Vim/GVim key mappings - vim

I've been using Vim exclusively for a few weeks now, and a few things are keeping me from being very excited about my experience so far. For one, I am having trouble mapping a few key sequences to commands.
I'd like to map Ctrl+Shift+Z to :redo<CR> or alternately <C-R>, but apparently Vim is not able to recognize the difference between shifted and un-shifted control-key sequences:
Ctrl-b and Ctrl-B are synonymous, they both mean 0x02. This cannot be
changed, it goes back to ASCII, which dates back to 7-hole paper tape
(not counting parity).
This just seems silly to me. We've come a long way since 7-hole paper tape, and in my experience MANY programs recognize the difference between <C-S-Z> and <C-Z>. Indeed, MacVim even recognizes the difference! But no joy in GVim or in the GNOME Terminal. Is there a way around this? Maybe a plugin or even some compile-time option?
The other key combo that I'm having trouble with is Ctrl+, (control+comma). I'm not sure if I've got something configured wrong in my .vimrc, or if it's a real issue with Vim, but I cannot get <C-,> to respond after mapping it (for example: map <C-,> :TComment<CR>). FWIW, I have my leader key remapped to ;. Am I doing it wrong? Or is there some other reason why Vim won't recognize the <C-,> key combo?
I've spent way too much time googling and fiddling with key mappings, and I'm on the verge of declaring that Vim is not as flexible as I've been led to believe... I can't even get it configured with the key mappings I'm used to, some of which I am reluctant to re/unlearn since they work in other programs that I use daily.

It looks like the link you posted already answers your question regarding <C-b> vs. <C-B>. According to the FAQ it looks like you're out of luck with <C-,> as well, since this key combination is not in the list of Ctrl-printable-key chords that Vim can detect (possibly because it's not even a printable ASCII chord?).
Key combinations such as <C-S-w> are very un-Vim-like in that they undermine the efficiency of a modal editor. Of course there are times when <CTRL>-escaped combinations are necessary (for example in insert-mode mappings such as <C-x>-<C-o> for omnicompletion), but that's not the case for operations such as undo and redo.
I'm sorry that this reply won't satisfy you, but in the long run there is much to be gained from "doing it the Vim way", rather than trying to bend Vim to your will.

Try adding set nocompatable to your vimrc. without this you are basically running vi wich is much more limited than vim. This should allow you to map <C-S-r> or <F11> or whatever else you want.
Tjameson is completely right. it is much better to use the default mappings where they exist.


Is there a way to alias vim navigation keys? [duplicate]

After attempting to use vim a number of times, I'm always been put off by its default key bindings. After some research, I decided to remap the default keys to more sane ones (at least for my tastes). I have a few questions about changing bindings that I could not find answers to through Google.
Is there a way to map a key to an action rather than another key. For example:
:noremap a h
will bind the a key to move the cursor left. Is there something along the lines of
:noremap a move-cursor-left
:noremap a :move-cursor-left<Enter>
so I can read my config file afterwards?
Is there a way to unbind all of the default key bindings? I've tried :mapclear but it doesn't seem to work, although it might just be clearing non-default bindings. Unmapping every key manually is not an option. If possible, I would like to export the defaults to a file so I can edit them as I need.
Is there another language I can use to write my own commands for vim other than vim-script? I haven't actually looked into this one so much though. If I can bind an external executable to a command, that would be good enough.
I haven't given up on vim although I would like to ask if there are any vim-like alternatives out there. My Google searches came up with nothing actively developed. If the above cannot be done, or reasonably hacked together, I would like to find a fully configurable, modal, command line text editor that can.
The command set of vi / Vim has 40 years of wisdom encoded into it; completely changing it is a bad idea. I can only repeat the reference to this answer from the comments; that should convince you (to accept this, or choose another editor).
Give the default commands another try. It'll take some time to get used to, but most Vim users swear by these. It's fine to make minor adjustments "for personal style": careful evolution, but not revolution. Also, some people with odd keyboard layouts (like Dvorak or Colemak) swap several keys for convenience.
The move-cursor-left is just h; aided by the excellent :help, you should be able to "read" your remappings just fine.
In general, even though it's possible to write extensions / plugins in integrated languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, etc. (based on support for them compiled into the Vim binary), you won't get around learning some key Vim internals and parts of Vimscript. If you don't feel comfortable at all about this, I'd suggest to use another editor. Unfortunately, with your requirements of full extensibility (and probably broad acceptance and platform support), there's only one serious alternative: Emacs (which cannot only be turned into everything but a kitchen sink, but also into a modal editor, too).
(i know this question is old)
you can reset the binds by just over-writing them
on vim you can use many <things> (idk the name)
<Up> = Up-arrow-key
<C-f> = Ctrl, f
<A-Down> = Alt, Down-arrow-key
<Esc> = Escape-key
it's possible to remap the hjkl keys to wasd like this:
nmap w <Up>
nmap a <Left>
nmap s <Down>
nmap d <Right>

