Request FREE source codes for the SpringBoard Home Screen - ios4

My client requests to have the 4 x 4 application icons styles on iPhone Home Screen, which the application can be re-arranged and paging is enabled, in my application development
Is there any one know whether that module is free for download and use ?

Have a look at Three20's launcher.


Can we assign a responsive web site to act like a Progressive Web Application?

if we had a responsive web site with HTML, Css and Nodejs for it's back-end, can we make it to act like PWA application?
- I know the difference will the Service-worker file, but i wanna to find out is it the exact difference?
Here is the difference between PWA(Progressive Web Application) and RWD(Responsive Web Design):
Users access the website through any browser, and on a supported
browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and even Edge!) it asks the user if
they want to install the web app to their home screen. This lets users
download and the store the website on their devices (which then gets
updated with Service Workers in the background).
Responsive web design (RWD) basically refers to the practice of
designing a website that can be accessed with any technology you might
use to build a site. RWD allows the website to be fully functional
(and look good) no matter what size screen the user has in front of
them. It has been around since 2001, when Audi launched the first
documented responsive site.
Therefore, PWAs and RWD are not two independent ways to create a website — in fact, PWAs will almost certainly utilize RWD.
Here's some tips:
The best solution is to choose the best solution for your particular site. If you’re looking to maximize those app-like features (like easy home screen app access, offline use, and high-quality, full screen functionality), you may want to choose a PWA.
If you’re looking to maximize site speed and accessibility for the most users, RWD might be the better choice.
If you're asking if you can make a PWA without a service worker then i believe you can't since it (service worker) and the manifest.json file are both required to save an application to the homescreen.
from the google documentation:
In order for a user to be able to install your Progressive Web App, it needs to meet the following criteria:
The web app is not already installed.
and prefer_related_applications is not true.
Meets a user engagement heuristic (currently, the user has interacted with the domain for at least 30 seconds)
Includes a web app manifest that includes:
short_name or name
icons must include a 192px and a 512px sized icons
display must be one of: fullscreen, standalone, or minimal-ui
Served over HTTPS (required for service workers)
Has registered a service worker with a fetch event handler

Pepper Robot Web Debugging

We're trying to show a web page on pepper's tablet, but something goes wrong. How can we get the browser's error messages to debug the web page?
We know js 1.5 is implemented, so we installed all kind of polyfills for Promises, forEach, etc. But no luck. How can we get meaningful debugging info?
I create a git for showing a web page and send event with the module ALMemory ( see it for an example). For debugging, it is more complicated but you can also try this. You can create a template for showing web page and connect directly it to your robot. For example, you install it on your pc and create a web-page template with python service-tabletpage my-package-name MyServiceName. A package will be create in a file output. Open this app on choregraphe and install it on the robot. You can after that launch on your computer the web page (double click on index.html, name by default) and just adding at the end of the url ?robot=ip_of_the_robot. You can now debug your code.

Change browser window size programmatically

I am developing a responsive website. For each and every change I made in javascript, css & html file, I need to test it in all possible screen size in portrait and landscape mode. Normally we used to test it in 3 to 5 different browser window size, and in portrait & landscape. I felt changing screensize and orientation again and again is a tedious job. So planned to write a tool, which will open multiple browser windows in a different screen size with the given url loaded in it. Any idea, or advice how to start this?
PS. If you are voting for deleting this question, please consider commenting with some suggestion how I can start, or is there any free tool available for this.
Thanks in advance.
There are number of great tools and services for helping test a website in just about every possible OS/browser/size these days. allows you to pull up your website on nearly every combination of OS/browser/size and use the site to see how elements and features perform. There are other many other services that do this.
Another option would be a browser extension/plugin like Chrome's Window Resizer. It allows you to quickly toggle between common (and custom) window sizes. This is the most manual of the three options here, and the only free option.
One final option is Adobe's Edge Inspect. This app allows you to connect several devices to your computer and simultaneously browse a site across each of the devices. It also allows you to remote inspection on each of the connected devices.
Tools like Selenium can drive browsers and resize them as needed. Depending on the language of your choice, google for something like: selenium resize browser (language of your choice)

Security Settings Problems in testing Flash 8 Application

I designed a multiple quiz application that needs comunicate with php files in a remote (free) server, when try to run it (the swf file) a popup windows asks me to set security settings and takes me to the Adobe page
After reading it, I put the path of my swf file in the trusted box and then refresh the application but the same popup message !!! , why?.
My application was designed with Macromedia Flash Professional 8 in Windows XP. When I run the code from Macromedia Flash 8, no problem.
I autosolved my own question hehe, I went to Control Panel ---> Flash Player and added the corresponding files, everything went OK. And I have published my flash html file. By the way, if you think to do that in Google sites, flash apparently in not allowed to communicate to php file , google policy I think.

WP7 Emulator Browser not displaying anything

I use the webbrowser control to display a webpage from an application, but it just displayed a white screen. I tried Internet Explorer and it did not display anything either.
Any ideas how to fix this problem.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Windows Phone Emulator requires a DirectX 10 or above capable graphics card with a WDDM 1.1 driver. I assume that you got an error message on first start of the emulator that your graphic adapter isn't capable for all functions the emulator is using and that this may impact XNA games and sometimes silverlight like this one:
If your graphic adapter does not fully support DirectX 10 or doesn't has a WDDM 1.1 driver you will only see a white screen instead of the rendered webpage. This also affects all controls using MultiScaleImage, including the webbrowser control. As far as I know there is no solution for this at the moment.
To check if the emulator is running the required GPU emulation take a look at the arrow to open the application list and if it points to the right or left. If it points to the left, NO GPU is available - if it points to the right (as on the hardware phone itself) the GPU is available and rendering should work as expected.
See also this page in the msdn.
You haven't said if you're testing a local/private page or one on the web.
Also test other pages on the web. Can you view anything or just your own page.
If you can't see pages on the public web then you have a networking issue
If you can see public pages but not locally hosted ones then you probably have a different networking issue. If you're on an actual device or the emulator will likely greatly affect this.
The other things it may are:
you're trying to view a page that is to compilcated to be displayed (if there is such a thing - test with a very simple static page first)
the page uses useragent detecction and doesn't recognise the user agent and so is serving nothing
the page has complex javascript which runs before the page is rendered and the javascript is failing and so the page is never displayed.
