Haskell function execution time - haskell

Is there a simple method to compute time of function execution in Haskell?

Simplest things is to just do :set +s in ghci, and then you can see the execution time of anything you run, along with memory usage.

The criterion package was made specifically to do this well.

See if http://hackage.haskell.org/package/timeit suits your needs.

function execution time benchmark is included in Criterion.Measurement
for example, if I want to capture the time of someIOFunction :: IO ()
import Criterion.Measurement
main = secs <$> time_ someIOFunction >>= print

Criterion is the most sophisticated method, although I found it difficult to start, and it seems targeted to benchmarking programs. I wanted to compute the time of execution and use that data within my program and it doesn't seem to address this need, at least it's not immediately apparent.
TimeIt is very simple and does what I wanted, except it does not handle pure functions well. The time returned for a pure function is the thunk allocation time (AFAIK) and even with using seq it can be difficult to get what you want.
What is working for me is based on TimeIt.
import System.TimeIt
timeItTPure :: (a -> ()) -> a -> IO (Double,a)
timeItTPure p a = timeItT $ p a `seq` return a
In timeItTPure p a, p is the function responsible for evaluating the result of a pure calculation, a, as deeply as needed to get the good evaluation timing. Maybe this is a simple pattern match, maybe it's counting the length of a list, maybe its seq every element in the list, maybe its a deepseq, etc.
The use of seq is tricky. Note, the below function does not perform as desired. Haskell is a mysterious thing.
badTimeItTPure a = timeItT . return $ seq (p a) a

start' <- start
timerc start' "begin"
print "hello"
timerc start' "after printing hello"
timerc start' "end"
end <- getVals start'
forM_ (timert end) putStrLn
begin -> after printing hello: 0.000039555s
after printing hello -> end: 1.333936928s
This seems to work fine for my very simple usecase.


Running the NonDet effect once in Polysemy

I'm relatively new to Polysemy, and I'm trying to wrap my head around how to use NonDet correctly. Specifically, let's say I've got this computation
generate :: Member NonDet r => Sem r Int
generate = msum $ fmap pure [0..]
computation :: (Member NonDet r, Member (Final IO) r) => Sem r ()
computation = do
n <- generate
guard (n == 100)
embedFinal $ print n
It's a horribly inefficient way to print the number 100, but it demonstrates the problem I'm having. Now, I want to run this effect only insofar as to get the first success. That is, I want to run this effect long enough to "find" the number 100 and print it, and then I want to stop.
My first attempt
attempt1 :: IO ()
attempt1 = void . runFinal . runNonDet #[] $ computation
This one fails to short-circuit. It prints 100 but then hangs forever, looking for the number 100 again. That makes sense; after all, I didn't actually tell it I only wanted one solution. So let's try that.
My second attempt
runNonDetOnce :: Sem (NonDet ': r) a -> Sem r (Maybe a)
runNonDetOnce = fmap listToMaybe . runNonDet
attempt2 :: IO ()
attempt2 = void . runFinal . runNonDetOnce $ computation
All we're doing here is discarding all but the head of the list. Understandably, this didn't change anything. Haskell already wasn't evaluating the list, so discarding an unused value changes nothing. Like attempt1, this solution hangs forever after printing 100.
My third attempt
attempt3 :: IO ()
attempt3 = void . runFinal . runNonDetMaybe $ computation
So I tried using runNonDetMaybe. This one, unfortunately, just exits without printing anything. Figuring out why that is took a bit, but I have a theory. The documentation says
Unlike runNonDet, uses of <|> will not execute the second branch at all if the first option succeeds.
So it's greedy and doesn't backtrack after success, basically. Thus, it runs my computation like this.
computation = do
n <- generate -- Ah yes, n = 0. Excellent!
guard (n == 100) -- Wait, 0 /= 100! Failure! We can't backtrack, so abort.
embedFinal $ print n
In this small example, we could just alter the computation a bit, like so
computation :: (Member NonDet r, Member (Final IO) r) => Sem r ()
computation = msum $ fmap (\n -> guard (n == 100) >> embedFinal (print n)) [0..]
So rather than generate a number and then check it later, we simply move generate inside of computation. With this computation, attempt3 succeeds, since we can get to the "correct" answer without backtracking. This works in this small example, but it's infeasible for a larger codebase. Unless someone has a good systematic way of avoiding backtracking, I don't see a good way to generalize this solution to computations that span over multiple files in a large program.
The other non-solution is to cheat using IO.
computation :: (Member NonDet r, Member (Final IO) r) => Sem r ()
computation = do
n <- generate
guard (n == 100)
embedFinal $ print n
embedFinal $ exitSuccess
Now attempt1 and attempt2 succeed, since we simply forcibly exit the program after success. But, aside from feeling incredibly sloppy, this doesn't generalize either. I want to stop running the current computation after finding 100, not the whole program.
So, to summarize, I want the computation given in the first code snippet above to be run using Polysemy in some way that causes it to backtrack (in NonDet) until it finds one successful value (in the example above, n = 100) and then stop running side effects and end the computation. I tried delving into the source code of runNonDetMaybe and co in this hopes of being able to reproduce something similar to it that has the effect I want, but my Polysemy skills are not nearly to the level of understanding all of the Weaving and decomp shenanigans happening there. I hope someone here who has more expertise with this library than I do can point me in the right direction to running NonDet with the desired effects.
Now attempt1 and attempt2 succeed, since we simply forcibly exit the program after success. But, aside from feeling incredibly sloppy, this doesn't generalize either. I want to stop running the current computation after finding 100, not the whole program.
Rather than exitSuccess, a closely related idea is to throw an exception that you can catch in the interpreter.

