vftable - what is this? - programming-languages

What is vftable in high programming languages?
I read something like it's the address of a virtual object structure, but this is a pretty messy information
Can someone please explain it?

It most likely stands for "Virtual Function Table", and is a mechanism used by some runtime implementations in order to allow virtual function dispatch.
Mainstream C++ implementations (GCC, Clang, MSVS) call it the vtable. C has no polymorphism. I could only speculate about other languages.
Here's what Wikipedia says on the topic:
An object's dispatch table will contain the addresses of the object's
dynamically bound methods. Method calls are performed by fetching the
method's address from the object's dispatch table. The dispatch table
is the same for all objects belonging to the same class, and is
therefore typically shared between them. Objects belonging to
type-compatible classes (for example siblings in an inheritance
hierarchy) will have dispatch tables with the same layout: the address
of a given method will appear at the same offset for all
type-compatible classes. Thus, fetching the method's address from a
given dispatch table offset will get the method corresponding to the
object's actual class.[1]
The C++ standards do not mandate exactly how dynamic dispatch must be
implemented, but compilers generally use minor variations on the same
basic model.
Typically, the compiler creates a separate vtable for each class. When
an object is created, a pointer to this vtable, called the virtual
table pointer, vpointer or VPTR, is added as a hidden member of this
object (becoming its first member unless it's made the last[2]). The
compiler also generates "hidden" code in the constructor of each class
to initialize the vpointers of its objects to the address of the
corresponding vtable. Note that the location of the vpointer in the
object instance is not standard among all compilers, and relying on
the position may result in unportable code. For example, g++
previously placed the vpointer at the end of the object.[3]
Ellis & Stroustrup 1990, pp. 227–232
Heading "Multiple Inheritance"
CodeSourcery C++ ABI

Vftable is not explicitly mentioned in the C++ standard, but most (if not all) implementations use it for virtual function implementation.
For each class with virtual functions the compiler creates an array of function poiners which are the pointers to the last overriden version of the virtual functions of that class. Then each object has a pointer to the vtable of its dynamic class.
See this question and its accepted answer for more illustrations
Virtual dispatch implementation details


No Virtual Function Table for abstract class?

I am learning about virtual function tables and their representation by analyzing a binary of a simple program written in Visual C++ (with some optimizations on).
A few days ago I asked this question while being stuck on virtual method table content with identical COMDAT folding on.
Now I'm stuck on something else: whenever I analyze a class, I need to find its Virtual Method Table. I can do this by finding either its RTTITypeDescriptor or _s_RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor, finding a cross reference on it, which should lead me to the _RTTICompleteObjectLocator. When I find a cross reference to the Complete Object Locator, it is written just before the VMT (basically -1st entry of the VMT).
This approach works on some classes (their names start with C in my program). Then there are classes, that are named with I in the beginning and I am able to pair them with other classes starting with C -- for example there is class CClass and it inherits from IClass. These I-classes are probably serving as interfaces to the C-classes and thus they probably only contain abstract methods.
By searching a cross reference to Type Descriptor or Class Hierarchy Descriptor of any of the I-classes I cannot find anything -- there is no Complete Object Locator that would lead me to the VMT of the class (that should be full of references to pure_virtual call if I am correct about the all-abstract methods in the I-classes and if I understand correctly what VMT of abstract class looks like).
Why do the I-classes have no VMT? Did the compiler optimize it out because it would just be full of references to pure_virtual call and manages it in a different way?
These "interfaces" abstract classes probably have need no user written code in any their constructors and destructors (these either have an empty body and no ctor-init-list, or simply are never user defined); let's call these pure interface classes.
[Pure interface class: concept related but not identical to Java interfaces that are (were?) defined as having zero implementation code, in any member function. But be careful with analogies, as Java interfaces inheritance semantic isn't the same as C++ abstract classes inheritance semantic.]
It means that in practice no used object ever has pure interface class type: no expression ever refers to an object with pure interface type. Hence, no vtable is ever needed, so the vtable, which may have been generated during compilation, isn't included in linked code (the linker can see the symbol of the pure interface class vtable isn't used).

