Groovy wait/notify - groovy

I have the following Groovy code:
abstract class Actor extends Script {
synchronized void proceed() {
synchronized void pause() {
class MyActor extends Actor {
def run() {
println "hi"
println "hi again"
def theactor = new MyActor()
When I run the code, I want the code to output "hi" and "hi again". Instead, it just stops at "hi" and gets stuck on the pause() function. Any idea on how I could continue the program?

As Brian says, multithreading and concurrency is a huge area, and it is easier to get it wrong, than it is to get it right...
To get your code working, you'd need to have something like this:
abstract class Actor implements Runnable {
synchronized void proceed() { notify() }
synchronized void pause() { wait() }
class MyActor extends Actor {
void run() {
println "hi"
println "hi again"
def theactor = new MyActor() // Create an instance of MyActor
def actorThread = new Thread( theactor ) // Create a Thread to run this instance in
actorThread.start() // Thread.start() will call
Thread.sleep( 500 ) // Make the main thread go to sleep for some time so we know the actor class is waiting
theactor.proceed() // Then call proceed on the actor
actorThread.join() // Wait for the thread containing theactor to terminate
However, if you are using Groovy, I would seriously consider using a framework like Gpars which brings concurrency to Groovy and is written by people who really know their stuff. I can't think of anything that llows this sort of arbitrary pausing of code however... Maybe you could design your code to fit one of their usage patterns instead?

Threading is a big topic and there are libraries in Java to do many common things without working with the Thread API directly. One simple example for 'Fire and Forget' is Timer.
But to answer your immediate question; another thread needs to notify your thread to continue. See the docs on wait()
Causes current thread to wait until another thread invokes the
notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object. In other
words, this method behaves exactly as if it simply performs the call
One simple 'fix' is to just add a fixed duration to your wait call just to continue with your exploration. I would suggest the book 'Java Concurrency in Practice'.
synchronized void pause() {
//wait 5 seconds before resuming.


Replace a Thread -- that has state variable -- with a Coroutine

To restate the title, I'm wondering if there is a way to convert the MyThread class below to a Kotlin Coroutine.
If you look closely, you will notice that the MyThread class has a property variable called someObject that can be modified from inside the both the run and the cancel methods. In this case SomeObject is completely encapsulated inside MyThread and I want to keep it that way. Is there a way to convert MyThread to a coroutine or do I already have the most elegant version of the code?
class MyCancellable: Thread(){
val someObject= SomeObject()
override fun run() {
fun cancel(){
A reusable coroutine is a suspend function where the only parameter is CoroutineScope, so something roughly equivalent to what you have is:
fun CoroutineScope.cancellableCounter() = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
val someObject = SomeObject()
while (someObject.keepRunning) {
The function can be called from inside another coroutine, or it can be passed to async or launch, such as myScope.launch(::cancellableCounter). The returned Job can be cancelled by calling cancel() on it.
But as mentioned in the comments, there may be a better way to design it depending on how SomeObject is supposed to be used.
Edit: Maybe for the ServerSocket you'd need to do something like this. I haven't tested it, so not totally sure. But I don't think you want to directly call accept() in a coroutine because it blocks for potentially a long time and does not cooperate with cancellation. So I'm suggesting you still need a dedicated thread. suspendCancellableCoroutine can bridge this to a suspend function.
suspend fun awaitSomeSocket(): Socket = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
val socket: ServerSocket = generateSocket()
continuation.invokeOnCancellation { socket.close() }
thread {
runCatching {
val result = socket.use(ServerSocket::accept)
I think you want a class that can start its own coroutine? That seems like the equivalent, something like:
class MyCancellable(private val scope: CoroutineScope) {
private var job: Job? = null
val someObject = SomeObject()
fun run() {
if (job != null) return
job = scope.launch {
while(someObject.keepGoing) {
fun cancel() {
someObject.keepGoing = false
Typically you'd do job.cancel() instead, and check isActive in the while loop - I don't think it matters here, but it might be worth doing it "properly" (and it is technically different to someObject.keepGoing going false for some other reason). And if you're doing that, maybe TenFour04's suggestion is better, since the only reason you need a class/object is so you can put externally visible run and cancel functions in it. If the coroutine just runs anyway, and you call cancel on the Job it returns, it's all good!

