Avoiding implicit precompiled header dependencies? - visual-c++

We are using a precompiled header to include library files such as Boost and Windows.
Our precompiled.h is included explicitly at the top of each .cpp file in order to work with the precompiled header commands (/Yc, /Yu, and /Fp). I accepted that as necessary.
Recently, however, I found /FI, which forces an include file at the top of the source file. I tried using it to force-include precompiled.h instead of including it explicitly, and sure enough, it worked.
This would allow us to omit the precompiled header (which is an implementation detail, as far as I am concerned), and only specify the actual dependencies of the file.
Unfortunately, it looks like the only way to validate that we aren't relying on implicit dependencies provided by precompiled.h is to periodically run through a build without /FI"precompiled.h" to see which files have a problem.
This is fairly onerous. Is there a better way?


find_dependency(Threads) or include(FindThreads) in a package config file

In CMake, we can use find_dependency() in an package -config.cmake file to "forwards the correct parameters for QUIET and REQUIRED which were passed to the original find_package() call." So, naturally we'll want to do that instead of calling find_package() in such files.
Also, for dependency on a threads library, CMake offers us the FindThreads module, so that we write include(FindThreads), prepended by some preference commands, and get a bunch of interesting variables set. So, that's preferable to find_package(Threads).
And thus we have a dilemma: What to put in -config.cmake files, for a threads library dependency? The former, or the latter?
Following a discussion in comments with #Tsyarev, it seems that:
find_package(Threads) includes the FindThreads module internally.
... which means it "respects" the preference variables affecting FindThreads behavioe.
so it makes sense, functionally and aesthetically, to just use find_package() in your main CMakeLists.txt and find_dependency() in -config.cmake.

Scons command/explicit dependency

I have a code snippet similar to this:
# Compile protobuf headers
# Move headers to 'include' (compiled via protobuf)
env.Command([include headers...], [headers...], move_func)
# Compile program (depends on 'include' files)
out2 = SConscript('src/SConscript')
Depends(out2, [include headers...])
Basically, I have Protoc() compiling protobuf files, then the headers are moved to the 'include' directory by env.Command() and finally the program is compiled through a SConscript file in the 'src'.
Since these are header files that are being moved (that the src compilation depends on), they are not explicitly defined as a dependency by scons (as far as I understand). Thus, the compilation runs, but the header files haven't been moved so it fails. I have tried exposing the dependency via Depends() and Requires() without success.
I understand that in the usual case, scons should "figure-out" dependencies, but I don't know how it could do that here.
You seem to be thinking in "make" ways about your build process, which is the wrong approach when using SCons. You can't order single build steps by putting them in different SConscripts, and then including those in a special order. You have to define proper dependencies between your actual sources (C/CPP files for example) and a target like a program or PDF file. Then SCons is able to figure out the correct build order, and will traverse through the folder structure of your project automatically. If required, it will enter subfolders more than once when the dependency graph (DAG) dictates this. Defining this kind of dependencies between inputs and outputs is usually done, using a Builder...and in your case the Install() builder would be a good fit. Please also regard the hints for #2 in the list of "most frequently-asked FAQs" ( https://bitbucket.org/scons/scons/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions).
Further, I can only recommend to read a little more in the UserGuide ( http://www.scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-user.html ) to get a better feeling for how to do things in a more "SConsy" way. If you get stuck, feel free to ask further questions on our mailing list at scons-users#scons.org (see http://www.scons.org/lists.php ).
Finally, if you have a lot of steps that you want to execute in serial, and that don't require any special input/output files, SCons is probably not the right tool for your current task. It's designed as a file-oriented build system with automatic parallelization in mind, a simple (Python?) script might be better at the mere serial stuff...

Referencing the Extension Java files between dependencies

Working on the new android side of extensions with the changes. I have my separate extension as its own dependency.
In my code I require references to the Extension.Java class as well as the HaxeObject.
These are located in extensions-api, which is it's own separate dependency.
I've tried including these files in my own dependency, this causes top-level exceptions because a number of the Java files were included twice. I've also tried not including the extensions-api, this works to some extent, however If in the future I decide to use more extensions this won't work (less than ideal).
I need to find a way to reference these files from one dependency to another. so from: MyExtension.src.org.haxe.nme.MyExtension and extension-api.src.org.haxe.nme.Extension
So I guess the point I'm stuck at is how I make these two dependencies see each other whilst compiling so that when they merge to make the .dex file they don't cause top-level exceptions.
I could potentially hack it by placing my extension into the extension-api folder. Something like:
<dependency name="extension-api" path="dependencies/MyExtension" if="android"/>
The issue with this being that the androidManifest merging wouldn't work.
I found the answer here:
the gist is in the project.properties file you want to add the line:

Is it feasible to bundle dynamic libraries with dependencies in a Tcl Starkit/Starpack?