Using interfaces directly in C#

I recently read in "Professional C# 4 and .NET 4" that:
You can never instantiate an interface.
But periodically I see things like this:
IQuadrilateral myQuad;
What are the limitations in using interfaces directly (without having a class inherit from the interface)? How could I use such objects (if they can even be called objects)?
For example instead of using a Square class that derives from IQuadrilateral, to what extent could I get away with creating an interface like IQuadrilateral myQuad?
Since interfaces don't implement methods, I don't think I could use any methods with them. I thought interfaces didn't have fields to them (only properties), so I'm not sure how I could store data with them.
The answer is simple, you can't instantiate an interface.
The example you provided is not an example of instantiating an interface, you are just defining a local variable of the type IQuadrilateral
To instantiate the interface, you would have to do this:
IQuadrilateral myQuad = new IQuadrilateral();
And that isn't possible since IQuadrilateral does not have a constructor.
This is perfectly valid:
IQuadrilateral myQuad = new Square();
But you aren't initiating IQuadrilateral, you are initiating Square and assigning it to a variable with the type IQuadrilateral.
The methods available in myQuad would be the methods defined in the interface, but the implementation would be based on the implementation in Square. And any additional methods in Square that are not part of the IQuadrilateral interface would not be available unless you cast myQuad to a Square variable.
You can't create an instance of an interface.
The code you showed defines a variable of type IQuadrilateral. The actual instance this variable points to will always be of a concrete class implementing this interface.
Background Knowledge
Think of an interface as a contract. In a contract between two people, it defines what is capable, what is expected from the parties involved. In programming, it works the same way. The interface defines what to expect, what must exist for you to conform to that interface. Therefore, since it only defines what to expect, it itself, doesn't provide the implementation, the "code under the covers" so to speak, does.
A property behaves like a field, but allows you to intercept when someone assigns a value to it or reads the value. You can also deny reading or writing to it, your choice when you define the property. Interfaces work with properties instead of fields because of this. Since the "contract" is just defining what property should be there (name and type), and if it should allow a read or write capabilities, it leaves it up to the implementer to provide this.
Take for example the IEnumerator interface from the .NET framework. This interface was designed to allow iteration over a collection of objects. The purpose is not to change items, or randomly access them, it's just for getting object A and moving to the next, and the next, and the next, as many times as needed. Many collection type classes implement this: Queue, ArrayList, SortedList, Stack, etc. All these types of objects store many objects and now they all share the common "contract": the ability to iterate one-by-one over them.
However, you can see that the IEnumerator interface has a MoveNext() method declared. Why? This is because the items may not be served in the same manner. For example, people will generally access the ArrayList from the first item to the last. But a Stack was designed opposite, for people to access the last object down to the first.
Questions Answered
With all this knowledge, the limitation of declaring a variable as the interface type as opposed to the class type that implemented the interface is that you only get access to what the interface (the contract) says should be there. The benefit though is that you can assign to this variable any class type that implements the interface.

Alternatives to vtable

Vtables are ubiquitous in most OO implementations, but do they have alternatives? The wiki page for vtables has a short blurb, but not really to much info (and stubbed links).
Do you know of some language implementation which does not use vtables?
Are there are free online pages which discuss the alternatives?
Yes, there are many alternatives!
Vtables are only possible when two conditions hold.
All method calls can be determined statically. If you can call functions by string name, or if you have no type information about what objects you are calling methods on, you can't use vtables because you can't map each method to the index in some table. Similarly, if you can add functions to a class at runtime, you can't assign all methods an index in the vtable statically.
Inheritance can be determined statically. If you use prototypal inheritance, or another inheritance scheme where you can't tell statically what the inheritance structure looks like, you can't precompute the index of each method in the table or what particular class's method goes in a slot.
Commonly, inheritance is implemented by having a string-based table mapping names of functions to their implementations, along with pointers allowing each class to look up its base class. Method dispatch is then implemented by walking this structure looking for the lowest class at or above the class of the receiver object that implements the method. To speed up execution, techniques like inline caching are often used, where call sites store a guess of which method should be invoked based on the type of the object to avoid spending time traversing this whole structure. The Self programming language used this idea, which was then incorporates into the HotSpot JVM to handle interfaces (standard inheritance still uses vtables).
Another option is to use tracing, where the compiler emits code that guesses what the type of the object is and then hardcodes the method to call into the trace. Mozilla Firefox uses this in its JavaScript interpreter, since there isn't a way to build vtables for every object.
I just finished teaching a compilers course and one of my lectures was on implementations of objects in various programming languages and the associated tradeoffs. If you'd like, you can check out the slides here.
Hope this helps!