Jenkins pipeline script - Thread programming

I am trying to create multiple threads in a jenkins pipeline script. So, I took simple example as below. But it not working. Could you please let me know?
In the below example, jobMap contains a key as a string and value as List of Strings. When I just display the list, the values printed properly, but when I used 3 different ways to create threads and thus to display, it is not working.
for ( item in jobMap )
def jobList = jobMap.get(item.key);
**// The following loop is printing the values**
for (jobb in jobList)
echo "${jobb}"
// Thread Implementation1:
for (jobb in jobList)
echo "${jobb}"
// Thread Implementation2:
def t = new Thread({ echo 'hello' } as Runnable)
t.start() ;
// Thread Implementation3:
t1 = new Thread( new TestMultiThreadSleep(jobList));
class TestMultiThreadSleep implements Runnable {
String jobs;
public TestMultiThreadSleep(List jobs) { = jobs;
public void run()
echo "coming here"
for (jobb in jobs)
echo "${jobb}"
Jenkins has special step - parallel(). In this step you can build another jobs or call Pipeline code.
It's best to think of Pipeline code as a dialect or subset of Groovy.
The CPS transformer ("continuation-passing style") in the workflow script engine turns the Groovy code into something that can be interpreted in a serialized form, passed between different JVMs, etc.
You can probably imagine that this will not work at all well with threads.
If you need threads, you'll have to work within a #NonCPS annotated class or function. This class or function must not call any CPS groovy code - so it can't invoke closures, access the workflow script context, etc.
That's why using the parallel step is preferable.

How to understand "new {}" syntax in Scala?

I am learning Scala multi-thread programming, and write a simple program through referring a tutorial:
object ThreadSleep extends App {
def thread(body: =>Unit): Thread = {
val t = new Thread {
override def run() = body
val t = thread{println("New Therad")}
I can't understand why use {} in new Thread {} statement. I think it should be new Thread or new Thread(). How can I understand this syntax?
This question is not completely duplicated to this one, because the point of my question is about the syntax of "new {}".
This is a shortcut for
new Thread() { ... }
This is called anonymous class and it works just like in JAVA:
You are here creating a new thread, with an overriden run method. This is useful because you don't have to create a special class if you only use it once.
Needs confirmation but you can override, add, redefine every method or attribute you want.
See here for more details:
By writing new Thread{} your creating an anonymous subclass of Thread where you're overriding the run method. Normally, you'd prefer to create a subclass of Runnable and create a thread with it instead of subclassing Thread
val r = new Runnable{ override def run { body } }
new Thread(r).start
This is usually sematincally more correct, since you'd want to subclass Thread only if you were specializing the Thread class more, for example with an AbortableThread. If you just want to run a task on a thread, the Runnable approach is more adequate.

