I am trying to install components (KB932716) and also MS Feature Pack Two. I am trying to add these in a single package and build the installer using Inno Setup.
When I run the set up, components shows up a huge message box which we don't like to show during installation. I tried \SILENT and \VERYSILENT switches but no use.
Any help on how to disable this message box during installation.
Use /quiet switch for running the component (note the slash is not a backslash).
Filename: {tmp}\WindowsServer2003-KB932716-v2-x86-ENU.exe; Parameters: /quiet; WorkingDir: {tmp}; Components: ....
When in doubt, ask the hotfix the command lines it supports:
WindowsServer2003-KB932716-v2-x86-ENU.exe /help
/help Displays this message
/quiet Quiet mode (no user interaction or display)
/passive Unattended mode (progress bar only)
I am using Inno Setup for our WinDRBD driver, which is a port of Linbit's DRBD driver from Linux to Windows (https://github.com/LINBIT/windrbd). We
are using Inno-setup for install/uninstall and it works very well.
One thing I noticed is that if the user installs the same version twice (or upgrades to a newer version, the script in the UninstallRun section is run multiple times (once for each install) later when the user chooses to uninstall the program. Is there a way to make it only once, even if the user installed several upgrades?
What I am currently using is:
Filename: "C:\Windows\sysnative\cmd.exe"; Parameters: "/c uninstall-windrbd.cmd"; \
WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: runascurrentuser waituntilterminated shellexec
(note: the sysnative thing is because Inno Setup is 32-bit but the application is 64 bit, else INF install inside the script would do the wrong thing).
It is just a minor thing, we're running an INF file uninstall which
displays a message box when run the 2nd+ time. Maybe I am missing some flag?
Adding RunOnceId: "Uninstall" (where "Uninstall" is just a random tag, you can also use foobar) to the uninstall line does the trick.
Filename: "MyUninstallProgram.exe"; \
Flags: runascurrentuser waituntilterminated runhidden; \
RunOnceId: "Uninstall"
would be a way to have an uninstall program run only once, even if there are upgrades installed.
I am using Inno Setup for our WinDRBD driver, which is a port of Linbit's DRBD driver from Linux to Windows (https://github.com/LINBIT/windrbd). We
are using Inno-setup for install/uninstall and it works very well.
One thing I noticed is that if the user installs the same version twice (or upgrades to a newer version, the script in the UninstallRun section is run multiple times (once for each install) later when the user chooses to uninstall the program. Is there a way to make it only once, even if the user installed several upgrades?
What I am currently using is:
Filename: "C:\Windows\sysnative\cmd.exe"; Parameters: "/c uninstall-windrbd.cmd"; \
WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: runascurrentuser waituntilterminated shellexec
(note: the sysnative thing is because Inno Setup is 32-bit but the application is 64 bit, else INF install inside the script would do the wrong thing).
It is just a minor thing, we're running an INF file uninstall which
displays a message box when run the 2nd+ time. Maybe I am missing some flag?
Adding RunOnceId: "Uninstall" (where "Uninstall" is just a random tag, you can also use foobar) to the uninstall line does the trick.
Filename: "MyUninstallProgram.exe"; \
Flags: runascurrentuser waituntilterminated runhidden; \
RunOnceId: "Uninstall"
would be a way to have an uninstall program run only once, even if there are upgrades installed.
When I run my Inno Setup script, I get the prompt "This will install .... Do you wish to continue?".
How could it be done so that the installation starts without this prompt.
The user already double clicked the setup to install it, then an UAC event occurs, and then Inno Setup asks the user if he really wants to install the application.
This makes the user look really dumb, he has to "confirm" three times.
Is there a way to skip the last prompt?
This is my script:
Edit: Dispite having defined DisableReadyPage, I still get this certain page.
This is a screenshot:
The translation to English would be "Ready for installation". Setup is now ready to install the app to the computer. Click Install to start the installation."
That prompt is disabled by default. If you see it, you must have DisableStartupPrompt set to no. Set it to yes, or remove it altogether (yes is default).
I have a main application, MainProgram.exe and another application, Launcher.exe that simply does a little bit of work, launches the main application (MainProgram.exe) and shuts itself down. I don't want my users to know that the launcher is being run.
Using Inno setup I can install both programs into a folder, make a short cut to Launcher.exe and even start Launcher.exe when setup finishes.
But how do I tell Inno setup to set the text of the shortcut or menu item that the user sees to be MainProgram.exe and not Launcher.exe, even though the file actually being pointed to is Launcher.exe
(same for the text of the 'Uninstall ...' menu item).
I did check both of these SO questions but neither gave the answer.
Renaming/replacing ShortCut During Inno Setup Installation
Inno Setup Shortcut Issue
I guess I could just swap the filenames round but thay would be just too confusing!
Set this up using the [Icons] section in your install script. An example would be:
Name: "{group}\Main Program"; FileName: "{app}\Launcher.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFIleName: "{app}\MainProgram.exe"; Comment: "This is your launcher program in disguise".
I've got the following code as part of my setup script:
Source: "{#SetupDir}\IronPython-2.7.3.msi"; DestDir: "{app}\Resources"; Components: Centipede; Check: IronPythonNotInstalled
Filename: "msiexec.exe"; Parameters: "/I ""{app}\Resources\IronPython-2.7.3.msi"" /qb"; WorkingDir: "{app}\Resources"; Flags: shellexec; StatusMsg: "Installing IronPython"; Components: Centipede; Check: IronPythonNotInstalled
But every time I run the installer, I'm getting the help dialog, as when you run msiexec without any parameters. It's probably just a silly mistake, but I can't see what it is.
The file is getting copied correctly, and the msi is valid (running it from the command line works fine).
The issue here is slightly more complex than I thought: the setup I was running was an old copy of the code.
Due to my environment, I was compiling the installer, pushing it to a (local) web server, then downloading on the test machine, and then running it.
I tried replacing msiexec with a "dump args" tool, and noticed that it still called msiexec.
Testing checksums confirmed it: I was just repeatedly downloading the same version.
The solution here, is to prevent caching of the downloaded installer.