statically/dynamically typed vs static/dynamic binding

everyone what is the difference between those 4 terms, can You give please examples?
Static and dynamic are jargon words that refer to the point in time at which some programming element is resolved. Static indicates that resolution takes place at the time a program is constructed. Dynamic indicates that resolution takes place at the time a program is run.
Static and Dynamic Typing
Typing refers to changes in program structure that are due to the differences between data values: integers, characters, floating point numbers, strings, objects and so on. These differences can have many effects, for example:
memory layout (e.g. 4 bytes for an int, 8 bytes for a double, more for an object)
instructions executed (e.g. primitive operations to add small integers, library calls to add large ones)
program flow (simple subroutine calling conventions versus hash-dispatch for multi-methods)
Static typing means that the executable form of a program generated at build time will vary depending upon the types of data values found in the program. Dynamic typing means that the generated code will always be the same, irrespective of type -- any differences in execution will be determined at run-time.
Note that few real systems are either purely one or the other, it is just a question of which is the preferred strategy.
Static and Dynamic Binding
Binding refers to the association of names in program text to the storage locations to which they refer. In static binding, this association is predetermined at build time. With dynamic binding, this association is not determined until run-time.
Truly static binding is almost extinct. Earlier assemblers and FORTRAN, for example, would completely precompute the exact memory location of all variables and subroutine locations. This situation did not last long, with the introduction of stack and heap allocation for variables and dynamically-loaded libraries for subroutines.
So one must take some liberty with the definitions. It is the spirit of the concept that counts here: statically bound programs precompute as much as possible about storage layout as is practical in a modern virtual memory, garbage collected, separately compiled application. Dynamically bound programs wait as late as possible.
An example might help. If I attempt to invoke a method MyClass.foo(), a static-binding system will verify at build time that there is a class called MyClass and that class has a method called foo. A dynamic-binding system will wait until run-time to see whether either exists.
The main strength of static strategies is that the program translator is much more aware of the programmer's intent. This makes it easier to:
catch many common errors early, during the build phase
build refactoring tools
incur a significant amount of the computational cost required to determine the executable form of the program only once, at build time
The main strength of dynamic strategies is that they are much easier to implement, meaning that:
a working dynamic environment can be created at a fraction of the cost of a static one
it is easier to add language features that might be very challenging to check statically
it is easier to handle situations that require self-modifying code
Typing - refers to variable tyes and if variables are allowed to change type during program execution
Binding - this, as you can read below can refer to variable binding, or library binding

LabVIEW Objects

I have a base class object array into which I have typecasted many different child class objects and am passing it to a sub vi. Is there any way by which I can find out the original type of the object of each individual elements in the array?
Thanks ...
For posterity, this was crossposted to the LAVA forums. The user Aristos Queue, one of the developers of LabVIEW's native OO features, answered with the following:
Using a dynamic dispatch method in every class is the recommended way of handling this, although the recommendation is to create a method that does whatever it is you're trying to do. I'm guessing that you're thinking of a dynamic dispatch method that returns a name or ID of the object so you can say, "Is it equal to this? Ok, then it must be this class..." and then you do Action X if it is that class. If you write a dynamic dispatch method ActionX.vi and then override it appropriately, you'll save yourself on performance and have much easier time for code maintenance in the future.
You can also use the To More Specific node to test if a given object can be downcast to a given type -- this allows for inheritance testing as opposed to the name or ID comparison that only does type equivalence. If the To More Specific node returns an error then it is not of the destination type.
So your options are (in order of preference):
dynamic dispatch method that does the action
To More Specific node to do type testing
dynamic dispatch method that returns name/ID of the class of the object
Get Path of LabVIEW Object.vi (shipped in vi.lib in LabVIEW 8.5 but not added to the palettes until LabVIEW 8.6)
NI has a good overview of LVOOP that is a must-read, since OO is implemented in a unique way for LabVIEW.
Have you tried the 'to more generic class' and 'to more specific class' functions, on the application control palette?