I've written a Tcl script that uses the TclMagick extension together with GraphicsMagick.
For GraphicsMagick, I've both the Windows DLLs and the Linux SO files. I want to be able to make two Starkit/Starpack applications bundled with those libraries: one for Windows (with the DLLs) and one for Linux (with the SO files).
Is this reasonable? Can it be done?
I cannot seem to use DLLs with dependencies under Windows. In my case, I want to use the TclMagick extension, but it needs the GraphicsMagick's DLLs and the starkit cannot find those. What should I do in this situation?
Yes. In the lib/tclmagick subdirectory of $starkit::topdir, you'll place the dynamic library and an appropriate pkgIndex.tcl file that loads the library. Use a Makefile or some other build script to use the correct dynamic library file, and generate the pkgIndex, depending the target platform.
The directory hierarchy:
package require tclmagick will work as you expect, for some capitalization of "tclmagick"
You can do it, but you might need some extra windows trickery to get things to work properly.
Windows has quite a few options to load dependent libraries, this page explains the basics:
There are is one part that can help you:
If a DLL with the same module name is already loaded in memory, the system checks only for redirection and a manifest before resolving to the loaded DLL, no matter which directory it is in. The system does not search for the DLL.
So, to get the dependencies right, you could get the dependent libraries loaded into memory first (sadly you cannot use load for this, but could use something from twapi, e.g. twapi::load_libary (see http://wiki.tcl.tk/9886) to get the library loaded from some temporary location).
Sadly most OS's do not provide an easy or portable way to load a dynamic library directly from memory, so you need to copy the dependent libs to a temporary location first (you can do it with appropriate hacks or by using something like an installable filesystem on windows/FUSE on Linux).
In most cases the easiest route is to just link all dependencies statically into the extension instead.

Using library with different names within autoconf

I am trying to build an application with OpenSync 0.4 (0.3.9 indeed) dependency.
In the project's configure.ac the opensync library is written as libopensync1. However, this doesn't build on my Gentoo system. Changing libopensync1 to libopensync does fix the issue for me.
I searched with Google and found that libopensync1 is used in some distributions, while libopensync in others. So how to resolve this issue in configure.ac?
The macro AC_SEARCH_LIBS does what you need. (There is much heated debate about whether or not pkg-config should ever be used. If you choose to rely on it, ptomato gives a reasonable approach.) Simply add this to your configure.ac:
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([osync_mapping_new],[opensync1 opensync],[],
[AC_MSG_ERROR([can't find opensync])])
This will first look for a library named opensync1; if
it doesn't find that, it will look for opensync.
The primary drawback of using pkg-config is that most projects that
rely on it do not actually check if the data provided by the .pc
file is reliable, so configure may succeed but a subsequent build
will fail. It is always possible for a user to set PKG_CONFIG=true
when running configure and completely eliminate all of the data
provided by any associated .pc files, setting LIBS, CFLAGS, etc by
hand the 'old-fashioned' way.
The primary drawback of not using pkg-config is that the user
has to set LIBS, CFLAGS, etc. the old-fashioned way. In practice,
this is pretty trivial, and all pkg-config has done is move the
data from a single CONFIG_SITE file to separately maintained
.pc files for each package.
If you do use PKG_MODULE_CHECK, follow it up with a call to
AC_CHECK_LIB or AC_SEARCH_LIBS to validate the data in whatever
.pc file was located by PKG_CHECK_MODULES
I'm assuming that the place at which this occurs inside your configure.ac is inside a PKG_CHECK_MODULES call.
Looking at the libopensync sources, it seems that libopensync1 is the newer name, and libopensync is the old name. So, we'll use pkg-config macros to look for the newer name unless it doesn't exist.
Put this in your configure.ac:
# Check if libopensync1 is known to pkg-config, and if not, look for libopensync instead
PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([libopensync1], [OPENSYNC=libopensync1], [OPENSYNC=libopensync])
Then later in your PKG_CHECK_MODULES call, replace libopensync1 with $OPENSYNC.
