Execution order of cruisecontrol.net blocks - cruisecontrol.net

Couldn't find any documentation about this: what is the order of execution of the different blocks of a cruisecontrol.net config file (e.g. sourcecontrol, prebuild, tasks)?
Specifically I'd like to know whether sourcecontrol is executed before or after the prebuild block.

I guess this page has the answer:
The <tasks> section is always run before the <publishers> section, regardless of the order in which they appear.
However, within each of these sections, the tasks are run in the order they appear.
The <prebuild> section is intended for tasks which need to be run before the build starts, including the sourcecontrol operation.
So the order is:
tasks (in the order in which they appear in the config file)
publishers (in the order in which they appear in the config file)

I think the order is
Please check the link


How to run one feature file as initialization (i.e. before all other feature files) in cucumber-jvm?

I have a cucumber feature file 'A' that serves as setting up environment (data clean up and initialization). I want to have it executed before all other feature files can run.
It's it kind of like #before hook as in http://zsoltfabok.com/blog/2012/09/cucumber-jvm-hooks/. However, that does not work because my feature files 'A' contains hundreds of cucumber steps and it is not as simple as:
public void beforeScenario() {
browser = new FirefoxDriver();
instead it's better to be able to run 'A' as a feature file as a whole.
I've searched around but did not find a answer. I am so surprised that no one has this type of requirement before.
The closest i found is 'background'. But that means i can have only one huge feature file with the content of 'A' as 'background' at the top, and rest of my test in the same file. I really do not want to do that.
Any suggestions?
By default, Cucumber features are run single thread in order by:
Alphabetically by feature file directory
Alphabetically by feature file name within directory
Scenario execution is then by order within the feature file.
So have your initialization feature in the first directory (alhpabetically) with a file name that sorts first (alphabetically) in that directory.
That being said it is generally a bad practice to require an execution order in your feature files. We run our feature files in parallel so order is meaningless. For Jenkins or TeamCity you could add a build step that executes the one feature file followed by a second build step that executes the rest of your feature files.
I have also a project, where we have a single feature file, that contains a very long scenario called Scenario: Test data with a lot of very long scenarios, like this:
Given the system knows about the following employees
... hundreds of lines like this follow ...
We see this long SystemKnows scenarios as quite valuable, so that our testers, Product Owner and developers have a baseline of what data are in the system. Our domain is quite complex, and we need this baseline of reference data for everyone to be able to understand the tests.
(These reference data become almost like well known personas, and are a shared team metaphore)
In the beginning, we were relying on the alphabetic naming convention, to have the AAA.feature to be run first.
Later, we discovered that this setup was brittle, and decided to use the following trick, inspired by the PageObject pattern:
Add a background with the single line Given(~'^I set test data for all feature files$')
In the step definition, have a factory to create the test data, and make sure inside the factore method, that it is only created once, like testFactory.createTestData()
In this way, you have both the convenience of expressing reference setup as a scenario, that enhances team communication, but you also have a stable test setup.
Hope this is helpful!

How to make prestep system groovy script to interrupt jenkins build and set it to SUCCESS?

Say I have a maven2/3 project in jenkins/hudson and BEFORE I run some goals on a maven project configured in the correspoing config.xml file, I want to run a system groovy script (ref. system groovy plugin) during a prestep and interrupt the whole job and set it to SUCCESS if some condition is met (for example say I find something in the log file of the previous job). I DO NOT WANT MAVEN TO START EXECUTING THE GOALS.
I have tried
import hudson.model.*
def thr = Thread.currentThread()
def build = thr?.executable
out.print "HELLO"
But nothing happens, and even "HELLO" is printed in log. But then the build gets ABORTED.
Parsing POMs
Discovered a new module ...
Modules changed, recalculating dependency graph
...jdk1.6.0_22/bin/java -Xmx512m -cp ...
<===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>Build was aborted
Thanks for your time.
I do not understand fully, what you want, since you described here some solution, not your exact problem. I know three plugins, which could be useful for your problem as well:
Fail the build plugin lets you set the result of the job, and stops further processing. Any status can be set including success.
Conditional build step plugin lets you define conditions for its child build steps. If the condition is met, the child(ren) will run.
m2 extra build steps - lets you run build steps before or after maven build in a maven job in jenkins. Note, that recently, this plugin is the part of the core jenkins.
So the basic idea is that you could add conditional build step a pre-build step in your job, and the child step could be one fail-the build instance. See the picture below:

InstallShield: How can single custom actions be tested?

(I'm using InstallShield2012 V.18)
In setup.rul I defined a function per prototype declaration, included the file with the function definition and compiled it successfully (InstallShield compile).
Now I'd like to test this function (only).
I don't want to run the whole installation, not even test (Ctrl-T) because I want to avoid a complete re-build which takes too long time to do it often.
Is there a way to test only the custom function in InstallShield or per command line?
Not really although I can give you some tips.
Create a dummy feature with a release flag of DEVONLY.
Create a dummy component for that feature.
Create a ProductConfiguration that builds a single MSI with no EXE and a release flag of DEVONLY.
Building this production configuration will be very fast. A couple seconds on my laptop with an SSD. You can selectivly include other features through the use of release flags if you need certain components in order to setup the test environment for your CA.
Another strategy is to develop your CA in a test harness project and then transplant the code into your real installer when you know it all works.
Christopher, thanks for this fast reply. I have to put my answer here because commenting was restricted, because too long.
I also thought about using such a workaround but first wanted to avoid it if possible.
But ok, now I tried these steps, 1 and 2 no problem, but 3: InstallShield didn't allow me to configure a Product Configuration without Setup.exe in my .ism file (although we have IS2012 Pro).
Then I tried to do it in a Basic MSI Project (is that what you meant?), which really builds in very short time. And now I can see my scripting during Test Release, yeah :-)
To "transplant" my script now to the main ism I'm missing an export function for .rul files as it exists for custom actions, but there is only a import. So I will have to copy-paste while switching between ism files, but never mind.

