
if (uiSegmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 1 )
DetailsTableVewController* detailsViewController = [[DetailsTableVewController alloc]
[self.navigationController pushViewController:detailsViewController animated:YES];
[detailsViewController release];
Then to return back I use the following code:
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Although I use the code above to go back to the previous controller when UISearchDisplayController is either active or inactive I have different behavior of the navigation bar items. When UISearchDisplayController is active ALL items disappear from the navigation bar
Does anybody know why it happens?
Thanks in advance.
Moved all navbar initialization code from viewDidLoad to viewWillAppear in controller and it solved the problem
