How to update a Windows Azure Worker Role while running - azure

I have a single instanced Worker Role up and running. Now I want to update the Worker Role via RDP without redeploying (for testing issues). How can I do this?
(I know that the local changes are lost if the VM will be recycled)
Edit: I simply want to replace the running code on the worker role like it works with IIS.

Didn't you kind of answer your own question? RDP? Or are you asking how to get RDP working?

The answer to your question is actually pretty simple :)
You get the "Deploy" functionality of VS to work with an azure deployment. It is useful in some situations. You get a template for the deployment & a really sexy application manager along with the publish endpoint that you can use VS with. Really cool, to be honest. I'd use it, but I need the local resources etc., to work too...
One more blog post explaining how it works.


I want to be able to schedule a shutdown and restart of a VM on azure using Powershell

I have a VM machine that i would like to shutdown/power off at a certain time and then restart at a certain time. I have tried this in task scheduler and obviously i can shutdown at a given time but cant then set the restart time
I would like the VM machine to shutdown at 10pm and restart at 5am and run a task scheduler task i have that restarts key services (that side of it works)
I have played around with automation tasks within azure but run into a variety of RMLogin issues
i just want the simplest way to schedule this
there is no auto-startup as far as I'm aware, so you'd have to use some sort of Automation. There is an official solution from Microsoft. Which is somewhat overkill, but should work (never tried it, tbh). There are various other scripts online that work with Azure Automation. They are easily searchable (like so).
If you go to my blog you can also find an example script that does the same, and an example of a runbook that you can trigger manually to start\stop vms
I would assume you would have gone through the below mentioned suggestion, The automation book is the way to achieve this. You can achieve auto shutdown via the portal but not restart and start.
Please check this links that talks about Start and Shut down role of the VM through REST API. You can wire up the end point with Azure Function, Puppet, or Chef to automate this process
VM - Start/Shut down Role(s):
If anything doesn't work for you I would suggest to leave your feedback.
So to simply answer your question, no, there is not a more simple way to achieve this.
If you want, you can add your feedback for this feature suggestion here

Scheduler on Azure

I need to be able to generate some type of Scheduling service within Windows Azure, but which is the best and most resilient?
Currently I have a Windows Service running Quartz, which works okay, but on a Windows Server. I need this to run in the cloud.
The tasks, read/write to a database and some will send emails.
I've looked over all the possible solutions in Stack Overflow, but they appear to be old and not updated to the latests Azure Platform.
Any suggestions or pointers?
The most adapted solution might be a worker role, MS has a tutorial specifically for what you're looking for:
This would definitely a less expensive solution than instantiating a virtual machine, but might require some work.
I ended up using the Azure Mobile service and the Scheduler that come with it, which works a treat
I run a Worker Role using Quartz .NET to schedule stuff. Works great!
Obviously, that would be difficult to do on the cloud since you won't be able to install services or anything that could run in the background. A less than perfect solution would be to have a workstation under your control handle the scheduling and send updates to the web server which would then write them to the DB server. Otherwise, you should self host the website and application, etc.

Role Instances are taking longer than expected - Workaround issues

Whenever we get the error "Role Instances are taking longer than expected". The only possible options to do are .
Shutdown the emulators and try again.
Restart the machine and see if that helps.
Uninstall the Azure Tools for that version.
Some times uninstalling the same takes a long time,some times even days. It appears that some process or service is blocking the same. Has anyone faced this before ? If yes does anyone know which process would be blocking the same?
When an instance starts it will run the OnStart method on the worker/web role (depending on your service type). The more stuff you have in there, the more time it will take to start up the role. Common caveats are the Cache as mentioned and blob/table storage (if you do read/write/create when you start the role).
Try minimizing the OnStart's workload and moving any storage stuff in async tasks.
I have had similar problems as well in the past
IISConfigurator could not map the web roles in IIS. In my case it was due to corrupted file system ACLs on the code directory. See logs under C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\dftmp\IISConfiguratorLogs\
Another cause might be that something else has tied up the Port Numbers that Azure is trying to bind your web role on. Or that the ports that the local storage needs for tables/blobs and queues (10000-10002) have been taken by another app. Open a command prompt and run netstat -anb
Try running the Visual Studio using "Run as Administrator" option.

