Use CRM 2011 sdk in Sharepoint SDK - sharepoint

Since the CRM 2011 utilises .NET 4 and SharePoint is on .NET 3.5 I started two different projects CRM 2011 Connector and SharePoint 2010 BDC project for it.
When I add this library as reference I get warnings about .NET framework versions.
How to make interaction more clear between .Net 3.5 and .Net 4?
Is it possible to achieve the goal using WCF for CRM and SharePoint SDKs?


Microsoft dynamics crm learning using azure virtual machines

I want to learn basics of dynamics crm 2011 and 2013.
I have MS azure subscription where I do have access to Dynamics CRM virtual machines. These virtual machines have the following flavors for Dynamics CRM
GP 2013 Developer
GP 2013 R12
NAV 2015
GP 2015
Which one of the above 4 virtual machine setup should I use just to learn very basics of Dynamics CRM? Specially the jquery part and some customization.
I am very new at CRM but have lot of back ground in mvc c# programming.
I would use one of the SQL Server images and deploy everything on a single server if you want to test it out. Technically, it is not supported, but for evaluation purposes, this is the cheapest and easiest way.
Here's a tutorial that walks you through the steps for CRM 2013:
I would suggest to use trial CRM Online. You can register instance for you using following link -

Where to find and download Dynamics CRM Instance adapter

where can I find official Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 or 2013 Instance Adapter ? for data synchronization between two CRM organization and migration to CRM Online ? Its missing on
It seems that Microsoft has removed CRM Instance Adapter feature and it's now being using the CRM 2013 SDK which has tool Configuration Migration Tool , that can transfer data from on-premise to another on-premise or CRM Online environment using xml/zip file with simple export/import.
More details:

Is the API for MS Dynamics the same between 2011, 2013 and hosted vs onprem

Does anyone know if the API for Dynamics is the same for 2011 and 2013 or there are any differences between a hosted and on-premise install?
Most of the API (client-side and server-side) are the same between CRM 2011, CRM 2013 OnPremise e CRM Online.
Some API has been introduced in later rollups (like the ExecuteMultipleRequest shipped with Rollup 12) or with CRM 2013 (like the Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification() JavaScript).
CRM Online has also some limitations, like plugins and workflows only in sandbox and the FetchXML-only for Reports.

how to add web reference in MS CRM 2011

on MS CRM 4.0, we can add this web service as web reference:
to get all CRM entities to our local,
actually i just want to create a class library project and add web reference to CRM web service, and get all original and my customized entities?
i knew the tool cmrsvcutil.exe (in CRMSDK) can generate all entities (includes customized), but the code is only for .NET 4.0.
can anybody help me?
finally i used CRMSDK4 and DynamicEntity to call CRM web service and update my customized eneties.
The CRM 2011 SDK is built on .NET 4 so you may have some trouble if you are working with an earlier version. Can you explain a little more about your application and needs as their are more web services in the 2011 version than there were in 4. It is best practice to use the SDK libraries to reference the service. If you want to use pre .NET 4 I would recommend using the CRM 4 SDK to connect to the CRM 4 endpoint that still exists for backwards compatibility. Note that this isn't a great solution in the long run as the next version likely will not support use of the CRM 4 web service.
To see the new 2011 service endpoints, log in to CRM, click on Settings > Customization > Developer Resources ->

WCF Service for adding Sharepoint users?

Currently we have an application that is written in .NET 3.5, which we are planning on upgrading to .NET 4.0.
Is it possible to create a WCF service that could make use of SharePoint 2010 API to create Sharepoint users by calling that service from .NET 4.0 application? What sort of issues do you think i may run in to if we upgrade, as Sharepoint 2010 works with .NET 3.5 and not 4.0?
Yes, you can use .Net 3.5 web service in your .Net 4 application .
You will have difficulties with DTO types, but if you use the properly serialized xml data then, should be no problem.