Template methode in threaded contexts

Let's say we have a template method that looks like this
abstract class Worker
public void DoJob()
abstract void DoRealJob();
subclasses that inherit from the Wroker classe should implemente the DoRealJob() method,
when the implementation is running under the same thread everything is fine, the three part of the DoJob() method get executed in this order
but when DoRealJob() runs under another thread, AfterJob() may get executed before DoRealJob() is completed
my actual solution is to let the subclasses call AfterJob() but this doesn't prevent a subclass from forgetting to call it, and we loose the benefit of a template method.
are there other ways to get consistent call order despite the fact the DoRealJob() is blocking or not?
You can't get both the simple inheritance(signature and hooking) and support asynchronous operations in your code.
These two goals are mutually exclusive.
The inheritors must be aware about callback mechanisms in either direct (Tasks, async) or indirect (events, callback functions, Auto(Manual)ResetEvents or other synchronization constructs). Some of them new, some old. And it is difficult to say which one will be better for the concrete case of use.
Well, it may look like there is a simple way with multithreaded code, but what if your DoRealJob will actually run in another process or use some remote job queuing, so the real job will be executed even outside your app?
If you really consider that your class will be used as the basis for some
async worker, then you should design it accordingly.
If not - do not overengineer. You can't consider any possible
scenario. Just document your class well enough and I doubt that
anyone will try to implement the DoRealJob asynchronously,
especially if you name it DoRealJobSynchronously. If someone tries to
do it then in that case your conscience can be pristinely clean.
Do you think it would be correct if I provide both versions, sync and
async, of DoRealJob and a flag IsAsynchronous so I can decide which
one to call
As I have already said I don't know your actual usage scenarios. And it is unrealistic to consider that the design will be able to effectively handle all of them.
Also there are two very important questions to consider that pertain to your overall Worker class and its DoJob method:
1) You have to determine whether you want the DoJob method to be synchronous or asynchronous, or do you want to have both the synchronous and asynchronous versions? It is not directly related to your question, but it is still very important design decision, because it will have great impact on your object model. This question could be rephrased as:
Do you want the DoJob method to block any actions after it is called until it does its job or do you want to call it as some StartJob method, that will just launch the real processing but it is up to other mechanisms to notify you when the job has ended(or to stop it manually):
//----------------Sync worker--------------------------
SyncWorker syncWorker = CreateSyncStringWriter("The job is done");
Console.WriteLine("SyncWorker will be called now");
syncWorker.DoJob(); // "The job is done" is written here
Console.WriteLine("SyncWorker call ended");
//----------------Async worker--------------------------
Int32 delay = 1000;
AsyncWorker asyncWorker = CreateAsyncStringWriter("The job is done", delay);
Console.WriteLine("AsyncWorker will be called now");
asyncWorker.StartDoJob(); // "The job is done" won't probably be written here
Console.WriteLine("AsyncWorker call ended");
// "The job is done" could be written somewhere here.
2) If you want DoJob to be async(or to have async version) you should consider whether you want to have some mechanisms that will notify when DoJob finishes the processing - Async Programming Patterns , or it is absolutely irrelevant for you when or whether at all it ends.
Do you have the answers to these two questions?
If yes - that is good.
If not - refine and consider your requirements.
If you are still unsure - stick with simple sync methods.
If you, however, think that you need some async based infrastructure, then, taking into account that it is C# 3.0, you should use Asynchronouse Programming Model.
Why this one and not the event based? Because IAsyncResult interface despite its cumbersomeness is quite generic and can be easily used in Task-based model, simplifying future transition to higher .NET versions.
It will be something like:
/// <summary>
/// Interface for both the sync and async job.
/// </summary>
public interface IWorker
void DoJob();
IAsyncResult BeginDoJob(AsyncCallback callback);
public void EndDoJob(IAsyncResult asyncResult);
/// <summary>
/// Base class that provides DoBefore and DoAfter methods
/// </summary>
public abstract class Worker : IWorker
protected abstract void DoBefore();
protected abstract void DoAfter();
public IAsyncResult BeginDoJob(AsyncCallback callback)
return new Action(((IWorker)this).DoJob)
.BeginInvoke(callback, null);
public abstract class SyncWorker : Worker
abstract protected void DoRealJobSync();
public void DoJob()
public abstract class AsyncWorker : Worker
abstract protected IAsyncResult BeginDoRealJob(AsyncCallback callback);
abstract protected void EndDoRealJob(IAsyncResult asyncResult);
public void DoJob()
IAsyncResult asyncResult = this.BeginDoRealJob(null);
P.S.: This example is incomplete and not tested.
P.P.S: You may also consider to use delegates in place of abstract(virtual) methods to express your jobs:
public class ActionWorker : Worker
private Action doRealJob;
public ActionWorker(Action doRealJob)
if (doRealJob == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
this.doRealJob = doRealJob;
public void DoJob()
DoBefore and DoAfter can be expressed in a similar way.
P.P.P.S: Action delegate is a 3.5 construct, so you will probably have to define your own delegate that accepts zero parameters and returns void.
public delegate void MyAction()
Consider change the DoRealJob to DoRealJobAsync and give it a Task return value. So you can await the eventual asynchronous result.
So your code would look like
abstract class Worker
public void DoJob()
await DoRealJobAsync();
abstract Task DoRealJob();
If you don't have .net 4.0 and don't want to us the old 3.0 CTP of async you could use the normale task base style:
abstract class Worker
public void DoJob()
var task = DoRealJobAsync();
.ContinueWith((prevTask) =>
abstract Task DoRealJob();

