Haskell source encoding - haskell

The Haskell 2010 Language Report says:
Haskell uses the Unicode [2] character set. However, source programs are currently biased toward the ASCII character set used in earlier versions of Haskell.
Does this mean UTF-8?
In ghc-7.0.4/compiler/parser/Lexer.x.source:
$unispace = \x05 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See alexGetChar.
$whitechar = [\ \n\r\f\v $unispace]
$white_no_nl = $whitechar # \n
$tab = \t
$ascdigit = 0-9
$unidigit = \x03 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See alexGetChar.
$decdigit = $ascdigit -- for now, should really be $digit (ToDo)
$digit = [$ascdigit $unidigit]
$special = [\(\)\,\;\[\]\`\{\}]
$ascsymbol = [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\#\\\^\|\-\~]
$unisymbol = \x04 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See alexGetChar.
$symbol = [$ascsymbol $unisymbol] # [$special \_\:\"\']
$unilarge = \x01 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See alexGetChar.
$asclarge = [A-Z]
$large = [$asclarge $unilarge]
$unismall = \x02 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See alexGetChar.
$ascsmall = [a-z]
$small = [$ascsmall $unismall \_]
$unigraphic = \x06 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See alexGetChar.
$graphic = [$small $large $symbol $digit $special $unigraphic \:\"\']
...I'm not sure what to make of this. alexGetChar wasn't really helpful.

There was a proposal to standardize on UTF-8 as the standard encoding of Haskell source files, but I'm not sure if it was accepted or not.
In practice, GHC assumes all input files are UTF-8, but it ignores malformed byte sequences in comments.

Unicode is character set. UTF-8, UTF-16 etc are the concrete physical encodings of Unicode codepoints. Try to read here. The difference explained pretty well there.
Cited report's part just states that Haskell sources use Unicode character set. It doesn't state which encoding should be used at all. In other words, it says which characters could appear in the sources, but doesn't say how they could be written in term of plain bytes.

While the Haskell standard simply says Unicode the set of possible characters (as opposed to e.g. ASCII or Latin-1) it doesn't specify which of the several different encodings (UTF8 UTF16, UTF32, byte order) to use.
Alex, the lexer that comes with the Haskell Platform requires its input to be UTF8 encoded * which is why you see the code you mention. In practice I think all the major implementations of Haskell require source to be in UTF8.
* - This is actually a real problem as GHC stores strings and more importantly Data.Text internally as UTF16. It would be nice to be able to lex these directly rather then converting back and forth.

There is an important distinction between the data type (i.e. what “abstract” data you can work with) and its representation (i.e. how it is stored in the computer memory or on disk).
The Haskell Report says two things related to Unicode:
That the Char data type in Haskell represents a Unicode character (also known as code point). You should think of it as of an abstract data type that provides a certain interface (e.g. you can call isDigit or toLower on it), but you are not allowed to know how exactly it is represented internally. The specific implementation of Haskell (e.g. GHC) is free to represent it in memory in whatever way it wants and it doesn’t matter at all, as you can’t access the underlying raw bits anyway.
That a Haskell program is text, consisting of (abstract) Unicode code points, that is, essentially, a String. And then it goes on to explain how to parse this String. Once again, it is important to stress that it defines the syntax of Haskell in terms of sequences of abstract Unicode code points.
Now, to your question about Haskell source code. The Haskell Report does not specify how this Unicode text is encoded into zeroes and ones when stored in a file.
In fact, the Haskell Report does not specify how Haskell programs are stored at all! It doesn’t mention that Haskell source code is stored in files, that files have to be named after modules, and that the directory structure should follow the structure of module names – these all are considered to be compiler implementation details, and the idea is that this allows each compiler to store Haskell programs wherever and however they want: in files, in database tables, as jpeg photos of a blackboard with a program written on it with chalk. For this reason it does not specify the encoding either (it would make no sense to specify the encoding for a program written out on a blackboard 😕).
However, GHC, the de-facto standard Haskell compiler, assumes that Haskell programs are stored in files encoded as UTF-8, organised hierarchically, and named after module names.