Haskell Timeout diverging computation

I'm trying to write a safe timing-out evaluation function in Haskell. The code goes as follows
import System.Timeout
compute, compute' :: Int -> Int
compute i = sum [1..300000 + i]
compute' i = last $ repeat i
timedComp :: Int -> a -> IO (Maybe a)
timedComp timeLeft toCompute =
timeout timeLeft go
go = toCompute `seq` return toCompute
main = do
res <- timedComp 10000 (compute 0)
print res
res' <- timedComp 10000 (compute' 0)
print res'
(I know that I only evaluate to WHNF.)
When I run main, I get only one Nothing on output and then the program hangs. I tried to compile and run the program multi-threaded but it doesn't help. Tried on both GHC 7.6.3 and 7.8.3. Any suggestions?
There's a limitation in the GHC implementation of Haskell threads: context switches occur only during allocation. As a consequence, tight loops which perform no allocation at all can prevent the scheduler to run, switching to other threads.
This is one of such examples: compute' i = last $ repeat i looks as if it's allocating list cells, but unfortunately GHC is able to optimize it as a trivial infinite loop, removing all allocation -- GHC Core looks roughly as f x = f x. This triggers the scheduler shortcoming.
Reid Barton suggests the option -fno-omit-yields to work around this. This will cause GHC not to optimize so much.

Why can't I force an IO action with seq?

Given this code snippet:
someFunction x = print x `seq` 1
main = do print (someFunction "test")
why doesn't the print x print test when the code is executed?
If I replace it with error I can check that the left operand of seq is indeed evaluated.
How could I achieve my expected output:
modifying only someFunction?
Evaluating an IO action does nothing whatsoever. That's right!
If you like, values of IO type are merely "instruction lists". So all you do with that seq is force the program to be sure1 of what should be done if the action was actually used. And using an action has nothing to do with evaluation, it means monadically binding it to the main call. But since, as you say, someFunction is a function with a non-monadic signature, that can't happen here.
What you can do... but don't, is
import Foreign
someFunction x = unsafePerformIO (print x) `seq` 1
this actually couples evaluation to IO execution. Which normally is a really bad idea in Haskell, since evaluation can happen at completely unforseeable order, possibly a different number of times than you think (because the compiler assumes referential transparency), and other mayhem scenarios.
The correct solution is to change the signature to be monadic:
someFunction :: Int -> IO Int
someFunction x = do
print x
return 1
main = do
y <- someFunction "test"
print y
1And as it happens, the program is as sure as possible anyway, even without seq. Any more details can only be obtained by executing the action.
seq evaluated expressions to weak head normal form, which is simply the outermost constructor (or lambda application). The expression print x is already in WHNF, so seq doesn't do anything.
You can get the result you're looking for with the function Debug.Trace.trace.