CruiseControl.NET : launch build on commit

I searched a lot but i didn't find a solution for my problem.
I use CruiseControl.NET (1.4.4). My project (in ccnet.config) load a repository from a cvs server to a local repository, and launch some executables (msbuild, NUnit...).
I use a trigger (Interval or Schedule Trigger), that launch regularly my project. But if my project has not been modified, it always launch all next tasks. And I would like to avoid it. So i want to launch my project only if a commit has been detected.
Is there any solution for it please?
Your trigger needs to specify IfModificationExists:
name = "dave"
seconds = "30"
buildCondition = "IfModificationExists" />
Although buildCondition="IfModificationExists" is the default anyway, so as long as its not set to ForceBuild you should be fine.
The URL Trigger might be of some use to you. You can set your svn server to modify a page on commmit and the CC.Net checks the page to see if it has changed, thus not getting all the files.
I start my project as below, which ensures that the tasks get executed only if there are modifications.
Hope this helps,
Anders, Denmark
Edited: My code excerpt didn't make it to the page - I've tried to replace less-than, bigger-than with brackets.
[project name="SpilMerePool" queue="Q2" queuePriority="1"]
[sourcecontrol type="svn"]
[executable]C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin\svn.exe[/executable]
Just use IntervalTrigger, like this:
<intervalTrigger />
You can also add an modificationDelaySeconds, to wait for a number of seconds before starting the build after the last commit.
Thank you Anders Juul abd Andy for your quick answers.
By using the intervalTrigger with "IfModificationExists" build condition, the project must be loaded each time (it's logical ^^). But my project size is about 450Mo. So it's a little long.
So my last question is : can we execute all builds and next tasks when a commit command has been detected? (without loading all files, in CruiseControl).
I use TortoiseCVS (version 1.10.10). Maybe we can force CruiseControl project to be lauched after a commit?

How do I delete a directory with cc.net / cruiscontrol? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Pre-build task - deleting the working copy in CruiseControl.NET
I would like to delete my working directory during the cruisecontrol build process...I'm sure this is easy, but I have been unable to find an example of it...
If you know how to create a directory, that would be useful as well.
One of two ways.
If you're already using an MSBuild file or something similar, add the action to the MSBuild file.
Instead of directly executing some command, create a batch file that executes that command and then deletes the directory, and have CCnet call that batch file instead.
My guess is that you want to delete the working directory before CruiseControl.NET gets the latest code from source control. If this is the case, then the only way to accomplish this is to write a custom source control provider for CruiseControl.NET that first deletes the working directory and then gets the latest code. Have a look at CruiseControl.NET's source code for examples of how to write a source control provider.
If you want to delete the working directory after the latest code is retrieved from source control, then you can use CruiseControl.NET's executable task by running "cmd /c del directoryname".
In the ASP.NET work, for me, the easiest way I do it (which allows me to hit either MSBUild or NAnt depending upon the project) was to roll my own exe that takes an argument which I pass in with a bat file fired by CC.NET. It's not the safest thing in the world, but if you have total control over your automated build machine; it's not too shabby. Quick and reusable.
Drop in the exe somewhere that does the recursive delete:
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int n = 0; n < args.Length; n++)
if (Directory.Exists(args[n].ToString()))
Directory.Delete(args[n].ToString(), true);
Drop it in somewhere multiple files can pass arguments to it and just write a custom .bat file for each project. So my task block looks like this:
<logger>C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll</logger>
Then the final step is setting up that .bat file to perform the delete/rebuild functions after use. In the bat file just make sure you rebuild ("MD") the directories you deleted if youexpect to publish a site back to them. On our dev boxes I found this to be the best way to prevent the beloved Frankenbuild.
The way I've done this in the past is to not have CC.Net checkout source itself. Instead, there are two <msbuild> elements for the project, the first one calling a build target that runs svn-clean.pl (compiled to .exe), and then updates the source using svn.exe. The second <msbuild> element starts the main build process.
You can easily replace svn-clean with a delete command. For my projects, deleting chaff from a checkout has always been faster than checking out a fresh working copy.
The two msbuild elements are necessary because the main project build file is often updated. This is important because updates to your build file(s) will only be reloaded if you start a new msbuild process.
This setup breaks down when I (very rarely) move or change the dependencies of that clean-and-update build target to the extent that the msbuild process would need to reload for valid instructions to run the clean-and-update target. When this happens, I stop CC.Net before committing, go into the CC.Net server, and do an 'svn update' by hand.
Sidelight: It could well be that CC.Net has a natural clean-before-build operation by now. I've since moved to TeamCity, which is configurable to do this every build or only when the developer chooses (e.g., when you know you've made a change that would not update cleanly--svn moves of directories with build products comes to mind).