Character encoding issue in GHC

When I try and read a plaintext file from within my Haskell program I get:
[fromList * Exception: /path/to/file/aaa.txt hGetContents: invalid argument (Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character)
I googled to find this problem is usually set right by setting LANG to en_US.UTF-8
That's already how my locale looks.
Not sure if this is an issue with GHC at all.
I am on Ubuntu 11.10
Are you sure aaa.txt contains valid UTF-8? If it's binary data, you need to use withBinaryFile or similar. If it is text in another encoding, you should use hSetEncoding.
For instance, if your text is in Latin-1 then you would say
hSetEncoding h latin1
where "h" is your file handle. If you are reading from standard input then its
hSetEncoding stdin latin1
There is also a mkTextEncoding function which you can use if you have read the encoding from metadata, or wish to customise the handling of invalid Unicode (although this only works on some systems).
The Unicode standards say that a Unicode parser should reject invalid strings with an error, rather than trying to fix them up. This is a deliberate rejection of Postel's Law, on the grounds of reducing security holes and inconsistent interpretations.
(You might want to consider using the text library if you'll be working with a lot of text and having to handle encoding issues; it's usually a lot faster than using Strings, since it uses an unboxed array rather than a linked list, although this means that Text values and operations on them are necessarily strict. It also lets you configure how to respond to invalid Unicode more portably and flexibly.)

How to flip text horizontally?

i'm need to write a function that will flip all the characters of a string left-to-right.
Thė quiçk ḇrown fox jumṕềᶁ ovểr thë lⱥzy ȡog.
should become
.goȡ yzⱥl ëht rểvo ᶁềṕmuj xof nworḇ kçiuq ėhT
i can limit the question to UTF-16 (which has the same problems as UTF-8, just less often).
Naive solution
A naive solution might try to flip all the things (e.g. word-for-word, where a word is 16-bits - i would have said byte for byte if we could assume that a byte was 16-bits. i could also say character-for-character where character is the data type Char which represents a single code-point):
String original = "ɗỉf̴ḟếr̆ęnͥt";
String flipped = "";
foreach (Char c in s)
flipped = c+fipped;
Results in the incorrectly flipped text:
This is because one "character" takes multiple "code points".
ɗ ỉ f ˜ ḟ ế r ˘ ę n i t ˛
and flipping each "code point" gives:
˛ t i n ę ˘ r ế ḟ ˜ f ỉ ɗ
Which not only is not a valid UTF-16 encoding, it's not the same characters.
The problem happens in UTF-16 encoding when there is:
combining diacritics
characters in another lingual plane
Those same issues happen in UTF-8 encoding, with the additional case
any character outside the 0..127 ASCII range
i can limit myself to the simpler UTF-16 encoding (since that's the encoding that the language that i'm using has (e.g. C#, Delphi)
The problem, it seems to me, is discovering if a number of subsequent code points are combining characters, and need to come along with the base glyph.
It's also fun to watch an online text reverser site fail to take this into account.
any solution should assume that don't have access to a UTF-32 encoding library (mainly becuase i don't have access to any UTF-32 encoding library)
access to a UTF-32 encoding library would solve the UTF-8/UTF-16 lingual planes problem, but not the combining diacritics problem
The term you're looking for is “grapheme cluster”, as defined in Unicode TR29 Cluster Boundaries.
Group the UTF-16 code units into Unicode code points (=characters) using the surrogate algorithm (easy), then group the characters into grapheme clusters using the Grapheme_Cluster_Break rules. Finally reverse the group order.
You will need a copy of the Unicode character database in order to recognise grapheme cluster boundaries. That's already going to take up a considerable amount of space, so you're probably going to want to get a library to do it. For example in ICU you might use a CharacterIterator (which is misleadingly named as it works on grapheme clusters, not ‘characters’ as Unicode knows it).
If you work in UTF-32, you solve the non-base-plane issue. Converting from UTF-8 or UTF-16 to UTF-32 (and back) is relatively simple bit twiddling (see Wikipedia). You don't have to have a library for it.
Most of the combining characters are in a few ranges. You could determine those ranges by scanning the Unicode database (see Unicode.org). Hardcode those ranges into your application. With that, you can determine the groups of codepoints that represent a single character. (The drawback is that new combining marks could be introduced in the future, and you'd need to update your table.)
Segment appropriately, reverse the order (segment by segment), and convert back to UTF-8 or UTF-16 (or whatever you want).
Text Mechanic's Text Generator seems to do this in JavaScript. I'm sure it would be possible to translate the JS into another language after obtaining the author's consent (if you can find a 'contact' link for that site).