Changing default key bindings in vim

After attempting to use vim a number of times, I'm always been put off by its default key bindings. After some research, I decided to remap the default keys to more sane ones (at least for my tastes). I have a few questions about changing bindings that I could not find answers to through Google.
Is there a way to map a key to an action rather than another key. For example:
:noremap a h
will bind the a key to move the cursor left. Is there something along the lines of
:noremap a move-cursor-left
:noremap a :move-cursor-left<Enter>
so I can read my config file afterwards?
Is there a way to unbind all of the default key bindings? I've tried :mapclear but it doesn't seem to work, although it might just be clearing non-default bindings. Unmapping every key manually is not an option. If possible, I would like to export the defaults to a file so I can edit them as I need.
Is there another language I can use to write my own commands for vim other than vim-script? I haven't actually looked into this one so much though. If I can bind an external executable to a command, that would be good enough.
I haven't given up on vim although I would like to ask if there are any vim-like alternatives out there. My Google searches came up with nothing actively developed. If the above cannot be done, or reasonably hacked together, I would like to find a fully configurable, modal, command line text editor that can.
The command set of vi / Vim has 40 years of wisdom encoded into it; completely changing it is a bad idea. I can only repeat the reference to this answer from the comments; that should convince you (to accept this, or choose another editor).
Give the default commands another try. It'll take some time to get used to, but most Vim users swear by these. It's fine to make minor adjustments "for personal style": careful evolution, but not revolution. Also, some people with odd keyboard layouts (like Dvorak or Colemak) swap several keys for convenience.
The move-cursor-left is just h; aided by the excellent :help, you should be able to "read" your remappings just fine.
In general, even though it's possible to write extensions / plugins in integrated languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, etc. (based on support for them compiled into the Vim binary), you won't get around learning some key Vim internals and parts of Vimscript. If you don't feel comfortable at all about this, I'd suggest to use another editor. Unfortunately, with your requirements of full extensibility (and probably broad acceptance and platform support), there's only one serious alternative: Emacs (which cannot only be turned into everything but a kitchen sink, but also into a modal editor, too).
(i know this question is old)
you can reset the binds by just over-writing them
on vim you can use many <things> (idk the name)
<Up> = Up-arrow-key
<C-f> = Ctrl, f
<A-Down> = Alt, Down-arrow-key
<Esc> = Escape-key
it's possible to remap the hjkl keys to wasd like this:
nmap w <Up>
nmap a <Left>
nmap s <Down>
nmap d <Right>

Pair completion in Vim

I do my coding in Vim and recently have been getting more annoyed by its pair completion features. I don't really see the need for pair completion in general as I tend to naturally try to close pairs myself (by pair here I mean type the closing ')' of a set of parentheses, for example). What really annoys me is when I have text already written and to surround it by quotes for example I'll be at the beginning of the word, type ' and then two will pop up right over there rather than just 1 and then me pivoting to the end of the word and typing the other exclamation point. Anyways, that's it for my rant, so any help on stopping my vim from doing this would be appreciated. I use spfvim-13 ( and have only modified the .vimrc slightly. I wasn't able to pinpoint exactly from where this specific issue arises.
This is not a native vim behavior, it's definitely some plugin causing it. I can't pin-point a particular plugin that spf13 might be having for this, I looked for popular ones I know, like simple_pairs, delimitMate etc.
Best way to investigate what's causing is to just see the output of :verbose imap ' and you'll come to know where it's being set and then remove that plugin / setting.

