What is the right way of building a long scroll list of button widgets in Motif? - linux

I'm dealing with an old Motif application that needs to load and display a long list of entries (around 1500). It creates and manages an instance of xmFormWidgetClass via XtVaCreateManagedWidget() and then it stuffs it with a bunch of linear hierarchies xmFrameWidgetClass->xmFormWidgetClass->xmFormWidgetClass->xmPushButtonWidgetClass. Each PushButton contains a multi-line label. When this this thing is being populated, it takes a lot of CPU, which it spends doing some geometry calculations inside of X/Motif libraries. The pace at which new buttons are added, degrades very quickly. It looks like there is an O(N) algorithm being used inside of XtVaCreateManagedWidget().
The things get much much better if I do XtUnrealizeWidget() on the original instance of the xmFormWidgetClass. Entries are being added at almost constant speed but then I cannot find a way to display the whole thing that I built. XtRealizeWidget() for the original instance of the xmFormWidgetClass does not render it in the window.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to populate the hierarchy and then calculate the geometry and render it to the screen at once?
Redesigning the application is an option but it is a last resort type on an option.
Any advice that keeps me within Motif libraries will be highly appreciated!

Try calling XtManageChild after XtRealizeWidget.

Try creating all widgets unmanaged and place them on a WidgetList, then call XtManageChildren(). Please see the following reference
Every time an individual widget is managed the parent changed_managed procedure is called.
XtManageChildren calls the changed_manage procedure only once. This may help.


How to make GSAP marquee item change line immediately, not waiting all items finished animation?

I'm Oliver, a noob of web animation,these two days I'm trying to do gsap marquee side project, I build 500 dom boxes as the sandbox url:
and I have few question:
1.I used setTimeout to seperate each box as a unique timeline animation,so that the single box animation could go to another line immediately after finished last line, instead of waiting the other 499 boxs finished in the same line if I use property stagger.
This method would produce 500 timeline instances,it seems not a good idea, are there any methods could produce the same animation in one or few timeline?
2.If I do such animation in canvas,the browser render effciency would be better?
You should avoid using setTimeout with GSAP as it's best to use GSAP to control the timing of things.
In this situation, you can probably make use of GSAP's staggers. You should also learn about the position parameter of GSAP's timelines. If you use one (or both, depending on the exact effect that you need) of these you should be able to avoid creating so many timelines.
Additionally, your animation is not responsive. You probably want to make use of functional properties (where your properties of a tween are functions, not just hard numbers) with timeline invalidation to make it responsive.
I also highly recommend going through the most common GSAP mistakes article as you're making some of them.
As for using canvas for rendering your boxes, it probably depends on what your boxes are like. In most cases it'd probably be faster to use canvas, yes. But the slow part of animating these boxes is not anything related to the animation functionality itself, per se. It's related to render speed. In general it's faster to render a bunch of objects to canvas than it is to render a bunch of DOM elements.

Godot - How Are Scenes Handled Outside of the Viewport?

In the Godot Engine, I am wondering what happens when objects/scenes leave the viewport? For example: I am trying to make a large map with lots of scenes/entities (such as multiple moving enemies, as well as resource nodes). I am trying to figure out the best way to handle the entities that no longer need to be loaded in memory.
My initial thought was that every tile that is moved to, check the "map" array that holds all the tiles and load the new ones off the screen a little, and vice versa for the ones that will disappear. I assume this is horrible practice. I also thought of having "regions" that once entered, could load upcoming sections - but that also gets super complicated.
I noticed that Godot is already handling part of this problem. As an example, when an object emitting particles leaves the viewport, it stops emitting particles.
Globally performancewise, having multiple instances shouldn't be a problem, but if you have a lot of entities, you may want to execute code only when they are in viewport.
For instance :
Do everything
Do nothing but exist
To that purpose the VisibilityNotifier2D class may be usefull.

Dynamically load/populate data based on scrollbar handle position?