Where is it specified whether Unicode identifiers should be allowed in a Haskell implementation?

I wanted to write some educational code in Haskell with Unicode characters (non-Latin) in the identifiers. (So that the identifiers look nice and natural for speakers of a natural language other than English which is not using the Latin characters in its writing.) So, I set out for finding an appropriate Haskell implementation that would allow this.
But where is this feature specified in the language specification? How would I refer to this feature when looking for a conforming implementation? (And which Haskell implemenations are known to actually support Unicode identifiers?)
It turned out that one Haskell implementation did accept my code with Unicode identifiers, whereas another one failed to accept it. I would like it if there were a way to formalize this requirement of my code, in a form of a language feature switch perhaps, so that if I or someone else tries to run my code, it would be immediately clear whether his implementation is missing the required feature and hence he should look for another one. (There could be also a wiki page for this feature--"Unicode identifiers", which would list which of the existing implementations support it, so that one would know where to go if one needs it.)
(BTW, I have put a "syntax" tag on this question, but I actually perceive it to be an issue of the level of lexing, a lower level than the syntax of a language. Is there a tag here for features of the lexing level of a language, rather than for features of the syntax specification of a language?)
The Online Report documents this under Lexemes. It also notes early on that "Haskell uses the Unicode character set. However, source programs are currently biased toward the ASCII character set used in earlier versions of Haskell.".
Actual compilers may or may not support Unicode identifiers. GHC does, but you need to keep in mind that Unicode codepoints must obey the same rules as ASCII characters: types must start with a codepoint which is classed as uppercase or titlecase, variables as lowercase (although de facto this is relaxed to alphabetic and not uppercase/titlecase; this might be worth asking for a clarification from the language committee), operators must be punctuation or symbol. (This means that you can't declare types in Arabic, for example, unless you prefix them with a character in some other script that is uppercase/titlecase.)
As to collecting Unicode support information: while I don't know of a single page that provides it, searching for "unicode" on the Haskell Wiki finds information about Unicode support in a number of Haskell compilers.

Native newline characters?

What's the best way to determine the native newline characters such as '\n' or '\r\n' in Haskell?
I see there is a "nativeNewline" function in GHC.IO:Handle, but assume that it is both a private API and most of all non-standard Haskell.
You should think of the newline representation as part of the encoding of a text file that is stored in the filesystem, just like UTF-8. A text file is normally decoded when you read it into your program, and encoded when written -- converting to and from the native newline representation is done as part of this encoding and decoding. Inside your Haskell program, just as characters are represented by their Unicode code points, the newline character is always \n.
To tell the I/O system about the newline encoding you want to use, see the section on Newline Conversion in the documentation for System.IO.
System.IO.nativeNewline is not private - you can access it
to find out what GHC considers the native "newline" to be
on the current platform.
Note that the type of this variable, System.IO.Newline, does
not have a Show instance as of GHC 6.12.3. So you can't
easily print its value. Instead, check to see if it is equal
to System.IO.LF or System.IO.CRLF.
However, as Simon pointed out, you shouldn't need
to know about the native newline sequence with normal
usage of the text-oriented IO functions
in GHC.
This variable, together with the rest of the new Unicode-aware
capabilities of the IO system, is not yet part of the Haskell standard.
It was not included in the
Haskell 2010 report.
However, since it is already implemented in GHC,
and there is quite a widespread consensus that it is
important and useful, expect it to be included in one of the
upcoming yearly revisions of the standard.

