OrchardCMS layout of admin pages - layout

I'm trying to change the layout of the admin page for a type and I'm struggling. The client is very specific on the order of the fields and I'm not sure how to do it.
I've created an admin theme and changed the placement.info, but it doesn't seem to work. Are there any hooks I could use to accomplish this?
Any help much appreciated.
My placement.info in the admin theme.
<Match ContentType="Course">
<Place Parts_Routable_Edit="Content:1" />
<Place Fields_Contrib_TaxonomyField_Edit="Content:2" />
<Place Parts_Taxonomies_Term_Fields="Content:2.5" />
<Place Parts_MediaPickerField_Edit="Content:3" />
<Place Parts_Course_Edit="Content:4" />
<Place Parts_Tags_Edit="Content:5" />
There's also another problem. I would like 3 taxonomies, and have them placed in different areas of the admin screen. Any idea how to do that?

Since 1.5, you can change the order of parts and fields in the editor, from the admin dashboard. Go to Content Types, select the type, then click on "Manage Placement". You can then drag and drop parts and fields around.

Note that admin themes need to contain a IThemeSelector implementation that gives it a priority of more than 100, which is the priority of the default admin theme.

It really depends on what you want to change. A lot of the admin stuff uses regular ASP MVC, so all you really need to do is override a view or a couple of shapes.
For instance, if you wanted to change how the Modules page was rendered, you could do the following:
Create the folder Views/Orchard.Modules/Admin (this matches the module/controller name) in your theme. Inside it create a view called Index.cshtml, and copy and paste the code from the same view in Orchard.Modules - now you can change your version as much as you like and it should override the default view.
For overriding shapes it is a case of just working out the shape name via the shape tracing module and then adding your own version in your Views folder.
All this is fairly generic advice though, again it really does depend on exactly what you want to change.


Orchard CMS - How to Get Current DisplayType

I have a custom ContentPart as well as an editor view under Views/EditorTemplates/Parts/ folder. I am trying to figure out the appropriate DisplayType value to use in my placement.info file to get this view to kick in. I see it show up if I use something like this:
<Match ContentType="MyType">
<Place Parts_MyPart_Edit="Content"/>
But I'd like to be able to target it a little more explicitly like:
<Match ContentType="MyType">
<Match DisplayType="????">-->
<Place Parts_MyPart_Edit="Content"/>
I have tried "Detail", "Summary", and "SummaryAdmin" unsuccessfully.
So 2 questions:
Is there a standard list of "DisplayType" values documented somewhere?
Is there a way to discover what the "DisplayType" is at runtime via a breakpoint or otherwise so that I can further restrict it in the placement.info?
Thinking about this a bit more, is 'DisplayType' even involved when Editor templates are used? I just realized that Parts_MyPart_Edit may be restrictive enough since it is already targetting _Edit. Is this right, or is there also an option to match on 'DisplayType' that can be used for editor templates?
1: Don't know exactly where the correct documentation is on this topic, but this is the correct syntax:
<Match DisplayType="Summary"> Detail and SummaryAdmin are also valid display types.
Besides that, you can also define your own display type:
var shape = _contentManager.BuildDisplay(item, "CustomDisplayType");
Then your shapes/views must be named as YourShape.CustomDisplayType.cshtml.
Then you can use your displaytype in placement.info:
<Match DisplayType="CustomDisplayType">
<Place Parts_YourPart="Content:1" />
2: Use the 'shape tracer' module. When enabled you can find in the front-end which display type is used.
You probably made a mistake with either the <Place Parts_ section or your part driver is not correctly implemented. Also check if your shape's name is correct.
Posting this as an answer, since I don't have a high enough reputation to add comment yet :)
If you are interested in using Shape Tracer on admin pages, open up the ShapeTracingFactory.cs file in Orchard.DesignerTools module, and comment out the following line in the IsActivable method:
if (AdminFilter.IsApplied(new RequestContext(_workContext.HttpContext, new RouteData())))
return false;
I have found this extremely useful for figuring out exactly what is happening during Content Authoring tasks

Render Orchard Widgets without a page

We would like our Orchard CMS homepage to contain only widgets and no content items. We have two approaches that work:
One. Create a page, title it Home, and set it as the current homepage. Then use placement.info to hide its parts:
<Match Path="/">
<Match ContentType="Page">
<Place Parts_Title="-"/>
<Place Parts_Common_Metadata="-"/>
<Place Parts_Common_Body="-"/>
This effectively gives us a homepage that displays only widgets. This approach, though, might confuse end users that add content to the site, because they will still see the "Welcome to Orchard!" page and wonder why its content isn't showing up on the site.
Two. Create a new content type called WidgetContainer, that only has the Autoroute part. Then create an instance of it called Home, and set it as the homepage. This is a better approach.
Is there another way to map www.ourdomain.ca to a container that displays only widgets?
Use this module: https://gallery.orchardproject.net/List/Modules/Orchard.Module.Contrib.Widgets
You can create a content type named Widgets Page for instance and add the widgets container part.