Breaking out of monad sequence

Is it possible to break out of a monad sequence?
For instance, if I want to break out of a sequence earlier based on some condition calculated in the middle of the sequence. Say, in a 'do' notation I bind a value and based on the value I want to either finish the sequence or stop it. Is there something like a 'pass' function?
Directly using if
You could do this directly as Ingo beautifully encapsulated, or equivalently for example
breakOut :: a -> m (Either MyErrorType MyGoodResultType)
breakOut x = do
y <- dosomethingWith x
z <- doSomethingElseWith x y
if isNoGood z then return (Left (someerror z)) else do
w <- process z
v <- munge x y z
u <- fiddleWith w v
return (Right (greatResultsFrom u z))
This is good for simply doing something different based on what values you have.
Using Exceptions in the IO monad
You could use Control.Exception as Michael Litchard correctly pointed out. It has tons of error-handling, control-flow altering stuff in it, and is worth reading if you want to do something complex with this.
This is great if your error production could happen anywhere and your code is complex. You can handle the errors at the top level, or at any level you like. It's very flexible and doesn't mess with your return types. It only works in the IO monad.
import Control.Exception
Really I should roll my own custom type, but I can't be bothered deriving Typable etc, so I'll hack it with the standard error function and a few strings. I feel quite guilty about that.
handleError :: ErrorCall -> IO Int
handleError (ErrorCall msg) = case msg of
"TooBig" -> putStrLn "Error: argument was too big" >> return 10000
"TooSmall" -> putStrLn "Error: argument was too big" >> return 1
"Negative" -> putStrLn "Error: argument was too big" >> return (-1)
"Weird" -> putStrLn "Error: erm, dunno what happened there, sorry." >> return 0
The error handler needs an explicit type to be used in catch. I've flipped the argument to make the do block come last.
exceptOut :: IO Int
exceptOut = flip catch handleError $ do
x <- readLn
if (x < 5) then error "TooSmall" else return ()
y <- readLn
return (50 + x + y)
Monad transformers etc
These are designed to work with any monad, not just IO. They have the same benefits as IO's exceptions, so are officially great, but you need to learn about monad tranformers. Use them if your monad is not IO, and you have complex requirements like I said for Control.Exception.
First, read Gabriel Conzalez's Breaking from a loop for using EitherT to do two different things depending on some condition arising, or MaybeT for just stopping right there in the event of a problem.
If you don't know anything about Monad Transformers, you can start with Martin Grabmüller's Monad Transformers Step by Step. It covers ErrorT. After that read Breaking from a Loop again!
You might also want to read Real World Haskell chapter 19, Error handling.
Continuation Passing Style's callCC is remarkably powerful, but perhaps too powerful, and certainly doesn't produce terribly easy-to-follow code. See this for a fairly positive take, and this for a very negative one.
So what I think you're looking for is the equivalent of return in imperative languages, eg
def do_something
return baz if quux
Now in haskell this is doesn't work because a monadic chain is just one big function application. We have syntax that makes it look prettier but it could be written as
bind foo (bind bar (bind baz ...)))
and we can't just "stop" applying stuff in the middle. Luckily if you really need it there is an answer from the Cont monad. callCC. This is short for "call with current continuation" and generalizes the notation of returns. If you know Scheme, than this should be familiar.
import Control.Monad.Cont
foo = callCC $ \escape -> do
when baz $ quux >>= escape
A runnable example shamelessly stolen from the documentation of Control.Monad.Cont
whatsYourName name =
(`runCont` id) $ do
response <- callCC $ \exit -> do
validateName name exit
return $ "Welcome, " ++ name ++ "!"
return response
validateName name exit = do
when (null name) (exit "You forgot to tell me your name!")
and of course, there is a Cont transformer, ContT (which is absolutely mind bending) that will let you layer this on IO or whatever.
As a sidenote, callCC is a plain old function and completely nonmagical, implementing it is a great challenge
So I suppose there is no way of doing it the way I imagined it originally, which is equivalent of a break function in an imperative loop.
But I still get the same effect below based in Ingo's answer, which is pretty easy (silly me)
doStuff x = if x > 5
then do
t <- getTingFromOutside
doHeavyHalculations t
else return ()
I don't know though how it would work if I need to test 't' in the example above ...
I mean, if I need to test the bound value and make an if decision from there.
You can never break out of a "monad sequence", by definition. Remember that a "monad sequence" is nothing else than one function applied to other values/functions. Even if a "monad sequence" gives you the illusion that you could programme imperative, this is not true (in Haskell)!
The only thing you can do is to return (). This solution of the practical problem has already been named in here. But remember: it gives you only the illusion of being able to break out of the monad!

Sequencing IO actions in parallel

I have a function that returns an IO action,
f :: Int -> IO Int
I would like to compute this function in parallel for multiple values of the argument. My naive implementation was as follows:
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
vals = [1..10]
main = do
results <- mapM f vals
let results' = results `using` parList rseq
mapM_ print results'
My reasoning for this was that the first mapM binds something of type IO [Int] to results, results' applies a parallel strategy to the contained list, and the mapM_ finally requests the actual values by printing them - but what is to be printed is already sparked in parallel, so the program should parallelize.
After being happy that it does indeed use all my CPUs, I noticed that the program is less effective (as in wall clock time) when being run with +RTS -N8 than without any RTS flags. The only explanation I can think of is that the first mapM has to sequence - i.e. perform - all the IO actions already, but that would not lead to ineffectivity, but make the N8 execution as effective as the unparallelized one, because all the work is done by the master thread. Running the program with +RTS -N8 -s yields SPARKS: 36 (11 converted, 0 overflowed, 0 dud, 21 GC'd, 4 fizzled), which surely isn't optimal, but unfortunately I can't make any sense of it.
I suppose I've found one of the beginner's stepping stones in Haskell parallelization or the internals of the IO monad. What am I doing wrong?
Background info: f n is a function that returns the solution for Project Euler problem n. Since many of them have data to read, I put the result into the IO monad. An example of how it may look like is
-- Problem 13: Work out the first ten digits of the sum of one-hundred 50-digit numbers.
euler 13 = fmap (first10 . sum) numbers
numbers = fmap (map read . explode '\n') $ readFile "problem_13"
first10 n
| n < 10^10 = n -- 10^10 is the first number with 11 digits
| otherwise = first10 $ n `div` 10
The full file can be found here (It's a bit long, but the first few "euler X" functions should be representative enough), the main file where I do the parallelism is this one.
Strategies are for parallel execution of pure computations. If it really is mandatory that your f returns an IO value, then consider using the async package instead. It provides useful combinators for running IO actions concurrently.
For your use case, mapConcurrently looks useful:
import Control.Concurrent.Async
vals = [1..10]
main = do
results <- mapConcurrently f vals
mapM_ print results
(I haven't tested though, because I don't know what your f is exactly.)
Try the parallel-io package. It allows you to change any mapM_ into parallel_.