What defines data that can be stored in strings

A few days ago, I asked why its not possible to store binary data, such as a jpg file into a string variable.
Most of the answers I got said that string is used for textual information such as what I'm writing now.
What is considered textual data though? Bytes of a certain nature represent a jpg file and those bytes could be represented by character byte values...I think. So when we say strings are for textual information, is there some sort of range or list of characters that aren't stored?
Sorry if the question sounds silly. Just trying to 'get it'
I see three major problems with storing binary data in strings:
Most systems assume a certain encoding within string variables - e.g. if it's a UTF-8, UTF-16 or ASCII string. New line characters may also be translated depending on your system.
You should watch out for restrictions on the size of strings.
If you use C style strings, every null character in your data will terminate the string and any string operations performed will only work on the bytes up to the first null.
Perhaps the most important: it's confusing - other developers don't expect to find random binary data in string variables. And a lot of code which works on strings might also get really confused when encountering binary data :)
I would prefer to store binary data as binary, you would only think of converting it to text when there's no other choice since when you convert it to a textual representation it does waste some bytes (not much, but it still counts), that's how they put attachments in email.
Base64 is a good textual representation of binary files.
I think you are referring to binary to text encoding issue. (translate a jpg into a string would require that sort of pre-processing)
Indeed, in that article, some characters are mentioned as not always supported, other can be confusing:
Some systems have a more limited character set they can handle; not only are they not 8-bit clean, some can't even handle every printable ASCII character.
Others have limits on the number of characters that may appear between line breaks.
Still others add headers or trailers to the text.
And a few poorly-regarded but still-used protocols use in-band signaling, causing confusion if specific patterns appear in the message. The best-known is the string "From " (including trailing space) at the beginning of a line used to separate mail messages in the mbox file format.
Whoever told you you can't put 'binary' data into a string was wrong. A string simply represents an array of bytes that you most likely plan on using for textual data... but there is nothing stopping you from putting any data in there you want.
I do have to be careful though, because I don't know what language you are using... and in some languages \0 ends the string.
In C#, you can put any data into a string... example:
byte[] myJpegByteArray = GetBytesFromSomeImage();
string myString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myJpegByteArray);
Before internationalization, it didn't make much difference. ASCII characters are all bytes, so strings, character arrays and byte arrays ended up having the same implementation.
These days, though, strings are a lot more complicated, in order to deal with thousands of foreign language characters and the linguistic rules that go with them.
Sure, if you look deep enough, everything is just bits and bytes, but there's a world of difference in how the computer interprets them. The rules for "text" make things look right when it's displayed to a human, but the computer is free to monkey with the internal representation. For example,
In Unicode, there are many encoding systems. Changing between them makes every byte different.
Some languages have multiple characters that are linguistically equivalent. These could switch back and forth when you least expect it.
There are different ways to end a line of text. Unintended translations between CRLF and LF will break a binary file.
Deep down everything is just bytes.
Things like strings and pictures are defined by rules about how to order bytes.
strings for example end in a byte with value 32 (or something else)
jpg's don't
Depends on the language. For example in Python string types (str) are really byte arrays, so they can indeed be used for binary data.
In C the NULL byte is used for string termination, so a sting cannot be used for arbitrary binary data, since binary data could contain null bytes.
In C# a string is an array of chars, and since a char is basically an alias for 16bit int, you can probably get away with storing arbitrary binary data in a string. You might get errors when you try to display the string (because some values might not actually correspond to a legal unicode character), and some operations like case conversions will probably fail in strange ways.
In short it might be possible in some langauges to store arbitrary binary data in strings, but they are not designed for this use, and you may run into all kinds of unforseen trouble. Most languages have a byte-array type for storing arbitrary binary data.
I agree with Jacobus' answer:
In the end all data structures are made up of bytes. (Well, if you go even deeper: of bits). With some abstraction, you could say that a string or a byte array are conventions for programmers, on how to access them.
In this regard, the string is an abstraction for data interpreted as a text. Text was invented for communication among humans, computers or programs do not communicate very well using text. SQL is textual, but is an interface for humans to tell a database what to do.
So in general, textual data, and therefore strings, are primarily for human to human, or human to machine interaction (say for the content of a message box). Using them for something else (e.g. reading or writing binary image data) is possible, but carries lots of risk bacause you are using the data type for something it was not designed to handle. This makes it much more error prone. You may be able to store binary data in strings, mbut just because you are able to shoot yourself in the foot, you should avoid doing so.
Summary: You can do it. But you better don't.
Your original question (c# - What is string really good for?) made very little sense. So the answers didn't make sense, either.
Your original question said "For some reason though, when I write this string out to a file, it doesn't open." Which doesn't really mean much.
Your original question was incomplete, and the answers were misleading and confusing. You CAN store anything in a String. Period. The "strings are for text" answers were there because you didn't provide enough information in your question to determine what's going wrong with your particular bit of C# code.
You didn't provide a code snippet or an error message. That's why it's hard to 'get it' -- you're not providing enough details for us to know what you don't get.