QFuture that can be cancelled and report progress

The QFuture class has methods such as cancel(), progressValue(), etc. These can apparently be monitored via a QFutureWatcher. However, the documentation for QtConcurrent::run() reads:
Note that the QFuture returned by
QtConcurrent::run() does not support
canceling, pausing, or progress
reporting. The QFuture returned can
only be used to query for the
running/finished status and the return
value of the function.
I have looked in vain for what method actually can create a QFuture that can be cancelled and report progress for a single long-running operation. (It looks like maybe QtConcurrent::map() and similar functions can, but I just have a single, long-running method.)
(For those familiar with .Net, something like the BackgroundWorker class.)
What options are available?
Though it's been a while since this question was posted and answered I decided to add my way of solving this problem because it is rather different from what was discussed here and I think may be useful to someone else. First, motivation of my approach is that I usually don't like to invent own APIs when framework already has some mature analogs. So the problem is: we have a nice API for controlling background computations represented by the QFuture<>, but we have no object that supports some of the operations. Well, let's do it. Looking on what's going on inside QtConcurrent::run makes things much clearer: a functor is made, wrapped into QRunnable and run in the global ThreadPool.
So I created generic interface for my "controllable tasks":
class TaskControl
TaskControl(QFutureInterfaceBase *f) : fu(f) { }
bool shouldRun() const { return !fu->isCanceled(); }
QFutureInterfaceBase *fu;
template <class T>
class ControllableTask
virtual ~ControllableTask() {}
virtual T run(TaskControl& control) = 0;
Then, following what is made in qtconcurrentrunbase.h I made q-runnable for running this kind of tasks (this code is mostly from qtconcurrentrunbase.h, but slightly modified):
template <typename T>
class RunControllableTask : public QFutureInterface<T> , public QRunnable
RunControllableTask(ControllableTask<T>* tsk) : task(tsk) { }
virtial ~RunControllableTask() { delete task; }
QFuture<T> start()
QFuture<T> future = this->future();
QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start(this, /*m_priority*/ 0);
return future;
void run()
if (this->isCanceled()) {
TaskControl control(this);
result = this->task->run(control);
if (!this->isCanceled()) {
T result;
ControllableTask<T> *task;
And finally the missing runner class that will return us controllable QFututre<>s:
class TaskExecutor {
template <class T>
static QFuture<T> run(ControllableTask<T>* task) {
return (new RunControllableTask<T>(task))->start();
The user should sublass ControllableTask, implement background routine which checks sometimes method shouldRun() of TaskControl instance passed to run(TaskControl&) and then use it like:
QFututre<int> futureValue = TaskExecutor::run(new SomeControllableTask(inputForThatTask));
Then she may cancel it by calling futureValue.cancel(), bearing in mind that cancellation is graceful and not immediate.
I tackled this precise problem a while ago, and made something called "Thinker-Qt" provides something called a QPresent and a QPresentWatcher:
It's still fairly alpha and I've been meaning to go back and tinker with it (and will need to do so soon). There's a slide deck and such on my site. I also documented how one would change Mandelbrot to use it.
It's open source and LGPL if you'd like to take a look and/or contribute. :)
Yan's statement is inaccurate. Using moveToThread is one way of achieving the proper behavior, but it not the only method.
The alternative is to override the run method and create your objects that are to be owned by the thread there. Next you call exec(). The QThread can have signals, but make sure the connections are all Queued. Also all calls into the Thread object should be through slots that are also connected over a Queued connection. Alternatively function calls (which will run in the callers thread of execution) can trigger signals to objects that are owned by the thread (created in the run method), again the connections need to be Queued.
One thing to note here, is that the constructor and destructor are running in the main thread of execution. Construction and cleanup need to be performed in run. Here is an example of what your run method should look like:
void MythreadDerrivedClass::run()
Here the constructObjectsOnThread will contain the code one would feel belongs in the constructor. The objects will be deallocated in destructObjectsOnThread. The actual class constructor will call the exit() method, causing the exec() to exit. Typically you will use a wait condition to sit in the destructor till the run has returned.
QMutexLocker locker(&m_stopMutex);
m_waitForStopped.wait(locker.mutex(), 1000);
