Redirect 301 cgi-bin/ to new URL - .htaccess

it's my first question here :)
I got a problem for redirecting URL:
I have old URL like
And try to redirect them to on the htaccess
but I still have 404 error...
This is my rule :
RewriteRule ^cgi-bin/(.*)$ [R=301,L]
I verified if there are something in the conf about cgi-bin but nothing.
I did a test with "cgi-bin2" and it works...
So what can i do ?

I don't know where you problem come from but why don't you try to write a perl script which will redirect to your base domain url ?
(it can work if you have, for example, just few cgi files previously used).
In your example it seems you want to redirect "category.cgi".
so, in our case, write a "category.cgi" file in your "cgi-bin" folder and write this code inside it :
# fixedredir.cgi
use strict;
use warnings;
my $URL = "";
print "Status: 301 Moved\nLocation: $URL\n\n"
Hope it help !


.htaccess redirect only if parameter exists

hello guys i want write htaccess file that make access denied for this url localhost/img/pic.gif else if i get something like this localhost/img/pic.gif?var=welcome will redirect me to another page accept any parameter i don't need to test is get number or letter
it's that possible to do that with htaccess file all i know is this line :
ErrorDocument 404 /pic.gif
RewriteRule logo.gif localhost/myproject
thank you !

How can i 301 redirect a subfolder and everything after it?

I am trying to redirect a subfolder as well as anything after it to the home page.
For example: >
The extra-stuff is constantly changing and auto generated, so I want the redirect to remove that as well.
I am using:
Redirect 301 /subfolder(.*)
However, this will result in
Is there a way I can say if /subfolder(and anything else after subfolder) redirect to home?
Thanks for any suggestions!
The Redirect directive uses simple prefix-matching and everything after the match is copied onto the end of the target URL (which is what you are seeing here). However, the Redirect directive also does not support regex syntax, so a "pattern" like (.*) on the end will actually match the literal characters (, ., * and ) - which shouldn't have worked in your example?!
You'll need to use RedirectMatch instead (also part of mod_alias), which does use regex, and is not prefix matching.
For example:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/subfolder
Any request that starts /subfolder will be redirected to exactly.
You'll need to clear your browser catch before testing.
You tagged your question "Magento" (which is probably using mod_rewrite). You should note, however, if you are already using mod_rewrite for rewrites/redirects then you should probably be using mod_rewrite instead of mod_alias to do this redirect, since you can potentially get conflicts.
For example, the equivalent mod_rewrite directive would be:
RewriteRule ^subfolder [R=301,L]
Note there is no slash prefix on the RewriteRule pattern. This would need to go near the top of your .htaccess file.

.htacess rewrite to truncate links with common mistakes?

Everyone who have tried to search through error_log files from large websites got lots of links like these bellow due to people who have screwd up some html in third part sites or blogs...
File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/'http://...
File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/ http://...
File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/
The problem is some extra chars after the .html...
Its easy to guess the correct url in each case... we just have to truncate the url after the ".html".
Is it possible with .htaccess to rewrite these problematic urls to the correct syntax?
Just eliminating everything after the .
html? And avoiding messing up with url queries in dynamic urls?
Here's what I would like to do ...
Replace ".html " with ".html#"
Replace ".html'" with ".html#"
Replace ".html/" with ".html#"
As everything after the # will be just ignored...
Any simple way to do that with .htaccess?
Just use a Regex:
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html(.*)$ $1.html
This RedirectMatch rule should work:
RedirectMatch 301 ^(.+?\.html).+$ $1

htaccess wildcard redirect to parent folder

a simple request I'm sure but can't for the life of me find an answer.
I would like the following...,, etc.
To redirect to
Currently I am using the rule below but am getting a redirect loop on /menu/.
RedirectMatch 302 ^/menu/.*$
How do I create a rule that redirects only what I require and leaves /menu/ accessible?
Tweak your regex a little by matching 1 or more characters after /menu/:
RewriteRule ^menu/(.+)$ /menu/ [L,R=301]

htaccess Redirect 301 : to

my homepage url is like this
I just want it to redirect to new url something like this
here's my code
Redirect 301 /sub/ /sub/home?lang=en
the new url becomes like this
there's unnecessary home concatinated after en
how can I removed this? Or is there something wrong with my code?
don't know there's might be already same question like this
This is because the Redirect directive "connects" 2 path nodes, and you've got one inside the other (/sub/home is inside /sub). For example, if the directive looks like this:
Redirect 301 /a /b
This means when someone requests they get redirected to What happens when you get redirected to /sub/home is that you get redirected again because /sub/home matches the pattern /sub, and the home gets appended, thus /sub/home?lang=enhome.
You can try using RedirectMatch instead, which doesn't "connect" path nodes:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/sub/?$ /sub/home?lang=en
Or mod_rewrite:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?sub/?$ /sub/home?lang=en [L,R=301,QSA]