Using a wrapper to conditionally hide roles on Edit User page

I have a custom module that replaces the default RolesBasedAuthorizationService with almost identical code, except that, when my custom module is enabled, it will pull roles from a service instead of from the user. Enabling the service involves filling out information in Settings and checking a box.
Since the roles are replaced when using my custom module (and the functionality is enabled), I want to hide the roles on the Edit User page. Following Understanding placement info, I can successfully hide the Roles list using the following in my custom module's placement.info:
<Match ContentType="User">
<Place Parts_Roles_UserRoles_Edit="-" />
However, that will hide the list whenever my module's feature is enabled. But the feature being enabled isn't all that has to happen for the feature to do its magic - the checkbox also has to be checked (which provides the ability to enter the required settings before turning on the service-based authorization). So, continuing with that same piece of documentation, I can create a wrapper and apply it like so:
<Match ContentType="User">
<Place Parts_Roles_UserRoles_Edit="Content:10;Wrapper=Wrapper_HideIfCondition" />
This should allow me to wrap the roles list like so:
<div style="display: block">
I'm currently using display: block to make sure the wrapper is being called; however, the roles list disappears - it appears that Orchard isn't finding the wrapper. The cshtml file exists at MyCurrentTheme\Views\Wrapper.HideIfCondition.cshtml - I was hoping to get it into the Module, but I'll wait on that until I get it working in the default way (in the theme).
So my current question is thus: What am I missing in order to get the wrapper to be found and used?
Well, the reason it won't work how you are doing it currently is that your theme isn't being applied in the admin. The Admin Theme is. So you could chuck your code in the Admin Theme, then it would work. Preferably create your own admin theme if that is the route you are going to go down.
If you want to put it in a module, you need to make sure your module depends upon Orchard.Roles else Orchard.Roles placement will take priority. So in your module.txt you will need this line:
Dependencies: Orchard.Roles
Placement file:
<Match ContentType="User">
<Place Parts_Roles_UserRoles_Edit="Content:10;Wrapper=Wrappers_HideIfCondition" />
Then you wrapper will be in your views folder and called Wrappers.HideIfCondition.cshtml with something like:
#using Orchard.ContentManagement;
var condition = true;
<p>I am a wrapper</p>
Hope this helps

Orchard Placement file not hiding the Title Part

In Orchard I have a placement.info file that should hide the Title part when I view an Author:
<Match ContentType="Author">
<Place Parts_Title="-" />
<Place Parts_Breadcrumbs="-" />
Author is a custom content type I've created and the Breadcrumbs Part is a custom part.
The breadcrumbs part is hidden, but the title is still displayed. If I inspect it with Shape Tracing it is definitely Parts_Title I want to remove, but the content of my placement file doesn't seem to work.
I do not have a whole of example to go on there, but it seems to me that this part is conflicting with the Parts_Title that ships with orchard.
Try extending the modifier in your placement as well as your shapes to something like:
This just adds some more clarity and can keep orchard from stepping all over itself.
Similar problem here.
This is because your custom part's Placement.info was loaded first and Orchard Title part was loaded after that overriding it.
To solve it, in your custom part's Module.txt, put a dependence on Title. This will force Orchard Title to be loaded first before your custom part.

Using Orchard CMS, How do I hide items in a container content type?

I have been attempting to hide the contained items of a Page content type. I have been manipulating the placement.info file in my theme but I am not seeing the results I would expect.
Here's my bruit-force attempt:
<Match Path="/about">
<Match ContentType="Page">
<Match DisplayType="Detail">
<Place Parts_Common_ContentItems="-"/>
<Place Parts_Container_Contained="-"/>
<Place Parts_Container_Contained_Summary="-"/>
<Place Parts_Container_List="-"/>
I have scoured StackOverflow for the answer and I have used the Shape Tracing module to give me direction on designing my placement.info file but I still seem to be missing something.
Any pointers are appreciated!
You cannot hide the content of a container using only Placement.info because the list is rendered by its own controller (Orchard.Core.Containers.Controllers.ItemController) instead of using a shape in the standard orchard shape rendering sytem.
However you may use your own (very simple) controller to build a display without this child list.
I'd say don't put it in the container if you don't want it to appear in there. You might also want to check out taxonomies, that provide a much better and flexible approach to classifying your contents.