So again, the constructor and destructor are running in the parent thread. The objects owned by the thread must be created in the run() method and destroyed before exiting run. The class destructor should only tell the thread to exit and use a QWaitCondition to wait for the thread to actually finish execution. Note when done this way the QThread derived class does have the Q_OBJECT macro in the header, and does contain signals and slots.
Another option, if you are open to leveraging a KDE library, is KDE's Thread Weaver. It's a more complete task based multitasking implementation similar QtConcurrentRun in that it leverages a thread pool. It should be familiar for anyone from a Qt background.
That said, if you are open to a c++11 method of doing the same thing, I would look at std::async. For one thing, you will no longer have any dependance on Qt, but the api also makes more clear what is going on. With MythreadDerivedClass class inheriting from QThread, the reader gets the impression that MythreadDerivedClass is a thread (since it has an inheritance relationship), and that all its functions run on a thread. However, only the run() method actually runs on a thread. std::async is easier to use correctly, and has fewer gotcha's. All our code is eventually maintained by someone else, and these sorta things matter in the long run.
C++11 /w QT Example:
class MyThreadManager {
void sndProgress(int percent)
void startThread();
void stopThread();
void cancel() { m_cancelled = true; }
void workToDo();
std::atomic<bool> m_cancelled;
future<void> m_threadFuture;
MyThreadedManger::startThread() {
m_cancelled = false;
std::async(std::launch::async, std::bind(&MyThreadedManger::workToDo, this));
MyThreadedManger::stopThread() {
m_cancelled = true;
m_threadfuture.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(3))); // Wait for 3s
MyThreadedManger::workToDo() {
while(!m_cancelled) {
... // doWork
QMetaInvoke::invokeMethod(this, SIGNAL(sndProgress(int)),
Qt::QueuedConnection, percentDone); // send progress
Basically, what I've got here isn't that different from how your code would look like with QThread, however, it is more clear that only workToDo() is running on the thread and that MyThreadManager is only managing the thread and not the thread itself. I'm also using MetaInvoke to send a queued signal for sending our progress updates with takes care of the progress reporting requirement. Using MetaInvoke is more explicit and always does the right thing (doesn't matter how you connect signals from your thread managers to other class's slots). You can see that the loop in my thread checks an atomic variable to see when the process is cancelled, so that handles the cancellation requirement.
Improve #Hatter answer to support Functor.
#include <QFutureInterfaceBase>
#include <QtConcurrent>
class CancellationToken
CancellationToken(QFutureInterfaceBase* f = NULL) : m_f(f){ }
bool isCancellationRequested() const { return m_f != NULL && m_f->isCanceled(); }
QFutureInterfaceBase* m_f;
/*== functor task ==*/
template <typename T, typename Functor>
class RunCancelableFunctorTask : public QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<T>
RunCancelableFunctorTask(Functor func) : m_func(func) { }
void runFunctor() override
CancellationToken token(this);
this->result = m_func(token);
Functor m_func;
template <typename Functor>
class RunCancelableFunctorTask<void, Functor> : public QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
RunCancelableFunctorTask(Functor func) : m_func(func) { }
void runFunctor() override
CancellationToken token(this);
Functor m_func;
template <class T>
class HasResultType
typedef char Yes;
typedef void *No;
template<typename U> static Yes test(int, const typename U::result_type * = 0);
template<typename U> static No test(double);
enum { Value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(Yes)) };
class CancelableTaskExecutor
//function<T or void (const CancellationToken& token)>
template <typename Functor>
static auto run(Functor functor)
-> typename std::enable_if<!HasResultType<Functor>::Value,
QFuture<decltype(functor(std::declval<const CancellationToken&>()))>>::type
typedef decltype(functor(std::declval<const CancellationToken&>())) result_type;
return (new RunCancelableFunctorTask<result_type, Functor>(functor))->start();
User example:
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QFuture>
void testDemoTask()
QFuture<void> future = CancelableTaskExecutor::run([](const CancellationToken& token){
//long time task..
qDebug() << QDateTime::currentDateTime();
qDebug() << "cancel demo task!";
QTimer::singleShot(500, [=]() mutable { future.cancel(); });
For a long running single task, QThread is probably your best bet. It doesn't have build-in progress reporting or canceling features so you will have to roll your own. But for simple progress update it's not that hard. To cancel the task, check for a flag that can be set from calling thread in your task's loop.
One thing to note is if you override QThread::run() and put your task there, you can't emit signal from there since the QThread object is not created within the thread it runs in and you can't pull the QObject from the running thread. There is a good writeup on this issue.