Windows Azure and a third-party Windows Service

I am developing a website that I intend to run within Windows Azure using a single Web Role. The site will make use of the Sphinx Search engine which will need to run as a Windows Service. So, my question is it possible to install the Sphinx Search Windows Service inside of a Web Role.
From my initial research into Azure I am thinking "yes" for the reason that the Web Role is a VM running IIS. Therefore I should be able to remote in, install the service, and it should work. :)
Does this sound right?
Installing software via RDP is not a viable solution with Web/Worker role instances, as these changes won't persist. You need to install it either from a startup script or from OnStart(). Since you want to install as a service, that would imply startup script, since it would need elevated permissions. Note: The installer must support unattended mode, where all parameters are specified via command line with no human interaction.
What about scalability? If you have more than one instance of your web role running, can sphinx run across two instances? From what I read, it supports ODBC-compliant databases, and you might be able to use it against Windows Azure SQL Database. If that's the case, can two sphinx engines run on two different machines accessing the same data store? If so, this sounds like a viable solution.
If installation cannot be automated, or you need something additional like MySQL, you may want to consider placing the sphinx search engine inside a Virtual Machine (new in June 2012). Now you can spin up a Windows 2008 Server, RDP into it, configure it exactly how you want it.
Strictly speaking yes, you could do that. However this makes the assumption that you would be running on one VM instance and also that the instance would never need restarting.
You should consider looking at Azure worker roles for any functionality that would normally exist as a windows service.
After reading your answers, and thinking about it a bit more, I think dropping the idea of installing a service would be the best course of action. I've been looking at the API for Lucene.NET (this may be the same for Sphinx) and it's possible to encapsulate the writing/managing of indexes, etc, within in code and therefore no need for a service.
For the Azure, there is a library for managing index files using both local and Azure storage which could be of use. Scenarios I've read about show that it's then possible to have a Web Role that will process HTTP requests and perform the searches and a Worker Role to accept DB changes via a queue and have it write them to the indexes.

Best solution to host a (command line) Windows application?

I have a Windows application that does some calculations and is called from command line. On my Windows machine, I have a PHP script running under Apache that executes the application and shows the output.
Is there any hosting solution that I can use to do the same? I can't figure out if EC2 or Azure are the right solutions. Basically, I need a web server + ability to execute my application.
Suggestions? Thanks.
You can host your application on AppHarbor, the .NET Platform-as-a-Service. You can either port your web frontend to .NET or try to get your PHP stuff working with Phalanger. AppHarbor is working on Background Tasks, which might be a good match for your workload.
I would just run the PHP script you already have under IIS in a Windows Azure web role.
If it is a Windows Application and you have the source code I would go with an Azure Worker Role. The advantage of using a PaaS (as Azure) instead of an IaaS (as Amazon) is that you wont have to bother of keeping the server up to date.
The real investment in time will be when you rewrite your application to make it work as a Worker Role. The time needed to do this work depends on how your application works right now. If is uses a lot of disc access it might be difficult and perhaps an Amazon server would be better. But if it only crunches numbers in memory an Azure Worker Role is a very good candidate.
The real advantage of using an Amazon server is that you probably wont need to do any work at all. Except maintaining the server.
As described in the question both Azure and EC2 will do the job very well. This is the kind of task both systems are designed for.
So the question becomes really: which is best? That depends on two things: what the application needs to do and your own experience and preference.
As it's a Windows application there should probably be a leaning towards Azure. While EC2 supports Windows, the tooling and support resources for Azure are probably deeper at this point.
If cost is a factor then a (somewhat outdated) resource is here: -- the conclusion is that, by and large, Azure and Amazon are roughly similar for compute charges.
Steve Marx has a blog post that describes how to run another web server (i.e not IIS) on Azure
This potentially has everything you need - you can deploy Apache and your executable and run it in exactly the same way.
Alternatively - you can deploy your executable along side a bit of code in a worker role that would run that application periodically, all depending on your exact requirements