My PyQt application pulls data from third party API calls. The dataset returned usually contains in the neighborhood of hundreds of items. On occasion, the dataset returned contains in the tens of thousands of items. On those occasions, the interface is painfully slow to display - too slow to be useful.
To speed things up, I would like to load less of the data during the initial load. I would like to be able to populate the interface based on the scrollbar handle position. I would prefer that the scrollbar have the correct range as soon as the widget is displayed, but as the user scrolls, the data that they should be seeing is populated into the widget (a QTreeWidget in this case). This is to say that I'd rather the user didn't have to scroll to the bottom of the widget to load more data at the bottom & therefore change the range of the scroll bar.
I believe QSqlTable behaves this way out of the box, but because I'm not relying on sql queries (and because some of the columns' data is calculated by the GUI), I don't believe I can use that module. Is this possible with QTreeWidget and w/o direct sql calls?
There is built-in functionality for this in Qt model-view framework. See QAbstractItemModel.canFetchMore() and QAbstractItemModel.fetchMore() here
Oh, I've just realised you aren't using MVF but stand-alone QTreeWidget instead. If you are dealing with large data and require such a functionality, a switch to MVF may be a right thing to do.

Millions of rows in GUI

I would like to implement a GUI handling a huge number of rows and I need to use GTK in Linux.
I started having a look at GTKTreeView with lists but I don't think that adding millions of lines directly to that widget will help in having a GUI that doesn't slow the application.
Do you know whether there is a GTK widget already in place for this problem or do I have to handle my self the window frame that that must display those lines? Eventually I would write the data directly using GtkDrawingArea (essentially writing a new widget).
Any suggestion about any GTK topic or project I can look as starting point for my research?
As suggested in the comments, you can use the Cell Data Func, and get the displayed data under contro. But I have another idea: Millions of lines are much much more than any amount of information a human user can see and understand. So maybe a better, more usable and user-friendly solution, is to diaplay the data in a way the users can more easily navigate in it.
Imagine opening a huge hierarchy, scrolling down, and forgetting what were the top-level items you opened.
Example for a possible solution: Have a combo box which allows to choose some filter or category, and this can reduce the amount of data to a reasonable amount the user can more easily navigate and make a mental model of it if necessary.
NOTE: As far as I know, GtkTreeView doesn't support sorting/filtering and drag-n-drop at the same time, so if you want to use both features, I suggest you use the existing drag-n-drop functionality (otherwise very complicated to implement by hand) and implement your own sorting/filtering.

Newb: WPF custom graphic control - where to start

Apologies if there is a thread for this already, I couldn't find one that I could get my teeth into.
Anyway, I'm new to WPF and want to create a custom control that will be a sort of graphic control. The graphic will always consist of a circle, containing a matrix of several squares (from several hundred to several thousand actually) The squares need to respond to mouse click and mouse over events (and ideally be possible to navigate/select via keyboard.) Each square will represent an object I've coded.
In the past I've used a grid control to display the coloured squares (with VCL in CBuilder) but I would like to make a graphical version. (Actually, another question I'd like to ask is, is there a WPF grid control where I can set the colours of individual cells?)
The question is, where to start? Do I start with a canvas and draw on it? Do I derive from an existing object? I'm just a little lacking on ideas on implementation so any pointers or advice you can offer will be greatly received.
First off I would suggest getting a decent handle on WPF and how it approaches the problem set. It is vastly different from previous .NET Desktop technologies such as WinForms. Once you have a decent understanding in regards to the separation of logic from UI and how WPF approaches the problem then you can dive in and begin making the right decisions based upon what you encounter.
The problem you mention can be solved in multiple ways. In regards to your question about making use of a Grid, that could be done as that is a layout type. It is vastly superior to the Canvas in terms of arranging your visual structure. The defined rows/columns are nothing more then containers which can hold varying UI objects. Therefore pushing a Rectangle into the Grid and coloring as desired would give you the effect you are looking for. This Rectangle could then become a custom control which would allow you to define varying properties on, as well as specific triggers for mouse overs, etc...
At a higher level you will want to encapsulate this logic as a UserControl which will also hold your custom control. Perhaps the UserControl contains the Grid which will make use of your custom control.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas around how to get started, however getting a better understanding of WPF will help you immensely in achieving your goal.