Remapping a key to Escape in Vim (German keyboard)

Okay, so I've been trying out Vim (the standard console version; my OS is Linux Mint 13) and I'd like to get rid of having to use the Escape key to change modes. Preferably, I'd like to swap the Capslock and Escape keys, but as far as I've heard, that's not possible within Vim itself. Most "solutions" I've found involve changing the key on a global level (using xmodmap or whatever), but I don't really want that. If there's an easy way to swap Capslock and Escape only in Vim, please let me know.
Another common thing I've heard of is using "Ctrl-[" as an equivalent to Escape. However, because I'm using a German keyboard with a different layout, that's not an option. So, I thought I'd use noremap <C-ü> <Esc> in Vim (the "ü" key on a German keyboard is in the same place as the "[" key on US keyboards), but that didn't work, either. I'm assuming that's because "ü" isn't an ASCII character. Is there any way to get either of these options working?
UPDATE: Well, this is strange. After experimenting some more, it seems that "Ctrl-ü" does work after all. I'm not sure what happened – maybe I messed up some encoding-related settings while trying different things? If there is no good solution for remapping capslock, I guess I will stick with "Ctrl-ü".
So, yeah, eventually I decided to go with <C-ü> because it doesn't conflict with anything else and because it's the same as <C-[> on US keyboards.
However, because I'm getting tired of using the German keyboard layout for programming (for example, to get "{" you need to type "Alt Gr-7"), I'm switching my keyboard to US-International, which essentially has a similar effect as far as Vim is concerned. It also helps if you want to want to get into the habit of touch-typing; you actually can't look at the keyboard because the keys aren't labeled "correctly" ;-)
A lot of people use jk:
inoremap jk <Esc>
You can also simply do <C-c>.
Here is another alternative that may be useful to you! It involves changing the keyboard file related to VIM. I found this suggestion on this youtube video
$ cd /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/
sudo vim pc
to edit the capslock key to escape, change the capslock line to read as follows:
key <CAPS> { [ Escape ] };
:wq # to write and close the file
Log out and log back into the machine and it should be updated!

Is there a way to move within a file in Vim similar to Emacs' Isearch?

I've been using Vim for some time and I feel that I'm finally becoming somehow 'fluent' with it, but some of the feature listings, videos and other stuff I've seen (particularly Tim Visher's Vimgolf in Emacs series) really convinced me to give Emacs a try.
So for the past week, I've been using Emacs almost exclusively. I really miss some concepts I'm familiar with from Vim (mostly the action-movement style, things like ci" etc.), but one thing I really learned to love in Emacs is the way to move around a file with Isearch.
For example, if I wanted to move to a line where a function fn is called, and there were 2 other instances of 'fn' between the point and the position I want to move to, I'd do C-s fn C-s C-s. If I wanted to do the same in Vim, I'd have to do something like /fn <CR> n n :noh <CR>, which is nowhere as nice, so I'd probably just check the line number and do #G wwwww....
So my question is: is there a way to emulate the efficiency of Emacs' movement with search in Vim? It doesn't have to use search, I'm just looking for something other than the cumbersome go-to-line and forward several words I described above.
Edit: Item 4 in Effective Emacs describes nicely what I'm trying to accomplish.
What is described in your link is exactly my primary mean of movement in Vim: /foo<CR>nn for incremental forward search and ?bar<CR>nn for incremental backward search.
I don't see what is more efficient in <C-s>foo<C-s><C-s> and <C-r>foo<C-r><C-r>: that's even more keystrokes!
Anyway, I think that :set hlsearch is your problem. If all the matches are contained in the viewport that's OK but, as soon as some matches are hidden it becomes useless. I don't have set hlsearch so /foo<CR> is quite the opposite of inneficient for me.
Well, another problem is having (at least) three functions with the same name in the same file…
Vim has wonderful text-ojects: } or ]m that are very useful when looking at some code for the first time.
You can emulate Emacs with this keymap: cnoremap <C-s> <Cr>/<C-p>.
Though Vim has better ways for moving around than searching. Have you tried ctags?
I also recommend the EasyMotion plugin for quickly moving around in the visible area of the text.
I think you're looking for
set incsearch
you can couple it with
set hlsearch
for even better results.
Also check out "*", it's pretty awesome.
